"The Wuhan Cover Up" is a brave book that can open the minds of many people much like "The Real Anthony Fauci" did. You can tell RFK Jr is telling the truth because the security state and political class are so furiously trying to discredit him.

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Is anyone else struggling with what I am struggling with?

Having returned somewhat recently from an extended family get together, I have been shown that the people who need to read this simply will not.

There is an acute inability within this population to read material from "unapproved sources" which Kennedy is king in their minds.

"No, I will not read that study, there are other studies that dismiss it. No, I will not read that book, the author is a nutter. No, I will not watch this clip, snopes says that person is a conspiracy theorist. No, I dont care what that person says, they are a right winger, and probably deny the holocaust"

This is way more common than I was aware, since I do not spend much time with the insufferable left. But, how do you get past this?

The lack of curiosity is astounding. I read works of people I dont agree with, so as to know what they are seeing and saying. I am reading Transgender Marxism right now. Anyone think thats easy? This book sucks, but I have to read it.

So even if you are not willing to have your mind changed, read it so that you know what dissenting option looks like, so that you know WHAT you are dismissing.

But they won't even do that. I do not know what to do about it.

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Yeah, I am betting over 90% who read your post here are nodding along with you; certainly I am. What to do? There is not much we can "do".

I think it all boils down to the fact that about 10% of the populous are "thinkers and readers", like . . . most reading a substack writen by a guy with a Phd about microbiology, virus, DNA, the genetic code, politics, and death!

If you are not ONE, you are:

-- highly susceptible to propaganda and going along to get along attitudes.

-- not learning. It all stopped the minute you left the last school attended. Not exercising your brain likely results in linear degeneration physically in the cells and mentally.

-- not INTERESTED in learning, so what's the point? Go on with life, drink a beer, and talk to your friends about . . . ANY inane subject, but NOT biology!

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Nope, if I understood you correctly you have it wrong to some extent. I live as a close neighbor to an Amish community in rural Kentucky. They school their own and none have more than an eighth grade education. As for reading, they stick to church stuff and the Amish gossip magazine called the Budget. Every single one of them called out every single scam we were sold as early as March 2020. They knew before I did it was created in Wuhan. They suspected vaccine spike shedding early. They knew ivermectin and zinc would work. They knew how to treat the shortness of breath. Two got very sick. No one went to the hospital, no one died. School didn’t close. No one wore masks. Church was fully attended. I can’t explain them very well but it has something to do with a deeply held religious belief in God which makes them think deeply on all subjects. And they aren’t cowards and they won’t be led like sheep to the slaughter!

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it appears your comment does not apply to mine. . . substack messed up their threads!

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I WAS responding to your comment. You don’t need a PhD, or extensive reading to know the truth. What you need is common sense and a moral backbone. THAT’S what is missing in society in general. I have some experience with this. I had till recently a small business manufacturing. There were two kinds of people who worked for me: responsible and thoughtful; and, dumb as dirt and irresponsible. I didn’t need to do lots of training with the first but the second could not be taught no matter how much time you spent going over procedures and they WOULD NOT ask for help from someone that knew how to do what they needed to do. That is the current systemic societal problem. My undereducated Amish friends almost never get it wrong on any issue. Why? Because the have a strong moral backbone and common sense developed by hard work and challenging situations.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023

aldous, I posted on f.b.and e-mailed the last couple of SS from Dr. Malone and one or two did read out of 13. These "friends" are people I have known for YEARS! I just keep sending and posting, I figure in the privacy of their space, maybe they will take a peek. I want to know all sides of the coin.

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I would broaden your statement to, “a large percentage of the population, regardless of party affiliations, ideologies, and beliefs will not read, or listen to, opposing views.” This is a shared problem.

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Sadly, I think many of the deluded will finally have to wake up when we’re in a war with China which I fear is coming.

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it's mass formation. you just have to keep speaking truth.

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We need a group plan. For one, we need a plan for simultaneous non-compliance. We need agreement upon what conditions we should all cease to comply. Because we need to impact the economy, etc. We probably need a central information group that can alert us to the fact that the conditions have occurred. And we need to quit voting for anyone who won't make a BIG DEAL out of the baseless claims by HHS that the significant rise in all-cause mortality is NOT due to vaccines. WE WANT TO SEE THE DATA that backs that claim up!

We can only possibly win if we're all on the same page in such respects, IMHO. Because we are being governed by a uni-party, now, on the BIG issues - like fair elections, WHO pandemic insanity, reckless war-mongering, etc.

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I am gladdened that this is addressing a much needed view of the history until today of the varifiable underbelly. What courage.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Pre-ordered. It will be placed on my ever-growing bookshelf in between The Real Anthony Fauci and Lies My Government Told Me.

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And let's not forget ☁️😱 CLIMATE CHANGE fear porn. James O'Keefe did a 2 minute video on this scam that might be worth a look: https://youtube.com/watch?v=qGxQ41EQQdQ&feature=share

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Well, well, well

Democratic presidential convention is Aug 19-22, 2024.

This book, The Wuhan Cover Up", will be released Sept 12, 2023

Bobby Kennedy is well placed for a presidential run

No other candidate has the moral and intellectual legitimacy of Kennedy

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But the machine will ignore him and place the moron gov of Kalifornia as Trump's opponent.

Regardless of the truth, morality, and common sense.

I pray you are Correct and me WRONG!

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Is this why the US has the highest medical costs, and the worst outcomes in the western world? Is that just a side effect of this runaway monster? We aren't allowed to have treatments for COVID because - intel-biological-industrial complex? No cures for cancer? No cures for AIDS? No cures for anything? Ivermectin and Vitamin D are both practically illegal to talk about?

I'm trying to think of a historical parallel. I can't think of one.

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The "historical parallel" goes back over 150 years ago! Especially during the development of Pasteur's germ theory and the first discoveries of vaccines; Pasteur was the Fauci of his day and a first-rate charlatan and plagiarizer who was the role-model for all of the fake scientists who followed; medical science thereafter was all about following the money and power and the allopathic medicine model and so-called "vaccines" which have always had fraudulent origins and did very little for human health and well-being but, to this day, enable the medical/military industries extremely wealthy and dominant in all aspects of our daily lives.

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I’m 75. I grew up in south Florida where huge wards were filled with kids in iron lungs because of polio. It was horrible and a few of my playmates got it before they could get vaccinated. Crippled for life. That vaccine saved a worldwide population from a terrible disease. Not all vaccines were scams. Think small pox. I personally will not take another vaccine because I don’t trust the government nor the pharmaceutical companies. God help the children growing up if faced with another 50 years of resurgent diseases like polio and smallpox and tuberculosis.

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Let the globalist cabal explain this away without using their usual tools of deflection, distortion, disinformation,, distraction, and personal attack. They can of course continue to disseminate outright lies, because otherwise they would have nothing to say.

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If the media does what it does best, it will ignore any ugly truths.

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Of course they will explain it away!

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

👏Beautifully written summary, Dr. Malone. Well done!

I will be sharing your introduction and have Wuhan Cover-up on pre-order for Kindle at https://www.amazon.com/Wuhan-Cover-Up-Officials-Conspired-Childrens-ebook/dp/B09TQ451L3/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1691086206&sr=8-1

Wuhan Cover-Up will soon join the following CovidEra books, which are sitting on my Kindle bookshelf (two read, one in progress, two yet to read):

* Real Anthony Fauci... (RFK Jr.): https://www.amazon.com/Real-Anthony-Fauci-Democracy-Childrens-ebook/dp/B08X5YWRRP/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2RHW2O9O17D2Z&keywords=the+real+anthony+fauci+robert+f+kennedy+jr&qid=1691085850&sprefix=fauci%2Caps%2C250&sr=8-1

* Turtles All the Way Down...(Anonymous) : https://www.amazon.com/Turtles-All-Way-Down-Vaccine-ebook/dp/B0B6S1ZNLC/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1691085942&sr=8-1

* Lies My Gov't Told Me (Malone): https://www.amazon.com/Lies-My-Govt-Told-Me-ebook/dp/B09R4Y6YKJ/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1691085983&sr=8-1

* War on Ivermectin (Kory): https://www.amazon.com/War-Ivermectin-Medicine-Millions-Pandemic-ebook/dp/B09T4K2YTV/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3ICD77W7WDW23&keywords=war+on+ivermectin+by+pierre+kory&qid=1691086040&sprefix=war+on+i%2Caps%2C192&sr=8-1

* Courage to Face Covid-19... (McCullough / Leake): https://www.amazon.com/Courage-Face-Covid-19-Hospitalization-Bio-Pharmaceutical-ebook/dp/B09ZBJLWD9/ref=sr_1_1?crid=QSVDVC4MZSXB&keywords=dr+peter+mccullough+book+courage+to+face+covid+19&qid=1691086061&sprefix=courage+to+face%2Caps%2C252&sr=8-1

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Consider adding Ed Dowd's "Cause Unknown."

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Thank you! Newbies are always in my thoughts, and I'm really glad we're getting more and more of them here! The more, the merrier!

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for your summary of this book! Blows me away kinda even tho been awake for awhile, the depth of how far the diabolical and tyranny run is mind numbing.

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I would hope, with all of my heart and soul, that any civil servant reading this would, for the future, adopt a personal Agenda, of making any action or legislation, or administrative rules, compliant with the requirement that they must be in accordance with the highest good of all of humanity.

Gone are the days of Nationalism, and globalistic bullying. The majority of Humanity worldwide wants an end to the spending of its money on bigger and better weapons of mass destruction of any type or kind. The people in the world are coming together in common cause and Oneness, to end all threats to the safety of any human being on the planet related to nuclear weapons, chemical or biological weapons, and the use of weaponizing strategies of any kind for the purpose of hurting another human beings or gaining an advantage over any human being for any reason.

We as a society are growing out of the old energy that promoted secrecy, lies, innuendo and propaganda, as means to support greed, corruption , control; and ownership of and over property, people, and anything of value.

If humanity wants to advance to the stars as a Galactic species, it must develop its spirituality and MO as a peaceful non-destructive race that is here to assist all others in their quest to advance their species.

The miltary and spy agencies cannot be trusted at all as proven by their actions over the past 80 years. The Pentagon would like nothing more that to move out into space carrying ray guns, atomic bombs and a ship full of perople ready to launch them. This is NOT Allowed in space. It is detrimental to humanity, and other beings who live in higher vibrational environments and planets as nukes break through these domains and cause havoc to those people. We are of a lower vibrational level and are the new kids on the block. As such we have an awful lot to learn before we venture out into deep space in our present Quantum Tunneling devices.

Humanity has been denied highly advanced technologies held by the Military Industrial Complex for 80 years to be used for killing purposes when they could be used for benevolent purposes and to assist people suffering with all kinds of diseases. THe end of cancer and diabetes, heart disease is there for the taking, but this is kept in secrecy away from us. And when private scientists developed great devices producing free energy or hydrogen in abundance, they were killed, their devices conficated and put upon a shelf until such time as those who stole them deemed it proper to release. This Authoritarianism must end NOW. The people need not accept dictatorial announcements because they are not democratically developed.

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Edward, that is an unusual and highly enlightened point of view. Where do you resource your point of view?

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What are "we" going to do about it?

INDIVIDUAL - SELF EDUCATION - on history, politics and economics are pre requisites...and TRYING to help other to educate themselves recalls the tale of sisyphus.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A thought to your question, "what are we going to do about it"?

A speaking tour. Bringing in candidates who agree with our agenda. Acquire support the old fashion way........

Liz Collins, a prominent Minneapolis TV News Anchor, wrote a book about George Floyd and how her industry lied about what happened and what the found. It was interesting reading and she now works for Alpha News, a online Minneapolis newspaper.......together they went on a speaking tour. It was also very popular and very informative.

I think something like that could be the answer to your question, "what are we going to do about it"? Start a fundraiser and get sponsors and see where it goes.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well that's bound to leave some black eyes on some assholes in their deepest hidden denials!

RFK Jr for President has a wonderful ring to it, no matter what happens to the current DC thug family.

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Just pre-ordered the book! Not sure yet what to do about the absolute mess this world is in. Too many very rich, bad actor psychos thinking they are God messing everything up. I really LIKED the OLD normal!

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Sherry, no offense meant, but the “old normal”, or at least mine, was a carefully crafted illusion. Created to distract us with containing the nuclear genie, providing the bug and virus people cover to create the possibly more potent weapons.

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Scary times. 😞

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Indeed, at 72 I have lived through a lot like the Cuban missile crisis, Vietnam, and just the cold war in general, but nothing like this!

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