“Defenestration” has always been a favorite word of mine! Thank you for sharing the Brownstone article. I have been impressed with the caliber of the writing there.

And yes, propaganda is THE centerpiece of this entire mass persuasion/deception/manipulation campaign, which is why I launched my blog by exposing it (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized).

I continually return to the George Orwell quote in that piece:

“As far as the mass of the people go, the extraordinary swings of opinion which occur nowadays, the emotions which can be turned on and off like a tap, are the result of newspaper and radio hypnosis.”

And that was pre-television, computers, and social media!

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How can young people put this danger in context when they have no understanding of history and recoil at attempts to share the examples of past catastrophes as too upsetting. Our future and the future for our planet is riding on breaking the spell gripping the world and at this point only America has the chance to succeed. Throw all the bums out in 2022 and we might just squeak by but it’s a long shot when 90+% win re-election.

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Our planet is in no danger. It will survive for many millions of years after our species is gone.

Our future is in danger.

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Why hasn’t Fauci been arrested?

Why hasn’t Ray Epps been arrested?

Why would anyone Trust a government who has been caught lying over and over and then vote for them again and again

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Here is another must-read:

Psychopathy and the Origins of Totalitarianism

Many of the greatest horrors of the history of humanity owe their occurrence solely to the establishment and social enforcement of a false reality. With gratitude to the Catholic philosopher Josef Pieper and his important 1970 essay “Abuse of Language, Abuse of Power” for the term and idea, we can refer to these alternative realities as ideological pseudo-realities.


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Self deception has been and is built into our society beginning in childhood with the lies parents tell to instill obedience. Religion is the most effective vehicle for establishing the acceptance of absurd pronouncements while prohibiting any questioning. This foundation is reinforced by all kinds of seemingly innocent lies that are easily discovered in time but none the less accepted such as Santa. I’m not suggesting currently there is a replacement for many of the positive aspects of religion but once faith is accepted as truth there is no limit to its potential application in nefarious hands.

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The religion of black cassocks has been replaced by the religion of white lab coats. At the same time a nation of men and women has devolved into a nation of thumbsucking narcissist germaphobes. I preferred the former, though clearly with reservations. Read Sharyl Atkinsons interview with an Amish leader on how they handled Covid. They had herd immunity in 3 months and 2020 was their most prosperous year. No tests, no vaccines and a shared chalice at religious services. Apparently if you work hard, pray hard, stay physically fit and don't use social media or cell phones, your survival rate was very good. They never stopped working even when sick because "work is more important than death". WOW.

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Anyone who had read the book first published in 2004 "The Great Influenza" would have understood that the response to the COVID-19 was 100% wrong. Sadly all the real experts were shut down. Also read Scot Atlas's book "A Plague Upon our House" for an side view that destroys the narrative being jammed down out throats. A reasonable estimate is as many as 70% of the deaths were preventable.

There was a case filed on December 6,2021 in the Hague naming all the key player as criminals here is a link https://centinel2012.com/2022/01/01/the-international-criminal-court/

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Read the Atlas book. How did no one on Trumps staff do a background on these clowns? Vaccinating into an outbreak is bad medicine. I read a write up of the last big chicken virus a few years back. They tried a vax and got waves of variants, one actually more deadly than the original; in the end they culled all the birds. I think they would cull all of us rather than have us survive to see how wrong they were.

Book for you "The Real Anthony Fauci" by RFK. Kindle copy is $2.99 on Amazon. Buy a couple of sick bags with it; you will need them.

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I have recommended the reading of this book with the same caveat - keep a big bucket handy. I found this book to be truly revolting - even more so than Gulag Archipelago or The Captive Mind. Maybe it's because those two were abstract to me, but I am living this. Whatever the case, I had to put the book down several times for a day in order to collect myself. Truly evil men, those two - Gates and Fauci.

I have just started on Atlas's book. I was shocked about the anecdote on Dr. Birx basing her position on the utility of masks largely on a highly ridiculous beauty salon ... um .... study...

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Got it, that is cheap. thanks!

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On the one hand, yes. On the other hand, keep in mind that the transhumanist injection agenda (which aims to make natural humans prohibited and obsolete) is a result of rationalism based on the assumption of a world made of matter.

Materialism is not only unprovable, unscientific and profoundly false, but inevitably leads to genocide. Because if the world is made of matter, then solutions to problems exist in rearranging matter, and the matter is people.

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I must be honest I don't comprehend your response.

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Right; to a materialist reductionist, it is incomprehensible.

Materialist reductionism is a trap from which you can extricate yourself in a few ways:

- Be genuinely interested and study reports of near-death experiences, "glitches in the Matrix", "Mandela Effects", reincarnation memories, and such.

- Commit to meditation, experience jhanas, develop the skills to witness the mind.

- Use hallucinogenic drugs and experience altered mind states.

If you do none of the above, your inner self may find ways to force you. One way is to give you experiences that cannot be explained unless you pursue some of the above.

If an individual does not extricate himself from materialist reductionism, this is not too bad since the individual dies.

If a culture does not extricate itself from materialist reductionism, this leads to a dystopian unfolding where the culture increasingly sees threats everywhere and tries to control everything, until it eventually realizes that the solution was to let go, and that this could have been done tens of thousands of years ago.

The mandatory injections are an exercise in total control: over people, their psychology and their genetics. The only kind of person who would think this is necessary is a materialist reductionist: a person who sees threats arising potentially from any individual, and wants to control them. This is done by people who are unable to let go - who think it is FOOLISH to do so. The future created by such people will be incredibly dystopian until they realize the answer was always to just let go.

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You are either much more intelligent than I or over complicating your response.

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An interesting concept I'll have to think on that, but now I'm off to bed so good night all.

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Our regimented schooling derives from Prussia. After a humiliating loss to France they decided to regiment their boys into orderly, obedient, punctual columns of reliable soldiers. Caught on pretty good after that.

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That looks fabulous—thank you for the rec!

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defenestration! Wow, Margaret Anna, this IS a great word. I love its origin! I will add that to my list . . . if I can remember it.

Good post BTW. Orwell said it with the prescience of God. Somehow humans like him MUST have been "inspired". I really believe that.

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I think chess champion Steinitz defenestrated an opponent after losing to him. Those were the days.

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James O'Keefe came out with a teaser that he has a whistleblower on something re Fauci. The best offense against evil is to call it out and do you best not to submit. If someone calls me a racist or a Nazi (which I have been called) I now laugh. It is ridiculous. If they do it behind my back, I think I would confront them publicly. If they were making a real play on taking me out professionally or on my character? It would be war. People need to stop cowering and giving them the power. When people like Malone come out shields up and sword unsheathed I think it empowers the rest of us. So. Take it to them. I know I am.

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Jan 9, 2022·edited Jan 9, 2022

Good for you! The more we submit, the heavier the lash they will use. I will not wear a mask and now sport a yellow wristband on my left arm, one made of a resilient material imprinted with the slogan "Don't tread on me." It's a "conversation starter" and a constant reminder to me not to cede an inch. (These wristbands are available online for a very modest price.) Beyond that, I believe we all should sacrifice and at least put our wallets where our mouths are by supporting financially people of substance like Dr. Malone. Think of it like this: each time we hit "submit" on a contribution, we are striking a blow at the enemy. That's a comforting thought that eases any financial pain occasioned!

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I agree. Dr. Malone mentioned that Peter McCullough had racked up over a hundred grand in legal bills fighting to keep his license to practice medicine. Someone who is fighting against malpractice! Surely the world is upside down. Totally believe in skin the the game. People are losing lives and livelihoods. Time to get with it.

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I have been a student of military and political history shortly after the Vietnam war since I was there in 1967 as a green Beret officer and I lost a lot of guys for no reason; which i am not happy for today. In the 1990's I started to study the subject first from the military aspect and then from the political aspect and it was obvious in hindsight that it was unwinnable. To make a long story short the problem goes back to 1913 when constitution changes started to shift power to the federal government. As those that believed in Marxism and called themselves progressives started the process to change America to a Marxist state.

The period we are now in was slowly set up from 1913 to 2016 with Hilary being the closer. Trump destroyed that and the was the reason for the hatred. If Trump an't won we would now be in Hillary's second term and probably developing the new single constitution like Russia had. And we know from Solzhenitsyn's "The Gulag Archipelago" how that ended.

SARS-COV-2 (COVID 19) was the tool they used to create fear in the citizens and that was clear from a few months into the "pandemic" when they went nuts over hydroxychlorquine which we all took in Nam as an anti-malaria drug. It didn't take long to find out that there were a lot of safe cheap drugs and vitamins that would prevent hospitalizations if started early. So the only logical conclusion was the death were intentional to he compliance or Mass Formational Psychosis.

The goal with The Great Reset and Build Back Better is a New World Marxist Government. It will not work but a lot of people will die in the process. The Lock downs are the key as they are destroying the supply lines; which is the real reason the inflation is exploding. Once the distribution system fails its over there is no going back. How will you feed your family?

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"that was clear from a few months into the "pandemic" when they went nuts over hydroxychlorquine which we all took in Nam as an anti-malaria drug"

Thank you for adding the personal experience for context with the keen summary. This gem of historic HCQ trivia is brand new to me and adds Vets as another hopeful group where red flags should go up with personal experience at odds with official claims.

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Thanks, it helps to be old and to read a lot ... ;-)

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Indeed and one of the biggest surprises of my life to be so happy of being old! :~)

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History. What are your thoughts on the Bonus Army March July 1932 when US veterans from WW1 ended up being attacked by the government forces? And what are your thoughts on the US not trying Unit 731 of the Imperial army for the most horrific war crimes like vivisection,or using live human's but writing them up in peer reviewed papers as "Manchurian Monkeys"?

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The best overall book on the background of how we got here is, and I've read a lot, is Technocracy Rising by Patrick Wood. He ties it all together. The club of Rome is an off shoot of what Wood writes about. The underling diver comes from the Trilateral Commission, the majority of the bad actors are or have been members of the club.

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I should have said it was all the same group of people out of the "Technocratic" movement which was started in the 1920's and Rockefeller was instrumental in both.

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So I am chatting with someone with a a good understanding of what is going on --- I'm impressed

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One other good one for background is The fourth Turning by Strauss and Howe

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"People more than things, have to be Restored, Renewed, Revived, Reclaimed, and Redeemed. Never throw out anyone."

- Audrey Hepburn

I loved reading this concise and on point perspective of the “Cult” of canceling people.

I am very interested however, in the Brownstone excerpt and discussion regarding “reconstruction.” While attending university I took several History classes as electives as I thought it brought a full rounded understanding and complimented my Business degree. A book that I still have in my library is called “A Bell for Adano” it details how reconstruction was for a town/village after a war. The war took their towns Bell and the Bell represented something significant to them. As reconstruction began, it was the Bell that was the first thing be put back in place as it provided them with nostalgia, familiarity, comfort, togetherness and home.

I wonder how and what, we all will want restored and put back in place when this is all over.

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Handshakes and hugs with strangers. #NeverAgain for mass masking and vaccine mandates. We are human. We are social.

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Thank you for your bravery and for speaking out with resonant, clear language; God bless you.

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Jan 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Defenestration has been one of my favorite words since I discovered it reading Vineland, by T. Pynchon, many years ago. Thank you for calling it like it is. Looking forward to the 23rd.

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"Fenetre" is French for window. (one of the few words that I still remember from Mineola High School)

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Haha, I just said that, too, although I don’t think it was Pynchon who introduced it to me ;-)

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I knew it before I read Vineland. I think I picked it up from Wm. Burroughs, but it might have been from R.A. Wilson (or anyone...it was quite a while ago).

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Jan 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We definitely need to call things by their name lest we lose our ability to think about reality. Our words are creating the structure of our reality. I have some thoughts on the topic as well. https://meredithmiller.substack.com/p/covid-newspeak-and-the-medical-mafia

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"But wait, if science can’t be questioned, doesn’t this make it propaganda?"

Why yes, yes it does and unlike science, propaganda can't hold up to questioning. You're a perpetual glitch in the messaging machine! The Washington Mafia have nothing but lies and they are crumbling faster than double jabbed cases of Omicron. Big Tech censoring doctors to conform to Pfizer narrative has a bad stink to it and the epidemic of "breakthrough cases" is a reality check too big to hide or deny.

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In the short term, how can we keep ourselves from getting jabbed? I agree we need to make sure this never happens again, but what about now? The next 3, 6, 9 months, how can we keep our kids safe?

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Don't do it. Whatever the price.

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I get that. Yet we need to have more concrete discussions regarding how we keep these jabs away from us.

Are the courts our only hope?

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I don't think we can hope on the courts at all, based on what we're seeing. I'm sure we can only rely on ourselves, our community of dissidents, our own 'green grocers', in Havel's words.

I get that the pressure to comply is enormous, that life will be un-livable for those who don't, that we have families to care for.

Still, that is what we must do. Do not comply, whatever the cost. There are enough of us to make a difference, to set up alternate lives. Sounds almost unthinkable, doesn't it, in America. Yet, here it is.

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If this is the case, we are doomed. This isn’t even a true enemy and we folded without a fight. And by ‘we’ I mean our leadership and a huge amount of our populace.

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Jan 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I nprimos t what is great reset link

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My mom was horrified by this.

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Good summary. Excerpt:

"In short, 4-IR [Fourth Industrial Revolution] technologies subject human beings to a kind of technological management that makes surveillance by the NSA look like child’s play. Schwab goes so far as to cheer developments that aim to connect human brains directly to the cloud for the sake of “data mining” our thoughts and memories. If successful, this would constitute a technological mastery over decision-making that would threaten human autonomy and undermine free will.

The 4-IR seeks to accelerate the merging of humans and machines, resulting in a world in which all information, including genetic information, is shared, and every action, thought, and motivation is known, predicted, and possibly precluded. Unless taken out of the hands of corporate-socialist technocrats, the 4-IR will eventually lead to a virtual and inescapable prison of body and mind."

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We should be Covid planned from the get-go it’s a war against humanity no bullets just bio-weapons not of nature but modified by man to be evil

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Jan 9, 2022·edited Jan 9, 2022

Call it like it is? It’s BOOK BURNING.

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Whatever they try to suppress or deplatform is the truth. That’s why they fear it.

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Jan 9, 2022·edited Jan 9, 2022

Seems we've been down this road (many times) before:

1976 Swine Flu Fraud - CBS 60 Minutes

Documentary by CBS 60 Minutes on the Swine Flu fraud of 1976. It went on air once, and was never shown again.


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In looking for articles to get the other side of the Covid vaccine story, or just to get away from the relentless propaganda, I often landed on The Brownstone. I knew nothing about the site until I discovered the many good articles basically validating my own sense about the Covid agenda. I am looking for affirmation I suppose, but I also put time and effort into reading the other side of the equation. It is disturbing to find that 'other side' spends most of the time denigrating anyone who does not agree with very little focus on the issues that matter, such as early treatment. It is equally disturbing to find the CDC publishing rubbish studies as a means to justify absurd policies and positions. With their massive budget and sprawling staff, one would think they could avoid making the types of mistakes that someone like me, with minimal research experience would have identified and corrected prior to publishing. The latest one being their claim that children diagnosed with Covid were 2.5 times more likely to develop diabetes later on. This research is so bad, it cannot make any claims whatsoever! They didn't even bother to control for all other factors associated with diabetes. There is no evidence whatsoever it seems that will stop the Covid agenda because if the evidence isn't there the CDC can be trusted to fabricate evidence. It is up to the rest of us to put up a fight at great cost to ourselves. I am so thankful Dr Malone has stuck his neck out, with everything he has endured as a result. He could have compromised himself, to make life easier but he was unable to compromise in that manner. He is one of the heroes of this story...and the end has not yet been written.

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Jan 9, 2022·edited Jan 9, 2022

"No. Just no. Stop. Think. Let’s make them use the correct words."

I could not agree more. We communicate with each other mostly by words, so distorting and twisting them is a powerful and dangerous practice. It's not for nothing that Christians refer to Satan as 'the Father of Lies.' With that in mind, I have a small suggestion. Rather than using the enemy's phrase "breakthrough infections," let's start calling them what they clearly are, viz. "product failures." "Breakthrough" makes them appear to be basically sound except for counted exceptions, but here in my own reduced circle I know of many, many, many cases of double and triple jabbed people who are showing symptoms and testing positive for the Red Chinese disease; some are suffering significant episodes of the malady. The products they were injected with and the promises made at the time of that injection have evidently....failed, in fact failed miserably.

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Not just you Dr. Malone... there is a coordinated effort to humiliate and denigrate everyone who disagrees with the scamdemic narrative:


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Keep ‘er going, cowboy. You’re doing great.

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