
If you enjoy my substack essays, please consider doing me a small favor. Real Clear Politics has never chosen one of my essays to aggregate on their site. If you could take a moment and recommend this essay for their website front page, it would be greatly appreciated!

The Real Clear Contact page is: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/contact.html

Essay name:

"They have gone too far...

Socialism on a global scale is socialism on steroids"

Don't forget to add the URL for this substack essay


Thank you!

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You might also want to consider sharing some of your essays with American Thinker.

https://www.americanthinker.com/, I check there daily and fairly regularly find articles I post to GETTR. They have 3 doctors who post there often and do occasionally venture beyond medical issues. If there is any way we can help, do let us know. I for one would be happy and proud to help.

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American Greatness is also a place that runs top-notch essays, like those of Victory David Hanson. It dumps notices on my pc when new on are up! Today there is one called 'Corporate Culture and the Lord of Lies'.

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They are very good. Have referred to some on here before

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You mentioned one the other day by Theo Wold.

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Yup. I happen to like slang.

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Done. Thank you for all you do.

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Like the crosshairs on a very good scope....the aim is true and focused with accuracy. A+

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Correct the essay for missing words and misspells (not the slang) and I'll contact!

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Specific examples please?

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First sentence, fourth paragraph "How many people out are gong to read this Scientific American article and take it seriously?"

Did you mean 'how many people out there are going to read...'?

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I will proofread the article for you tomorrow. Dr. Malone. Just as a double check.

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I just completed that action. We'll see if they respond.

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Of course "they have gone too far...", but that's not news to folks paying attention (which I think Realclear's readership is). While I fully agree with the points you make here, I think some of your other posts are more persuasive and informative, more suitable for Realclear. For example, "A Nurses' POV on COVID and Healthcare" or 'Atrazine and the "Bent Science"'.

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In my Real Clear Politics post I suggested they monitor Dr Ms publications/essays. I noted that he has many worthy of inclusion.

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I am planning on reading that Thursday. I got so far behind on my reading. I am just grateful to be alive right now. I want to live long enough to see how all this crap turns out! Haha!

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I want to live long enough to hell it turn out for the better! ☺️ Help us, i everyone can help push ‘good ‘in the positive direction.

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I hope they don't dismiss recommendations from those of us that cancelled our subscriptions to RCP. I thought I'd give it a go anyway.

also done.

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Done! ✔️

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It will never be enough and complying is not possible, example:

Two years ago a male was "cancelled" if you were found to have touched a boob at a party while drunk when you were 22. Now, you are cancelled if you are a 22 female and refuse to shower with a biological male that thinks he is a female.

Climate change is the same crazy. In California you can't have Gas cars by 2035, but you can't charge cars they do have on some days now and the Grid will become less reliant over time as it switches to Solar.

Food, Nitrogen, CO2 and Methane equals 30 to 40 percent less food as we know it, so Bill Gates can sell lab meat and crickets.

It is all insane by design. This is all just a planned human meat grinder.

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And the CA problem is real. When it outlaws or enacts mandates on consumer products that affects all states, by default corporations manufacture to standards set by those states with the highest populations. It is cheaper than running side by side production. CA is well aware of this.

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True. Also note that when states mandate net zero to a Electric Company, that company negotiates rate charges to a certain return.

What that means is, say WA state mandates net zero. The Electric company negotiates a 7 percent ROI. If the solar sysytems perform badly, the rate goes up as far as necessary to reach 7 percent

In Oregon by 2035 Electricity will be around 400 percent higher.

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A co-worker of mine (electricity analyst) at the OR PUC tried to sue over the handling of electricity policy. The PUC mandated that PGE close its Boardman coal plant by 2020 (it did). In order to keep the lights running the PUC let PGE use its sister coal plant in UT to generate the missing energy. Oregon PGE users are paying for the UT plant and the transmission lines to bring that electricity to OR.

Oregon not only sets bad policy but it virtue signals all the time. I retired from there several years ago. He was forced out of his part-time position at age 78 in 2019. He had retired from the UT PUC prior to getting his OR PUC job.

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Interesting. I am not sure the date of the Net Zero mandate, but Oregon is demanding ALL electricty be green tarded by 2035.

Marxist doom loop in my opinion.

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That's easy to achieve. There just won't be much electricity, leading to no production of anything and eventually no humans. All part of Agenda 21/30. It gave Google a sweetheart deal a dozen years ago when it built a cloud server there.

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South Africa has an app on everyone phone that tells them how long todays black out will be. Mostly solar now.

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Which Calif problem? The biggest is the government. Incredible waste of billions, the train to nowhere verses increasing fresh water supply. The water flushed to the pacific for the Smelt, that is really for delta winneries to avoid brackish water. (The smelt is a brackish water fish so not bothered by that.) It was endangered because the state brought in game fish. Then the state brought in asian smelt because the game fish ate the native smelt. The asian smelt is more agressive, so it also ate the native smelt. Zero to do with low river flows. The fire issues are mainly caused or exasperated by decades of suppression, and not clearing old growth. Lots more people, and most fires are set by people. Massive illegal immigration is another government caused issue.

Shutting down nuclear planets that were perfectly viable, and the cost of electricity, through the roof. Net zero cannot and will not happen. The entire "Global Warming " scam is just that...https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/global-warming?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

always free, not a news feed. The best red pill subject to send to family or friends that only read the MSM regarding C.C.

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nitrogen/fertilizer ... the same companies manufacture nitrogen/explosives ... are they just converting production to explosives and need a cover story?

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Interesting idea. Some say some of the migrants are trained terrorists. Coincidence probably.

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"Yon adds his own very informed analysis of the nature of the Chinese military-age men he observes trekking north. He notes that they do not appear tired when they emerge from the Darien Gap a torturous stretch of jungle in which many migrants die. They are in Yon’s words “not farmers” and “not broke.” He says they seem to be trained and prepared for what they are experiencing. “I feel like I am at Fort Bragg.” “I feel like I am at the compound or something. Something is not right.” I know it when I see it.” The comments about Fort Bragg and the compound are references to Yon’s Special Forces background"

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Michael would know if anyone would. He's been down there for a few months feeding us back home. Of course, the GOP congress folks are right on it. I wonder if the B admin has reinstituted O's fast and furious to get a new hoard of firearms just south of the border for easy access for the new arrivals.

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Jun 27, 2023·edited Jun 27, 2023

Shits going to get real.....

Soon enough

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Glad I'm more than up for it.

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Seen that. The compounds are in the middle of deserts, no way it is self contained ...must be getting military help.

Seems our country has fallen.

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The migrants can hold many positions, one is terrorist and one is the victim.

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Another is absentee voter.

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Been watching it happen for fifty years. My answer comes from the muzzle. Still waiting. Sooner or later, we will outnumber the normies.

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The plan-demic is alive and well.

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"Despite the fact that natural gas and LP energy sources are two of the cheapest fuel sources in the US in many parts of the USA."

Or, perhaps, "BECAUSE natural gas and LP energy are two of the cheapest fuel sources ..."

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They are also much cleaner than coal fired electric.

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NYS is covered in natural gas wells. Most farms have their own. Good luck telling a ny farmer he can't use it.

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So we're all supposed to stop bathing to "save the earth", yet no mention of the obscene amounts of water used in the water-scarce lithium triangle to mine lithium for your Tesla batteries.


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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just to be clear, Robert, our inalienable rights are just that...inalienable. The Constitution and Bill of Rights does not bestow any of our rights upon us. It simply instructs the government to keep its grubby mitts off our rights.

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My wife, Nurse Corrine, and I live off-grid in the Cascades. Our property is adjacent to "Federal" Wilderness Land. We have an all-year creek that runs through our property and is fed by a high mountain lake above us which is in turn fed by perpetually melting snow off the peaks.

Last sumer I installed a micro-hydro electrical turbine designed by Langston Alternative Power. To get enough "drop" in my water lines I had to extend the source higher up the slope beyond my property line about 25 yards into "Federal" Wildnerness Land. The water I use for the hydro plant is temporarily diverated using 3" PVC pipe to the turbine then it is directed right back into the creek still pure and unpolluted.

A few weeks ago I caught the Feds inspecting my water line. Some hikers turned me in thinking I was a meth lab or something. Evidently, I'm violating Federal Law. The water, I was told, is owned by the Federal Gov't and who do I think I am using it for power?

Furthermore, they informed me, how dare I have the audacity to use a free and clean energy system without their blessings and kickbacks (permits).

I suspect any day now they will show up to destroy my water lines. And then the kenetic war here will begin.

I'm ready. Are they? Are they really?

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consider relocation to VA.

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We can pull all the water we want out of our creek with no permit and no oversight. in CA, what we call "our creek" (Deep Run) would probably be called a river.

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We have considered relocating to VA. In fact, Corrine had some very good interviews with UVA Medical Center a few weeks ago.

She gets headhunter calls every day so relocating out of here should be easy especially considering she gets offered total relocation packages plus hefty sign-on bonuses.

But the hurdle we can't seem to clear when it comes to relocating is that we feel compelled to stand our ground, behind enemy lines even.

We got ran out of California where we were both born and raised.

We got ran out of Hawaii (Paradise is a state of mind, not a geographical location.)

We're in our 60's now. Its time to stop running, turn, and fight.

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Now that you have a sane governor, it’s a consideration!

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He still doesn't get the health freedom concept

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But avoid woke Fairfax county and double woke Loudoun County if you come to VA

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Isn't it always amazing how often they pay folks a huge salary to sneak around nature conserving folks real estate and then make those lives as miserable as possible?

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Look into the Bolt Creek Wildfire. That's how bad they want us off-grid folks out of here.

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Job Posting for assassins or arsonists. Must have a prior Federal Police record current on file.

Or a pending prosecution charge may suffice. ( a wavier for specialty tasks on our approval)

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In OR it is against the law to collect rain water, as it belongs to the State. Also has many regulations regarding use of your property if adjacent to a wet spot. When I was there the legislature tried to pass a bill that required all building owners to pay an annual fee per sq foot of roof top. The fund would be used to pay for systems to deal with rain run-off. The entire Willamette Valley gets 9 months of continuous rain. I was requested to put backflow devices on my outside water faucets to keep contaminants from entering the water system. I declined to do so - I was not on a water system, but rather a well in my back yard. It also enacted a law that forbid wrapping a hot water heater but required the water heater to be strapped to the house wood framework to keep it from falling during an earthquake. You just can't make this stuff up.

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Should not need to wrap water heater today. Our 40 gal went toes up and we could not replace with another because the e.p.a. (who I detest) have increased insulation requirement so had to go to a 30 gal. Was not happy.

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I have no idea how old mine was, it came with the home purchase in 2009. When I went to sell the place in 2016 the realtor had her husband rip the insulation off saying it was against code. It was on the main ground floor under the stairs behind a door. He strapped it to the stair frame so it “would not topple over” in an earthquake! Stupid people…

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Repair it.

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Wish I had. Miss that 10 gallons.

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Property rights usually extend to as far into the sky as the eye can see and under the ground until you reach China. How did we allow any state to usurp our rights as free people?

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I can't believe how much power the feds and states have granted themselves while we were sleeping.

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Jun 28, 2023·edited Jun 28, 2023

Granted themselves ?

We authorized it by being asleep at the wheel. The car didn't careen off into the woods on it's own. Someone was driving it, that fell asleep. This is intentional, and and all part of the plan. Bread and circuses, "look balloon", Submarine missing, take the crumbs and like it. All meant to dumb us down, and keep us looking over there, while they do this over here. Too much of the populous has fallen prey to this mindset, and it's up to people like you, I and all those in this forum to waken the other lions

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Hate to say it Helen but afraid the population of this Republic was wide awake and let it happen. Gave up a little freedom with each promise of more freebies--blind as bats at where the money to buy them was coming from

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I wonder if there's more to your water troubles, such as the superb guest essay the wonderfully outspoken Nurse Corinne wrote:

🔥 A Perspective on the Current State of American Healthcare (Healthless in Seattle) by Corrine Lund, RN/BSN/CEN. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/a-nurses-pov-on-covid-and-healthcare

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Godspeed and accuracy.

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Powder is dry.

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Scientific American..." - I cancelled our subscription to this mag years ago when the new ownership started publishing climate change nonsense. The moment "Scientific" American became unscientific, I was done with them. Sad that such old, good institutions have been ruined by globalist claptrap. They are dead, and have been so, for years IMHO.

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have always said socialists are fascists just give them power and you will see as with Hitler and Lenin Stalin Mao

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"Such is the nature of the Tyrant, when he first appears, he is a protector." (Plato)https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/does-absolute-power-corrupt?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

And yes, Global Warming is only a means to statism,


Always free, not a news feed, written to red pill, a very good overview of Global Warming, the science, the politics, the lies about consensous, links to thousands of skeptical papers, and very sucessful at influenceing family and friends that only hear the MSM side. Red pill someone on one subject, and a host of issues open up.

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True. I have watch the metal they spray into the air for the last 30 years change the weather, causing drought, flooding, and high winds as all the studies said it would. They are using sulfur now, as was called for by popular mechanics, the Atlantic and mother Jones just last year. They even admitted that it would cause drought flooding.

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I agree plus in a modern society a totalitarian can't run a state, so the next best is to take over big corps, which is fascist. WEF is both, for example. So is China to a point, it has little socialism however. No healthcare or retirement.

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You didn't mention why most of us use natural gas for stoves: when you want to cook and you need lots of heat (60 quarts of beef vegetable soup to put in the freezer), you want a gas stove that works. Socialism on a national scale results in the system falling apart (see the German Democratic Republic, DDR where all candidates were selected by the SED Party) and on a global scale results both in poverty and slavery.

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While on the topic of gone too far, has everyone got a glimpse of RFK Jr with his shirt off?

This man that has asked our nation to be a candidate for a USPrez has gone too far, taking such wonderful care of his upper torso and most likely he has a wellness and fitness plan for America.

I can plainly see that @69 he looks even better that Putin did on a horse 20 yrs ago. #HOMERUNABS Hooya!

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Randall, people are saying RFK jr uses steroids, could you address this? Some guys certainly can be that buff without drugs.

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Regular strength training /proper muscle nutrients/good nights sleep/ great attitudes.

I am that rigged and chiseled @70. Dead lift one max rep 300. My 28 yr old son one max rep on deadlift is 542. No Roids just plain old fun and determination bundled in a lifestyle.

Joseph Mercola is a great example of Exercise and good nutrition. I bet this RFK body is a culmination of 30 yrs of just plain ol good body building habits. And a wellness Guru.

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Thank you, I wish more doubters could see your answer!

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A quick fix for many of the low-flow showerheads is to remove the little rubber gasket inside that restricts the flow of water. Usually requires a screwdriver and needle-nose pliers.

Look on youtube for a how-to for your showerhead -- or better yet, search for the showerheads that have a removable restrictor gasket before you go shopping.

And if you are shopping for a new gas stove, be sure the burners will ignite without electric power! That is a sneaky trick manufacturers have included in almost all gas stoves now: no electricity and the gas flow will stop, or the igniters are electric (which can be overcome with a match).

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So true, unfortunately. As a child in high school I read Scientific American cover-to-cover. It was an interesting and wonderful publication 45 years ago. Now it's gone woke, another worthless propaganda piece. Such a sad loss. But further, as you explain, this irrational disease has spread to infest the governing powers. When will folks stop voting for Marxism?

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I live in the Texas hill country where drought is always just around the corner, or was but now permanent because of an infectious agent as bad as any bug--the developer. Seems there is no legal constraint on this beast and he can develop land to his black heart's content with no regard what so ever to just where the water will come from that his malignant over development of resource requires. And our benighted governor is begging for more IT leftys to move to this area, use up the water and make the I35 corridor entirely blue. Why? Because I suspect him of harboring an absurd hope to be elected POTUS and conservative Texas will not support him.

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I believe your guvn’r is a friend of the Davos crowd.

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Jun 27, 2023·edited Jun 27, 2023

Easily spotted when he refused to stop the influx of illegal aliens. People who didn't believe me, back then, do now

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Scary. Propaganda works. You can be certain that Schwab, Gates, Kerry, Gore, and their ilk will not do without ice, steaks, or anything else they have demonized to promote their one-world socialist nightmare.

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John Kerry says, "People like me, well, we need those conveniences because......" The main issue is 'people like me.'

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Clarification: works for the sector of the population who are too freaking stupid to think for themselves

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If ever I needed a laughable moment today, this article Dr.M was it. “Scientific American” used to be one of my husband’s favorite reads -- and I followed along, although he was the “science guy”, not me!

Maybe they used AI to write this story. Who knows.

We probably should start wearing our shoes backwards because “the they” want us, it seems, to live back in another time. Before refrigeration, we would need an “ice box”. Ice was a commodity that was sold door to door! No gas stoves? Sure, just light your fire, pull out that literal “iron” -- heat it up and iron your clothes. Or, stay by the fire to keep warm because centralized heating will be outlawed.

Guess some of us could make some extra money now if we plan ahead and start making and selling candles. And, oh yes, save those feathers from your ducks and chickens to make fountain pens. Ballpoints will become illegal because they use too much metal.

Everyone, enjoy your day. May it be filled with “cheer” not fear.

Love and live life🐬 as Dr.M and his wife, Jill, do.

Thanks for this article Dr.M

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Jun 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"you are not gunna hear" love that special spelling. As far as gas stoves go, when I turn on the oven I open the kitchen window a crack, my husband's brilliant scientific answer to fumes.

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