Feb 2, 2023·edited Feb 2, 2023

Criminals. Psychopaths. Narcissists.

It was apparent to this old MD that these things not only could, but WOULD affect the HPA axis as soon as the mRNA vaxxx was trotted out as the savior of Humankind. All vaxxx impact our innate immune and regulatory systems at some level.

From my own interactions with the FDA in the mid-90s, I was painfully aware of the corruption that is at the heart of that regulatory agency, as well as, every other institution in the land. The rot has only worsened in the past 30+ years. The system is hopefully terminal...

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The rot did start in the 1990's - during the Clinton Administration.

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Reagan signed the 1986 Vaccine Act that gave all Pharmaceutical Corporations total indemnification for any Vaccines on the CDC Reccommended Childhood Schedule.

Now you know one major reason why Covid Jabs are inside our children.

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Blaming individual presidents politicizes the issue and distracts from a more fundamental problem. Disobedient presidents are canceled. JFK, Nixon, McKinley, Lincoln, Trump, etc.

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I agree whole heartedly - when you take the repercussions away from actions, you get bad actions. It's a greased slide. The other evilness that started during the Reagan Administration - Fauci. His first criminal offense - the complete mismanagement of AIDS.

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Horrifically I think it may have been a "practice run," not a mismanagement, with Fouci and AIDS.

I am repeatedly struck by the similarities of AZT and Remdesivir: "EUA" authorized, shockingly expensive, dangerous, ineffective drugs, which when they kill people, (which both do, or did, kill most of those taking them at the "correct levels determined by the experts!") when they kill, the symptoms at death are identical to the symptoms of the "diseases" they each were Emergency Use Authorized to treat!!

What a diabolical and wicked plan. Too evil for most people to even perceive as a possibility, yet true.

"The Real Anthony Fouci" by RFK Jr., is an eye-opener, for certain, and for those who wish to dig deeper I suggest the work of Ole Dammegard.

Listen to him on Odyssey speaking with Reiner Fullmich, CIC #17.

Or check out his website "Light on Conspiracies."

The rabbit holes are deep!

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I believe the FDA raised Life Extension Foundation in the early 80s, confiscating the CoQ10 they were selling, and were persecuting other medical mavericks considerably earlier.

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remember all the alternative practitioners (60?) that all died under mysterious circumstances?

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023

Yes, I do. Pharma hit men removed them it would appear.


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Yes, I have heard some Rife machines work, but it can be hard to get the the right frequencies? I haven't much knowledge about what's currently available, but,

a friend just healed transverse mylitis from a DTaP vaccine with frequency specific micro-current.

It is the future, I believe!

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It should already be the future, but for Rockefeller and his henchmen. I sure hope this is the turning point for us as a species. We've got to kick these bums out and open our own eyes.

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deletedFeb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023
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I remember that time and some of those dietary supplements were, actually, killing people , so there was justification for those kinds of operations.

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I think you are referring to tryptophan made in Japan, where they had arbitrarily changed the manufacturing process, that resulted in serious toxicity, that harmed people.


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Taking an herb off the shelf forever because of a bad batch.

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See: Raw Milk...

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That’s my apothecary! They supplements prescription grade since at least the 90’s. But the FDA is an enemy of healthy products in more ways than one.

The last attack on the industry at large was 1994.

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I'm not sure which supps you're referring to - I still believe in BHT, for example (https://projectwellbeing.com/steve/) - but I agree an uncompromised agency is needed to protect the public from unsafe products.

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Do u mean "razed?" Like torn asunder? I guess so

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I think he does.

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I thought there were much earlier discussions of the mischief that would ensue allowing government researchers to be patent owners of their discoveries during federal employment.

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That would have been at NIH, not FDA. But that's certainly an issue as described in RFK Jr's book.

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023

they have to sign a Bayh-Dohl, and the gov keeps "march in" rights to be able to intervene if someone really hits the jackpot..so the paying population isn't forced to pay twice

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Way before that, my child.

Try before our Revolutionary War with the Rothchilds and the British Crown and the Hessians.

It even could be traced back to the Romans in England. Prob even the Dark Ages and the Druids and the Catacombs.

Must be some type of human failty. (Yes, that's a word. Look it up.)

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. ~ Sir Walter Scott

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023

I do agree with you, but it's a deep rabbit hole for many to dive into.

Sociopaths/Psychopaths/Narcissistics account for a lot of it, but the Spiritual perspective of Evil does a better job for me.

"Enjoying creating death, despair and suffering for others."

Call it what you will, but there are too many carrying it. Native Americans said the white man was infected with Wetico. Another name. Like Wilhelm Reich's concept of Emotional Plague or Emotional Armoring. I personally prefer Demonically Parasitized.

But whatever it is we need to see it and take steps to protect ourselves and our society from it and those controlled by it.

The Inuit just finally pushed them off an ice flow.....effective but not practical today.

; ))

Perhaps we could control them, if we recognized them sooner. But keeping them out of positions of power is critical if humans are to survive, IMHO.

Blessings to everyone with the eyes to see!

May we face the challenge of our times. 🙏

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023

Indeed. Regarding who is the nastiest, it all depends which historical period one looks at . Aztecs were Native Americans, Mongols were /are Asians, Arabs are Middle Eastern. All of them were infected with Wetico while pillaging, killing and brutalizing other human beings during their empire building historical periods. These are neutral facts. I think the problem is not skin color, the problem is humans, ALL of us. We can be a REALLY awful species.

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I don't much like men, but some of them are okay. They are nice and warm on cold nights...

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023


I tend to agree on men; nice one on one for warmth on a cold night, but in masse a disaster!

Of course this is tongue in cheek; but still true....one good man is worth his weight in gold, but the bad ones, well, God help us all when they gain too much power, like today.

: /

And race does NOT play much into it either- all colors have been taken in by the "war culture." A result of severe drought and famine, leading men to basically go insane, attack other neighboring cultures, killing, raping and plundering, and moving on, destroying peaceful societies and civilizations as they go. Wetico or Emotional Plague, or Sociopathy or Evil.

It becomes "normalized" and then you wind up in a world like ours.

To go in depth on this subject read "Saharasia" by James DeMeo, PhD.

I have found that book to be a revelation.

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Absolutely. I just watched another video with RFK, Jr and Dane W (something or other).

Bill Gates is the driver of so much evil. I wonder if there is a way to stop just him right now. That would put us way ahead of the game, assuming his funding would die with him.

Yes, the blue-eyed devils are singular in their desire for domination, and yes, we need to better see these types coming and cut them off at the pass.

I heard a snippet of a bill proposal today attempting to finally put some anti-trust controls on Google. That was such a long time coming. But they r snakes (sorry to insult snakes) and will work to wheedle themselves out of being down-sized.

We have our work cut out for us.

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023

"Yes, the blue-eyed devils are singular in their desire for domination"

With due respect, think seriously about what you just wrote. What is next, to round up the blue-eyed people and send them to camps? Perhaps we should start with the unvaccinated blue-eyed, double prize!!!

I AM NOT blue-eyed, very far from it.

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Yes, ur right.

Methinks we r headed towards a replay of Atlantis. Seems like the same scenario playing out,

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Wow, that's one way of putting it. 🙀

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Look at this---


When you add that the FOIA from Japan showed that the Lipid Nano Particles bio- accumulate in the ovaries, well, there's a sweet idea for Eugenics.

Watch "Infertility, A Diabolical Agenda," on CHD TV.

They are after our kids reproductive capacity, IMHO, whether the Moderna Leak is true or not.

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The obsession with vaccinating children was THE TELL.

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Hope and pray so

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Terrifying. Thanks for sharing this. I missed this last year apparently.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The utterly GLARING and reprehensible issue here (and that isn't to say there isn't more than one) is that the Constitution of the United States of America SHOULD have been enough to stop anyone from even considering pushing this "therapy," or whatever someone wants to call it, for fear of death as a traitor. It didn't. WE didn't.

That same constitution should have stopped MANY egregious violations of human rights, at least in America. We no longer live (and haven't for a long time) in a constitutional republic.

We live in some morph of a tyrannical/dictatorship/monarchy/communist/technocracy.

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Just heard of 2 back to back suicides in younger to middle aged person fully jabbed n boosted. Wondering mightily.. is this part and parcel of the jabs? Since you know... mooods????? I am not jabbed (precaution from knowing that experimental things need time to shake out and show the dangers if any... oh, and recovering from my 5 rabies jabs!) Lest I be thought to be anti vax. Nooo... I just don't trust the gov't when they start bribing me, and based on what I did know, it didn't sound, well safe...really.

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I took the wait and see attitude also. Now, here we are healthy and no jabs. I’m 67 husband is 74. We both still work everyday among many people who took the shots, boosters and all are constantly sick. We fill in for the under 40. Well, somebody’s got to keep the economy going!

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023

I know of at least 5 vaxed people that developed serious depression afterwards, but we thought is was because of the lockdowns.

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Prion disease is another possibility. The Spike Protien has a prion attached and the lipid nanoparticles carry the mRNA instructions to manufacture it across the blood brain barrier and every membrane in the human body.

Lots WILL go wrong, it's guaranteed!

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I noticed several weird reports of suicide or suicide attempts when reading through OpenVAERS very early on. Of course, OpenVAERS (which uses data from the CDC/FDA/HHS official VAERS database) is highly underreported -- by a factor of at least 30 according to some conservative estimates, but likely much higher: https://www.openvaers.com/faq/what-is-underreporting-and-why-it-matters

The OpenVAERS database returned 337 reports of suicide or attempted suicide using a query of “Covid vaccines only” and “suicide”: https://www.openvaers.com/vaersapp/reports.php?symptoms=suicide&us_state_id=0&ov_textsearch=both&foreign_cc=0&covid_only=Yes . The first report is from January 2021. The most recent report is from January 2023.

(The suicide/suicide attempt total is 523 for ALL vaccines since recording began more than 30 years ago, with the first report shown in February 1993 for a Flu vaccine.)

Recent revelations show that only the FIRST adverse event (AE) is recorded in VAERS, with no follow-up reports for future AEs experienced by the same person. We also know that VAERS Covid-shot AE data has been slow-walked, suppressed, or outright rejected: https://www.americaoutloud.com/vaers-fraud-how-the-cdc-protects-the-lie/

We’ll never know the true numbers, but when will enough be enough? ONE death or serious AE should be enough to warrant concern; dozens, hundreds, thousands, millions — well, that’s a signal worth considering, don’t you think?

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is outrageous- that they want to use it in oncology? The mRNA suppresses the p53 gene and allows cancer cells to grow- this is perfectly frightening. Plus, there’s that study that seems to demonstrate that women who are BRCA1 and 2 who get the jab will be more likely to get those cancers they are predisposed to.


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Their first attempt will be mRNA for malignant melanoma...

...I think their plan is to create an infectious airborne melanotic cancer

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Let’s hope not! 😱😡

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I personally see mRNA "vaccines" for healthy people very different from genetic therapy for cancers. If I have a terrible cancer, eg glioblastoma, I will certainly consider genetic therapy, if it shows any promise over current treatments (which offer little to no quality of life or longevity improvements). I absolutely will not consider genetic "vaccines" as a healthy person. We must evaluate the risk/benefit profile of anything and everything that we choose to put in or do to our bodies.

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I have no more words. I want accountability.

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We all do. You need to tell the technocrats, bureaucrats, politicians, corporations, medical agencies and defense agencies that did this that you want them to be held accountable for their actions; it's no use preaching to the choir.

Given how they manipulated and "made an example" of the Jan 6 protesters, I wish you luck.

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Naomi Wolf was right! Alex Berenson hear this yet? 😂

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Alex Berenson, is nothing more than a zajeban peder. I mean that Lord forgive me. Thanks Drs. Robert and Jill for all the work you are doing and have done The accountability they deserve is identical to Death Wish! These evil doers need to be stopped immediately, no more undercover, give them what they have done and continue to do, knowingly and not giving a damn about it!! Now I shall make a nice hot cup of tea and look for Dr. Malone's interview with Dan Bongino on his podcast., that Dan advertised yesterday. Always an interesting and educating time with Dr. Malone. God Bless!

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am speechless for the absolute disregard this piece of excrement has for the people being administered this supposed vaccine. He has a top position at Pfizer and seems to have absolutely no care or regret for harming millions of human beings. This company seems to be run by a bunch of sociopathic Jeffrey Dahmer mass murderers. And the Anthony Faccii’s of this world should be put in a small box in the dessert and given just enough water and food so they can barely survive. I’m disgusted to think my wife was forced by a major Boston hospital to take this poison. They must pay. J.Goodrich

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I will be listening to Dan Bongino’s podcast tomorrow…

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Indeed it is February 3 here, a very, very cold day, nothing better than listening to Dan's podcast with Dr. Malone. I am off to listen. Stay warm, safe and blessed.

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That’s great!! I’m glad you got the note. Great interview.

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I think in 2023 we will all be learning more about the HPG axis and its role in chronic and inflammatory diseases, and in autoimmunity. So thanks for the lecture on that, we should go deeper in future posts. You're doing a great job, and look forward to the Spaces forums as well.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It just keeps getting worse.

That bit about a damaged HPA system affecting "Mood and Emotions" and "Energy Storage and Stamina" may well explain what some are calling Long Covid.

Pfizer Dalenda Est

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is so difficult to hear as my daughter has been hoping to get pregnant. June 2021, I had sent her the link to Dr. Malone and Steve Kirsch’s Brett Weinstein interview, warning that the spike protein could land in the ovaries and affect fertility. She trusted our regulatory agencies, thought, if that were true, they would not allow the mRNA vaccine for women of child-bearing age. She might never be a mother now and, as she is my only child, I might never feel the joy of being a grandmother. I no longer think these people are simple idiots. They are either diabolical, in the sense of literally demonic, or psychopathic to the nth degree. I can only hope their after-lives experience repercussions commensurate with what they’ve doled out in their 3-D form.

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The world would be improved in my view if a fraction of their afterlife experiences could be previewed.

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Feb 2, 2023·edited Feb 2, 2023

Dr. Ryan Cole has demonstrated that the spike is present, and abundantly, in the adrenals. See https://rumble.com/v27zayc-pathologist-dr.-ryan-cole-analyzes-mrna-and-alarming-blood-clots-w-dr.-kell.html

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As Chesterton said, if you don't believe in G-d, you can believe in anything, or nothing. The people who make these products, or promote them for safe use, and who profit from their sale and use, are atheists, or pagans, who have no souls. They are materialists who believe that anything that improves their financial well being or enhances their status is perfectly acceptable, no matter what it does to the "other", those lesser humans that occupy space on this earth. That is why they show such insouciance at the prospect of the death and destruction of so many.

Danny Huckabee

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Yes. True and true! They have to tell you what they are doing, and if you don't object evade or decline.. they can do what ever they want to you! part and parcel of their 'beliefs'. Beggars the mind some are pushing for a nuclear war. America is going down hard, and boys and girls, we definitely asked for and deserve it. Sodom and Gomorrah ... that's EXACTLY what we are....ask that cake guy who doesn't want to make/celebrate a gay guys marriage... they've destroyed that man, for standing for his faith and beliefs. The demons are abroad. They won't of course last. DUMBS won't either. The ones who think they will 'ride it out'? Equally delusional. And they caused it all by their own inactions and evilness and desire and love of profits above all...

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023

And once the restrictions that emanated fron having the gold standard of Judeo-Christian values installed in the West through Christianity for more than 1,000 years, have been removed, it is a race to the bottom.

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So I took the J&J (once and done) in April 2021 and in Sept, my thyroid gland was on permanent vacation. Related or not? I don't know. I was 68 at the time but I don't know of any family history with thyroid disorders. We have many (20-33 year old) nieces who were forced to take the jabs. I fear for their futures as regards motherhood.

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My good friend, who had Hashimoto's but it had been under control for over a decade, was required to take the Pfizer jabs in order to keep her job. Right after the 2nd jab, her Hashimoto's symptoms came screaming back and has been a problem ever since. And now she's struggling to keep her job because she's always so weak and exhausted.

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Without our health there’s not too much left. Sad situation many were put in. I hope new protections are added to our laws to prevent this kind of thing from ever happening again

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We have laws in place, but they have been absolutely steamrolled.

And we would be broke (and out on the street) in the time it would take to successfully sue to re-establish our rights.

They know this, which is why they act with impunity.

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It's an attack on all Humanity. We MUST fight back, or be completely herded into the slaughter house, IMHO.

No more jabs, no CBDCs, no digital IDs, and a world focused on Peace and Health and Plenty, not Disease, War and Famine.

Together the People can pull their support out from under the Perpetrators.

They would fall if we were not holding them up!

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My thyroid deficiency is auto-immune, I should add.

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My 32 year old daughter took 3 Moderna and has developed Hashimotos and Rheumatoid arthritis. Her thyroid levels have been extremely low and she keeps having to increase her medication to function.

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I’m sure it’s related. Unfortunately, not many make the connections

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I have a 40-something friend who developed severe adverse reactions after a booster (don't know which one). One of her problems is with her thyroid and I don't believe it has improved.

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Has she tried the flccc protocol for vax injuries?

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I'm not sure. She totally trusted the shots and was not aware of any injuries until I suggested that might be her problem. I referred her to the FLCCC site and gave her the name of a doctor near her who follows their protocol, but she chose to continue seeing another doctor, who does at least recognize she is vaccine injured. I sent her info about the FLCCC's conference last year, to pass on to him, but I don't know if she did. She also had her three daughters get the shots. She's slowly awakening, but she doesn't live near me, so we don't communicate a lot.

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023

Ok folks, let’s keep it simple. The US Government is working hard to sterilize your children, so that you will never have grandchildren or any legacy at all. What to do?

1). Never, ever, ever. Put your children in government public schools or “woke” private schools. Homeschooling ONLY. Join a group, they are legion now. When we did this more than thirty years ago, it was almost illegal, in Florida. Now they are everywhere in every state.

2) other than basic childhood vaccines that we took in the 1960’s or 1970’s…. Never give your children any vaccines at all.

3) never believe anything that the CDC says about anything at all.

4j) get out of blue states and all cities and move to small towns in flyover country, or Florida, or Texas, or Oklahoma, or some place like that. They are much kinder and sweeter and make much better friendships than the psychotic people in cities and blue states.

5) find a concierge doctor who doesn’t take insurance of any kind. He or she can make referrals to other providers that do take insurance for tests and procedures. Concierge doctors work for you, not for Big Pharma, the US Government, nor your local health board. They will do what is right, not what is fashionable, and not what the CDC demands them to do.

Your family depends on you to prevent sterilization of your children. Take aggressive actions now. And never listen to the US or your state or local government unless they are fully aware and fully supportive of parent’s rights and children’s rights to be left alone.

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Not just the US, it happens everywhere. In the US blue is something else as it is in the UK, I believe to recall. In the UK it is the conservative Party and they are just as bad. recall the Tweet from Boris Johnson, being proud of getting jabbed the most of his people compared to the rest of Europe (not EU but Europe). They are al equal bad; you see in many countries it is the more far right who stands up. Most likely because they are already used to be treated as outcast so a bit more or less, does not matter. Sometimes you see pretty far left do the same, most likely the same reason; they dare because they already are seen as outcast. It is the main parties, the Middle left and right who are all the same. It is a pity US (and UK) people seldom look over their borders; most countries have more then 2 or 3 parties. Look at what happens there. For instance the Netherlands, ruled by a right party for very long, together with other right (christian) parties, a bit lefties (known for talking left, filling their pockets at the right side; as dutchies say). 2 far right parties stood up and one pretty left one starts since a while. They are all the same, everywhere.


Your advice I agree on though, just wouldn't focus too much on political parties. And please, keep in mind the world is bigger then the US ;-) , loved to live there for a couple of years. Celebrate the fact you are allowed to homeschool, we're not over here. Some EU memberstates allow it, some more or less, others don't; you see people move countries because of it.

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Feb 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for today's CALL TO ARMS!

With all the new data rolling in a general cessation of vaccinating is surely called for!

I vividly recall your mention of your consultation with the Rabbis. I also recall mentions of the vaccine going to the ovaries and the many complaints of menstral issues. Now we can couple this with all the evil outcomes Dr Thorp has been reporting on seeing in his GYN practice. His reports alone have been chilling. At a bare minimum woman who might be dealing with a pregnancy should be prevented from exposing themselves and their potential offspring to the untoward risks of these vaccines. One might note as well, implications being unknown - maybe all babies and young children need to be excluded as well.

Your vigilance is so appreciated!

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You going on spaces again?

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Nice, I will be tuning in then

Appreciate your efforts, you are saving lives.

I think this is the link?

8pm ET / 5pm PT today


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yes it is!

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Can we see it back somewhere?

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Thank you for posting this. Was able to attend and it definitely broadened my understandings. Hope you or someone privy here will continue to give us heads up.

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Thanks for supplying the link Super Spreader ( love the call name)! Very interesting & heartbreaking discussion!

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Thank you!

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Feb 3, 2023·edited Feb 3, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


Pardon my French, but it's the only word to effectively describe them.

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roger that

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