Unlike the financial meltdown where the culprits got away with it, I really hope there will be accountability for these crimes against humanity. If you read RFK Jr.s book, it is pretty shocking. I find it useful to reference the movie Dallas Buyers Club starring Mathew McConnaughey, when talking to folks who haven't been entirely red pilled as yet. The antagonist in the film was Fauci.

The pharmaceutical/medical industrial complex is crumbling. I hope it evolves into a healthcare system that, in its place, treats health instead of making us sick for a subscription model to pills, vaccines, medical procedures.

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Jan 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Is it crumbling? Or is it busy reinforcing?

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Hmm. I need to think about that one. I start with a new physician in a couple weeks. One of the criteria for my search is if the physician would prescribe Ivermectin for C19.

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Jan 12, 2022·edited Jan 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I wish you luck in your search for a new doctor. All those in my area seem to have been co-opted by the local hospital that, in turn, has been scooped up by Mass General in Boston. I regularly get [basically worthless] electronic communications emanating from Bean Town now. Recently, one of them asked for personal information which I decline to supply. Among the questions asked, though, was one that really says everything anyone sane needs to know about Mass General. It asked me for my "gender ID" and then proceeded to offer four or five possibilities ranging from the normal and predictable to others of the insane variety. And these clowns are the ones I am expected to entrust my health to?!? Bring back the shamans and witchdoctors, please!

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I went out to the FLCCC alliance website and looked for a doc that would prescribe Ivermectin, but I will see how it goes. At this point going to the Dr. scares the bejesus out of me.

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Jan 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And I understand why. We got Ivermectin from the FLCCC recommended doctor a while ago & used it to knock the Red Chinese virus on its can back in November. My wife & I both had it. No comorbidities, but I'm rapping on the door of '80 years of age & the Iver gave us nothing more than the mildest cold imaginable. Hang in there. We're going to win this one.

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Like you, I have an appointment with a new doctor in a couple of weeks, but I've given up on the belief I can find one who is not captured by pharma and the establishment. I just need them for refilling my compounded scripts and will self-diagnose from now on... and avoid them at all costs.

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It seems just as possible that they will get away with their genocide and be given awards for their 'humanitarian' efforts...

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Jan 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The next congress certainly will investigate. This congress certainly will not. Logic and truth are currently off the table. Fauch told congress today it's all Rand Paul's fault. That's a pretty desperate attempt to avoid the crimes he knows he committed. We'll get justice. Not today.

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Jan 12, 2022·edited Jan 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I do not trust the right either, they will take the power for themselves, they "will not" save us. They are just as responsible for this bad "jab" being pushed as the left.

It is time to throw the baby out with the bath water, the entire thing has to be torn down in order to be rebuilt. I no longer trust any institution, authority, doctor, etc.. after this. Our entire system is corrupt to the core. I knew it was bad, but not this bad.

I have affectively been made an anarchist - a father of two and a husband - an anarchist!? I cannot believe it, but I will work to destroy any institution of power from here on out, in everyway possible big and small. AND, this my friends, is well over due.

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Make sure to add the health insurance companies to that list.

And if you really care, make sure to cash out your 401k—stop feeding the system in every way you can.

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Jan 12, 2022·edited Jan 12, 2022

Excellent points, and we have done both :). This covid insanity has brought my wife and I together and in doing so has empowered us to make all the moves we once dreamed of but thought we're crazy

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Hear hear it is never to late to be an anarchist. What else can you be when you realize they have lied to us from day one?

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Well, as far as the "right" we don't have many of those in Congress (YET), we have establishment and RINO Rs. You are correct, I do agree with you.

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He doth protest too much. Meaning Fauci.

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Yeah, fauXi's little performance - it was obvious he had been well coached by a professional opposition research and PR team. It did throw Paul off and he elected to try and talk over fauXi instead of having him admonished by the chair to answer questions. fauXi got away with being "nonresponsive," shall we say.

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The chair is on fauxi's side. If the chair had "admonished" it wouldn't have mattered to Saint Anthony. Only prosecution will matter.

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She did shut him down actually after he continued carrying on when Rand's time elapsed. No it wouldn't have mattered to god fauXi, it would have been about building more record. fauXi is a somewhat functional psychopath. Shitty doctor, gad.

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You don’t know what the next congress will do or what they will look like. No one does.

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No, you don't know. Everyone else does.

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I see. Can you tell me how everyone else know?

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We will see, and then we will know if we trust the loudmouths

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As Mulder taught us, trust no one.

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I work with documents for a living (though not in the field of biology). A few observations about the proposal here: https://assets.ctfassets.net/syq3snmxclc9/4NFC6M83ewzKLf6DvAygb4/0cf477f75646e718afb332b7ac6c3cd1/defuse-proposal_watermark_Redacted.pdf

It starts out with Section II. Where is Section I?

Numbering of paragraphs skips from A to C to D to H, I and J and a few section IIs without numbers. There's a Section 1.03 Management Plan in the middle of those. Are there missing sections?

Page 33 ends, "Our team has extensive experience" but the sentence isn't continued on page 34.

The last footnote doesn't seem to refer to anything in the proposal.

The graphics look like they're from c. 1992.

There's a Table 2; where's Table 1?

Not sure if things are missing from this document or if it's just really sloppy.

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What did you expect from a document named "...Redacted.pdf"?

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Jan 12, 2022·edited Jan 12, 2022

These problems have nothing to do with redaction. The redacted parts are blacked out, not missing. What I would expect from a company proposing such an advanced project is a signal that they care about quality control.

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Jan 12, 2022·edited Jan 12, 2022

Sure, the blackouts are redactions. But why are you so sure they are the only ones?

Anyway, I've proofread more than my share of DARPA proposals. I'd judge this one as about average quality. Quality control and "advanced research" don't really go together at all. What gets you funded is bold and daring pie in the sky.

So, yeah, the sloppiness makes it hard to say what other deliberate omissions there may be in this version.

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Redactions in a pdf would show up as big blank spaces if, for some reason, the person redacting the document decided to do them in multiple formats.

If someone at DARPA started with the Word doc, they could have cut out sections...and added some stuff as well. Even a password protected pdf can be converted to Word with software and manipulated. I'm not saying someone did that, only that it's possible.

In any case, the doc looks like someone scanned a paper copy and ran text recognition.

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Thank you, Dr. Malone, for girding yourself up with courage and speaking publicly. With particular interest, I note that so many pieces of evidence seem to be disclosed all within a few weeks of you, Dr. McCullough, and a few others speaking out bravely. Courage begets courage.

I’ve only recently begun to dig into this information as I haven’t been one to support conspiracy theories. I’m a microbiologist and a guy who works for big Pharma, one of those who profit from vaccine manufacture and commercialization. I’m quickly moving towards the conclusion that it’s time to gird up my courage as well, and make some consequential decisions.

When you can: Please take time to turn your attention towards a small-footprint impact, yet profoundly personal issue for our family: the scourge of gender ideology / clinical malpractice chimera in adolescent transgender medicine. It has captured our daughter and cost us most everything to fight, though we have done nothing but lose this far.

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I hope you do do the right thing.

(I’m saddened that Big Pharma and higher education still have everyday employees at all.)

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Why would they develop an attenuated viral vaccine with such a dangerous spike protein? It doesn't make sense. IMO, seems far more likely SVC2 is a bio-weapon.

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Hang in there Dr. Malone. We are on this crazy-arse rollercoaster with you.

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It's like an acid trip, not that I would know anything about that.

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Man made virus leaked out of a China lab during Trump’s re-election year? Then a group of people with common ideologies win the election? That’s weird…

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What struck me about the construct about vaccinating the bats in the cave through an aerosol is that it sounded an awful like how one could vaccinate the world with Omicron. The whole ‘ethical’ premise of this EcoHealth research is based on predicting which viruses will mutate to infect humans so that they can ‘get ahead of the catastrophe’ by mutating them in advance. Then they go ahead and make that ACE-2 engineered spike mutation on a bat virus capable of infecting the bats to. So the bats can be protected from the virus that might emerge and thus protect our troops from the future bat droppings they may come in contact with containing a virus which may have emerged. And I thought minority report was nuts.

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Dr. Malone have you looked at this website? https://www.howbadismybatch.com - The website, data crunches/cross references the VAERS data by lot number and adverse events It looks like 5% of the lot numbers cause 90% of the adverse events. There is quite a lot of interesting analysis, none of this looks random at all. Which means the pharmaceutical companies are doing tolerance testing without informed consent of the subjects.

I used to work in healthcare at a major children's clinic, where we spent days training on ethics including informed consent. It is really hard to make sense of all this corruption, but the Nazis didn't make sense either, or Stalin or Mao or Cambodia or Rwanda, etc. Evil never makes sense.

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I looked at that website. My husband, M/56/ slender built, no core morbidity, was force VAXxed 4 months ago by his employer. I entered his J&J “Holocaust lot number” into the website and it showed 11 adverse reactions and 1 death. A sigh of relief at least for now.

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Wow! Tolerance testing... how does that work?

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I am no expert and I don't play one on Tv...but it just how much of the ingredients can be tolerated without reactions. Different formulations etc.

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Dr. Mike Yeadon presenting the VAERS lot number/adverse event analysis. Displays how a randomly distributed, low level occurs with the flu shot lots over decades. For these new "vaccines," the difference is striking. Talks about this midway through, but recommend the whole thing. If it's true, the evidence seems quite compelling.

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After all the crap people have gotten away with I am jaded. That being said, seems that a lot of things have happened in the past 36 hours that seem to fit together that could be in the direction of this whole scheme falling apart.

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Remember: guilty people who get caught tend to get louder and more violent in order to fend off allegations and project them back onto you.

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Nobody tells a lie like the indignant man…

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Will we have justice, or will they get away with this like they've gotten away with so much in our past?

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tonight all I can say is tear the suckn system down.

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Will you dump your health insurance?

Will you cash out your 401ks?

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Jan 13, 2022·edited Jan 13, 2022

As the the latter, I cannot unless I quit my job. :/ And, yes, I did ask my employer for a temporary ‘separation’ to do it because my status is anyways changing. So it’s stay employed in a way where I don’t need a Green Pass, where my medical exemption got accepted, or risk losing what is in my 401K when it all goes poof…

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Fauci says: 我不知道

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Of course he does. Anything else would be an admission of guilt. As long as he has half the people in the US thinking he is the Messiah, he doesn't even need a lawyer!

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Fauci & Company are going down but this may be a slow process. Shutting the Olympics down should be another priority.

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I'd like to think that all of these docs are legit. The report from Major Murphy raises some questions, though. On page 4, he mentions that the EcoHealth proposal indicates that Remdesivir and chloroquine phosphate inhibit viral replication. The proposal copy I've seen isn't searchable, but I skimmed and didn't see this. Has anyone verified?

Also, his mention of Ivermectin seems suspect. It raises the possibility to me that this is a planted document that conveniently contains a "dream list" of everything that those of us questioning the narrative would like to see. I'm reminding myself that "if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is." I hope I'm very wrong on this one.

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I agree and other people have raised similar concerns. I would love to hear Glenn Greenwald's analysis on this.

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There is a lot here. It's hard to imagine that President Trump was briefed on any of this, if I recall he was pretty much hung out to dry when he suggested the virus was a bioweapon lab leak.

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If anyone other than Jim Jordan could please pose the questions, we might have a hope.

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