Time to abolish the World Health Organization actually.

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Why stop there? Given my druthers we'd be out of the U.N. altogether and the U.N. would be looking for a home in some other country, preferably some where far from our shores.

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I wrote to my rep and senators suggesting defunding and withdrawal from the WHO, and referred to the bills requiring agreements with the WHO to be approved (as a treaty would be) by the Senate as "a good start". I also advocated for the dissolution of the NIH and FDA.

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Unfortunately I live in a DC state and the Senators are controlled and follow the deranged party line!

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Trump defunded the WHO, Biden reinstated them.

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Hello Robert, your efforts and work for us, who want to remain free, has inspired and impressed me very much.

I am sorry to have to tell you that I am no longer able to pay for my subscription to your work, here on substack. I live in Australia and the cost for international exchange makes the rate a little more than is advertised and given the extreme cost of living hikes, I really do have to watch every Penny, so to speak.

I am bringing up my 12 year old grandson with no financial support from either parent, so every cent is well and truly spent before it is earned.

I wish you great success in all your work…and I extend that success to all of your subscribers as I do also, extend my best wishes and prayers to all of us who seek freedom of speech, opinion, thought and livelihood.

God bless you and all your precious people.

With much regard and gratitude,


Country Victoria, Australia.


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God bless you for raising your grandson! The first part of Proverbs 31:28 says, "Her children arise and call her blessed." I pray your grandson will know how much he is loved and how fortunate he is to have you.

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You still can subscribe to Dr. Malone's Substack for free, so please keep on reading! We love you and care so much about the suffering Australia has endured.

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God bless you as well and stay safe on your journey Jennine!

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What an admirable Grandmother you are, raising your Grandson, so wonderful. I understand the need to count & watch every penny, & inflation has really hit so many of us, families, & seniors as well. I'm blessed to have two Grand daughter's, & thankfully, both parent's strive trying to stay above the poverty line here in Colorado. God Bless you Country Victoria, Australia.

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America should not be in the UN...which supports its sister organization the wHO. Sending money to foreign countries or foreign organizations is forbidden. Taxpayer money is for 3 purposes: Domestic Concerns, Infrastructure and Military to defend Americans. Our government has supported ONE THIRD of the UN's budget, since its inception. This was totally going against the constitution. Congressmen must take a test to see to make sure they know the Constitution, and follow it, before entering Congress. When they pass any Act or Bill., which doesn't adhere, it is at traitorous act. Traitors should lose every asset they have and they must be removed from Congress.

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RIGHT-ON, Barbara!

ABSOLUTELY there MUST be a 'Constitutional TEST' that MUST be passed before ANY US citizen is authorized to run for ANY "elective" office; and also be eligible for so-called "Civil- Service" EMPLOYMENT. PERIOD!

Also, ANYONE committing TREASON against the United States and the US Constitution MUST face either (permanent) deportation or execution.

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Time to crack down! No more runaway government! NO more Lobbyists! The Law of the Land must be enforced....The Constitution!

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Traitors should be hung

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It. would guarantee.....They would not inflict the damage they did on the people again.

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They most likely know it, but don’t care. They have their marching orders.

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Bird flu affecting cows seems to be the sociopaths call to kill the cows. Flu is a flu and it will run its course without the need for Gov intervention, which is what should’ve happened for COVID, but we now know COVID was for culling of the human herd 🤷‍♂️

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May 5·edited May 5

Having read most of Michael Nehls, MD , Phd ‘s book “The Indoctrinated Brain” it appears that the culling was mere collateral damage. Dr Nehls is a German Alzheimers researcher, who makes a good case for the real purpose of both Covid and especially some of the vaccines in combination with fear and loneliness was to get spike proteins across the blood brain barrier and destroy one’s autobiographical memory in order to replace that memory and to make one less of a critical thinker and more accepting of various sorts of propaganda. In the words of Klaus Schwab to own nothing and be happy albeit not the person one was before and much more complacent. He makes a very compelling case and his explanation of Alzheimers and some fairly simple ways to avoid it are well worth the time. Also, he contends that the bad cases of Covid were in individuals with severe vitamin D deficiencies.

Addressing the current discussion I have known many cattle and, although some calves are cute, I have yet to meet a cow or calf I cared to cuddle!

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Scott, I’ve just started his book. It’s going to be very enlightening.

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What about donkeys? I was building a doghouse for our daughter and made friends with a big donkey in the neighbor's pasture. He let me pet him and we came close to kissing. Do I need to call the CDC?

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🤔 if you were "near to kissing," I don’t think it’s the CDC you should be calling. 😉

On the other hand, there IS a market for zoophilia videos - side hustle? 😂

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More his idea than mine. Those are big teeth and I was also thinking about my nose...

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Kind’a scary up close, eh?

It’s amazing how critters that don’t eat meat can do some horrific damage from their teeth - foremost in my mind are hippos but domesticated brutes like horses, etc., can put a hurt on you.

May the Fourth be with you!

{sorry, been meaning to say that all day - you were the beneficiary of my forgetfulness 😆}

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That said birds can be hurtful devils too. Our zoo keeper tried kissing an ostrich and suffered a terrible bite on his lips.

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Cinco de mayo to you, tomorrow Sir

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And have you ever been bitten or scratched by your sweet pet bunny? Ouch!

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No, no pet bunnies (that we didn’t eat) - although son had to bunny sit one summer during university (house/yard sitting, bunny tossed in for good measure). Does it count if I’m currently at the tail end of healing from where one of my big cats "scratched" the inside of my right thigh - just a reminder I was late with hind leg nail trimming .

Curious: does one ever trim bunny nails? Back in the day, the ones we had were in cages outdoors so I don’t think the matter ever arose.

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Yes, cat scratches count. OUCH!!!!!

Yes, bunny nail trims are important. Long nails getting caught on carpets or wire are a key cause of pain, broken toes, and other injuries.

For almost two decades, I volunteered with house rabbit education and rescue organizations trimming bunny nails. Most people are afraid to do this for their pets, so we did it for them. It's easy(ish) once you know how. I did get bitten a few times, but rabbit bites are easily cleaned up and rarely get infected. If you handle the rabbits with care and confidence, these prey animals are less likely to become afraid and bite.

We also groomed bunnies, helped people learn about healthy bunny diets, taught them how to carefully pick them up, and more.

Pet rabbits are delicate, delightful, smart, and need special care and feeding -- lots of fresh hay, some veggies (NOT CARROTS), limited pellets, and family companionship. Give them that, along with regular nail trimming, petting, and brushing, and they will reward you with love and joy. BUT, they are lots of work and definitely not appropriate for young kids.

Probably too much information, but I just love happy, healthy bunnies and am always eager to help with unsolicited advice 🐰🐇

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May 5·edited May 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX, Committee Chair of HCFA) and Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO, Vice Chair) are both alumni of WEF 2022.

Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) was Committee Chair when Dems had the House in the 117th Congress. I find mention of him as an alum of WEF 2022 and 2023.

During the 117th, the HCFA Chair (Meeks) apparently stuffed Rep. Ronny Jackson's HR 7916, Protecting American Sovereignty Act, intended "To prohibit the use of funds to implement any obligations of the United States under the World Health Organization’s Global Pandemic Treaty."

During the 118th, McCaul has apparently stuffed these:

79 Rep. Andy Biggs WHO Withdrawal Act 1/9/23

343 Rep. Chip Roy No Taxpayer Funding for the WHO Act 1/12/23

1425 Rep. Thomas Tiffany No WHO….Treaty Without Senate Approval Act 3/7/23

6645 Rep. Chip Roy Defund Act of 2023 12/6/23

I find it a little weird that unanimity can be found among minority Republicans in a Dem-controlled Senate, but that in a Republican-controlled House these bills can't even make it past a committee desk. I have written rep and Senators several times, and have even posted a letter to McCaul, copying Wagner. No response from either of these last two, and only vague acknowledgement from any of the others. But I still think if enough of us did write, it might be enough to make them nervous.

To his great credit, Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) led a DC press conference last month, along with several Republican colleagues, to rail against the WHO treaties. I used the occasion to call the White House and calmly make clear that I had reviewed drafts of the treaty documents, and that I considered the Biden admin's maneuvers to be among the greatest betrayals in the history of executive branch government. The number for White House comment is 202-456-1111.

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You are a patriot -- and a great researcher -- James Lord! Thank you for exposing the hypocrisy and treasonous nature of so many uniparty "R"epublicans. Until Americans wake up and start voting OVERWHELMINGLY (to counter cheating) to enforce the proper role of government, we have little hope.

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Great data James. No one in congress wants to hear from people outside their district even when they are on committees that wield all the power. See my 5/1 post about McCaul. Wagnor was on Fox with McCallum, I think it was about 6 years ago, complaining that republicans had a hard time winning seats because they did not offer constituents meaningful representation. She was whining about too many Dem voters in her district. A few years later I got mail from her campaign although I am not in her district. I had taken notes on what she said on Fox and copied those as my reply to her fund raising.

JBS scores McCaul 57% and Wagner 56%. Biggs 95%, Roy 96%, Tiffany 97%.

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The one about McCaul's timely investments in Meta? I did see that, but neglected to "like" it until just now.

I think that's an interesting piece of information that I'd like to keep handy for future reference. Do you remember the source for that?

BTW, there's an 8 minute video that Matt Gaetz posted to his own YouTube channel on 11 April, in which he walks the halls and points out legislators who've made suspiciously prescient trades. His callouts are fully bipartisan, and interestingly, he even drops a semi-compliment on an issue-cooperative AOC by calling her (and I'm paraphrasing) wrongheaded on many issues, but NOT corrupt wrt insider trading.

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That video of his was part of a Glenn Beck special last month. Glenn had a large board that listed those in Congress that had market gains well above the Wall Street average.

The McCaul data was from a post on X some conservative media picked up. I don't remember which though. I'm not on X nor twitter.

Just like you I post info for awareness, not likes.

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Given the extraordinary amount of damage that Biden & this administration has done to this country over the last 4-years, I fully expect that he will sign-on the the WHO Pandemic Treaty & International Health Regulations. They are on a mission to completely destroy this country & this is a key component. I also think he relishes knowing that he has this degree of power. I picture him lying in bed at night, writing a new version of the poem, "How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Ways. This version is, "How Do I Hate Thee, America? Let Me Count the Ways"

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Personally, I'm thinking that with the way FJB reads from the teleprompter, i can't imagine he can write anything at all, at this point.

I agree that the uniparty will authorize this treachery in our namesake, as at this point, theyve become proficient at giving the American citizen their middle finger

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May 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I contacted my senators a couple of months ago and both assured me they were aware and were working to stop this treaty. They both signed the letter. Now I need to follow Dr. Malone's instructions and contact the others he listed, in addition to thanking my senators for keeping their promise. It seems like there's little to praise our congress members for, so I'd better grab this chance.

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I don’t understand how this is not considered treason. You have the president of our country signing away authority to an international bureaucracy, not to mention that it is clearly being controlled by China. All of the U.S., 3-letter agencies are already an affront to our constitution, now we are going to allow a rogue 3-letter agency to rule over us?!!

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May 5·edited May 5

The last I heard one does not have to sign WHO documents to agree to them. One needs to submit documents specifying one doesn't agree with them and is therefore not a party to the agreements.

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The BS gets deeper every day. I can't say that I'm a cow cuddler, but I do appreciate the role and contribution of the bovine species (as well as their human "partners") to our history and society. And I love a good ribeye.

The bird flu reports are just another entry into the fear porn arena. I believe nothing that comes from these folks.

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May 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As a former medical student, I can only say that the WHO has turned into a pawn of communist China and the cabal of international Oligarchs who want to install a totalitarian world regime/dictatorship. This includes George SOROS and the puppet Biden administration.

George SOROS hates humanity.

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I've contacted my Senators with this letter and my disappointment in their names not being on it.

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Very disappointing that House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul doesn't allow 1425 to be voted out of committee. His ties to the IC are well known.

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May 5·edited May 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"So you folks are here to cuddle cattle? Well come on in, you know all of flyover country between the two coasts is just one big petting zoo.

You can cuddle the cattle, but only pet the farmers, and that just shoulder and above, otherwise they like to get ornery.

Where'd you say your crew is from? What's that again? Well the way I read that is ROOTERS not ROYTERS, but y'all pronounce it however you want. PJ.....Huffstutter? Is that right? Well ok.

Now, I'm gonna take you over here to the stalls for our rodeo bulls. That's Killer, that one's Widowmaker, here's Kamikaze, and that one over there is Smasher. Now these bulls are full of toxic masculinity and it pains their very souls. So I want you to get in there with'em, and cuddle'em real good now. They need your tender lovin' affection, they've a softer side just a'waitin' to spring out of 'em. Go on now, get down in there with'em, and I'll just stand here and watch with my meltin' heart."

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May 5Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The WHO cannot kiss my ass, they cannot get anywhere near my ass. The org is an enemy of humanity and the entire management belongs in prison, or worse.

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I emailed my senators! Praying they step up! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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