The Malones have a blessed life. Thank you for the recap of your trip, the pictures are just stunning too. Thank you for standing firm on the defeat effort to vaccine mandates, especially for children. I hope your foot is feeling better.
Stunning pictures Drs. Malone!! It’s nice to think of a place where people look beyond your religion, where you come from, your heritage. Truly friendly people usually means they weren’t brought up to hate. They give people the benefit they are good . They weren’t taught to be divisive. Although it seems for many years here things had gotten better, this past 5 years with Covid, the mandates, DEI, CRT, BLM things seem to have been set back decades, and I don’t believe dividing us was a mistake. We all bleed red, and our skin is less than a 1/16 inch thick. It’s all about what’s on the inside.
I have often stated my objections to the barrage of jabs given to infants and children without ever offering a cogent rationale
Here, I hope, is one. I once collaborated, as a molecular biologist, on an ovarian cancer immunotherapy protocol. The aim was to duplicate Rosenberg's TIL treatment of melanoma but had limited success. I once asked the PI whether he thought peripheral T cells might be substituted for TIL (tumor invasive T cells) and he replied Rosenberg had shown them to be ineffective. That got me to considering possible clonality of T cells re their location. I performed a single experiment with T cells isolated from an ovarian tumor that in fact hinted at clonality. This led me to propose the existence of site specific immuno- tolerance.
If in fact T cells, and perhaps other immuno elements, do exhibit strong site specificity, then it seems idiotic to monkey with the evolving immune system as it matures along with the infant/child who continues to develop throughout childhood (the encloning process as it were) and the failure to recognize this by the insistence of a host of jabs during that process may in fact explain the rash of autoimmune disorders we are seeing today as they interfere with the completed adaptation of the immuno elements to their host organism
This is so interesting! Thank you for sharing your adventure in Italy and also learning so much to share with us. OUCH! About "dr fauci" - it makes me so sad and dismayed to know he is there still causing trouble. Watch out... b/c he is a sick person. Angels on your shoulders (for protection). Keep trucking - and hope your foot heals sooner than later. You (and Jill) are troopers in every good sense of the word.
Thank you for sharing your trips with everyone. Places, I will never see personally, come alive with your pictures and narrative. It’s nice to know your travels to bring medical truth about vaccines to the world still afford you time to enjoy the beautiful locations. God Bless you for your dedication and determination! (Will we ever GET RID OF FAUCI??? That miserable, lying toad!!) Warmest regards, Barbara Williamson and Family, Sandpoint, Idaho. 🐎
The high gloss finish on the boat with Jill in it is amazing and typical of the level of a custom glass like finish the Italians apply to their high end boats.
One thing is certain about real Italians, they understand how awesome the power of touch is.
Our hands have an energy that words cannot convey, and together deliver loves messages.
thank you. .I could not figure out what I was seeing in the photo of Jill and the reflection. high gloss finish indeed... I wonder ...teak? I like what you said about hands also.
Yes I'd guess teak or Brazilian Rosewood etc. as most durable exotic and beautiful woods. No expense is spared in better Yacht quality boat building.
The RIVA boat builders build some of the best. Some 20 ft power boats with 400 inboard hp can cost over half a million dollars. I have seen such boats in person .
Materials that stand up to the tests of time and salt/sun/sand/ are chosen.
Like most things in life, starting with the best gets finest results.
Your final thought, "To make Italy great again, to make Europe great again," struck a chord. As hard as we're struggling to get our "Make America Great Again" agenda to become a reality, we need to remember that the virus called Globalism has in recent years infiltrated and infected many other countries. And like it or not, we have reached a point in worldwide evolution where we must interact in various ways (socially, economically, militarily, etc.) with virtually all nations of the world. So while concentrating on our own national well-being, it's important to realize that the Globalist agenda could still derail our best intentions if we're not vigilant. The Globalist threat must be dealt with (especially as it relates to the WHO and U.N.) simultaneously with cleaning up the waste, fraud and abuse within our own government.
How wonderful! I visited Italy this last summer and I loved it! I want to go back. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. Thank you both for the work you do.
Oh shoot, I was looking forward to hearing about that massage you two were getting. Even with all the angst involved with travel, it sounds like a healing balm was provided by the warmth and atmosphere of your Italian friends and the company they provide. Mn. could use some of that greeting of hugs and kisses on the cheeks. The Iranian friends I have had always greet each other similarly. Egyptian men often walk arm and arm. By the way, you look tan on your arms, it looks good. May God Bless You and Keep You both.
Thanks for sharing. Dr. Malone. Glad you are home again. Interesting tidbits from Rome. The Pope! Fauci?? Push back on children vaccines! Beautiful pictures! Trust you give the foot time to heal!!!!
"Italians really like each other, and they show it. Friends hug and kiss both cheeks, no matter their 'gender identity.' They reach out and touch each other. When you are accepted into Italian groups and friendships, physical connection is expected. It always takes me a bit of time to migrate from US-style firm handshakes to a hug and kiss on both cheeks."
I thought of a hilarious scene from the F1 movie, "Rush," wherein Niki Lauda's future wife thinks she's getting them out of a roadside bind with her sex appeal. But she's not the one who the guys stop for.
I love this! My husband used to drag race and rebuilt his own drag car. It is such a thrill when he gives me a ride in it! It uses up gobs of gas! But he changes gears just like this!. One time, he was driving his old Mitsubishi and we stopped at a red light. He and a stranger in the car next to us locked eyes and it was on! We got on the interstate and it was back and forth...the changing of gears.+Gforce and total thrill like a ride at the fair. The stranger in the other car did it too. He blinked his lights in thanks when we went different ways. Great memory!
It was a 1991Mitsubishi Gallant with an Eclipse motor with turbo, factory built for the Audobon, Limited Edition # 501 out of 2000 made, all-wheel drive "elite of the elites". He sold it because parts were too expensive to fix when things needed fixing.
I love Rome, I've been there twice and would go again if it were easy. I visited Siena during my first visit to Italy, and fell in love with their cathedral. The thought of Fauci in that city is horrifiyng.
Thank you for sharing some of the details of your trip! It is appreciated!
Wonderful to hear you were warmly welcomed. Coming to support the planned rescue efforts, no doubt helps. I'm surprised, in Meloni land, that such an issue exists. Suppose it may reflect an EU origin. (Hope the pic also intimates progress with your healing.)
Perhaps in Fauci land, I shouldn't be surprised. That he's there and evidently intimately involved castes a dark light on his attitudes and motivations.
Italy is indeed gorgeous. Thanks for your shots of your surrounds!
Will be looking forward to your further details!
Off Topic:
HHS/RFK Jr reported in on their
"Stork Speed"
dive in the state of nourishment snd health Babyfood is providing
Robert you are a brave man doing Coach Class overnight to EU!
The last two times I trotted off to the Continent, my wife and I did DeltaOne to London and Zurich (so I could have the room to sleep) and on the return to NYC during the day, we did Coach "premium" for an extra $90 or so, so my Sweet Virginia could stretch her troubled leg into the aisle when needed.
PS: I loved that big infectious grin Jill sported . . . that's the kind of infection this planet needs more of!!
Thank you for the update on the continued fight and for giving voice to vaccine injured around the world. Unrelated question Dr. Malone – I see you're wearing an Apple Watch in the last photo, and using a laptop without an EMF plate. Are you concerned about having a smart device (the watch) in contact with your skin? I know Dr. Tess Lawrie has a lot to say about EMF hazards.
The Malones have a blessed life. Thank you for the recap of your trip, the pictures are just stunning too. Thank you for standing firm on the defeat effort to vaccine mandates, especially for children. I hope your foot is feeling better.
Stunning pictures Drs. Malone!! It’s nice to think of a place where people look beyond your religion, where you come from, your heritage. Truly friendly people usually means they weren’t brought up to hate. They give people the benefit they are good . They weren’t taught to be divisive. Although it seems for many years here things had gotten better, this past 5 years with Covid, the mandates, DEI, CRT, BLM things seem to have been set back decades, and I don’t believe dividing us was a mistake. We all bleed red, and our skin is less than a 1/16 inch thick. It’s all about what’s on the inside.
I have often stated my objections to the barrage of jabs given to infants and children without ever offering a cogent rationale
Here, I hope, is one. I once collaborated, as a molecular biologist, on an ovarian cancer immunotherapy protocol. The aim was to duplicate Rosenberg's TIL treatment of melanoma but had limited success. I once asked the PI whether he thought peripheral T cells might be substituted for TIL (tumor invasive T cells) and he replied Rosenberg had shown them to be ineffective. That got me to considering possible clonality of T cells re their location. I performed a single experiment with T cells isolated from an ovarian tumor that in fact hinted at clonality. This led me to propose the existence of site specific immuno- tolerance.
If in fact T cells, and perhaps other immuno elements, do exhibit strong site specificity, then it seems idiotic to monkey with the evolving immune system as it matures along with the infant/child who continues to develop throughout childhood (the encloning process as it were) and the failure to recognize this by the insistence of a host of jabs during that process may in fact explain the rash of autoimmune disorders we are seeing today as they interfere with the completed adaptation of the immuno elements to their host organism
The saddest part is here is born perfection at the highest life form levels.
Who the hell figured it was of any real benefits to juice kids with toxins?
And granted such ersatz opinions to enable the rights to mess with perfection?
I totally get the 1988 bullshit tricks that launched big pHARMA to new profit heavens.
"We've seen NEEDLE and the damage done"!
This is so interesting! Thank you for sharing your adventure in Italy and also learning so much to share with us. OUCH! About "dr fauci" - it makes me so sad and dismayed to know he is there still causing trouble. Watch out... b/c he is a sick person. Angels on your shoulders (for protection). Keep trucking - and hope your foot heals sooner than later. You (and Jill) are troopers in every good sense of the word.
Thank you so much for sharing i love your pictures of Italy and Venice which is my birth name !!
Thank you for sharing your trips with everyone. Places, I will never see personally, come alive with your pictures and narrative. It’s nice to know your travels to bring medical truth about vaccines to the world still afford you time to enjoy the beautiful locations. God Bless you for your dedication and determination! (Will we ever GET RID OF FAUCI??? That miserable, lying toad!!) Warmest regards, Barbara Williamson and Family, Sandpoint, Idaho. 🐎
Sandpoint? So lovely, want to move there from Oregon.
Ah, beautiful Sandpoint, Idaho! Enjoy!
The high gloss finish on the boat with Jill in it is amazing and typical of the level of a custom glass like finish the Italians apply to their high end boats.
One thing is certain about real Italians, they understand how awesome the power of touch is.
Our hands have an energy that words cannot convey, and together deliver loves messages.
thank you. .I could not figure out what I was seeing in the photo of Jill and the reflection. high gloss finish indeed... I wonder ...teak? I like what you said about hands also.
Yes I'd guess teak or Brazilian Rosewood etc. as most durable exotic and beautiful woods. No expense is spared in better Yacht quality boat building.
The RIVA boat builders build some of the best. Some 20 ft power boats with 400 inboard hp can cost over half a million dollars. I have seen such boats in person .
Materials that stand up to the tests of time and salt/sun/sand/ are chosen.
Like most things in life, starting with the best gets finest results.
Your final thought, "To make Italy great again, to make Europe great again," struck a chord. As hard as we're struggling to get our "Make America Great Again" agenda to become a reality, we need to remember that the virus called Globalism has in recent years infiltrated and infected many other countries. And like it or not, we have reached a point in worldwide evolution where we must interact in various ways (socially, economically, militarily, etc.) with virtually all nations of the world. So while concentrating on our own national well-being, it's important to realize that the Globalist agenda could still derail our best intentions if we're not vigilant. The Globalist threat must be dealt with (especially as it relates to the WHO and U.N.) simultaneously with cleaning up the waste, fraud and abuse within our own government.
How wonderful! I visited Italy this last summer and I loved it! I want to go back. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. Thank you both for the work you do.
Oh shoot, I was looking forward to hearing about that massage you two were getting. Even with all the angst involved with travel, it sounds like a healing balm was provided by the warmth and atmosphere of your Italian friends and the company they provide. Mn. could use some of that greeting of hugs and kisses on the cheeks. The Iranian friends I have had always greet each other similarly. Egyptian men often walk arm and arm. By the way, you look tan on your arms, it looks good. May God Bless You and Keep You both.
Thanks for sharing. Dr. Malone. Glad you are home again. Interesting tidbits from Rome. The Pope! Fauci?? Push back on children vaccines! Beautiful pictures! Trust you give the foot time to heal!!!!
"Italians really like each other, and they show it. Friends hug and kiss both cheeks, no matter their 'gender identity.' They reach out and touch each other. When you are accepted into Italian groups and friendships, physical connection is expected. It always takes me a bit of time to migrate from US-style firm handshakes to a hug and kiss on both cheeks."
I thought of a hilarious scene from the F1 movie, "Rush," wherein Niki Lauda's future wife thinks she's getting them out of a roadside bind with her sex appeal. But she's not the one who the guys stop for.
well, kind of neat. . . but he is driving a damn F-I-A-T !!!
Close! A Lancia 2000 Berlina. I thought Lancia, but I had to hunt for the model a bit.
Well, I STILL have to laugh. The image in this link shows it on display next to another highly sought after car-- a PACER!
I love this! My husband used to drag race and rebuilt his own drag car. It is such a thrill when he gives me a ride in it! It uses up gobs of gas! But he changes gears just like this!. One time, he was driving his old Mitsubishi and we stopped at a red light. He and a stranger in the car next to us locked eyes and it was on! We got on the interstate and it was back and forth...the changing of gears.+Gforce and total thrill like a ride at the fair. The stranger in the other car did it too. He blinked his lights in thanks when we went different ways. Great memory!
It was a 1991Mitsubishi Gallant with an Eclipse motor with turbo, factory built for the Audobon, Limited Edition # 501 out of 2000 made, all-wheel drive "elite of the elites". He sold it because parts were too expensive to fix when things needed fixing.
I love Rome, I've been there twice and would go again if it were easy. I visited Siena during my first visit to Italy, and fell in love with their cathedral. The thought of Fauci in that city is horrifiyng.
Thank you for sharing some of the details of your trip! It is appreciated!
Wonderful to hear you were warmly welcomed. Coming to support the planned rescue efforts, no doubt helps. I'm surprised, in Meloni land, that such an issue exists. Suppose it may reflect an EU origin. (Hope the pic also intimates progress with your healing.)
Perhaps in Fauci land, I shouldn't be surprised. That he's there and evidently intimately involved castes a dark light on his attitudes and motivations.
Italy is indeed gorgeous. Thanks for your shots of your surrounds!
Will be looking forward to your further details!
Off Topic:
HHS/RFK Jr reported in on their
"Stork Speed"
dive in the state of nourishment snd health Babyfood is providing
Pretty cheeky title. :)
Robert you are a brave man doing Coach Class overnight to EU!
The last two times I trotted off to the Continent, my wife and I did DeltaOne to London and Zurich (so I could have the room to sleep) and on the return to NYC during the day, we did Coach "premium" for an extra $90 or so, so my Sweet Virginia could stretch her troubled leg into the aisle when needed.
PS: I loved that big infectious grin Jill sported . . . that's the kind of infection this planet needs more of!!
Thank you for the update on the continued fight and for giving voice to vaccine injured around the world. Unrelated question Dr. Malone – I see you're wearing an Apple Watch in the last photo, and using a laptop without an EMF plate. Are you concerned about having a smart device (the watch) in contact with your skin? I know Dr. Tess Lawrie has a lot to say about EMF hazards.
Not only Dr. Lawrie, but the A.M.D. as well as Dr. Mercola and others.
Link to an EMF plate? Did a search and only got EMF paint. Ha!
Hah! This is the brand I got (however a previous version of the product). I haven't measured whether it's keeping my lap EMF-free, but it certainly keeps the hot electric-fizz feel of a laptop off my legs when sitting and working:
Here's another brand too: