Mar 20, 2023·edited Mar 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am a professor at the University of Strasbourg (France) and even if the name of my university doesn't appear I can tell you that the globalist ideology is dominant. As in every university. No need for a WEF representative. Group think does the job, unfortunately.

This is actually a reason why I. am so grateful to you because in 2021, at the heart of the crisis, at. some point I was feeling rather lonely at my University. Knowing that there were other scholars and scientists around the world who hadn't lost their brain to group think and propaganda was indeed very comforting.

Of course I am also extremely grateful for everything you've accomplished so far in this war —which is fifth generation warfare indeed.

Again a great many thanks.

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Professor, Have you read this book? If you want to fight back against this you should add it to your curriculum. It is brilliant.


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Not sure if the Professor is tenured, but it's seriously questioned if he would be allowed to add it to his curriculum. Or if he did, how much longer would he still be with the university?

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Fully tenured... I did add MMA to my curriculum back in the day.

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Thank you sir. I meant, could you do so today...and still teach? We've seen so many good folk like you censored and censured.

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So far so good... I've got a book coming up on the present crisis. Also I'm helping Alexandra Henrion-Caude with her own book (The Sorcerer's Apprentices). But I believe they've chosen to pretend we don't exist rather than confrontation.

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It is pretty obvious we have been infiltrated and they are using wokeism as a way to create class warfare, cultural distress, and more.

The big question is why does "Social Justice" suddenly feel like a bad thing? For decades social Justice meant noble things like Civil Rights Movement, Marriage Equality, and more. These are all things we should care about: reducing racism, being kind to people with gender identity issues, limiting harm to the environment, etc etc.

The answer is simple. Because we are not allowed to be part of the solutions. They are TELLING us their dogmatic solutions and anyone who disagrees with their solutions is a heretic and will be cancelled.

The solution to the environment is electric cars, no gas stoves, and eating bugs.

The solution to covid is vaccines.

The solution to kids with gender dysphoria getting bullied is gender affirming care and allowing natural born males into female sports.

Etc. Etc.

They won't debate this, they won't listen to alternative solutions, and they won't even let the marginalized groups themselves discredit them.

Any movement that cancels people instead of criticizes the actual ideas goes against the very fabric of liberal values (liberal as in free thinking, not meaning "left" here).

There is an amazing new book out by Tim Urban called "What's Our Problem? A Self-Help Book for Societies."

If you care about this topic at all, it is an absolute must read. Honestly it might be the most important book in the last 5 years. Anyone who wants to stand up to this bullying and vengeful movement needs to arm themselves with better ways to approach it.

We wrote a little about it here but cannot stress enough that we do not do it justice. The book is masterfully done. (If you are on the right get through the chapter about Jan 6 which was written before the new video evidence came out).


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You are right. There is a problem with infiltration. You'll find the Fabian Society is part of this, founded in 1884 with the logo of a wolf in sheep's clothing. They seem to be a deeply embedded part of most universities, even here in New Zealand.

The other group infiltrating education, and even governments, beginning with the State Department in the U.S. are the tax-exempt foundations. Norman Dodd, head of research for the 1953 Reece Commission into the political activity of these foundations after the fall of China to Communism, discovered in the 1908 and 1909 minutes for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the following:

"Is there any means known more effective than war, assuming you wish to alter the life of an entire people?"

The conclusion: no more effective means than war to that end is known to humanity.

Then another question was asked in 1909...

"How do we involve the United States in a war?

We must control the State Department.

How do we do that?

We must take over and control the diplomatic machinery of this country."

And they did this by joining forces with the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation and the Guggenheim Foundation. They introduced the Rhodes' Scholarships and changed the teaching of history. The Rockefellers became involved in education to dumb down the population.

You can read more here: https://by-julietbonnay.com/2021/10/how-tax-exempt-foundations-subvert-democracy/

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Just got it on Kindle, gracias amigos y amigas.

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Which is why I can't wait to vote for Ron Desantis. Just look at Doc Malone's list: "not just to the pandemic policies of masking, mandates and lockdowns, but to climate change, the elimination of gas fueled cars, Agenda 2030, the move to eliminate private ownership items such as autos and housing, digital IDs, digital currency, 15-minute cities, taking away private land for conservation, globalized censorship".

DeSantis hasn't merely tweeted about these issues (as well as woke-ism) on the right side of history, he has *governed Florida* according to these correct "freedom" positions.

Yeah, yeah, I know some dismiss DeSantis as just another neo-con.

But just like Elon Musk buying and fixing Twitter, I'm holding out hope that DeSantis will similarly fix America. BTW -- like Obama (boo!) before him, DeSantis just published a book with the last chapter titled "Make America Florida": https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BBGJZDV9/


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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Take over of the world, all in plain sight 🤬

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It is. and I really appreciate Dr Malone's work here in documenting who they are. While their polices are all destructive, their networking and "March through the Institutions" has been incredibly effective. In their dark hearts they are fundamentally Malthusian, and despite their very high "academic" credentials, they are blindly ignorant and insufferably arrogant. Dr Malone mentions "Global Warming" as a tool they wield. Victor Klaus wrote an excellent book on this called "Blue Planet in Green shackles."

These static ideals of one world government and depopulation have not gone unnoticed. One response was the Heidelberg Appeal, which was in reaction to the United Nations sponsored “Earth Summit” in Rio-de-Janeiro in 1992. It has over 4,000 signatures from scientists around the world including 72 Nobel Prize winners. Partial text:…”We are, however, worried, at the dawn of the twenty-first century, at the emergence of an irrational ideology which is opposed to scientific and industrial progress, and impedes economic and social development”… Heidelberg Appeal http://www.fact-index.com/h/he/heidelberg_appeal.html

As the world grows ever smaller via human technology, human systems and corporations grow ever more global. It is logical therefore that systems of human corruption can and would also became more pervasive and global in scale. The merge of One world Government and international business is not to be trusted.

All of the above, and much more is outlined in direct but kind red pill format in this article here...


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We can thank Bush 41 for signing on to Agenda 21 and USAID for relentlessly funding many of its moving piece parts overseas. We can thank John D. Rockefeller 3rd for his lengthy commissioned response to the Nixon and Congress request for a study on Population, clearly a threat to the U.S. https://nssm200.com/population-and-the-american-future-the-report-of-the-commission-on-population-growth-and-the-american-future/63.htm. We can thank the Jesuits - Pierre Theilard de Chardin considered the United Nations as “the progressivist institutional incarnation of his philosophy.” In his book The Future of Man, Theilard writes: “Even if its form is not yet visible, tomorrow humanity will wake up in a pan-organized world.” And Helena Blavatsky, a declared Luciferian “Lucifer represents Life, Thought, Progress, Civilization, Liberty, Independence… Lucifer is the Logos, the Serpent, the Savior.” And the Freemasons – from Albert Pike 1871 “We will unleash the nihilists and atheists and provoke a formidable social cataclysm that will clearly demonstrate to the nations, in all its horror, the effect of absolute atheism, the origin of barbarism and bloody subversion. Then citizens everywhere, forced to defend themselves against a world minority of revolutionaries, […] will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, finally revealed to the public’s view; a manifestation that will be followed by the destruction of Christianity and also of atheism, which will be conquered and crushed at the same time!” And Robert Muller, who was the Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations: “We must move as quickly as possible towards a one-world government, a one-world religion, and a single world leader.” And before him, one of the advocates of the League of Nations, Arthur Balfour, created the “Synthetic Society,” which had as its purpose the creation of the “one-world religion.” And Muller, the founder of the World Core Curriculum, which aimed “to orient our children towards global citizenship, earth-centered beliefs, socialist values and the collective mindset, which are becoming a requirement for the work force of the 21st century”. Today we see how the teaching methods theorized by Muller in the World Core Curriculum have been adopted by almost all nations, including LGBT ideology, gender theory, and all other forms of indoctrination. This is confirmed by the former director of the WHO, Dr. Brock Chisolm, explaining what the UN educational policy would like to achieve: “In order to achieve a world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, fidelity to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas” (cf. Christian World Report, Marzo 1991, Vol. 3). And we can thank Vatican II – Jesuit Bergoglio, i.e. Pope Francis. Those heading the WEF believe that with direction from Lucifer they can achieve a life that last forever. The secret is in the DNA of the giants that lived in the hidden city of Sumeria

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America needs to totally disconnect from the UN, WHO., and the WEF. They are out to take over globally...and the only thing they liked about America - our financial support. It seems that the people in our government should have been aware a long time ago that the UN and their sister organizations were on the take. America was voted against in every issue brought up by the myriad of smaller nations that composed the UN. I think we needed to elect people with degrees in economics, because career politicians know nothing about balancing the budget; and not supporting foreign interests in any way. The last of this was written in the Constitution. American taxes were only to be used here in America.. America is in a sorry state financially, because our Congress does not know the Constitution. They take an oath to defend the Constitution, which they fail to uphold. The state of our educational system has deteriorated in the last sixty years. Students are not even being educated in many schools around the country. Many graduate highschool without the abilty to read...let alone go on to higher learning. Those who enter our universities are not well prepared.

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The Constitution of the United States grants no power to the federal government over education. If we eliminated the unconstitutional Dept. of Education, guaranteed student loans and grants to colleges and universities a large number of colleges and universities would be out of business and the cost of a “higher” education would plummet to an amount a student could afford to pay with a summer job or work/study program.

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The u.n. was designed to be on the take. Just like its equally ineffective predecessor, the league of nations, both were given us by progressives hell-bent on welding US wealth to a global (make that european) cabal of nations feeding off of us.

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Something I suspected all along and now some proof.

Is it considered a conspiracy if the REALLY are out to get you?

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Mar 20, 2023·edited Mar 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It seems, with few exceptions, people who attain some status, (they are in some way, small or large, finally “somebody”) in whatever part of society, do so because they are desperate to have the status - and then willing to do most anything to maintain it. Including lying to themselves and abandoning anything that would threaten their “status”. Including Truth.

The apostle Paul in the 2nd chapter of 2 Thessalonians describes the situation this way:

Then the lawless one will be revealed ... the coming of whom is according to Satans operation in all power and signs and wonders of a lie and in all deceit of unrighteousness among those who are perishing, because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved.

It may not look like these university presidents are perishing, but they are - because they DID NOT RECEIVE THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH. They were simply unwilling to receive the love of the truth because - it costs too much. Just like jr high public school students - they can't stand against the peer pressure.

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Can you see this, brother? "Thank you, Dr. Malone. The ‘system' is a beast. Reminds me of the call to the Israelites; "Now, therefore, fear the LORD and serve Him in sincerity and truth; cast aside the gods your fathers served beyond the Euphrates and in Egypt, and serve the LORD. But if it is unpleasing in your sight to serve the LORD, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living. As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD!” The people replied, “Far be it from us to forsake the LORD to serve other gods!…” Joshua 24:14-16"

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Unfortunately, you are wrong about the system being the beast. The rapture hasn’t happened yet so the beast hasn’t be exposed.

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I said ‘a’ beast, and I do not subscribe to the Darby theory of eschatology.

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AND... Not only did they not receive the love of truth, but they also function as the "high priests" for their religion:

Hebrews 9:7 KJV — But into the second went the high priest alone once every year, not without blood, which he offered for himself, and for the errors of the people:

Hebrews 13:11 KJV — For the bodies of those beasts, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin, are burned without the camp.

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Doc, this is the very genesis of all the working worlds problems in one single article. Thank you for making this clear to me for the first time. I now understand how all of these folks can come to the same idea in the same moment.. Burk Daggett

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this piece Dr. Malone , the role of the Universities is huge and pernicious, I wasn’t aware of the WEF’s direct hand in this.

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Foreign agents without a doubt.

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They cannot see that. They see only one world gov so.....

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At some point they will pluck out their own eyeballs!

They don't realize how ruthlessly impossible this task is.

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I hope you are right. I can see famine, scorching heat, dryness, no electric grids, etc in the future...

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That is only because you have yet to tap your mind.

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No, that would be wand, magic wand.

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I don't know what you mean.

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All I see is college graduates worshipping their Alma Mata and it is rare they put the same time and effort into their local church compared to their schools' sports team. Build up your local church who teaches the truth of the bible, not your woke college full of communists and fascists.

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

RM said: "Those politicians with affiliations to the WEF need to declare themselves as foreign agents."


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And that would do exactly what?

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Out them. Force them to admit they are foreign agents. Thus making them much easier targets.

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Mar 21, 2023·edited Mar 21, 2023

Targets for what and for who. Don't expect any government or judicial authority to do anything. They are no longer servants of the people. We are cattle.

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Not expecting any help from the govt. They would be easier targets for us and the alternative media. It would be easier for Malone/Bannon etc to reveal their true colors. Easier for us to talk to others who are still blue pilled to start to crack the brainwashing. It is also possible that if they were required to sign up as foreign agents some of them might recoil and quit altogether.

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Angel Cabrera at GA Tech in Atlanta is a graduate of the WEF young global leaders.

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this information that explains so much. At least the list of university presidents is relatively short.

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm going to keep referring to Iain McGilchrist' book, "The Matter With Things" I think he has a greatly important contribution to our understanding of what is the matter with humanity. As I am reading it I keep seeing Yuval Harari's and other NWO self proclaimed elites faces in my mind. Yet, the madness does not end with them as Dr. Malone's article points out. McGilchrist describes exactly what their, and many others, society as a whole in fact, extreme deficit is: a non functioning whole brain, meaning both left and right hemispheres, the RH now debilitated. I suspect cell phones placed against the right side of the head exacerbated this worldwide serious mental disability. Consider all these leaders, would they not be among the earliest and heaviest users of this technology? Here's some quotes from his book:

ON AUTISM - We're looking at 1 in 2 autistic males and consider perhaps that the cause of the increase is purposeful (vaccines) rendering them utilitarian in nature, useful. He writes, "It is widely accepted that the autistic brain tends toward excessive systematisation. This then leads to the substitution of rules and procedures, for the intuitive, engaged, intersubjective understanding of the world that is no longer available: human affairs are seen as guided by specific rules, rigid principles and schemas – schemas that are insensitive, like bureaucratic procedures.

ON SCHIZOPHRENIA - "I would ask the reader again not to be so literal-minded as to see this only as an expression of an illness, but also of the way the world begins to become when we privilege the left hemisphere’s take at the expense of that of the right." "We saw that one schizophrenic patient thought that ‘people should take inanimate matter as a model in order to constitute their firmness and the rationality of their movements.’ Another says ‘everything I do, I do with logic and reconsideration … Almost nothing works naturally, of its own accord … (THUS THE VACCINE MANIA and now TRANSGENDERISM DRUGS AND SURGERIES FOR CHILDREN and TRANSHUMANISM IMPLANTS). Kretschmer described the schizoid temperament as having ‘a certain tenacious characteristic, a tendency to the enumeration of names and figures, to numbering, and schematisation, to logical abstraction, and to the BUILDING OF A SYSTEM AT ALL COSTS.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I will never regret subscribing to your substack, Dr Malone! What a hero you are! (Is one of your horses a white charger?)

At the time I thought I would be reading explanations about the science of mRNA. But your mind and your heart are too big for such a constrained topic. This is a brilliant expose of the WEF. Only the other day I was thinking we need a world wide movement #stopthewef. It’s started but it’s too small and erratic. Where elections have occurred the trend is to more ‘normal’ values. Look at Italy, and now the amazing farmers’ party in the Netherlands. And in the US the house has a Republican edge. As an American who has lived in Canada for 50 years I would like to see Trudeau’s party blown out of the water. And at one time I might have voted liberal, even though the men in my family might have disowned me!

I think the names of wef members should be published across the globe for each country. I think laws should be passed that put a cap on campaign contributions so people like George Soros can’t control voting. I am happy to finally see a lot of tweets and articles on him and hopefully others will learn of his evil manipulations. I’m seeing an emergence of decent politicians who are standing up against what is showing itself to be a global totalitarian regime. The global population needs to know their ultimate end point as you pointed out. Which I think, ultimately, is annihilation of the majority of humanity either through outright genocide (otherwise known as mRNA ‘vaccines’) or transhumanism, which sounds to me like mind control through AI. I don’t want that for my kids or grandkids.

In a positive light I do believe the majority of people are decent human beings. I think they have been gulled by main stream tv into thinking the world will go back to normal. And I think they need to be enlightened before it is too late.

I’m starting to like the idea of Steve Kirsch’s billboards in major cities!

(In ending, thank you so much for all you and Jill do for humanity. Lots of us root for you both so think of us when someone says/writes something unkind. They are either uninformed or small minded. Don’t let them deter you from this very essential mission!)

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Excellent and well


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According to https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11BrDadiUGN-vQBe7Jolcb_-aWhLT7S2AkWOkSX49M40/htmlview?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&pru=AAABgtUNHPE*zWApIbqp5CEAp4PzmGxFSg#gid=74755237, the USA institutions mentioned have the following policies:

Cal Tech: booster required

Columbia: mandate lifted 05/11/23

Georgetown: booster required

Harvard: booster required

MIT: booster required

Princeton: basic vaccine, but no booster required

Stanford: booster required

UC, all campuses: booster required

University of Chicago: has lifted its mandate, though there was a mandate for a time

University of Pennsylvania: booster required

Yale: booster required

Students and Parents should boycott these institutions until their presidents resign from GULF, all mandates for incoming students are lifted, and they commit to refunding all tuition and R&B payments to students who are affected by any future mandates or were affected by past mandates.

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Fits with David Cashion’s comment above, on steroids. They’re already attacking the potential elites.

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