Nov 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And next February the CDC’s decision to add the Covid vaccine to the “Recommended” category for school immunisation schedules goes into effect. This too is unconscionable as well as criminal! How much more data do we need to convince everyone that children are at little to no risk from Covid while the vaccines present considerably higher risk? My granddaughter attends a private Christian school in Washington State. Washington tried to put the Covid vaccine on the required schedule for schools(public and private) last year but backed off after unprecedented public outcry. We shall see what happens now that the CDC has put these vaccines on the recommended list. We are also hearing about States and institutions moving to quash religious exemptions for the Covid vaccine on the grounds that you or your child “have gotten other vaccines and have not requested religious exemption”. This is outrageous. This battle is far from over and we now see that they never retreated, they just reloaded.

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If this isn't ended all involved will be criminals. Those that knew and sat by silent, will receiving their fat paychecks, will have sacrificed others for their own benefit. If this continues and no courts step in, society will never recover. There will be no trust in any authority.

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Inslee will 100% mandate it and hide behind the coattails of the CDC ruling.

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Horrible ,Terrible. I want escape with my grandchildren to Florida

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Absolutely! I was pro-vaccine all my life, until 18 months ago. The vaccine schedule for kids is out of control and there’s no way it’s a good thing

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That’s Harma harmacist lobbyist, to you, good sir.

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Each day another infuriating straw on the back. When will it break?

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Catalyst event.

If my children and yours are vaccinated against our choice or knowledge, by force, edict or otherwise the response will be overwhelming, epic and without mercy.

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Maybe... but I thought similarly at many points. Society is an army of frogs in a pot. They just have to heat us slowly enough.

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Been simmering for many decades...

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It also affects men 60+ yrs. My brother is 65 and now has myocarditis. Got it after the shots. Never had heart issues in the past. Now his energy levels are low, he is on and off diuretics and other meds. Now he worries constantly, and is fearful he won’t ever see his grandchildren. Oh yeah, those shots were sooo worth it! I’m thankful my husband and I said NO. We are the ONLY TWO in both families that said no. One daughter woke up after the initial two shots, the other got boosted. My grandkids will NOT be getting the shots, ever. I pray for them every day.

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Same here exactly. Gordon Lightfoot’s tune “Too Late for Prayin’ “ comes to mind. From happier times. I pray anyway.

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The lower schools and colleges/universities mandating their students be jabbed is becoming more and more sinister to me.

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More parents should give home-schooling serious consideration.

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"Jaques Attali, French international banker, Advisor to French president Francois Mitterand in 1981" “...We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated...."

Time to stop being fearful and stupid!

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Great write-up. Something I have to keep reminding myself and others; myocarditis is only ONE of the many AE's associated with these shots and, if this is scary on its own, consider the total damage that has been done.

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Such a good point. And we now know that CDCs own VSafe database tells an even more alarming story than the VAERS data. We also know that they deliberately withheld the VSafe data from the public. If this isn’t criminal behavior I don’t know what is. Justice will eventually come, partially in this life and fully in the next.

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Nov 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent review.

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As was once opined by one of the docs who comment here--why aren't the nation's physicians up in arms over this? Why have they not inundated the AMA with demands they come out in opposition to the malpractice, the doing lots and lots of harm and the outright illegality involved in this travesty?

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Because they're all afraid they'll lose their jobs. Look what they did to Dr. Peter McCullough! He is a brilliant medical leader with years of experience...and the AMA is (or has already) decertified him -- that is, remove his medical license. If they can do this to Dr. McCullough, they can and will do it to you.

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It was the ABIM, or American Board of Internal Medicine that decertified Dr. McCullough. The AMA does not certify or license physicians, but they have come out with strong statements in favor of the COVID "vaccines"

Like the FDA, the CDC, and the ABIM, the AMA is captured and corrupt. In my opinion, they all should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

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Thank you for the correction!

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I listened to a town hall type interview with a physician, last summer, who was confronted about what has occurred not just to the children but the many adults maimed or dead. He very politely cleared his throat and said this...”I am ashamed I did not do due diligence or deep research regarding the vaccine. There was information out there. I trusted the CDC and the NIH with the information they presented to we physicians. I’m horrified, !THEY LIED TO US! Those trusted organizations purposefully disseminated false information and blatantly hid the parts that would have alerted many to the deception.”

That’s partially unsatisfactory as it does not helped the wounded and colors this doctor either too busy or plain lazy to entertain basic virology and infectious disease taught to even we lowly nurses. I’ll give him a pass for fessing up though. He was afraid to be shunned or fired. Now he and many have to live with what part they played in all this horrid manipulation.

I might add that government controlled purse strings through government health plans etc. which bound the hands of many hospitals. Either comply or shut your doors. Locally the only sane hospital is a State psych hospital. They followed minimally. Thank goodness for them, where on occasion I volunteer my services in nursing administration, no vax mandates by order of our conservative Governor.

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Because, sadly, the nature of physicians’ training is dogmatic and their employment is under the scrutiny of department heads. They dare not think outside the box for fear of repercussions... especially here in ontario Chinada where the cpso is holding its ground with nasty treatment of 3 very principled, honest MDs who will face expulsion for their adherence to truth. Hearings are not going well. And im a criminal because i posted the proceedings just b4 they threatened a $25000 fine for spreading the youtube coverage. Screw’ em i say.

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I applaud you for being so brave and standing against what Canada is doing to its citizens over the last two years. Implementing similar abuse of

Medical Professionals in US has taken hold as well. Legal Proceedings in US against doctors are mimicking Canada at the specialty certification boards. In our democrat run States like California, they just passed a criminal law for any doctor who says or publishes what the non medical politician says is disinformation. I believe there are some docs who are being charged now. Many docs in last two years have lost their jobs over refusing to be silent.

Where will this all end? Nowhere good for any of we outliers.

Stay strong my friend and I’m adding you specifically to my daily intercessional prayers!

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Thank you. My prayers include you as well. 🙏🏽

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Thank you. One poignant lesson that has come about because of all this is how so many Believers are growing stronger in faith and following the urgings of this walk of faith. For this I will forever be grateful/Thankful for the connections we have all over the US and world.

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Sadly there are many parents that have and continue to willingly line up their kids… they are now to blame for not seeing the data in front of their eyes! My 11 year old son was telling me a story where he was on the play ground last year with another boy and was trying to move away from him because he was obviously sick and coughing. The boy kept getting closer to my son and said “it’s OK, I got the vaccine”. How odd our mentality is these days, to line up for something with such little protection but many possible risks, and still feel “safe” because you got the jab. I feel really bad for these poor kids…

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Great review. It so very sad to read about this young boy who is not alone in his physical struggles since many of us in medical community were vocal about why the age group did NOT need this vaccine in the first place. It’s all so obvious now that the mandates, over reach and constant LIE, ABOUT THIS NEW mRNA vaccine bombarded us every 30 minutes for two years. Many hold outs finally gave in to this. Those many are now living an altered life, one they did not deserve to be handed on the plate of evil intent. This does not even touch the thoughts I have on what other body parts function is now forever altered?

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How foolish/naive for me to fail to see the predictive value of Orwell’s description of man’s future: a boot heavy on the head of another fellow human being. Thought to be, if true, years away. Those years have passed. The spiritual war begins. The enemy has miscalculated like Zelensky. But God suffers no lie forever.🙏🏽🌎

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Very clear and very sad: we have all been badly deceived by our health. institutions.

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This is only Chapter One in the long story of the younger generations.

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Even with all the desensitization, this still shocks as time goes and the data rolls out.

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I’ve heard from scientific sources (perhaps McCullough, but don’t quote me on that) the following: Five-year survival after serious case of myocarditis is not good; most hearts are damaged by the jab, even in sub clinical cases. And what does all this mean for our mandated military, who are in the vulnerable age group for myocarditis? (This question is rhetorical.)

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Can someone explain to me why this myocarditis seems to only affect young males? Why aren't we seeing similar rates of adverse reactions in young females? I didn't think the vascular system was all that different between the sexes. I'd really appreciate if Dr. Malone or someone else could explain this.

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There is no definitive answer to date. Here is some information on what has been found so far: "A team of researchers in the United Kingdom conducted an in-depth investigation of 22 patients who developed serious blood clots along with a drop in blood platelets after receiving a dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is now called Vaxzevria. They also tested one additional patient who had clinical signs of a drop in blood platelets after vaccination. Nearly all the patients — 22 of 23 — tested positive for unusual antibodies to platelet factor 4, a signaling protein that helps the body coordinate blood clotting.

The presence of the antibodies suggests that the vaccines are somehow triggering an autoimmune attack that causes large clots to form that then diminish the supply of platelets in the blood.

The study and an editorial on the cases are published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

This is at least the fourth study detailing the presence of these antibodies in patients with blood clots and low platelets after vaccination, and doctors say the emerging evidence suggests that doctors should remain vigilant for this new syndrome in anyone — male or female — who experiences symptoms of blood clots anywhere in the body, not just the brain.

James Zehnder, MD, director of the coagulation laboratory at Stanford University School of Medicine in California, said that the mounting evidence pointing to a "maladaptive immune response" was quite remarkable."

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Still waiting for an explanation. Any takers?

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"...she is hardly to blame for trusting in taxpayer-funded health agencies whose sole function is to keep the public healthy and safe."

That might be their ostensible role, and it might be what they claim, and it might be what they have done in the past, but now things are different. Those agencies have likely been bought and are now complying with the nwo's agenda for creating a manageable and sustainable future by means of depopulation.

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It makes your heart break for these children that are damaged by these vaccines. So wrong on many fronts to force children to get vaccinated.

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