The perpetrators of this WEF & trans communism malignancy in the USA such as Barack Obama , Rahm Emmanuel, and many members of Biden's Deep State must be exposed, isolated and politically destroyed.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We’re working on it, honey bun, tonight! I have a bottle of champagne chilled in case my prayers are answered…….

(Wednesday morning) I had a beer instead.

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Yeah, I understand. It's discouraging that so little changed. We helped elect a good sheriff, so there's that.

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100% chance, this fits into a much larger picture with a real life Author who is watching and severely cares and fixes injustice.

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Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus.

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"Whether you're an anchor or whether you're a banker

You're sayin' a lie

Sayin a lie

The narrative is breakin' but everybody's quakin'

They're sayin' a lie

Sayin' a lie

Ah ah ah ah sayin’ a lie, sayin’ a lie

Ah ah ah ah sayin’ a lie"


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Incredible, thanks for sharing. Sometimes it feels like a very lonely place to be.

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It is a lonely place. Even people that know, don't want to present as if they know, sometimes.

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Klaus and his Circus of Clowns will never prevail over the spirit and determination of the American people. Remember, we are being force fed this nonsensical propaganda by a very small percentage of the population. What you see on the flat screens in your home and office and what you read on your phone (hand-held tracking device) is psychological warfare. Don't engage them. Continue to shine light on this diabolical agenda. Those with ears will hear!

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The "spirit and determination" of the American people were on display, yesterday, with the high turnout for a mid-term election. However, once the WEF has a firm grip on Joe Biden's genitals & we have our own version of Sigrid Kaag in place as our Purity Czar, we will be as free as fish in a barrel. Who do you shoot when the Actual enemy lives in Switzerland and the cops are just desperate to feed their families?

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With these measures will likely come localized underground economies. Bartering, local currencies; hell, trading seashells as money if necessary. People can be pretty resourceful. Granted, it could be argued as a giant cultural step backward, but we tend to do what we have to do to survive, I think. To those that can't or won't, it's going to be a hard life.

That is, unless we can unite to stop it...

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Florida has passed laws prohibiting child puberty blocker and surgery. They are minors. Thankful for leadership! DeSantis is pro family.

His quote: “Florida is where woke comes to die.!”

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The USA will return to its roots and crush the globalists. Count on it.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I really enjoyed hearing you read this article, Dr. Malone. First time I tried this feature and I really like it!

That said, the author's words were excellent. Thanks for hosting this.

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Nov 8, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks, Dr. Malone. The WEF seems like a front group to me, they're all a bit too 'End-times'-villains for my taste. There has been some 'chatter' about an abnormal amount of EAMs yesterday and today... but frankly, who knows who is telling the truth, certainly not me. I am having a friend check it out. Could be just another 'shiny object' meant give a new level of fear and 'Emergency' powers. Or it could be really BAD policy is afoot. Praying for wisdom, discernment and protection.

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Praying and Praising our one and Only Lord God!! Dr. Malone and Jill we love and respect you. Thank you for all you do. Blessing to you and your beautiful family. Gospodi Pomiluj!!

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I have yet to hear that he has even started reviewing.

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In the WEFuture, there will be little travel. Your toil will earn you credit to " experience" via a Meta Mask without leaving your domicile ... "Higher Learning" will be administered the same way ; sufficient to do your assigned task.

The Party and the ' Proles

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Yes that’s true according to researchers who have read & studied their diabolical plans/ books! Here is a really well explained 3 part series on Agenda 2030 from it’s early beginning with people like Maurice Strong, UN Secretary General and Joshua Holderman, Elon Musk’s grandfather who was a part of early technocracy and carbon credits.

Agenda 2030 By UK Column & Sandi Adam (Researcher & former set designer )


For one mother, a brief meeting with Bill Gates led to conducting a dedicated investigation of the Global Biodiversity Assessment 1997  (hosted by the UN here, archived online here and academically reviewed here): over 1,000 pages detailing a dystopian plan for the world.

 Join Sandi Adams as she exposes this world plan, now better known as Agenda 2030, and hear why she warns it must be stopped.

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God is our refuge in our time of need fear God not man!

I have opporated on this plain for the past 57 years and God has never let me down! I practiced law for over thirty years and my father a former chief of police warned me there are two groups you can never trust bankers and lawyers! When I dropped out of University in the second half of my third year I applied for a job in the bank and they said they couldn’t higher me! I asked why they said you are too smart you will analyze what we do and after two years you will leave the bank to compete with us! So eventually I desided to practice law without joining the LSUC and I did for I started by going on the radio and offering free legal advice the local lawyers were furious with me! But I had the fear of God and I couldn’t be silenced! I practiced in five provinces and 18 states I had a ninty some percent success rate why because the fear of God was my guide! I was once a friend of a CIA agent whose job was to enter various countries and study their laws to confirm how to overthrow the Government without firing a shot!

I am not invincible but I am protected by the promise of Jesus Christ’s presence in my life I urge each of you to trust Him!

I listened to a few hours of testimony yesterday of cross examination of one of the Truck convoys organizer on trial for acts of treason against our Prime-minister Mr Trudeau and Mr Singh and Ms Freeland the daughter of a Nazi Second World War German Officer! The Government Prosecutor said there was nothing wrong with our three leaders taking their commands from the WEF and accepting a gift from the WEF to force us all to take a card that tracks all our spending and includes an ongoing update on our vaccine status! It will give the government the same credit score system of Communist China and it will have the authority not to allow us to travel or buy food that the government feels should only be provided to their faithful followers! We even have CCP police stations now in Canada!

It is time to pray and to stop this Satanic plot!

Randy Burch


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Transcommunism – good one!

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This is a frightening scenario! May the Lord deliver us out of the clutches of these misguided globalist-elitists!

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There was a WWII song that I remember ( I am old, I guess) about, “Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition...”. It rings true, and has validity at today’s time, though few of us ever thought that such a necessity would arise, and so we hoped. Now,we know better. Organize , for a future, don’t just passively mourn for the past.

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The Founders left us the 2nd for a good reason

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There’s one thing good about being old, or maybe two:

I’ve been through so much , so often, that I cry less and get quietly angry much easier; and,

I still can do what I was trained to do back then, and I’m much steadier doing it now. I’ve kept my equipment and supplies, and if needs be, my ammunition, along with my self-respect and faith in the Lord. And now I don’t become frightened easily or often.

We older guys can and must help train the few worthwhile younger folks about how the 2nd defends all the other Amendments.

We also have the advantage of refusing to send our taxes in to our would-be Fascist rulers- a tax strike. This remark may get me severely treated, but it’s not violent, and since I’m alone now, and I have no one around, I’m less vulnerable to pressure.If, Heaven forbid it becomes necessary... and it’s not violent , to reiterate.

Do not comply.

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Wise words, sir -- thank you ... and w/ where your faith lies, you're never alone.

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Thank you, but if truth be told, it surely feels terribly bad being alone. How it feels seems very realistic, despite the intellectual reassurance that , as a matter of faith, one is never alone really if one has faith.

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Funny memory for me, not of WW2 but of my uncle who sang that as he was recovering from an appendectomy, but not quite recovered from the anesthesia.

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God is with us but we may still have to get busy pushing back on this. We have to take an active stance and not expect God to swoop in and do everything. We have power through the spirit & power in Jesus’ name. Good news is God has never lost a battle and he’s not flinching right now. Neither am I. .

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What pronouns should we use with the transcommie thing?

Terribly depressing topic and times we are in. Trying to find the silver lining and not succeeding...

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Canada does NOT have foreign influence registry, meaning that Justin Trudeau, Christia Freeland and Jagmeet Singh-all WEF linked, do NOT have to declare their allegiance or CONFLICT OF INTEREST to WEF in implementing policies that have consequences on Canada and Canadians.

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Brings to mind the Buffalo Springfield song, “”Stop Children What’s that Sound?”

“There's something happening here

But what it is ain't exactly clear

There's a man with a gun over there

Telling me I got to beware

I think it's time we stop

Children, what's that sound?

Everybody look, what's going down?

There's battle lines being drawn

Nobody's right if everybody's wrong

Young people speaking their minds

Getting so much resistance from behind

It's time we stop

Hey, what's that sound?

Everybody look, what's going down?

What a field day for the heat (Ooh ooh ooh)

A thousand people in the street (Ooh ooh ooh)

Singing songs and they carrying signs (Ooh ooh ooh)

Mostly say, "Hooray for our side" (Ooh ooh ooh)

It's time we stop

Hey, what's that sound?

Everybody look, what's going down?

Paranoia strikes deep

Into your life it will creep

It starts when you're always afraid

Step out of line, the men come and take you away

We better stop

Hey, what's that sound?

Everybody look, what's going down?

You better stop

Hey, what's that sound?

Everybody look, what's going down?

You better stop

Now, what's that sound?

Everybody look, what's going down?

You better stop

Children, what's that sound?

Everybody look, what's going down?”

Beware, beware of the smokescreen that covers malfeasance in sheep’s clothing.

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I remember this song so well. I was selling lightbulbs as a band booster project and this song was on the car radio. I knocked on the door of a little clapboard house and the sweet man who answered the door said, “Baby girl, I’d sure buy some light bulbs if I had an electricity.” I’ll never forget the moment.

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Now the hippie guys are crazy Democrats.

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Top notch description of the planning/goals, the course of events that have been going on and where it may end up. On to gathering all the strategies we all can generate to short-circuit (hopefully blow up) their planned trajectory. Thanks to you Dr Malone and Mr Grootaers for sharing this with us!

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