Fauci replied with "I do not recall" 176 times.

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Someone needs to bring him in after researching those 176 instances of bad memory and remind him of when the facts should have been clear to him based on his experience, words or position or written statements.

How someone with such appalling faculties could be the highest paid functionary in the USA is beyond belief.

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“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying... but they are still lying." - Solzhenitsyn

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That sums it up.

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Jordan Peterson did a pretty good job of bringing him back into the public consciousness over the past few years. At least with some groups.

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Could you imagine Biden doing an 8 hour deposition on Hunter and the Ukraine dealings? It would probably be the one time democrats admit having him in the spotlight is elder abuse.

The contrast with Fauci is extraordinary, as he was most likely able to weasel out of anything potentially incriminating for 8 hours. Decades of leading a bureaucracy honed these skills, but to be able to wield them so well even at 82 years old is one of his crowning achievements.

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Fauci is a devil or should I say a devil!

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Wish he had to submit to a lie dectector test!!!

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Dec 6, 2022·edited Dec 6, 2022

"I do not recall" is the go-to reply for deep-staters.

Her Majesty Hillary used it a couple of hundred times during questioning by the press (back when they asked tough question of Democrats as well as Republicans. But to be clear, not AS tough.).

I believe James Comey also used it over a hundred times during one of his testimony sessions to Congress.

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He was prepped obviously.

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He doesn't need to be prepped to "not recall"--even though he hasn't done many depositions, deniability has been his stock in trade for over half a century! He is very good at it and has made a fortune exercising that "skill."

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"I don't recall" is used in testimony / depositions for only a few reasons.

1. You genuinely don't remember a specific thing in a report or incident. Stuff like, "Officer was my client wearing a black ball cap or a blue ball cap?" Counsel it was dark colored, I don't recall if it was black or blue." This is normal.

2. Much time has passed and the incident was not well documented, usually a minor contact, crash or something that was routine or mundane. Example: "Did you speak to my client by phone 3 times or 4 times?" "Counsel this thing took place ten years ago. We spoke a few times and I don't recall if was three or four exactly." Normal behavior.

3. You are covering something up and "Don't recall" because your freedom is at stake.

The incident or act is not what lands people in prison. It is ALWAYS the cover up.

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With #3, you're lying. As part of your lawyer's prep, he/she will tell you, "Nobody knows if you remember or not, except you."

IOW, this is one area where you can lie and get away with it. Nobody can prove you're lying.

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Jeff Childers had a great take on it today ( coffee and Covid stack).

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Agree Mark and He was prepped .

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Please be reminded this was "NOT" his first Rodeo at this exact style of questioning.

He's a fair "Bull" rider. The AIDS fiasco of the 80s was boots on training for 2020s.

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They have a very good inoculum injection to Remedy his chronic lapse. Truth Serum Jab!

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My gosh, you read that fast!

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I didn't keep track, but it was sure a lot! For someone who is supposedly such an expert on all this, he sure is vague, has no recollection, etc. etc.

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Reagan really advanced the technique. Fauci's first President, he learned from the master of selective amnesia.

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deletedDec 6, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022
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He got paid a lot of money to act as a gatekeeper.

My mum collapsed after the first jab, cancer markers up after second.

Developed nausea after 5 months and got diagnosed with Parkinsons this year.

In August, two large and aggressive skin cancers on her arm in which she had had her jab.

Today she phoned to tell me she has blood in her urine.

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I feel for ya. Really, I do.

I'll say a quick prayer for your mom.

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Thanks, appreciate it.

I tried to get her not to take it, but the propaganda was relentless in the UK

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My 93 yo mom was the same way. What can you do?

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Thanks for putting this out there! The more eyeballs on this slimebag the better.

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fauci was always disposable. The question is who's being set up as the next Fauci.

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The next mandates won't be medical. It will be of a spiritual nature and having to do with saving mother earth. Fauci was just part of plan for a trial run for what is coming in the future. If nearly the whole world was affected by Covid and the vaccines wait for the next big lie from spiritual leaders against global warming which is another fear driven ploy.

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The real question is who is running Governments, corporations, politics, central banks etc etc?

Best answer i have found is "The Committee of 300". Free audio book:


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Was it you, Jack, who sent me to this article? https://www.unz.com/lromanoff/the-richest-man-in-the-world/. I haven't gotten through the whole thing but it's fascinating and shorter than the 9 hr audiobook.

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Oh yes, that is the question. The 'powers that be,' which include Fauci will try to replace him with an exact replica of Fauci.

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I don't think that would work. It would be like replacing Biden with a Biden replica. To keep the game going, you need a pinball flipper on the other side, to keep things in play. I think it will be someone perceived to be the opposite of Fauci but with the same goal, in the same way that we'll have four more years of Trump, and then an anti-Trump, ad infinitum as long as we keep falling for it.

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I don't know who we are going to get, but we need to get rid of Walensky right now too. She is as dumb as a rock.

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Likely to disappoint. The Hochul to his Cuomo. The Adams to his Deblasio.

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How can a person effectively head up a critical agency having to do with public health and have such poor recall of pertinent conversations?

Answer #1: He can't!

Answer #2: He can lie.

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You have the answers, as we all can see he is lying. He knows what he has done.

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Yes lying 🤥. The letter from Anthony Fauci to Ms. Sherrie Settle of UNC @Chapell Hill on October 21, 2014 letting her know that the grant referenced as # RE:5U19 Al107810-02 the NIAID had determined may include Gain of Function research that was subject to the recently announced US Government funding pause issued on October 17, 2014. The letter also stated that, “The following specific aims appear to involve research covered under the pause:

Project 1: Role of Uncharacterized Genes in High Pathogenic Human Coronavirus Infection - Ralph S. Baric PhD Project Leader…”. https://www.davidmartin.world/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/The_Fauci_COVID-19_Dossier.pdf

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It’s how 100% of tyrants testify.

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God bless you Doc for your vigilance in keeping us all informed! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Give our love to Senator Ron Johnson. Sounds like a great schedule.

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Sounds like a Mafiosa testifying. Obfuscation.

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This guy has such a bad memory, it is no wonder that he could not remember

- that Vitamin D was shown clearly to be protective against the respiratory diseases of cold and flu by the late 1930s,

- his own words that natural immunity was superior to any vaccine induced immunity

- what constitutes gain of function research

- that it is unlikely an injection in the sterile bodily immune system will protect from mucosal immune system infection and transmission

- that if you can smell a fart, you can probably be infected with an airborne virus through a mask

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Started reading it. Can't fight the feeling that it's a Babylon Bee write up.

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Fauci must have dementia. Reminds me of a clone of Napolean.

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It looks like demenita, but nah, it is lying.

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If you don't even read the questions and just scroll through Fauci's answers they are nothing more than denials, and "I don't, recall, I don't know," etc. The man's brain is apparently empty.

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I bet 200 years in prison would help him remember...

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There are a few key points that I don't think were addressed:

1) Some virologist testified at a Senate hearing a while back (and I don't have the exact details) that this was very unlikely a natural evolution and more likely man made. He was referring to the differences between the closest bat strain to the wuhan strain as having multiple amino acids in a row without losing anything from the original.


2) That positive sense RNA viruses have always had two main traits when a vaccine is made: Autoimmune disease and ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement). The ADE is key here in that the vaccine manufacturers and the government have been saying "you will get a lesser case" when the expectation is that everyone would get a worse case when getting vaccinated with a Wuhan strain during Omicron times.

3) Never vaccinate during a pandemic - WHO 2019 pandemic playbook. (you get more strains).

4) Herd immunity was never possible with this vaccine.

5) A zoonontic diseases like this can never be eradicated like smallpox or measles.

6) Fauci was included on an email where research on Cloriquine was successfully used to fight Covid. It theorized that the less potent HCQ would be as effective.

7) Asymptomatic spread was based on two things: A story of a German woman that said she was not infected who later changed her story and a computer model study that assumed a percentage of asymptomatic spread. These were the basis for all other studies and reasons for healthy people being quarantined and masked assuming that they could kill someone because they were infected and didn't know it. Asymptomatic people don't drive pandemics.

8) Mask studies have shown less than 2% difference in infection rates (within the error rates). The CDC had one annecdote that they used with two hair dressers to explain that masking worked. It was not based on science and you could have made the same argument with the color of their underwear being the factor that stopped transmission. I don't think there are any real life studies (using dust in a lab isn't real life) that prove the effectiveness of masks for healthy people.

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Page 46 says so much about who he thinks he is! VERY IMPORTANT PERSON!

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I haven't got there yet. Thanks for the clue in.

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Thank you !!

FBI deliberately lied to social media companies about Hunter Biden laptop (actually three water-damaged laptops - not just one) – FBI knew the truth exactly – laptops were in their possession for one (1) year



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