What the US neoCONs refuse to acknowledge is Putin, a Christian, got rid of Communism in Russia and restored the Russian Orthodox Church (Christian) as the replacement.. Sadly, the Democrat/Rino Communists have made the USA more Communist than Russia today.
What the US neoCONs refuse to acknowledge is Putin, a Christian, got rid of Communism in Russia and restored the Russian Orthodox Church (Christian) as the replacement.. Sadly, the Democrat/Rino Communists have made the USA more Communist than Russia today.
My federal government insists on downloading the correct narrative into my psyche. 1st Amendment? Once upon a time maybe.
Is Putin as evil as the propagandists assert? I'll reserve judgment pending more information. Oh, and therein lies the problem. Tucker is getting more information. The state is terrified.
I know very little about Russia. But I've found no evidence that they're:
-Absorbing our manufacturing sector.
-Stealing intellectual property, and gaining the benefit of decades of R&D, trial & error for pennies on the dollar.
-Seducing western academics through a Thousand Talents program.
-Setting up secret police stations on US soil.
-Trading debt forgiveness for ideological compliance.
-Buying up large tracts of US land.
-Using US taxpayer dollars to develop the ultimate superbug.
-Infiltrating the staffs of members of Congress.
-Seducing active legislators.
-Rolling out their model of the surveillance state on western nations.
The cynic in me wonders if our corporate benefactors would sell out their countrymen for high profits and low labor costs. If I'm ever made a slave by an internationalist biosecurity surveillance state modeled on a Chinese exemplar, I'll console myself with knowing I'm wearing high quality cheap sneakers.
"The cynic in me wonders if our corporate benefactors would sell out their countrymen for high profits and low labor costs."
Of course not!! Our Billionaire Barons of the US corporate fiefdoms would never siphon away Our industrial strength and independence, like they started doing in the 1970s and have continued to do since, at an ever quickening pace.
Remember: the dictionary definition of тАШniggerтАЩ does not distinguish between colors of human beings. Certainly yes the colloquial meaning of customarily тАШblack.тАЩ All this semantic stuff is totally a тАШruseтАЩ used by vicious ideologues to divide society into hate groups, for exploitation.
To these neo-con Uniparty elites, тАЬwe all jus тАЩplantation тАШniggas.тАЩтАЭ
тАШSticks and stones can break your bonesтАЭ, but that appellation hurts too?!
Do names hurt?
Someone called me тАШeverything but a white manтАЩ once upon a time. If there was any real confusion about who I am, that could have been insulting. Hey, wait a minute, leaving out тАШwhite manтАЩ might have been the insult. Dang, that hurts.
What the US neoCONs refuse to acknowledge is Putin, a Christian, got rid of Communism in Russia and restored the Russian Orthodox Church (Christian) as the replacement.. Sadly, the Democrat/Rino Communists have made the USA more Communist than Russia today.
My federal government insists on downloading the correct narrative into my psyche. 1st Amendment? Once upon a time maybe.
Is Putin as evil as the propagandists assert? I'll reserve judgment pending more information. Oh, and therein lies the problem. Tucker is getting more information. The state is terrified.
I know very little about Russia. But I've found no evidence that they're:
-Absorbing our manufacturing sector.
-Stealing intellectual property, and gaining the benefit of decades of R&D, trial & error for pennies on the dollar.
-Seducing western academics through a Thousand Talents program.
-Setting up secret police stations on US soil.
-Trading debt forgiveness for ideological compliance.
-Buying up large tracts of US land.
-Using US taxpayer dollars to develop the ultimate superbug.
-Infiltrating the staffs of members of Congress.
-Seducing active legislators.
-Rolling out their model of the surveillance state on western nations.
The cynic in me wonders if our corporate benefactors would sell out their countrymen for high profits and low labor costs. If I'm ever made a slave by an internationalist biosecurity surveillance state modeled on a Chinese exemplar, I'll console myself with knowing I'm wearing high quality cheap sneakers.
The Almighty $$$ is their God.
"The cynic in me wonders if our corporate benefactors would sell out their countrymen for high profits and low labor costs."
Of course not!! Our Billionaire Barons of the US corporate fiefdoms would never siphon away Our industrial strength and independence, like they started doing in the 1970s and have continued to do since, at an ever quickening pace.
Remember: the dictionary definition of тАШniggerтАЩ does not distinguish between colors of human beings. Certainly yes the colloquial meaning of customarily тАШblack.тАЩ All this semantic stuff is totally a тАШruseтАЩ used by vicious ideologues to divide society into hate groups, for exploitation.
To these neo-con Uniparty elites, тАЬwe all jus тАЩplantation тАШniggas.тАЩтАЭ
тАШSticks and stones can break your bonesтАЭ, but that appellation hurts too?!
Do names hurt?
Someone called me тАШeverything but a white manтАЩ once upon a time. If there was any real confusion about who I am, that could have been insulting. Hey, wait a minute, leaving out тАШwhite manтАЩ might have been the insult. Dang, that hurts.
IтАЩve had those same thoughts, James. Is Putin who our corrupt government says he is? They just need a boogeyman.
Not "communist"; totalitarian