His error is not egregious. It’s not going to change history. The story itself was a nothing burger. My reaction is precisely due to the bastardizing of journalism into propaganda. Sources are more important than ever in a world of lies and deception. I hold Dr. Malone to that standard.
You may not have watched the interview? If you had then you’d be able to see the splice at the end. They clearly cut out what is transcribed. I’m sure they had quite a discussion over it and determined that it didn’t add enough to warrant the debacle that would follow.
I couldn’t make it to the end. I was bored by Putins long historical monologue and the look of perpetual consternation on Tucker's face. I thought Putin was playing with Tucker. All the questions I would have wanted to ask went unasked. I know no more than before the interview. I think the US has made Putin into a boogeymen. I do not believe the government narrative. I would also have loved to learn if Putin bought into the Plandemic and let his Russian population get jabbed and to what extent. Is he a globalist? What are his positions on Iran and Israel. What does he think of the west constantly accusing his government of interference, of The Clintons Russian disinformation campaign? Give me something. Dr. Malone was so excited to publish the transcript wanting to get a jump on distributing this promising piece of journalism that he goofed! and for what? a nothing burger.
I like Tucker. I even paid for a subscription to his channel. However what comes to mind is the major gaffe made by Geraldo Rivera decades ago over the much hyped opening of the Al Capone safe. it revealed a big fat nothing burger. Hubris can tip the scale to nemesis. We have lots of highly intelligent folks who have entered the journalistic arena due to the Plandemic. Networks are losing viewers, newspapers and magazines are going bust. The emergence of
Given what has passed for journalism in the past 5 years, I'd like to think that you wrote this post with tongue in cheek but forgot the winkie.
His error is not egregious. It’s not going to change history. The story itself was a nothing burger. My reaction is precisely due to the bastardizing of journalism into propaganda. Sources are more important than ever in a world of lies and deception. I hold Dr. Malone to that standard.
You may not have watched the interview? If you had then you’d be able to see the splice at the end. They clearly cut out what is transcribed. I’m sure they had quite a discussion over it and determined that it didn’t add enough to warrant the debacle that would follow.
I couldn’t make it to the end. I was bored by Putins long historical monologue and the look of perpetual consternation on Tucker's face. I thought Putin was playing with Tucker. All the questions I would have wanted to ask went unasked. I know no more than before the interview. I think the US has made Putin into a boogeymen. I do not believe the government narrative. I would also have loved to learn if Putin bought into the Plandemic and let his Russian population get jabbed and to what extent. Is he a globalist? What are his positions on Iran and Israel. What does he think of the west constantly accusing his government of interference, of The Clintons Russian disinformation campaign? Give me something. Dr. Malone was so excited to publish the transcript wanting to get a jump on distributing this promising piece of journalism that he goofed! and for what? a nothing burger.
I like Tucker. I even paid for a subscription to his channel. However what comes to mind is the major gaffe made by Geraldo Rivera decades ago over the much hyped opening of the Al Capone safe. it revealed a big fat nothing burger. Hubris can tip the scale to nemesis. We have lots of highly intelligent folks who have entered the journalistic arena due to the Plandemic. Networks are losing viewers, newspapers and magazines are going bust. The emergence of
You two seem to have more in common than you think.