Feb 8·edited Feb 8Pinned

This is a faked transcript - I have edited the post to reflect that but for those that received this as an email, I can't edit in your email box. All of us can be fooled at times

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I hope the real interview is even half as entertaining as the fake transcript!

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My thoughts exactly!

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Feb 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We both know the psyops that is pervasive today. At first glance my first response has always been to ask questions. And, Robert, you making yourself accessible gives one who follows you reassurance.

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You broke my trust in you. Obviously, you didn’t even take time to read the transcript or consider its length. You’re going too fast. That was a really bush league error. And if you’re not kicking yourself with remorse, I’m glad I did it here for you. If you want us to believe what you write, you have to check your sources.

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he said he was waiting verification, then once found out promptly admitted and fixed. that's good enough for me

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If you want to play journalist, you follow the rules and check your sources. I’m glad you’re satisfied. My requirements are greater than yours.

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Given what has passed for journalism in the past 5 years, I'd like to think that you wrote this post with tongue in cheek but forgot the winkie.

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His error is not egregious. It’s not going to change history. The story itself was a nothing burger. My reaction is precisely due to the bastardizing of journalism into propaganda. Sources are more important than ever in a world of lies and deception. I hold Dr. Malone to that standard.

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You may not have watched the interview? If you had then you’d be able to see the splice at the end. They clearly cut out what is transcribed. I’m sure they had quite a discussion over it and determined that it didn’t add enough to warrant the debacle that would follow.

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Cont’d.) Independent digital media that works on subscription has opened space for a new generation of journalists not controlled by MSM communists. I want these new entrants to play by the old rules.

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FillyGee, calm down, you'll be ok.

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What makes you think I’m upset? You have lower standards. In a world where media is out of control with misinformation and disinformation as the bad actors try to control the official narrative, I select writers and Substacks that I believe are reliable. “I calls it as I sees it.” - Popeye

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No worries Thanks for the update 💯🙏🏻♥️

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Thank you Dr. Malone. I have read the transcript a couple of days ago on TCHC and can't recall what other couple of sites. It was strange, however thanks for the confirmation. As always much love and respect. Some trolls on here, calling us out as Branch Malonians.

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The first four questions and replies screamed, fraud. I simply can't understand on any reasonable basis why you would risk your reputation propagating such garbage. Raises questions.

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Didn't spend time on any Putin previews, because I wanted to sit down and watch his face and lip-read a little as he spoke through his translator. Finally had 2 hours to spend this Friday night. Putin seems to be putting out a message which is more self consistent and constant than any of our politicians can produce. Despite his KGB-ness, I think Putin wants Russia to survive and succeed. Unfortunately I can't say likewise for U.S. leadership at this time.

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Thanks anyway.

A good read though.

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I read it and believed it was true! Amazing, how distorted things get. There is something up with TUCKER and his position with Fox News that deserves some investigation. I think you might consider an article should you get to the dirt.


Have at it. A folder on TUCKER spoofing Fox News. If you have any trouble accessing the details please let me know.

I believe this report is what attracted the law suit:


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Google? Really? Google is not a reliable source.

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That is the photo I have uploaded to my gdrive.

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That top link is to no photo. It's to a bunch of downloads from an unknown author. No thanks. I'm not going to open the second link either. You may be legit but my instinct says no.

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When I saw so many missing answers or missing questions I began to wonder about it... Thank you!

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Thank you for the update. I hope you can get a full, verified version of the transcript of the interview to share with us soon. Would love to know who sent out this fake one. If you find out, please share that with us too? I watched the interview. Interesting. He seems to be intelligent and sane. We have been lied to about everything, so I have to wonder if we've been lied to about Putin. Probably.

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8

What the US neoCONs refuse to acknowledge is Putin, a Christian, got rid of Communism in Russia and restored the Russian Orthodox Church (Christian) as the replacement.. Sadly, the Democrat/Rino Communists have made the USA more Communist than Russia today.

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My federal government insists on downloading the correct narrative into my psyche. 1st Amendment? Once upon a time maybe.

Is Putin as evil as the propagandists assert? I'll reserve judgment pending more information. Oh, and therein lies the problem. Tucker is getting more information. The state is terrified.

I know very little about Russia. But I've found no evidence that they're:

-Absorbing our manufacturing sector.

-Stealing intellectual property, and gaining the benefit of decades of R&D, trial & error for pennies on the dollar.

-Seducing western academics through a Thousand Talents program.

-Setting up secret police stations on US soil.

-Trading debt forgiveness for ideological compliance.

-Buying up large tracts of US land.

-Using US taxpayer dollars to develop the ultimate superbug.

-Infiltrating the staffs of members of Congress.

-Seducing active legislators.

-Rolling out their model of the surveillance state on western nations.


The cynic in me wonders if our corporate benefactors would sell out their countrymen for high profits and low labor costs. If I'm ever made a slave by an internationalist biosecurity surveillance state modeled on a Chinese exemplar, I'll console myself with knowing I'm wearing high quality cheap sneakers.

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The Almighty $$$ is their God.

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8

"The cynic in me wonders if our corporate benefactors would sell out their countrymen for high profits and low labor costs."

Of course not!! Our Billionaire Barons of the US corporate fiefdoms would never siphon away Our industrial strength and independence, like they started doing in the 1970s and have continued to do since, at an ever quickening pace.

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Remember: the dictionary definition of ‘nigger’ does not distinguish between colors of human beings. Certainly yes the colloquial meaning of customarily ‘black.’ All this semantic stuff is totally a ‘ruse’ used by vicious ideologues to divide society into hate groups, for exploitation.

To these neo-con Uniparty elites, “we all jus ’plantation ‘niggas.’”

‘Sticks and stones can break your bones”, but that appellation hurts too?!

Do names hurt?

Someone called me ‘everything but a white man’ once upon a time. If there was any real confusion about who I am, that could have been insulting. Hey, wait a minute, leaving out ‘white man’ might have been the insult. Dang, that hurts.

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I’ve had those same thoughts, James. Is Putin who our corrupt government says he is? They just need a boogeyman.

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Not "communist"; totalitarian

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Absolutely love that Taylor Swift comment. The guy won me with that

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Since the Serbian language is similar in a way to Russian, I love listening to President Putin, many of his speeches without reading sub titles. He is very measured when he speaks, emphasis on the most important subjects, a sense of humor saying things ie as Taylor Swift comment without going off. Being an Orthodox Christian myself, huge respect for P Putin doing what he preaches. I watched him many times, at Christmas Eve standing a long time with a candle in hand crossing himself. Our Holy Liturgies are extremely lengthy, no chairs, no benches. He is a proud Russian Orthodox Christian, I have huge respect for him. God Bless him, Russia and her people. Yes I did read the transcript, showing him as a human, not a monster answering question with all brain cells in tact.

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Me too, glad other Orthodox Christian on here. I love that Putin is helping families grow. God Bless him is correct.

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I respect everything I have seen from you. Thank you. You reply make expression meaningful in these friendly contexts.

A word of clarification: My cynicism is well earned. And I do make ‘reasonable’ efforts to respect ‘authority’ to the extent that there is no repression or coercion involved.

I think you may find Roger Kimball’s commentary in the Epoch Times (today) meaningful. (Esp in context of J6, 1 & 2 [Hanneman] documentary and ongoing aftermath.)

Further Thoughts on Projection and the Truth


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So ... now we're in the business of "out scooping" the journalist who conducted the interview? Why would Carlson announce a date and time to broadcast the interview, and then pre-release the transcript? TuckerCarlson.com has no mention of a pre-released transcript. I'm seeing nothing on X. This is leaving a very bad taste in my mouth.

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Malone seems to want to be the alpha and omega of everything..he lost me a while back

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I admire Dr. Malone's honesty and his very deep understanding of so many complex issues. It's refreshing (through a laborious critical thinking process) to read and hear his deeply studied opinions, especially since all we get from the msm "propaganda readers" is, well, propaganda.

Dr. Malone is a Champion of Freedom of Speech! And, without our freedoms of expression, We the People would not be free.

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that's what I originally thought...but I am a researcher, so I never accept anything on face value. I started digging...and I am extremely disappointed in Mr Malone. My digging leads me to people like Rene Dubos and Kary Mullis...Robert tries very hard to be like them, but he just can't.

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Simple answer to your dilemma.

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That’s your loss, RK. People are known by the fruits they bear. Everything is a choice, you and I do not know everything, choose your friends, what you read, what you hear, taste and smell with wisdom and prayerfully.

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That says more about you than RM. Think for yourself, RM doesn’t know everything.

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You seem to lack critical thinking capabilities, Malone attacked, for some reason very credible scientists. why?

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Malone, who claims to know mRNA, took experimental jab. Shouldn't he know better?

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Like all too many others, there is the element of trust! Even I, who didn't/hasn't/ wont submit to these vaccines, at that time had no appreciation of the level of irresponsibility, in fact depravity, that the CDC, DOD and USG have displayed and continue to display to this day.

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He’s free to do to himself what he chooses…it didn’t affect you or me.

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It did affect me, his credibility on mRNA went to zero imo.

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That’s to bad…I admire him.

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“Get off your high horse,” Robert might say.

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Very disappointed you would put out a garbled, repetitive, fifth-generation warfare version of a transcript just to get a few hours jump on Tucker Carlson. You have placed yourself among the headline-seeking journalists and diminished your credibility as a voice for truth. You should publish an apology to Tucker.

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Hey now !

Careful what you say, as the Branch Malonians will set fire to your underwear if you're not careful !


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They say that Tucker has a full body tattoo of text of the 1st Amendment, large font, from collarbones to ankles. That's unconfirmed, but I believe it anyway.

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I think you need to put out another email saying it was fake because not everyone will look at these comments to see your correction.

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Grumble, grumble, grumble, complain, complain. “Out scoop journalist”. “Lost me”. “Alfa Omega” 😂 I love America because everyone has a right to their stupid opinions, even myself, the fool of them all. Happy we got an early scoop, an amuse bouche if you will. I hope this Tucker interview has impact that bunker busts the lies and truth reigns and WAR ENDS! Thank you again Robert for doing your best and forget the rest. Keep truckin and farming. Peace be with you.

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Gosh, but aren't you just THE most big-hearted, open-minded soul?? Let's ask TUCKER how he feels about a fake "transcript" of his Putin interview appearing hours before the airing of his interview ... on Dr. Robert Malone's Substack. He might just laugh it off, of course. I will not, however. What was the motivation behind trying to get out ahead of Carlson? That's a question worth pondering.

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The transcript has been shown on other sites as well. I saw it first two night ago on TCTH. Now this is the fourth time I see it. Lord willing the interview will air today at 6pm on TCN and X I believe. Lets wait and see.

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This Substack isn't "other sites." Or it wasn't, at least. There are a handful, JUST a handful of people who remain credible and with integrity in this hot mess of a world we inhabit. Unfortunately, that handful gets smaller by the day, as the "truth tellers" we've relied on for 4 years continue to reveal their not insignificant character flaws. And as for those of you who are now behaving like Branch Malonians, racing all over social media to defend your host at every opportunity ... you should check yourselves. Blind faith is how we got to this place to begin with. I'm done here.

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"Branch Malonians"

That's hysterical.

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Why are you reading and commenting here? Is this to lecture us, if so please elaborate why you are calling us Branch Malonians? Please, write your own and perhaps we will read, why the distain for Dr. Malone and his readers. All due respect you really ticked me off with your comment. How disrespectful, what is your motivation and narrative in reference to Dr. Malone?

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Why so disrespectful? No it was not a Substack. TCTH with Sundance is not considered a substack. The Last Refuge with Sundance, we the readers there consider it a true News Site, I have been reading for over 7 years now. All that was written by the host has been proved to be correct. Sundance receives all pertinent quality information before writing about it.. Your words, a handful of truth tellers I agree, Sundance tops the list along with Dr. Robert Malone imho. Why the personal attack, because I have used a word that you disagree with? Frankly, I don't give a damn, but free speech still existing, thought I bring this to your attention. Cheers!!!!!

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Feb 9·edited Feb 9

Enough already, go JanC

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Some might think that the Branch Davidians were martyred (murdered) by the FBI at the behest of the ATF acting on orders from the DoJ / AG Janet Reno on 02/19/1993. Banish the thought.

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The biggest fool of all 😂 right on!

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You should have read this before posting. It reads like cheap AI horse shit. Wait for something that is clearly from Tucker.

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Interesting! Thanks for sharing. Seems plausible.

Last night Levin devoted much of his radio program to Blinken and his current activities. He played a long piece of McCaines (sp) assessments of him. Levin himself advanced that he considers Blinken incompetent and a traitor. He concludes Blinkens current activities are directed to the harm of both Israel and the US. I didn't get to listen to the full show, but I haven't felt Blinkens activities have contributed to anyone's well-being. They seem to be met with harms. I'm inclined to agree with Levin's conclusions and that we would be better off without him. On the other hand, with the OBiden administration in charge, we need some other way to counter the risks.

Very Bestest! ♡♡♡

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Tucker should fly to Mexico, then come over the southern border into the US & show us 1st person video of it.

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That would be a deadly mistake, with a massive ransom payment demand, and a national emergency to boot.

Witness the death of the Argentine (US citizen) journalist in Ukraine. The one whose father Tucker interviewed, and same one Biden refused to speak up for - nor the Uniparty cowards in Congress who tell us Ukraine’s bailout is the ‘best money we’ve ever spent.’

Sorry. With these fascists in power, they’d require half the ransom to get Tucker back.

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Not Mexico, the Darien Gap, which is south of Panama. He would have to fly in to Colombia.

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May be the only way he can get back

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Without being arrested, yes

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Ha ha ha..... These losers would arrest him for not going through customs.

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Here are the most important statements from Putin to Tucker Carlson:

▪️ We are convinced that Biden is not leading your country.

▪️ Your southern border was handled better than the 2020 election

▪️ We believe in traditional values; marriage is between a man and a woman: men are men and women are women

▪️ There are strong financial entities in the USA that have an interest in keeping Russia an adversary

▪️ Our message is that Russia is not your enemy. We don’t want war. We are ready for peace.

▪️The lands and people [in Ukraine] are Russian and we will have again what has always been ours.

▪️ Russia has over 80 trillion dollars of natural resources.

▪️ You can change presidents, but you can’t change who has real power. The United States has entered a dark age, with irresponsible leadership

▪️Palestinians are being devastated. Israel acts uncontrollably.

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Here is who stole the election from the American people....The Council on Foreign Relations.

Historically they did not care who one the election since they controlled both parties(Rinos) from the top.

The Council Of Foreign Relations has gained a virtual lock-hold on the U.S. government, regardless of which party is in office. No other organization comes close to boasting the kind of clout that the CFR members have held: eight presidents of the U.S.; seven vice presidents; 17 secretaries of state; 20 secretaries of war/defense; 18 secretaries of the Treasury; 15 directors of the CIA. And it has gone throughout the Cabinets, in seriatim — through Democrat and Republican administrations — with hundreds of deputy secretaries, assistant secretaries, etc.

The Council on Foreign Relations has historical control of both the Democratic establishment and the Republican establishment until President Trump came along.

The CFR Group on the Biden Team



Kamala Harris, Vice President (CFR through family; Harvard; DLA Piper; Uber through family)

Antony Blinken, Secretary of State (CFR member; Harvard and Columbia; WestExec)

Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury (CFR member; Yale and Harvard; Brookings)

Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense (CFR member; WestExec; Raytheon)

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, UN Ambassador (CFR member; Albright Stonebridge)

Cecilia Rouse, Council of Economic Advisors (CFR director; Princeton; Rowe Price)

Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security (CFR member; Wilmer Hale)

Jake Sullivan, National Security Advisor (CFR author; Yale and Oxford; Carnegie)

Ron Klain, Chief of Staff (CFR through family; Harvard; O’Melveny and Meyers)

John Kerry, Special Envoy for Climate (CFR member; Yale)

Susan Rice, Chief of Domestic Council (CFR member; Harvard, Oxford, and Stanford)

William J. Burns, Director of Central Intelligence (CFR member; Oxford; Carnegie)

Kurt M. Campbell, Indo-Pacific Tsar (CFR member; Harvard and Oxford; Asia Group)

Thomas Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture (CFR member; Dairy Export Council)

Gina Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce (CFR member; Oxford; Point Judith Capital)

Eric S. Lander, Director of Office of Science and Technology (CFR member; Harvard)

Jeffery Zients, Counselor to the President (CFR member; Cranemere)


The CFR has only 3000 members yet they control over three-quarters of the nation's wealth. The CFR runs the State Department and the CIA. The CFR has placed 100 CFR members in every Presidential Administration and cabinet since Woodrow Wilson. They work together to misinform the President to act in the best interest of the CFR not the best interest of the American People. At least five Presidents (Eisenhower, Ford, Carter, Bush, and Clinton) have been members of the CFR. The CFR has packed every Supreme court with CFR insiders.

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I had a conversation with a Friend who is insanely familiar with the Ukraine/Russia/Crimea situations. Need to see Him (this weekend) and to get back to the uk to write it up. It is fascinating. Ed

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Thank you, Dr. Malone. As We the Trump People await, anxiously, the SCOTUS decisions on whether Colorado can prevent Donald Trump from appearing on the voter's ballot, having Tucker Carlson interviewing Putin can provide some relief regarding the msm beating its World War III drums. So, thanks for the early heads-up. It seems Putin is not gearing up for WW III.

But, China is a totally different story...

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Since you switched to China, I knew immediately that you are a Republican, because Russia is the Democrats' greatest bogeyman, and China is the Republicans'.

You proved me right, since you identify yourself as "Trump People." You're following party propaganda just like the Dems do.

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Too simple a response to a too complex subject.

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China is the standard bearer for communism which is the planets greatest bogeyman

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I hope Tucker’s tech team have prepared for a massive cyber attack.

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Thank you, Robert. It’s refreshing and reassuring we have you. Someone who is truthful, has integrity and we can deeply trust.

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