In regard to 2020 voter fraud, we still have no valid explanation as to why counties across the nation stopped counting during the wee hours of the morning. Trump won and had every right to contest the results.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

The shamelessness of the deceit of the Deep State is so extreme it's horrifying. What WOULDN'T such people do?

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During these oversight hearings, the Republicans can provide smoking gun evidence that billows. And I have yet to see any Democrat concede a point. They'll look into everyone's faces, and with all the synthetic sincerity and outrage they can muster, they'll accuse the chairman of playing partisan politics. There is simply no reasoning with such people. They are corrupt to the core.

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It seems obvious why these people are so determined not to let Trump back in office. They know they have many skeletons they are trying to keep hidden. Then there are the ones who have written books and done seminars bragging about how they tricked Trump and didn't follow orders.

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That is why one of the media's and Dem's new line for consumption is Trump will go on a vengeance mission just looking to get people who stood up for democracy during his tyrannical presidency.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

But even though the House Committee has documented this, it doesn’t mean people across the country will know about it because the nightly news and press won’t mention it. I’ve tried sharing articles w friends and family only to be told that they do not consider my sources legitimate. They do no believe Epoch Times is a’ real’ news paper or that they think it’s articles are slanted. My response pointing out that The Wall Street Journal is biased is met with silence

Sorry to rant, but this is VERY frustrating.

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Mary, you're dealing with the outcomes of "THE DUMBING DOWN OF AMERICA".

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Over a century in the making

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Mary, you are correct and I find the same thing when trying to share articles and videos to liberals. They refuse to listen and say I have been radicalized.

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I've run into the same reaction. I do recognize I myself have points of view (Likely to the right of center right generally) but that said I do address each source for where they seem to stand on things and their credibility. I do believe Epoch tries to be middle of the road and unbiased. I think folks would be well served to learn about the beliefs the owners have (not the propaganda the CCP promugates) and review a selection of their articles on topics of interest before reaching a conclusion.

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And that is why people see the Epoch Times as highly biased news. They are owned and operated by a fanatical religious group in China.

Ahh, but don’t let that minor detail bother you. Just believe what makes you feel good and dismiss everybody else as idiots.

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This is what’s so frustrating - every outlet has a bias. Our “mainstream” (major misnomer) media seems very pro China - or at least careful not to offend. So if you want to know something, that might also offend China, you’re going to end up with alternative sources. Which doesn’t mean they are always wrong - and they may be your only source for alternative information. But go ahead and sling mud.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's certainly not a great analogy, but it holds true: While in The Swamp, Trump was a babe in the woods.

I know. The sophisticated real estate and TV show mogul was believed to be on the top of his game after winning the office of POTUS in 2016. But, Trump was blindsided from so many angles, with a White House team unable to understand Trump's opponents and strategies against him, plus dealing with a contrived COVID-19 scam involving countless billions of $$$$s into the pockets of BIG PHARMA and its minions, and a strategic professional Demonratic Party attack reinforced by its propaganda arms, the mainstream media. And, with a "dumb downed" American electorate willing to "HATE THE ORANGE MAN", it's a miracle Trump was able to accomplish the level of success he did!

After being shot by a would-be assassin who blindly "HATED THE ORANGE MAN", and surviving by an Act of God, plus being the target of another ORANGE MAN HATER (saved by an astutely aware USSS agent), Trump heads into another major political battle to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

So, for those of us We the People who have been loyally on The Trump Train since the early days, We the Trump People pray to our Lord in Heaven that Donald J. Trump remains alive and healthy! And, wins the Office of POTUS, again, on November 5th, 2024!

And, has learned and clearly comprehends the machinations of THE EVIL DOERS crawling in the sewers and gutters of THE DEEP STATE We the People call Washington DC! And, mounts a rejuvenation of the highest aspirations of the Good People of the United States!



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Yes, an INCREDIBLE MIRACLE like the return of Jesus Christ.

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MSM has never met a lie it cannot tell.

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They're in opposition to everything George Washington stood for.

They cannot not tell a lie.

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This is another BS deep state psyop. I was seriously wondering how a man writes a manifesto telling of how he failed and from there places a bounty on Trumps head. Second, how does Merrick Garland, his justice department, the FBI and the Biden/Harris administration release this hit on Trump? I question if Ryan Routh even wrote this manifesto at all. This justice department, Merrick Garland, FBI and this administration is just a spreader of Netflix assassination porn. The “manifesto” sounded like a Biden Harris stump speech.

These people are cowards looking for some amateur nut case to take care of what they want as an outcome. What a bunch of evil weasels we have running this country. Honestly it’s another psyop by our government to influence these crazies that are out there on the edge. How brazen this deep state has become under Biden Harris. We should all say a prayer for Donald Trump, our country and again pray this governments attempts to assassinate DJT are unsuccessful.


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3 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Routh has now been charged with attempting to assassinate Trump. Judge Aileen Cannon, who oversaw and then threw out the federal classified documents case against the former president, was randomly assigned to Routh’s case. When reading the below I find it incredible in the true sense of the word's meaning that the prosecutors are talking about a box given to a witness. This entire thing stinks.


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The second so called attempt has taken 100% of the attention from the 1st and how the Crooks kid was involved in what can only be called a STAND DOWN by Secret Service, the head of which, at the time, was good friends of the Cheney Family, traitors to the USA.

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I heard about the box given to his neighbor but I didn’t know Judge Cannon was assigned to the assassination case. That’s great news!!!

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Thank you for sharing .. these are my top posts I'm putting out on X.com.

1) Bush Sr was CIA (Communists In America).

2) Bush Sr, as CIA, worked with the MOB to kill Castro.

3) Bush Sr ended up merging the MOB and CIA ..

when is the last time you've heard about the MOB?

4) Bush Sr may have been involved in killing Kennedy.

5) Bush Sr was part of Iran/Contra under Reagan.

6) Bush Sr as President, was investigated by Walsh.

7) Bush Sr could not let Casper Weinberger go on trial.

8) Bush Sr made a deal with Bill Clinton.

9) Bush Sr and Clinton MERGED the Reps and Dems.

10) The UNI-PARTY was the result of the merger.

11) UNI-PARTY = Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate.

12) President Trump said: Enough is enough.

13) Proof: George Bush Center for Intelligence


The UNIPARTY is made of Reps and Dems who are loyal to the Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate, put together by Bush Sr and Bill Clinton and Bill Barr with the help of Ross Perot when Bush Sr had to lose the election so the Iran/Contra scandal could be repressed when he PARDONED Casper Weinberger to keep from being impeached for his Iran/Contra crimes. How long was Bush Sr a CIA asset? Today the party Bush Sr and Clinton created is the UNIPARTY, run by the CIA MOB.

We need to go back to when Russia let Germany reunite and gave East Germany back to Germany with the pledge NATO would not move further East toward Russia. Based on that Russia made a HUGE CONCESSION to have a guarantee of peace. Instead, the US Devils, Satan's Seed, not only lied, but they also overthrew the Ukraine Government and pushed NATO to Ukraine and started killing Russians on Russia's border. Putin made PEACE again with the Minsk agreement only to have it rubbed in his face they got him again, a second time, and admitted they only signed the Minsk agreement so they could build up the war machine in Ukraine. Putin said, I won't be lied to again and NATO will NOT be on the Russia Border. And now the insane Devils want to lob missiles into Moscow to trigger WW3. Speak up! Or die!

Let's face the truth, it's time to start a NEW PARTY, the one I am currently registered under in California, WE THE PEOPLE says it all. I registered as WE THE PEOPLE so Bobby Kennedy could get on the ballot. Although I support President Trump, I also supported a Trump/Kennedy ballot and I was mocked that Kennedy was to radical; however, we see the truth today with Bobby and Tulsi (who I also love) supporting Trump. Win, lose, or draw, let's make 2028 WE THE PEOPLE and DEFEAT the UNI-PARTY, be they Reps or Dems.

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Well said James! We are fighting a spiritual battle that we must win! #MAGA #MAHA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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You've said it like it is again James, and I agree in particular with how brazen the deep state has become under Biden/Harris. It truly amazes me that ANY AMERICAN would vote for ANY of these pricks. I am seeking to get some "Intel" to Dr Malone, and have my fingers crossed.

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The two pipe bombs that were placed at the DNC and the RNC were said to be functional bombs by the FBI. They have film of the person placing them by a man operated camera at 3 or 4 AM. There were egg timers on the pipe bombs set for 60 minutes. Later about 12 pm the area had been swept by bomb dogs and the secret service and they somehow missed the bombs sitting on a bench. For no apparent reason Kamala Harris was at the DNC at that time. The bombs were finally seen and the authorities were notified. At one point a bunch of school kids were allowed to walk by one of the bombs. If they were placed at 4 AM and set for 60 minutes but not found until 10 minutes of 1 just before the swearing in the whole story makes no sense.at all. The whole day I believe was an op, nothing adds up.

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There are some theories out there that the pipe bombs were a just in case measure developed by the FBI. Interestingly this is a subplot Bongino reports tracking.

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Well, I’m gonna repeat my old refrain, this was an organized attempt to undermine and discredit the duly elected president and the “J6 Committee “ was designed to further that discrediting AND influence the upcoming elections.

Now I may be naive 😊 but I think the elements for treason have been established.

And, yeah, I know the penalty for treason.

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TRUE!!!! Trump has stated that he won't be running again if he isn't elected this time.

If Trump isn't elected on N-5, the statues of limitations on ALL OF THESE CRIMES will run out. All of these crooks will never be held accountable!!!!

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Dr. Malone - thank you for posting this.

In my opinion - the People on the January 6th committee that made up stories and lies should be tried and go to jail for at least a couple of years. The cop who murdered Ashley Babbitt should be charged with murder and serve jail time. Ashley's family should be paid restitution. And, the people who failed to act on Trump's orders should be tried and serve jail time. Lastly, the people who failed to act on Trump's orders should be tried and serve jail time.

The people who peacefully protested and went to jail should be exonerated and paid very high amounts of restitution.

Just saying ...

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You remember the old saying, don't should on me and I won't should on you? So many should's don't make a case. Too bad tho...

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We need a concerted effort to address these multiple situations. Caring about the Constitution, power to be heard and lots of money for lawsuits.It seems like Elon Musk is doing his part.

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Lets face it - and lets FINALLY call a spade a spade: For more than 5 decade, the "American" Left has been infiltrating virtually EVERY U.S. institution extant, ESPECIALLY the United States federal government; implanting the (9) steps to SOCIALISM - starting with PUBLIC EDUCATION - or is it mis-education, and, yes, brainwashing of American youth every bit as much as MAO did to the Chinese children - or V. I. Lenin did to Russian YOUTH: "Give Me Four Years to TEACH the Children and the Seed I have Planted will never Be Rooted Out". Lenin - HIMSELF from a wealthy family - was one smart truly evil demagogue who instituted Soviet totalitarianism on the Russian masses in the form of - as HE put it - literal TERROR - to keep the Russian people in line - that lasted 75 YEARS!

The unprovoked FBI early morning raids and wanton destruction of private property of anyone deemed "conservative" in America smacks of the old Communist GPU or MKVD terrorist raids and Communist "justice" in the form of slave labor and average 10 to 20 years in Soviet Hell on earth.

Some American children brainwashed into the notion of "capitalism bad. Socialism good;" "capitalism un-just, Socialism just:", "capitalism un-equal, Socialism equality of outcome;" - will NEVER 'mature' intellectually enough to see through the GREAT LIES they have been taught - and reinforced via so-called "higher learning" (of) the academy, who collectively, put the finishing touches to the big Marxist lies (and) then, matriculate from Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Stanford, Northwestern and other 'elite' colleges STRAIGHT INTO federal government "employment" - for lifetime - with "tenure' via Civil Service "laws."

Our "Ship of State" is going full speed ahead into the icebergs of totalitarian COMMUNISM - and FEW

"Americans" are on the lookout or SEE it coming! - or even give a damn.

Oh, it 'Can't happen here." WANNA BET?

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And that is the rest of the story for sure!

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It was very interesting tonight. Epoch TV offered an interview covering How Marxism Exploits Crises and Division. They made some very interesting points I had not appreciated before - one for example on the end result of full blown equal outcomes. They went into details of these indoctrination schemes I had not appreciated.

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Trump needs to be exonerated immediately, I agree! Every individual involved in this extreme corruption coverup, should be indicted & charged; we already know these radical Dem’s are guilty!

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Hillary was pissed that Trump won in 2016 and all stops were removed to get Trump. I believe 99.9% of the politicians would have folded and quit the race. The deep state doesn't want to be exposed. the swamp is real. Trump is the dragon slayer that they don't want in charge.

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The military top brass were in on the entire deal of the J6 lack of desired security by Trump…they were and still are anti-Trump and embarrassing super woke still…DEI magnets. Now I wonder…are the Chinese or Russian forces so DEI inclined…not in the least. A complete overhaul of the entire brass is required, as they purged conservatives out of the ranks so did its effectiveness…a woke force does not win anything …they lose. Fedsurrection in the military just like the FBI and Capitol Police planned it out with the Deep State.

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Last week on the 16th was Constitution Day.

Gen. Milley secretly called his Chinese counterpart twice over concerns then-President Donald Trump could spark a war with China as his potential election loss loomed and in its aftermath, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday.

U.S. General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called General Li Zuocheng of the People’s Liberation Army on Oct. 30, 2020 - four days before the election - and again on Jan. 8, two days after Trump supporters led a deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol, the newspaper reported.

I wonder what the Brass is up to this time?

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