
Much of that is exactly what I've been thinking. It's the only way I could make sense of what is being orchestrated. I started wondering about this years ago because I was seeing more and more people I just couldn't guess whether they were male or female. I figured something in the environment was wreaking havoc - but then I grew to think it was intentional. If reproductive freedom is just one more freedom to be taken away, all of these many avenues of manipulation could be the roadmap to make it ideologically accepted.

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"The growth of “gender clinics” for children will see many children in the next generation sterilized and in need of assisted reproductive technologies if they choose to have children."

Maybe this 👆 is why they want to get needles that produce heart attacks, abort pregnancies and deliver spike proteins to the testes and ovaries into every child's arm?

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Sep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022

I'll be candid. I didn't want to read all of the sickening things Dr. Malone wrote about . Which, BTW, is one of the tools the lefties use to keep us quiet. It's too disgusting to be be discussed in polite company, so we don't talk about it. Which leaves an open field for the lefties to distribute their poison.

I will add this. Testimony from a girl who was a victim of these gender-affirming treatments. If you want to know how they get parents to go along with it, she explains how. The Progressives stock-in-trade: Fear Porn. They scare the bejeezus out of parents, telling them their choice is a dead little girl or a live boy. What parent wouldn't go along? It's brief, ~7 minutes.

Chloe was mutilated by doctors: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/powerful-words-from-detransitoner-chloe-cole/

It's sickening and heartbreaking at the same time. And it's an example of how Progressives invent crises out of nothing. Teenage suicides have always been out there. AFAIK, until recently, they were relatively rare. I can't think of anyone I knew personally when I was a teenager and young adult who offed themselves. But somehow it recently exploded into an epidemic of teenage suicides. Or at least, teens threatening suicide.

Of course these children should be treated. And treated compassionately. But where's the science that says gender-affirming treatments are the solution to a now-widespread problem? I'm sure there are such studies. There are pro- and con- studies on every political issue known to mankind. But I'll go out on a limb and state, if looked at in a fair-minded, critical, balanced way, the studies showing the benefits of transitioning surgeries just don't hold up.

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The brutal cold hard reality of "sex change" is that a person will for their lifetime have the compliment of sex chromosomes they were born with. All the surgeries and hormone therapies and altered psychologies and chip implants in the world will not change it. If they did, sex trisomy would be a 100% fixable genetic condition. But it is not.

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Thanks for the link. Read it, subscribed for free, and separately donated to the author.

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The more I read about this (and other issues), I'm reminded of the work of old-school feminist theologian Mary Daly (R.I.P.). She wrote a book called "Gyn/Ecology" (1978) wherein she writes that one of the driving forces behind patriarchy is male envy of women's capacity to biologically reproduce (following Karen Horney, she turn's Freud's "penis envy" on its head, i.e. womb envy). Anyway, she sees patriarchy as rooted in a male drive to replace natural biological reproduction, and nature in general, with a strictly manmade universe (including, of course, man-made women). In the process, man's need for women (and nature) is eliminated. Jennifer's substack resonates with it. Daly was a self-described radical feminist, and as such she is written off by many of today's mainstream feminists. But as history unfolds, her writing seems prophetic. Even if radical feminism is not your thing, it's worth a read.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This needs to be called what it is: mutilation.

For most parents this is unthinkable. I simply don't know how some wrap their minds around it.

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Mutilation, absolutely. Plus the common denominator of so many ideologies being pushed hard these days; cannot reproduce. Coincidence? Doubtful.

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I don't try to: I recognize it for what it is.

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Here's how some wrap their minds around it: Chloe was mutilated by doctors- https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/powerful-words-from-detransitoner-chloe-cole/

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I have seen that story since I follow Marjorie Taylor Green. I have kept up this since the day I heard about "trans" .. I have worked in medicine for years.. this is not new for a small number of people. what is new is the impact the concept of "selecting one's own gender" which does not correspond to one's biological gender an mass and by young people. As far as I am concerned this is part of an over agenda to damage and destroy generations of children by very sick and evil people I saw that that young lady before. and I wonder who got to her? she could be damages for life.. I pray not. thanks

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Also self-sterilization.

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Read my post if you want to know how parents wrap their minds around it.

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I will take a look. Parents should not have to "wrap" their minds around an evil agenda.. however I will read your post. As the mother of two sons.. well loved and well adjusted born in the 80s: I have fought the good fight based on biblical and societal norms, moreover good parenting by my parents, since neither were especially biblically oriented back then; just living life in the most wholesome manner of passing down loving behavior to children for generations as it should be :) I will have to find your post. :) thx

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deletedSep 21, 2022·edited Sep 21, 2022
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wow. I am watching the UTUBE video; brings me JOY watching that pedophile being busted: another bites the dust.. is right. 61 years old OMG biting the dust. Frankly the perv is lucky that he met someone who called the police. I know guys who would break his nose and then call the police and be gone before the police got there. thanks. YES we can never be complicit allow this to go one. ever.

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Dr Malone

thank you for addressing this issue. I’ve been working on a manuscript addressing the requests we receive for facial feminization and thyroid cartilage reduction surgery. I have chosen to not participate in these procedures because of my belief that these patients are fundamentally depressed with untreated mental illness as opposed to true gender dysphoria. As a profession, we are approaching this like any elective surgery except that these are truly irreversible procedures with extremely high complication rates. There is no way juveniles can give proper informed consent for these procedures and medications, and either can their parents or guardians give adequate informed consent since many clinicians participating in this arena don’t have any idea themselves the long term implications. We are doing irreparable harm to patients, families and the medical profession by offering these procedures outside strict controlled trials using multiple specialists to ensure the utmost in safety. …

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Thank you for standing by the Hippocratic Oath! 👏

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I would pin your comment at the top of this branch.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What adolescent isn't confused and easily manipulated?

This is horrific. It's monstrous. These children are going to come to their senses in their 20's and be mentally and emotionally destroyed.

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Adolescent hell!! We have a case here in Texas where the STEP-mom decided she really wanted a girl so started dressing up her 3 yr old STEP-son in dresses and calling him a girl. Oh and a judge was willing to turn this child over to a, well, if it sounds like a duck....

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Quackery is having it's finest hours!

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Why would you not expect this to be happening when we are experimenting with the global population with mRNA injections that are doing great harm. This is just an extension of the medical mind that believes he can improve on God's design. When the Physician for WEF says "humans are NOW hackable" it speaks volumnes of what is wrong in the medical world today! Life is no longer precious! It is experimental! The so called physician said it with GLEE! Watch his video on the subject here! https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/hackable-tool-mrna

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And we all thought that jabbing an icepick into the brain, the so called "lobotomy" which was a medical fad in the 1940's and 50's, was barbaric....

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We wrote a song about it.

"I need a frontal lobotomy

Like I need a hole in my head

Oh, dear Dr. Freeman won’t you set me free

To achieve transorbital velocity

And nobody needs to worry about me

Oh, no, not anymore

Hell, who knows what that part of the brain

Is even meant to be for

And I must be the one who’s insane

Since I’m on this side of that door

Let’s get transorbital

Let’s get transorbital…"


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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A young adult close to me is contemplating engaging in this awfulness. It breaks my heart. They were the victim of manipulation in a Public School system. They are now over 21 and are still contemplating this. An ethical medical community would be fighting this, not encouraging it. But then, an ethical medical community would have fought the Jabs and Remdesivir, too. I think we know where the medical community, at large, now operates regarding Ethics and, sadly, I don't see much to be hopeful about regarding getting this to stop.

That said, Thank You for bringing this to the front and explaining it to others. You and Jill are treasures to all of us. God Bless you.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

OMG whenever I read transgender surgery it makes me sick. I feel so bad for those who fell for this seduction because it is not at all reversible. I personally knew a woman who did it and I really couldn’t handle it. Sometimes I ask myself “Am I to hard being against it” But no, my heart says it’s wrong. Thank you so much for this article!!

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm not meant for this world...

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I've been feeling like that for a while. The depression is horrible. The isolation. Tomorrow night, I am going out to support someone that I think can do something in my state. Become an activator!

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I feel that pain too - every day. Dr. Malone had a wonderful meme last Sunday - not a funny meme, but a moving comment about how alone those of us walking awake through reality feel, as we are surrounded by people who are clueless to the horrors taking place. Reading it gave my heart a lift. It's under the cat memes: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/sunday-strip-be1

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Thank you for the reminder. I went through a painful "red pill" journey many years ago. I can do this!

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Sure you are! We are all welcome to think/learn/grow in the New Frontier.

Resisting to swallow bitter pills is a great place to start! Recall our risk vs choice theme?

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

SRS surgery, now called "bottom" surgery, is unbelievably invasive, I think its comparable to open-heart surgery. It is NOT something to be encouraged on a whim and definitely not among children.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm surprised no one has interviewed men with prostate cancer that are on Lupron for extended periods of time. This may delay the progression of the cancer for a time, but the side effects can be horrible! To prescribe this to confused children should be considered malpractice in its worst form. I have no words for those "medical professionals" that would take this beyond to permanently mutilating surgeries in the name of the almighty dollar. Thank you for calling out these Mini-Mengeles to us, Dr. M!

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Dear Dr Malone,

Thank you for your focus on the horrible practices that are being promoted by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG), the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine SMFM, and also the associated pediatric boards and societies (ABP, ACP, et al). There is no better way to describe this other than purposefully perpetrated assault and battery. We have previously published a comprehensive legal and medical brief on the formal gag orders on every physician (and nurse) in the USA issued all around September 2021 - all purposed to eliminate vaccine hesitancy and maximize profits. The threat from ABOG listed The American Board of Medical Specialties and also the Federation of State Medical Boards (ABMS & FSMB).

Thorp JA, Renz T, Northrup

C, Lively C, Breggin P, Bartlett R, et al. Patient Betrayal:

The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the

Physician-Patient Relationship. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1): 046-



All of these issuing boards & medical societies issued about 100 simultaneous communications to their constituents, all from completely separate organizations, all using the exact same language “spreading misinformation regarding COVID-19”. These boards & organizations are pushing extremely dangerous chemical and surgical genital mutilation / breast mutilation and severe psychiatric abuse in children and adolescents. This is contrary and devoid of all science and ethics and has been proven to be permanent and ineffective and associated with high suicide rates.

From my perspective it is these organizations supported by our federal government that has perpetrated mass misinformation resulting in killing and injuring millions of Americans. They fraudulently eliminated the use of early treatments for COVID-19 thus withholding therapy from the victims of COVID-19 - - that would’ve prevented death and hospitalization in 95+ percent of these individuals. By fraudulently eliminating safe and effective early treatment the MEDICAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX paved their road to billions of dollars of profit from a lethal vaccine for COVID-19. And now their extremely dangerous COVID-19 vaccination has killed and injured millions of innocent people around the world while the stakeholders are laughing all the way to the bank having created massive wealth including five hundred new billionaires since the start of the pandemic. At the same time these boards are simultaneously pushing this extraordinarily dangerous and unfounded “therapies” in minors.

Thorp KE, Thorp MM, Thorp EM, Thorp JA. COVID-19 & Disaster Capitalism –

Part I. G Med Sci. 2022; 3(1):159-

178. https://www.doi.org/10.46766/thegms.medethics.22071901

James A Thorp MD

Board Certified ObGyn

Board Certified Maternal Fetal Medicine

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Utterly horrific.

This, combined with the torture inflicted on children during the Kung Flu Panic convinces me that we are "transitioning" into a culture dedicated to child sacrifice.

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You got down to the nitty gritty of it. Here is Kara Dansky, an attorney, a workhorse for the the females out there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcztAjqcwfo She gives the history of why? It is disturbing. It is horrible.

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Sep 20, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If these individuals are adolescents...

Then by requiring hormone “puberty blockers”...

...they admit these children are not hormonally developed and therefore are not only not mentally mature enough to decide, but also have not achieved FULLY HORMONAL development and THEREFORE DO NOT EVEN KNOW HOW THEY WILL FEEL as a fully developed hormonal gender of their genes

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Sep 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Erick Erickson's theory of psychosocial development includes the stage of Identity vs Confusion, approx ages 12-18. It is normal for a child during this stage to try on all kinds of different identities. This is normal and healthy. It is great to let them do so, to become well-rounded human beings. One danger of this stage is "foreclosure", i.e., shutting out various options, and coming to a conclusion too quickly. This can occur for a variety of reasons, but a key reason is social pressure. Of course, social peer pressure is a known aspect of this age group, since this is the beginning of children being more aligned with peers and breaking from their families, also a normal part of development.

But to have giant wealthy industries hijack and subvert this normal stage is both predatory and evil. Done on such a large scale it has implications for the future of everyone. Not to mention sterilizing a portion of a whole generation. Some of these children are bright, highly creative and imaginative. Such a tragedy.

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