These liberals are a paradox. They think they're smarter than everybody else, b/c they read high-brow publications like NYT and WaPo. The reality is, they're dumber than everybody else, b/c they read high-brow publications like NYT and WaPo, and little else.
I'd love to see a poll that asks liberals just two questions:
1) How many times have you been jabbed with COVID vaccine?
2) What made you switch from your early fear of any vaccine pushed by the Trump administration?
It still baffles me how the far left went from bashing the "Trump vaccine" as inherently dangerous because, well, Trump, to becoming the most rabid of supporters of legal mandates forcing everyone to take the "Trump vaccine" semi-annually for years to come.
The simple fact that they allowed those 'modern universities' to rip them off (or their parents) and end up with NO EDUCATION and incapable of constructive-thinking and plain COMMON SENSE. They cannot survive on their own.
I think Dr. Malone had it right. Its "collective" (group/herd) thinking vs "individual" thinking.
WaPo and NYT deliberately set out to reinforce and reward (with ego strokes and reassurances) the folks that remain in the herd. I'm guessing that helps retain readers, who may have a greater psychological need for stroking and reassurance. Possibly as a result of all that free-floating anxiety? "Read WAPO and we'll tell you just how right and good a person you are. There. Doesn't that feel better?"
Although the deaths from the shot (are we on booster #5 yet?) in this group is probably higher than the average, so at some point, killing or injuring your readership will end up backfiring. But that's probably a year or so in the future.
John Michael Greer has a phenomenal way of looking at the present through the historical lens. He posts every Wednesday and this latest post is a gem if you have a few minutes to read it.
Fast forward to 2016. The Brexit vote in Britain and the election of Donald Trump in the US put the clerisy of the industrial world on notice that a very large number of people no longer trusted them and would not take their advice any longer. The result, as we all remember, was a pair of world-class tantrums. How dare ordinary people doubt the expert opinions of their betters? Of course that didn’t exactly go over well among the ordinary people in question, and the result was the increasingly hostile armed standoff between the clerisy and its supporters, on the one hand, and those people who had lost faith in the clerisy on the other. Since the clerisy was doing nothing to give people a reason to have renewed faith in their competence—shrieking insults at your critics isn’t an effective way to do this, after all—stresses rose to the breaking point.
The message is clear. The mindset of the younger generations has been corrupted to believe government is good and is working in their best interest. Sad.
Hi Dr. Ma-Lion! "Very liberal" = brainwashed by the biggest Agenda 21 psyop in America with NYT serving as the Pravda mouthpiece. I wish people would wake up to the fact that our government has been a criminal kleptocracy for decades, very capable of murdering it's own citizens.
For those of you would like details and Who's Who of the globalists Whitney Webb Unlimited Hangout, the Solari Report and The Corbett Report do a really good job of presenting well sourced data.
Honestly, following this stuff is like reading a very suspenseful Tom Clancy or John Grisham novel.
What we're seeing is culture of cribbing reality. Most people are not processing an independent assessment of the cultural and psychological depth of messaging in the media. They aren't considering information, they are trafficking in it.
There's nothing "liberal" or "progressive" about medical apartheid. There's nothing "left-wing" about following Bill Gates and the WEF off a cliff. A decade ago, it was the left that was criticizing Davos, getting their heads cracked to protest globalism.
There's plenty of COVID dissidents on the left, or formerly on the left. We haven't left the left, the left left us.
Now, if we could only get Neil Young to recognize that fundamental truth. Some quote about not being able to convince someone of a truth if his paycheck depends on the falsehood comes to mind.
We really don't understand how we went from "Monsanto is literally the Devil" to "if you won't take modified genetic Frankenjections, you should be locked up in camps."
Orwell went through a similar shift in political tides.
Robert, you mentioned Wikispooks being scrubbed from the internet in another post. I didn't mention at the time that Robin Upton, its creator, is a friend of mine because I didn't know if he was personally under risk. But I've communicated with him since and he gave permission to post his email at If anyone would like the complete backup, at 12GB (around 30,000 pages), feel free to email him. It takes some tech savvy to set up by installing a mediawiki. However he's gotten one new Patreon member, even with the DNS down, and there is a back-door access that I'll let people know if I can publish it.
This database is all of the most comprehensive information available on deep politics, including Bilderberg members and Hunter Biden's laptop. Robin is one of the most dedicated people I've ever known. It's worth preserving this.
Ok so that's super cool. Anything that they've gone to the trouble of deleting from archive has to be super-threatening to "someone". It is like the ultimate "fact-check" in the modern age; a fact-check gets my attention, but if you can get something deleted something from archive, then you have my instant, full attention.
Yes, especially if you're deleting the whole 30,000 page archive. Robin's been threatened with legal action before but has ignored it. This time they sent the threat to someone able to shut down his site, although he's still hopeful they'll reconsider. He is the Julian Assange of secondhand (already published) sources where he aggregates the information. I agree that the "fact-check" is the liar's tell that you're getting way too close to the truth.
Yes - collectivist/globalist versus individualist/nationalist. We need to drop the terms Left and Right for no other reason than they are an impediment to understanding and the terms themselves have been so utterly politicized. They are emotive and nothing else. Imagine the msm declaring that so and so is a “Individualist/Nationalist” rather than a Right Wing Extremist(their favorite term for decades).
Both terms are excellent in that they replace emotion with content. This is part of a much bigger effort that needs to take place - the retaking of language and the meaning of words.
As Aristotle put it: “If you want to argue, first define your terms”.
Dr. Malone, you are spot-on with when you write: "I strongly suggest that these data bins, “Very Liberal” through “Very Conservative” are outdated anachronisms, belonging to the 20th century. The current political axis runs more from “collectivist/globalist” to “individualist/nationalist”."
I would further submit that the whole right wing/ left wing construct is misleading, as it puts totalitarianism on both the far right (as fascism) and on the far left (as communism). A more accurate and useful model would be based on the range between individual freedom and government control, with anarchy (no law, no government) on the far right and totalitarianism (including fascism and communism) on the far left. Represenative democracy (a republic) then appears centrist.
I have wondered when the current misleading model came into being; I postulated it was during WWII when we teamed up with communists against fascists, but it appears to have been around earlier. Anyone know the genesis of this model?
Also it is interesting that the NYT survey excludes libertarians. It screws up their bias to have a group that uses individual rights as their compass.
Once upon a time, liberals were focused on economics and the working class. This threatened the Oligarchy, so they wanged "liberals" around to focus on non-bottom-line (money) issues like race, gender, "getting everyone vaccinated", etc. So now, those liberals are no longer threatening. I believe this didn't happen by accident. This was a strategy.
You don't understand polling. If you are going to ask people to place themselves on a scale, the people you ask must understand the categories. If you use categories not easily understood by the majority you have a useless question. Now there are sophisticated polling that ask a series of questions to affix people in whatever categories you want to use. These of course are better than asking people to self-identify because most people don't like to be seen on the extremes and may fear persecution (whether accurate or not) if they self identify in certain ways. The prime example is polling on drug use done by schools. What student is going to admit doing illegal substances to a institution that could cause them harm.
So Dave you are pointing out that, of necessity, the polls have to operate within whatever "definitional" narrative has been established. This would explain a lot about how polls sometimes miss the mark in terms of uncovering how people really are thinking or feeling. The polls can operate only within categories that have been established in the past and therefore may tend to miss information that deviates from that.
Yes, in general. But, there are ways to get around this. Take racism for example. If you ask people to place themselves on a scale of how racist they are, you aren't going to get very many to admit any racism. But, in the GSS data and other more sophisticated polling, they ask a series of questions that indirectly establish racism, and set those questions in different series, like intermarriage questions and neighborhood questions and diversity questions. And you can add questions or subtract questions that no longer are valid as you go forward. Peoples opinions often contradict internally on a variety of elements. So, you need to have a variety of ways to ask about the same thing and then correlate that with what you are trying to understand.
General Social Survey...........been asking questions since 1972 so we can track trends. National Opinion Research Center at U. of Chicago. (Independent from the university)
Before COVID I identified as a progressive California liberal. When the talk of vaccines came, during Trump, I said I will not take the shot and not because of Trump, because I knew how long it takes for a vaccine to be approved and I didn't trust the process. None of my friends saw it that way and ran to get it with glee. I no longer ID myself as a progressive, or democrat for that matter. So much has been shattered in my belief system with how COVID was handled and how people responded that I don't know where I align myself. Not with any party any more, but with my own common sense, morals and values. I wonder though how many others will take the leap and trust themselves, rather than the blind trust we have been told to follow. Thanks for being a voice or reason and tempered analysis. It has really helped.
Excellent article. Makes me wonder if you were secretly riding in the back seat of my car a few days ago listening to the explosion of unprovoked angry expletives regarding COVID, masks and vaccines coming from my liberal 30-something child. These outbursts leave me saddened and at a loss for words. Seems almost impossible to dialogue anymore. I wonder if the damage being done to family relationships from the management of this pandemic can ever really be repaired.
In 1984 I went to Germany to visit my cousin 11 times removed. He showed us the house that was left when the first member of the family came to the US in 1752. He said, "There's another relative who lives across the street and 5 houses down, but the two sides of the family don't talk to each other anymore."
I hate to be the one, but what is presented here (I don't have access to the article nor the data), doesn't necessarily support either versions of what this polls says. First, we don't know how balanced the different categories are. My experience with using the categories (very conservative to very liberal) is that few people self-identify on the extremes. Usually you need another set of questions to affix where people fit on that scale. So, you could have only a few dozen people in each extreme category which makes it unstable to say the least. It is also relative to where you live. For myself, when I lived in Florida I was considered liberal, now in New Hampshire I am considered moderate. I also doubt that political identification is the best scale to use. I would have had a series of geography questions first, like city, suburb, rural, etc. Also we know there have been different sets of mandates by state and even by county, so that would have been important information to know. Basically, this is a poll that tells us nothing useful. It also lacks context and has some weird results that beg for explanation like why do conservatives and moderates reverse course in late March on in-person school? Or, why are moderates trending more likely to be concerned about Covid personal risk? I would humbly suggest one take a critical view of social science research as one would do with hard sciences. FYI..............if I never read anything from the NYTimes for the rest of my life, I would be happy.
Well, good news, not so many very liberal people are going to die or be maimed by the boosters. Sadly, it looks like most of the editorial office at the NYT is going to be harmed or killed by repeated boosters - assuming they actually believe what they are writing, and not just cribbing off Phizer press releases, for the benefit of the great unwashed masses, while aware to the reality and avoiding boosters...
The labels liberal and conservative are part of the scam. Please see through this nonsense.These fictional terms do not exist in nature. And those who are pushing these labels (like the New York Times) are using them to further indoctrinate people in ways that enable greater and greater manipulation. Learn to recognize propaganda when you see it. Examine the real world. Avoid the trap of false labels that will trap you.
Personally, I dislike ALL political labels when trying to have a meaningful conversation with someone. Progressive, liberal, conservative, libertarian, right, left, far right, Republican, Democrat, blah, blah, blah. Not only does their meaning tend to drift over time, they all come with baggage that stifles productive dialog. A label identifies which tribe you belong to. We don't have discussions anymore, we have tribal bickering. One must recite the required talking points to retain status as a card carrying member of the tribe. What better way for us to remain divided and conquered?
Better to disclaim membership in any tribe, axe the tribal bickering, and instead find some common ground with which to start a conversation. You can always find a scrap of common ground lying around somewhere, no matter who you're talking with.
These liberals are a paradox. They think they're smarter than everybody else, b/c they read high-brow publications like NYT and WaPo. The reality is, they're dumber than everybody else, b/c they read high-brow publications like NYT and WaPo, and little else.
They really need to get out more.
I'd love to see a poll that asks liberals just two questions:
1) How many times have you been jabbed with COVID vaccine?
2) What made you switch from your early fear of any vaccine pushed by the Trump administration?
It still baffles me how the far left went from bashing the "Trump vaccine" as inherently dangerous because, well, Trump, to becoming the most rabid of supporters of legal mandates forcing everyone to take the "Trump vaccine" semi-annually for years to come.
Excellent. I was going to say something similar: so-called “liberals” are dumb, “very liberals” are imbeciles.
And they think they are cultured intellectuals who appreciate art because they've attended modern universities.
The simple fact that they allowed those 'modern universities' to rip them off (or their parents) and end up with NO EDUCATION and incapable of constructive-thinking and plain COMMON SENSE. They cannot survive on their own.
I think Dr. Malone had it right. Its "collective" (group/herd) thinking vs "individual" thinking.
WaPo and NYT deliberately set out to reinforce and reward (with ego strokes and reassurances) the folks that remain in the herd. I'm guessing that helps retain readers, who may have a greater psychological need for stroking and reassurance. Possibly as a result of all that free-floating anxiety? "Read WAPO and we'll tell you just how right and good a person you are. There. Doesn't that feel better?"
Although the deaths from the shot (are we on booster #5 yet?) in this group is probably higher than the average, so at some point, killing or injuring your readership will end up backfiring. But that's probably a year or so in the future.
Maybe the CEO's have been promised a fleet of personal jets and an island or two by the time most of their readers have died.
John Michael Greer has a phenomenal way of looking at the present through the historical lens. He posts every Wednesday and this latest post is a gem if you have a few minutes to read it.
Here's an excerpt:
Fast forward to 2016. The Brexit vote in Britain and the election of Donald Trump in the US put the clerisy of the industrial world on notice that a very large number of people no longer trusted them and would not take their advice any longer. The result, as we all remember, was a pair of world-class tantrums. How dare ordinary people doubt the expert opinions of their betters? Of course that didn’t exactly go over well among the ordinary people in question, and the result was the increasingly hostile armed standoff between the clerisy and its supporters, on the one hand, and those people who had lost faith in the clerisy on the other. Since the clerisy was doing nothing to give people a reason to have renewed faith in their competence—shrieking insults at your critics isn’t an effective way to do this, after all—stresses rose to the breaking point.
This is a fabulous article that should be distributed widely. Well done Dr Malone. I suggest most people share this as much as possible.
The message is clear. The mindset of the younger generations has been corrupted to believe government is good and is working in their best interest. Sad.
Maybe it has a ton to do with all the "free stuff's? "
And the promise of even more free stuff to infinity and beyond. Sigh...who needs ethics? I gots welfare.
What's an RPh?
Legitimate Drug Pusher! Pharmacist 😎 Only I Believe we are too dependent on believing drugs are the
Only answer to ill health!
Registered Pharmacist...
Hi Dr. Ma-Lion! "Very liberal" = brainwashed by the biggest Agenda 21 psyop in America with NYT serving as the Pravda mouthpiece. I wish people would wake up to the fact that our government has been a criminal kleptocracy for decades, very capable of murdering it's own citizens.
For those of you would like details and Who's Who of the globalists Whitney Webb Unlimited Hangout, the Solari Report and The Corbett Report do a really good job of presenting well sourced data.
Honestly, following this stuff is like reading a very suspenseful Tom Clancy or John Grisham novel.
In particular I am a huge fanboy of Whitney Webb and her reporting.
I've been a long-term fangirl of Catherine Austin Fitts and the Solari Report.
or Revelations, or Daniel...
What we're seeing is culture of cribbing reality. Most people are not processing an independent assessment of the cultural and psychological depth of messaging in the media. They aren't considering information, they are trafficking in it.
There's nothing "liberal" or "progressive" about medical apartheid. There's nothing "left-wing" about following Bill Gates and the WEF off a cliff. A decade ago, it was the left that was criticizing Davos, getting their heads cracked to protest globalism.
There's plenty of COVID dissidents on the left, or formerly on the left. We haven't left the left, the left left us.
Well stated.
"We haven't left the left, the left left us."
Now, if we could only get Neil Young to recognize that fundamental truth. Some quote about not being able to convince someone of a truth if his paycheck depends on the falsehood comes to mind.
We really don't understand how we went from "Monsanto is literally the Devil" to "if you won't take modified genetic Frankenjections, you should be locked up in camps."
Orwell went through a similar shift in political tides.
The individualist
Cogito, ergo sum
The collectivist
Insum, ergo sum
Likewise, there's nothing "right-wing" about *pushing* Bill Gates and the WEF off a cliff.
Doesn't mean it wouldn't be fun.
Covid dissidents on the left deserve to be called liberal. In the best possible sense of the word.
Robert, you mentioned Wikispooks being scrubbed from the internet in another post. I didn't mention at the time that Robin Upton, its creator, is a friend of mine because I didn't know if he was personally under risk. But I've communicated with him since and he gave permission to post his email at If anyone would like the complete backup, at 12GB (around 30,000 pages), feel free to email him. It takes some tech savvy to set up by installing a mediawiki. However he's gotten one new Patreon member, even with the DNS down, and there is a back-door access that I'll let people know if I can publish it.
This database is all of the most comprehensive information available on deep politics, including Bilderberg members and Hunter Biden's laptop. Robin is one of the most dedicated people I've ever known. It's worth preserving this.
Ok so that's super cool. Anything that they've gone to the trouble of deleting from archive has to be super-threatening to "someone". It is like the ultimate "fact-check" in the modern age; a fact-check gets my attention, but if you can get something deleted something from archive, then you have my instant, full attention.
Yes, especially if you're deleting the whole 30,000 page archive. Robin's been threatened with legal action before but has ignored it. This time they sent the threat to someone able to shut down his site, although he's still hopeful they'll reconsider. He is the Julian Assange of secondhand (already published) sources where he aggregates the information. I agree that the "fact-check" is the liar's tell that you're getting way too close to the truth.
Wow! Thanks! All of us keeping the "receipts" is a good idea!
Has he ever thought about going on substack or Telegram?
Yes - collectivist/globalist versus individualist/nationalist. We need to drop the terms Left and Right for no other reason than they are an impediment to understanding and the terms themselves have been so utterly politicized. They are emotive and nothing else. Imagine the msm declaring that so and so is a “Individualist/Nationalist” rather than a Right Wing Extremist(their favorite term for decades).
Both terms are excellent in that they replace emotion with content. This is part of a much bigger effort that needs to take place - the retaking of language and the meaning of words.
As Aristotle put it: “If you want to argue, first define your terms”.
smart guy, that Aristotle.
Two cheeks, same arse. Keep people looking at each other never up.
Thought that was Voltaire but maybe he ripped off Aristotle. Had a History of Science prof who thought all knowledge resided in Aristotle
Everything old...
Is new again.
Dr. Malone, you are spot-on with when you write: "I strongly suggest that these data bins, “Very Liberal” through “Very Conservative” are outdated anachronisms, belonging to the 20th century. The current political axis runs more from “collectivist/globalist” to “individualist/nationalist”."
I would further submit that the whole right wing/ left wing construct is misleading, as it puts totalitarianism on both the far right (as fascism) and on the far left (as communism). A more accurate and useful model would be based on the range between individual freedom and government control, with anarchy (no law, no government) on the far right and totalitarianism (including fascism and communism) on the far left. Represenative democracy (a republic) then appears centrist.
I have wondered when the current misleading model came into being; I postulated it was during WWII when we teamed up with communists against fascists, but it appears to have been around earlier. Anyone know the genesis of this model?
Also it is interesting that the NYT survey excludes libertarians. It screws up their bias to have a group that uses individual rights as their compass.
well stated
Once upon a time, liberals were focused on economics and the working class. This threatened the Oligarchy, so they wanged "liberals" around to focus on non-bottom-line (money) issues like race, gender, "getting everyone vaccinated", etc. So now, those liberals are no longer threatening. I believe this didn't happen by accident. This was a strategy.
You don't understand polling. If you are going to ask people to place themselves on a scale, the people you ask must understand the categories. If you use categories not easily understood by the majority you have a useless question. Now there are sophisticated polling that ask a series of questions to affix people in whatever categories you want to use. These of course are better than asking people to self-identify because most people don't like to be seen on the extremes and may fear persecution (whether accurate or not) if they self identify in certain ways. The prime example is polling on drug use done by schools. What student is going to admit doing illegal substances to a institution that could cause them harm.
So Dave you are pointing out that, of necessity, the polls have to operate within whatever "definitional" narrative has been established. This would explain a lot about how polls sometimes miss the mark in terms of uncovering how people really are thinking or feeling. The polls can operate only within categories that have been established in the past and therefore may tend to miss information that deviates from that.
Yes, in general. But, there are ways to get around this. Take racism for example. If you ask people to place themselves on a scale of how racist they are, you aren't going to get very many to admit any racism. But, in the GSS data and other more sophisticated polling, they ask a series of questions that indirectly establish racism, and set those questions in different series, like intermarriage questions and neighborhood questions and diversity questions. And you can add questions or subtract questions that no longer are valid as you go forward. Peoples opinions often contradict internally on a variety of elements. So, you need to have a variety of ways to ask about the same thing and then correlate that with what you are trying to understand.
What is GSS data? thx
General Social Survey...........been asking questions since 1972 so we can track trends. National Opinion Research Center at U. of Chicago. (Independent from the university)
Before COVID I identified as a progressive California liberal. When the talk of vaccines came, during Trump, I said I will not take the shot and not because of Trump, because I knew how long it takes for a vaccine to be approved and I didn't trust the process. None of my friends saw it that way and ran to get it with glee. I no longer ID myself as a progressive, or democrat for that matter. So much has been shattered in my belief system with how COVID was handled and how people responded that I don't know where I align myself. Not with any party any more, but with my own common sense, morals and values. I wonder though how many others will take the leap and trust themselves, rather than the blind trust we have been told to follow. Thanks for being a voice or reason and tempered analysis. It has really helped.
Excellent article. Makes me wonder if you were secretly riding in the back seat of my car a few days ago listening to the explosion of unprovoked angry expletives regarding COVID, masks and vaccines coming from my liberal 30-something child. These outbursts leave me saddened and at a loss for words. Seems almost impossible to dialogue anymore. I wonder if the damage being done to family relationships from the management of this pandemic can ever really be repaired.
In 1984 I went to Germany to visit my cousin 11 times removed. He showed us the house that was left when the first member of the family came to the US in 1752. He said, "There's another relative who lives across the street and 5 houses down, but the two sides of the family don't talk to each other anymore."
"Why don't you talk to them," I asked.
"We just don't. Nobody remembers why."
I hate to be the one, but what is presented here (I don't have access to the article nor the data), doesn't necessarily support either versions of what this polls says. First, we don't know how balanced the different categories are. My experience with using the categories (very conservative to very liberal) is that few people self-identify on the extremes. Usually you need another set of questions to affix where people fit on that scale. So, you could have only a few dozen people in each extreme category which makes it unstable to say the least. It is also relative to where you live. For myself, when I lived in Florida I was considered liberal, now in New Hampshire I am considered moderate. I also doubt that political identification is the best scale to use. I would have had a series of geography questions first, like city, suburb, rural, etc. Also we know there have been different sets of mandates by state and even by county, so that would have been important information to know. Basically, this is a poll that tells us nothing useful. It also lacks context and has some weird results that beg for explanation like why do conservatives and moderates reverse course in late March on in-person school? Or, why are moderates trending more likely to be concerned about Covid personal risk? I would humbly suggest one take a critical view of social science research as one would do with hard sciences. FYI..............if I never read anything from the NYTimes for the rest of my life, I would be happy.
fair criticism... particularly the last sentence.
…..last two sentences.
Can confirm - asked my super liberal old friend the other day if he is getting ready for his booster - got no answer, he was clearly embarrassed.....
In these times we have to be flexible and smart and if needed recalibrate our compass quickly
Covid-19....22 has been very educating for sure
Well, good news, not so many very liberal people are going to die or be maimed by the boosters. Sadly, it looks like most of the editorial office at the NYT is going to be harmed or killed by repeated boosters - assuming they actually believe what they are writing, and not just cribbing off Phizer press releases, for the benefit of the great unwashed masses, while aware to the reality and avoiding boosters...
RE: NYT- What a heartbreaker.
liars lie to other liars, too
Outstanding synopsis! I rejoice over reading current very well-written articles! May God bless and protect you and your family!
I read this out loud to my bestie. We both laughed out loud at your commentary. Love your humor Robert. 😂😂😂
With you Laura, I had to read twice for great humor! Love it !
The labels liberal and conservative are part of the scam. Please see through this nonsense.These fictional terms do not exist in nature. And those who are pushing these labels (like the New York Times) are using them to further indoctrinate people in ways that enable greater and greater manipulation. Learn to recognize propaganda when you see it. Examine the real world. Avoid the trap of false labels that will trap you.
Personally, I dislike ALL political labels when trying to have a meaningful conversation with someone. Progressive, liberal, conservative, libertarian, right, left, far right, Republican, Democrat, blah, blah, blah. Not only does their meaning tend to drift over time, they all come with baggage that stifles productive dialog. A label identifies which tribe you belong to. We don't have discussions anymore, we have tribal bickering. One must recite the required talking points to retain status as a card carrying member of the tribe. What better way for us to remain divided and conquered?
Better to disclaim membership in any tribe, axe the tribal bickering, and instead find some common ground with which to start a conversation. You can always find a scrap of common ground lying around somewhere, no matter who you're talking with.
Satan is referred to in the book of Revelation as the accuser/categorizer of the brothers.