Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There's so much evidence out there now and here in Canada we just can't get anywhere with waking people up. Today I feel like banging my head against the wall. I've concluded there won't be some collective AHA! moment. We're just going to have to keep chipping away and taking baby steps. We've a long grind ahead of us yet.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes but don't forget, it takes only few of us to change everything. ¨Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.¨ Margaret Mead

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100% agreed! I am a great fan of the butterfly effect (chaos theory) meaning that small things can have huge effect!

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We live in a kind of hologram. We can create with our thoughts, words and imagination. The cabal knows that. They always program their intentions using visual effect like making a movie about it. Here is an example : In plain sight. Opening Ceremony Of Olympic Games In London 2012 - Covid 19 Predictive Programming 9:50 min https://www.brighteon.com/124e5f43-6ac7-4477-a669-6860b59d41be

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I watched it and it is shocking. It is hard to deny the possibility of it being predictive programming. Thought - lots of writers tap into the future (remote viewing). Is it a possible artistic choice led by the subconscious? If so, let's all be careful with what we put out into the world!

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Yes remote viewing exist but this is not. It was their plans for the future.

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Agreed! I remind myself of this when I get discouraged. Our "team" has great leadership (Dr. Malone, et al), and we've only just hit the playing field about 18 months ago, so the progress we've made has been substantial. I expected more of a build up to a big tipping point, but we're going to have to win this battle one convert at a time. It's not going to be the big, sudden tidal wave of support at the end that I expected.

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If we have safety belts in our cars today it is because of a man who fought for it courageously against the automobile industry, Ralph Nader.

¨Nader was first propelled into the national spotlight with the 1965 publication of his journalistic exposé Unsafe at Any Speed. Though he had previously expressed an interest in issues of automobile safety while a law student, Unsafe at Any Speed presented a critical dissection of the automotive industry by claiming that many American automobiles were generally unsafe to operate. Nader researched case files from more than 100 lawsuits then pending against General Motors' Chevrolet Corvair to support his assertions.

The book became an immediate bestseller, but also prompted a vicious backlash from General Motors (GM) who attempted to discredit Nader by tapping his phone in an attempt to uncover salacious information and, when that failed, hiring prostitutes in an attempt to catch him in a compromising situation.¨ Read More https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Nader

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Amen, Mario.

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Thank you Laura. We will never surrender!

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A hope to hang on to. Yes the butterfly effect is something to remember. Thank you.

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"¨Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world"

... no worries; they will be using small, thoughtful and committed firing squads :P...

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From what I've seen, Canadians tend to be very compliant and trusting. Not a good combination given what is going on....

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High trust societies will pay the highest price. Tragic.

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Did you forgot all the Truckers driving to Ottawa? We haven't see that in USA.

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Truckers drove to DC. The police would not allow them to exit into the city and the media refused to cover the story.

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US views itself as more independent. Canada views itself as more of a part of the collective. Canada also considers itself "better educated" ... so we buy into narratives from the UN and Universities on things like vaccines and climate... yes, more compliant and less suspicious. Generally a bit more left/socialist leaning than the US. This has been a bit of a wake up call to some though.

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Also the Canadian Oath of Allegiance is not to the Constitution like in United States but to the... Queen. So what does it means? It is a kind of a Blank Check.

I, [name], do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors. So help me God.

"The Canadian Oath of Allegiance is a promise or declaration of fealty to the Canadian monarch, as personification of the Canadian state, taken, along with other specific oaths of office, by new occupants of various federal and provincial government offices, members of federal, provincial, and municipal police forces, members of the Canadian Armed Forces, and, in some provinces, all lawyers upon admission to the bar. The Oath of Allegiance also makes up the first portion of the Oath of Citizenship, the taking of which is a requirement of obtaining Canadian nationality." Read More https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oath_of_Allegiance_(Canada)

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Consider vaccination rates in most countries and then consider the behavior of many (not all) of those vaccinated people. It will be the rare vaccinated person that behaved the way many of them did that will allow themselves to accept the truth. The consequences of accepting how awful they've been are significant and they have so many people in every direction that will tell them what they want to hear making it easy for them to continue deceiving themselves. So yeah.... no AHA! moment coming.

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If ron johnson's efforts could result in a "January 6" type of committee ( you know, since there have been thousands and thousands of deaths as opposed to zero), that might be pretty close to an aha moment.

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One of the more profound statements. Chipping away is all we've got left I think.

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These things rarely seem to have massive watershed moments. Often wars of attrition. Definitely seems to be what we are seeing here. Hopefully lawsuits in near future though.

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Hopefully. There are some under way in Canada but I have concerns that judges might be compromised. We'll know in the next few months but that ruling out of Edmonton the other day saying a woman can't get a transplant because she refused the shot was very troubling.

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You Canadians have suffered tremendously from your government.

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As a retired criminal investigator, I have always done my due diligence to verify information, but I can’t tell you how many sheep have told me, they can’t be bothered.

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Many will resent us even more once they realize that we have lower risks/better health.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How can we appreciate you enough, Dr. Malone, for maintaining your integrity, courage, clarity, and (on Fridays and Sundays) your humor through these truly vicious times? You know and have shown (shone!) the way forward. Huge thanks to you and your amazing wife, Jill, for taking on the tough stuff, giving everyone the courage to “Just Say No!” To Tyranny — and human stupidity.

People must open their eyes, break out of their mass formation, question authority, hold these alphabet organizations and their surrounding henchpeople responsible, and recover their own humanity. As you said, “ This is going to be a hard lift. “

And, no, I will never trust “Medicine” or its supporting organizations again, though I certainly will trust trustworthy doctors who believe in doing no harm and fully support informed consent. I have seen enough now to know the difference between trustworthy and not.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If I was going to fix the FDA and the CDC I would bring in a group of experts and not concentrate power in one person such as a Dr. Fauci. There should also be term limits so a Dr. Fauci can't consolidate his power and rule over a dictatorship with incredible amounts of money to dispense. FDA and CDC personnel should not be allowed to have a financial stake and gains in these medicines and treatments they oversee and regulate. Whoever decided on that ought to be in jail.

Top of my expert list would be Dr. Malone, Dr. Kheriaty, Dr. Makary, Dr. Risch, Dr. Cole, Geert Vanden Bossche, Dr. McCullough, Dr. Bhattacharya, Dr. Atlas, Dr. Alexander. There are so many but this is a good start.

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Don’t forget Dr. John Ioannides and Dr. Martin Kulldorff. Both were early dissenters who paid dearly for speaking out.

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And Dr Charles Hoffe in Canada, who was I think the first to identify micro blood clots in the vaccinated and paid dearly for stating so, banned from his work in the ER and his office later burned to the ground.

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Don't forget that was an actual forest fire that burned down his office, as far as i know.

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It's hardly going to make his misery any the less whatever the cause of the fire!

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Check out Dr. Reisch tonight on Tucker.

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Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Richard Urso also.

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I like el gato malo's idea of open source open everything. Just get rid of these 3 letter agencies. Even if we manage to gut them and clean up the mess, they are open season for another capture. It's the nature of regulatory agencies it seems.

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"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine." ― William Blum, Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower

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I really, really, really want to ignore how much truth is in that statement.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As I have already commented on Gettr there are still so many people around me who suffer from immune suppression especially after the third shot, who catch Omicron and then think they have Long Covid and thus, it’s not the vaccine’s fault but Omicron’s fault in their opinion. Such thinking derives from the lies told concerning the documents submitted by Pfizer and Moderna. The fear these lies caused is deep in the bones of these people. But I also watch people waking up and coming around based on all your efforts from the beginning!! I keep repeating myself saying how much I admire you for keeping up the fight for truth, dignity and humanity and science of course!! Thank you so much!!! I have the feeling this mass formation hypnosis is fading - slowly - but it is!

Apropos: I remember you talking on WarRoom about coming to Belgium soon! I bet you will meet Mattias there. I saw a picture of one of his sheep on FB, a beautiful animal! Have a great time and take care!

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yes, we will spend time together with our wives.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The key to stopping this massive crime against humanity has to be not in trying to educate the public to understanding immunology, but to put a singular message that tells the truth about the great risk of harm and risk of death as the injections biodegrade the immune system!

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But just as "safe and effective" was a cliche with no depth, we can't just go shouting "risk of harm and death".

I was on the fence in december of 2021. It was the depth of education by the likes of mccullough and kory and malone that persuaded/convinced me. It's the only way to sort the BS from the self serving narratives.

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VAers reporting now lists over 29,000 deaths from the injections and under reports by at least a factor of 10! Extrapolation indicates that over 2 million Americans have been seriously harmed including death from the injections! Israel reports almost 5% neurological damage! CDC rationalizes that it is less than 1% adverse reactions which is comparable to all other drugs marketed and approved which is not correct in this case!

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I've been speaking out about this (and alienating some people) for over a year now. This week it has become very personal. A close friend, a wife and mother in her forties, came stateside in April and got a booster in May. She is now severely injured. She and her family were missionaries in another country and now I fear she will never be able to return. I am angry that so many are victims of government and pharma lies and deceptions! I wish I had spoken out more strongly.

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It is a sad state of affairs when our institutions allow experimentation on the human race and the oath of Do No Harm is trashed!

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excellent... and... who wants to be the 1%? seriously adversely affected or dead?

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excellent point... however erring on the side of safety by the avoidance of unnecessary risk and harm, including death, seemed to be the standard approach pre-covid? and it is unmistakably proven to be a risk (reference VAERS)... the general population (AND CHILDREN!!??) has never been pHARMa's "lab rats" before... made me sick how arrogant fools would boast about their jabs in the Rx where i worked... our retort needs to be tempered with compassion, but no holding back the truth... whether we say it or not, it will be fully known to all... with eyes to see...

from dictionary.com:


a silly or stupid person; a person who lacks judgment or sense.

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vaccine-induced immune deficiency syndrome? VIIDS?

i believe that VAIDS is what I've been seeing...

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"...but we have all come to learn that these “factcheckers” are really just paid narrative reinforcers."

They are nothing more than professional parrots to be completely ignored imo.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’ve written it many times before - the federal government of the United States has no power/authority over health. The whole Department of Health and Human Services must be eliminated or completely defunded. The states and the respective people to whom the power rightly belongs can do the job. It may sound drastic, but that’s how humans have lived and survived for thousands of years. The greatest advances in health have not been achieved by the medical industry, but rather by civil engineers in the design, development and construction of water treatment and sewage disposal systems. People too should bear more responsibility in taking care of their individual health and in paying directly for their medical expenses. It would be a huge awakening not only for individuals but for the entire health care and pharma industry, along with colleges and universities who have sold their souls to obtain federal funding.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm looking forward to Volume 1 of "Lies My Government Told Me" and the subsequent 99 volumes to follow.

What's Volume 2? Epstein, NGOs, Wuhan Lab, Bankers, Bribery, Fed, Pentagon, War Crimes, JFK, Illegal Surveillance, CIA, FBI, EPA, etc etc etc......

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I, myself have to stop every so often to re-access the extreme distrust that I have in the medical establishment that's been fostered by the events of the past two- three years.

I know that at 68 I will need HC at some point, yet my hesitation and mistrust keep me away from the medical establishment.

I know I'm not alone.

I, too, am at a loss as to how to remedy the current problem.

The staggering amounts of money that have corrupted the system at every level is an almost impossible enemy to overcome.

All I can say is that God willing, time will heal the problem.

Let's hope it doesn't take too much time.

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Me too. I need to have knee surgery but keep putting it off. I don't want to go into the system! Lost all trust.

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That's awesome. I'll look at the links. Thank you.

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My husband and I are in that situation also; he's 71 and I am 70. It's terrible to be afraid to go to a hospital or to have surgery because they might jab you while you under anesthesia! Maybe the Great Physician will take us out of here before we need to rely on untrustworthy options.

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We, too, have an embarrassing amount of supplements. Thanks for the info you shared, I'm going to check it out. I believe Philippians 1:21, "For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain," but I don't intend to make it easy for the globalists to kill me. (I need a smiley face to insert here.)

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Take heart all you great physicians. God is still in control and He wrote the end of the book for us to know. Most often when great and fantastic good things happen it's after being faced with hopelessness, the end of the road and nowhere to turn. Had all these horrible things not happened we would to this day still be trusting those doing them. It's good they've all been exposed now. It's good that many doctors have been forced to reevaluate their own jobs, their reasons for being, and trusting without thinking or researching. The medical community and scientists who have come out against the elite and fraud are now MORE trusted than ever. Let's pray they don't forget what brought us to this point.

Moses faced a sea with the entire army out to kill him and his people but God made a way where there was no way. Joshua faced a fortified city, Jacob lay in the bottom of a hole put there to die by his brothers, Paul exiled to an island wrote some of the greatest manuscripts of the NT. Edited to add: Jonah...How he must've felt in the whale's belly! There are literally hundreds of these stories throughout scripture. There are reasons for everything that happens and there is always hope, even when we can't see it with our eyes.

Look up.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

First, Thank You, once again, for shining Light on the Darkness. Bringing us insights, how to try to understand this information, helps all of us to Know that the BS they fed us really is BS. We all question ourselves and knowledge helps to assuage the doubt.

As for "how do we repair the damage", the lost Trust, I can only think that we must revert to actual Science, not the bullshit Anthony Fauci calls "science", whatever that really is. Facts. Provable facts with traceable supporting data. An atmosphere where peer review isn't demonized if it criticizes wrong conclusions is also fundamentally necessary. If nothing else has become clear in all the Covungabunga fraud and insanity it is that when Free Speech is censored, the Bad Guys use that to their advantage. That shit has to stop.

Oh, and No More Indemnity: If a Pharma company sells something that harms people, the executives, not just the corporation, must be held liable for damages. Phony trials might stop instantly if this were implemented.

Just my 2 cents.

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very interesting that you conclude with "were," which is subjunctive case...

from this webpage: https://www.mainstreethost.com/blog/the-subjunctive-mood-why-its-i-wish-i-were-not-i-wish-i-was/

The subjunctive is also used in sentences that express contrary-to-fact conditions. Beyonce sings, “If I were a boy”. She uses “were” instead of “was” because she's talking about something that's contrary to fact: Beyonce is not a boy. She's simply indulging in her imagination when she sings those words.

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Jul 21, 2022·edited Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My heart and so many others (I'm POSITIVE) are with you in this heavy lift. It is devastating to realize what was done, how it was done, and who done it. Those that had a responsibility to, at a minimum, speak up but just stood there or worse, played along crossing their fingers it wouldn't be as bad for the people as it was looking. Waiting for the book, not impatiently though.

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I come at this from several different vantage points! One is that the courts have this week allowed us to have discoveries where we get Fauci and other leaders cross examined, that is praise worthy I just read that today in Epoch times!

I also have contacts in the intelligence community and most of these wicked leaders are about to be arrested and many have already been arrested it isn’t yet public knowledge!

A lot of these leaders have been arrested and we are seeing actors pretending to be them! I was involved for two years in the movie industry after retiring from my 30 years in practicing law! Most of what we are seeing are messages given in front of green screens!

There are soldiers from 30 countries involved in the clean up and hopefully before this year is over all will be shared on live TV all prerecorded!

I am not at liberty to say more as I don’t want to warn the other side but what we are fitting is CIA and Masad and Nasis in governments in more than 30 countries!

The only thing for sure we can do is to pray! This is good or God verses evil! For those who read your Bibles Ephesians chapter six !

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A covid version of the federal Q psyop. I hope this is satire.

Trust the plan folks!

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Something about the incessant use of ! is troubling to me.

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How many times I have heard similar attestations.

I’m not holding my breath.

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No one should but the G-7 was held in Hitler’s mansion and the world press said nothing! The G-20 met and the only leaders who refused to be photoed with the rest of the world leaders were the G-7 leaders!

Two months ago main stream media said the Ukrainians were winning but the Russians were and still are taking their time trying to minimizing civilian causilties! The Russians sent in 200,000 troops and they may have lost 30,000 but everyday the Russians lost an average of 100 troops and the Ukrainians lost 600. The Ukrainians started out with roughly 750,000 mobilized troops , the Russians allowed more than 7 million Ukrainians to flee to safety while the Nasis shot their own people in the back if they tried to flee to safety! Go to Greese and you will find thosands of Ukrainians who the Russians helped to escape! The 50 billion Biden is sending to the Ukrainians isn’t going there at all and the weapons are delivered to Polland and then sold into the Middle East on the black market and it isn’t simply the democrats it is Rino republicans too! The Canadian Prime Minister is as much a gangster as any of the American politicians!

Klaus Swab says he controls the Canadian government!

Eight world leaders have resigned in the past two weeks and there are many more who will surrender their posts in the near future!

The Pentagon recently admit that they had 45 bio labs in the Ukrainian wheat they haven’t admitted yet is COVID was created their then sent to Wuhan to be released onto their people and the rest of the world!

Bill Gates announced in October 2019 that he was going to make 7 billion dollars in 2020 asking a vaccine to fight a pandemic not yet named! The truth is at his trial the military confirmed he made 10 billion in 2020 asking the vaccines! I listened to more than one sesame TS of his trial! I really don’t care if you believe it but God is in control and He is complete Ing everything in his timing! Most of what is happening at least 90% of it is behind closed doors! Under the steel mill in Ukrain the Russians rescued 35,000 children in cages the Nasis were experimenting upon! That it why the Russians took four months to secure the steel mill!

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“As I wrap up the final chapters for the upcoming book...” So excited!!! Can’t wait 🦁🥰

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From an 81 year old retired construction worker who could not be correct on just about anything. According to my two kids with advanced degrees, your writings have shown me I do have critical thinking skills. Several books that I had read about the Medical profession the two years just before the Covid crisis led me to see several red flags, no doubt I would have missed. And giving up watching TV 7 years ago didn't hurt either. Thanks for all the information you give. Its of great comfort.

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Remember, I was a framing carpenter and a farm hand before I went back to school. My brain did not change from then to now. And a lot of the practical that I learned then helps me survive every single day.

Have faith in yourself, my friend. Good construction workers are hard to find.

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Some of the best conversations I've had were with construction workers. Take care of yourself.

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