Jan 13Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Aijian's suggestion to "do you own research" was widely mocked by those promoting the mainstream narrative: "What do you mean, you did your own research? Do you have your own bio-lab at home? You're an idiot."

I didn't tell people that "I did my own research," I told them, "Over the last year(s), I have spent hundreds of hours (true) educating myself on all aspects of this issue."

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I have been studying this pandemic daily, since the virus arrived on our shores. I have read countless medical articles, and followed the opinions of people like Robert Malone carefully. My own “ research “ has been what I’ve seen in treating hundreds of my patients over the last 4 years. The “ do your own research” remark has been used by some in a similar vein to “come on folks, you are not a horse”

The supposed experts, for all their degrees, have perpetrated a great hoax and travesty on humanity . We all need to stand up for freedom, and use the reasoning power given to us by our Creator

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What constitutes an expert? Fauci has neither practiced medicine to any degree nor has he ever actually been an active participant in any form of research that I can determine yet the nation’s medical establishment cowtowed to his every utterance. That is really damning.

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P.S. as most here know I distinguish between competent,caring physicians like Dr. Aijan and the various agencies, medical boards and such that have performed so poorly that methinks it is time for some big changes

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Expert: An ex is a 'has been' and a spurt is a 'drip under pressure'.

Seriously though, it is a person with background (education of some sort), experience and a record of being right in past debates.

Fauci has a background, no experience and a record of being wrong.

Dr. McCullough, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya are experts that have been proven right over and over again.

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True but calling arses like Fauci an expert tars real experts by association. Ought to be an “expert test” and only those who pass entitled. Sort of a joke but….

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That was my point. While he has an education, he does not fit the definition of expert since he has both been wrong and doesn't have front line experience. Hence he shouldn't be quoted as an expert.

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Why I like the word authority better. Anybody can call themself an expert and many do but the word authority tends to add specificity, as in saying he is an authority on…X. Carries more weight and points the audience towards credentials.

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Thank you Dr. Aijian for your courage and for standing for the truth! You along with Dr. Malone are great heroes in this unrelenting fight! God bless you both! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Agree, 100%, Dr. Aijian.

I note that you, as a medical doctor with professional expertise as well as vast clinical experience with your own patients, might not have been mocked for saying, "I did my own research."

Many of the rest of us "pandemic skeptics" without such real-world credentials did indeed suffer much derision for using the phrase, "I did my own research."

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Since lay people, with their GEDs or non-specialized education, have sometimes been able to correct their physicians' misunderstandings about mRNA jab mechanisms of action, we can be certain that "doing your own research" can be very effective.

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The piece of paper used to announce one's "expertise" or knowledge is becoming less and less valuable/trustworthy/valid. Many college and HS graduates can't even identify the three branches of government in the Constitution! I often wonder how many of our elected and nonelected officials could pass a US Constitution test.

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Some of the politicians aren't doing so well with their promises with respect to the constitution.

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Yes Ned, I did too, and told countless clients and friends (not so many anymore) that I had spent hours reading, listening and learning. When I was told to "wait" by my inner self, no-one in my family heeded the call. Even my son, who knows that sometimes my experiences are from the Spirit world, and my husband who has been privy to the accuracy of my dreams and intuition, didn't blink an eye on the way to get jabbed. I didn't try to talk anyone out of their free choice, all I had at that time was my intuition (the still small voice within).

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D D I read this piece with interest. This "still small voice" was also what prompted me to not receive the shot. I found that others were having the same experience as I (internal dialogue with a 'higher power') and it has lead us into deeper relationships, in many cases informed by this knowing. You are clearly already receiving information as you say "from the spirit world". I belong to an organization called One Simple Voice based in CS, CO. It's only purpose is to teach people how to access God's voice via a specific journaling technique. This was primarily how I acquired my information to avoid the shot, but once I had created a space for dialogue with God, information began to flow to me in myriads of ways. Thus, I found myself here, in love with Robert and Jill Malone. Smile. Thanks for your gentle witness above. It resonated with me. God Bless Joe Uveges

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Faith and prayer is a good place to start🙏

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We are again back to the question….who watches the watchers? Where/when did physicians lose their autonomy to treat patients? Creeping authoritoranism is consuming our Republic. I commented recently about these MANDATED jabs infants, children and yes,women, are required to take. Who empowered the mandators? This is a highway to hell scenario in the making.

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Agree! SAD and SID are not unknown diseases! They are expressions of the immune system reacting to the injection of foreign substances into the body! Big Pharma spins the medical narrative because it would stop vaccinations that are a money maker! You have not seen anything yet. The mRNA for Covid was just the initial salvo! More to come!

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Dr. N,

We empowered the idiocy by tolerating it. My kids are minimally vaccinated and no one in my household got the clot shot.

I got sick with covid / flu once (not sure) and recovered after a few days with some help from repurposed drugs. My Doctor is one of the unnamed good ones and refuses to do any covid or flu shots in his practice.

My extended family, on both sides, caved in and got the clot shots and all the boosters. Results: Illness, heart attacks and death. They died and suffered because they could not over come years of, Doctors in lab coats are GOOD, programming and just say NO.

My children are instructed to refuse any shot offered at school and report same to Mom and Dad immediately.

You all want this nonsense to stop learn to say, “No thank you”, escalating to “F NO!”. Back up your NO with your vote and your wallet.

Maybe I am just contrary by nature. But ANY time any of you are told by a bureaucrat you must do this or that, ask “Why?”. If the response makes no sense, can’t be backed by real data or consists of some form of, “Because I said so!” engage your NO protocol and take appropriate action.

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Indeed, I pray those mandators are the first to go through the gates of hell and straight to the lake of fires that await them.

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This actually is a struggle between good and evil

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01/17/24: How true. Thank you, Dr. Aijian, for getting through the past four years. You must have a cast-iron constitution!

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I pray they have to take their own medicine FIRST. In fact, ICAN Legislate has just such a model bill proposed: https://icanlegislate.org/lead-by-example-bill/

Lots more here: https://icanlegislate.org/ including more model bills, a constitutional amendment, and a pledge for medical liberty.

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01/17/24: Which reminds me... Not a single member of Congress to this day have been stricken or died from the shots that have killed millions of people. Explanation?

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01/17/24: IN the making? This isn't 2003. It is 2024 and HELL IS NOW. Pay strict attention to your verb tenses.

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Once Biden took over and started transporting illegal migrants from all over the world into Americas' cities,(without saying, " Roll up your sleeve") mandating injections of Americans, coercing corporations, state workers and allowing "special people" to opt out, censoring experts who were treating people successfully it became really obvious rolling up my sleeve or that of my son was a no brainer. I've NEVER had Covid, my son took Ivermectin for 2 days when he contracted it, it was gone 3 days later. NOW to just find his life partner who also had the ability to opt out so I can eventually have grandchildren. My mother was a Holocaust survivor she would approve of this message.

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What a negative world the medical establishment “elites” have created for so many of us. Their divisive ways have separated so many good, caring thoughtful people from society and the very institutions they control. They have tried with all of their controlling power to take away the worlds choice of right and wrong, or good over evil. Is their desire to eliminate this choice not the very definition of tyranny? There is always a certain fatigue to evil. Generally people have a need to live free and choose to be good to their fellow human beings. We see that good is winning by the single digit percentage of booster shots being accepted and injected into the population. People have caught on to the “elites” lies and deceptions. I only hope that as we move beyond this present evil and lies, the past doesn’t poison our future. J.Goodrich

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Sadly I don't see the massive protests that are needed to alter the political course. I am as bad as those who just work away at their own lives and don't find ways to mount opposition to the government's genocidal jab program. I talk to customers and virtually everyone is aware that the jab side effects are bad and the jab doesn't do what it claimed to do. They do not protest through. They feel powerless to do anything against the government and medical malfeasance. I write letters, send money to worthy organizations but that is clearly not enough.

It would be helpful if some could suggest concrete ways to help end this plandemic madness.

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I think the answer may come partly in the courts. If it can be proven that the vax manufacturers lied, depriving patients of informed consent, progress may be made. Otherwise we all just need to get educated and avoid being scared, duped and coerced when the next one of these comes along

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Many of the courts have fallen into corruptness as well. Look at all the baseless attacks on Trump and now the legal attacks on the Jan 6 folks who were just standing around the capitol building. In many countries the irate citizens would take to the streets in protest if the government was committing genocide.

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Some folks just don't care! I find that so appalling!

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My prayer too! Unfortunately, they are pushing at warp speed for more RNA injections!

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I wanted to respond to you both Thomas and Fred. First I’ve never done any social media until this sub stack, but I consider you both and most all of the subscribers friends, even people I don’t agree with. There’s a definite divide in our country from the beginning of these shots. It seems more people have woken to the fact that people are being harmed by these MRNA products. I’m always disappointed when I’m talking to someone and they tell me they have gotten any vaccine. I, like most of us don’t trust any products they push. You both have to see a change, not in everyone but in many as compared to the beginning. I’m at a point in my life that I’ll never bend a knee to these liars. I try to tell people that I think will listen to reality what I’ve learned. Some even close family I don’t bother. I just wanted to point out there’s been a large change in many people and I think it’s shown by people refusing these boosters. I think as in all frauds eventually they collapse. More mRNA products will not change my refusal to take them. I don’t care what they do to me. And maybe huge rallies in DC are not needed to expose these harms and lies though I think it would create change. I think the truth will bring change. I know people that are frightened of death, I don’t want to die, but I’m not afraid of it. I do get concerned of being sick and burdening someone to take care of me.

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Excellent comments!

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Well said! #winning 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Good overview but the devil is in the details. Mob mentality with so many severely damaging casualties and harms, including some of this country’s best medical minds and practitioners being silenced and shouted down by know-nothings. What an outrage! Today I saw some news source quoting Francis Collins (Fauci’s boss) admitting they made errors. Isn’t that special? It’s a national disgrace and, sadly, not over yet.

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Where did Covid start? At the very beginning when I first heard that it was a Sars CoV-2 related virus I knew where it came from, Dr. Ralph Baric at UNC. He was the first to manipulate the Sars virus to the point that he could get a patent on it. My wife was a school nurse in Las Vegas at the time. She was more concerned about TB being brought in by illegals from Mexico by the kids of these people. Of course Pharma had come out with a vaccine in early oughts which turned out to be anywhere from 15% to 22% effective. She and I both refused to be vaccinated for it as the docs pushed it heavily. Neither of us has come down with it that we know of. So when Pharma and the gov't came out with 95% effectiveness for the mRNA shots, I immediately said they are lying. Our grandkids were not allowed to see us because they were told if we got covid we would die. Both of us have been exposed to covid many times. Recently at a party I spend about an hour talking face to face with a young man who kept saying he felt 'funny'. The next day the daughter calls all upset, that we should get tested because the young man I was talking to had the covid. Ignored that plea and have not gotten it. We have our own protocols we have used over the years, for myself, it has been used to deflect sinus infection. So I admire all the healthcare people who have stood up to a tyrannical gov't and used what is already know for treating this virus.

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I took my kids to see Grandma (my mom) all throughout the lock downs. If they had appeared to be sick at all then we would have stayed away for a little while. We knew they were lying from the beginning, which fed our hesitancy about the shots. Raw data from the cruise ships was available and when you ran the numbers you got exactly the same stats as every cold and flu season. People losing time with their loved ones was the biggest proof of their idiocy and brain washing. My father-in-law spent too much time alone, because he broke his foot/ankle right as they started the lock downs and he had to go to a nursing home during that time. We saw him when we could when my husband pulled him out of there at the earliest opportunity. What a ridiculous and cruel thing to impose and all the people who just "went along". By the way we've been sick once in the past 3 years (it was unpleasant, but not the worst illness we've had in the past 30 years). People I know who got the shots seem to keep getting sick.

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Ditto. Been sick once in 7 years. I think the credit goes to organic foods and suppliments.

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"We knew they were lying from the beginning, which fed our hesitancy about the shots. Raw data from the cruise ships was available and when you ran the numbers you got exactly the same stats as every cold and flu season."

I knew this from the beginning also - thanks for posting!

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As much as I hate every memory of the covid scam (here in Indiana, we suffered lockdowns and masks courtesy of our WEF-approved "Republican" governor), it is critical that we never forget what was done to us. Nor should we let others forget. This does not mean we rub their noses in it, but it does mean that when the topic is broached, we must be diligent to remind our friends, families, and fellow citizens of the following:

- The "pandemic" was never as deadly as advertised. 94% of the "deaths" counted on the nightly news were deaths "with" covid, not deaths from covid.

- Lockdowns and masks not only didn't work, they hurt the fabric of society.

- The government, big tech, big pharma, and the media lied and conspired to hurt all of us. There is no way to look at what they did and assign any good intentions. This was deliberate and malicious at all levels.

- Freedom is not negotiable. I'd love to think this is the ultimate lesson, but I fear the vast majority of citizens who went along with the scam still believe it was for some good. These are the same folks who think the TSA protects them at airports, because some sort of action is better than doing nothing. We all have a bias to action, but when that action is harmful and squashes our rights, the action we must take in response is to resist. And maybe that's the ultimate takeaway from all of this.

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John Bates:

I agree completely with your comments. I was ostracized for my beliefs in not taking the jab, using re-purposed drugs, not masking, etc. Am still looked at with suspicion when I state I will not get any jabs or mask again etc etc. Sigh. I worry every day for my children and friends and the world’s human beings.

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Agree 100%. None of us should ever forget any of it. I wrote a paper about it as it happened between 3/20 and 11/21. If I ever need a refresher, it's handy.

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I am currently dialoging with people in the medical community (nurses, DRs, Chiropractors, Naturpaths, etc.) regarding the new direction healthcare is naturally going to go as people realize the hoax perpetrated on them and their loved ones in the name of "science". We must be ready to support a new paradigm with our confidence and dollars. When the time is right we will be a banker on a new "center for wellness" in our rural area. Pray! TY Drs Malone for all you are doing to support Truth in the medical community.

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Thanks to Dr. Aijian. Sadly, so few Doctors did their own research. If they would have, they would have quickly discovered that all animals used in mRNA trials died. Not an encouraging statistic to support using mRNA vaccines in humans.

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I purchase books such as " Lies my Govt told me " " The Real Anthony Fauci " etc.

I buy one copy for myself, one for my niece ( she is 40 ), one for my grand-niece ( she is 20 ) and one for my doctor. I wrap the one for my doctor in paper to make it look like a gift. I address it to him and drop it off at the reception desk when no one is looking. I have absolutely no idea what he thinks about any of this because I have never met him !! LOL

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"Sick people were sent back to nursing homes, where many of them died."

Infected people were ordered to nursing homes housing vulnerable, frail elderly patients who died by the thousand in a clear case of criminally negligent homicide. And not one of the criminals responsible - such as NY Gov Andrew Cuomo - were charged. So the primary criminal - China - got away with a bio weapon crime and lesser criminals such as Cuomo literally got away with murder.

And still we see glassy eyed halfwits stumbling around in cloth masks. What a joke they have made of America

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I only wish there was more I could do to UNITE the COUNTLESS EXPERTS who have shown the knowledge AND the courage (Dr Malone top of the list) to state with their expert background, that (as defined numerous times by Dr David Martin) THE PLANDEMIC WAS A PLAN BY THE ELITE FOR SOME YEARS. Why is it that the "big pharma" (I hate that word) have not had now Thousands of Knowledgeable and Courageous people who have stood up bravely and spoken out flood the Courts of the whole world? The expert reporting comes from every country in the world, not just one or two, and I follow this seven days a week, often eight or more hours per day (many say I need to "get a life"), but to my "research" it is clear. Mike Yeadon for example has Publicly Challenged (big pharma) to sue him, "take me to Court" he stated, but he also stated that he "knew they won't because they know I will win in Court". Still no Court case. Dr Malone has stated (at EPOCH Times) “the more of these shots the higher your chances of dying”. Still no Court case. Dr Ryan Cole (an Expert and Talented Pathologist) has actually shown horrific results of “vaccinated blood”, and the poor Man lost his business. I personally have never seen ANYTHING MORE OBVIOUS than the SCAM that has (and IS) being perpetrated against all of Humanity! My opinion is (I am NOT a Doctor, nor am I a Scientist, so this is just that, MY OPINION). I believe that money and power as well as a Global push towards marxist/socialism/communism is a major driving force. PLUS I feel there is a tendency for many of those who have been jabbed "don't want to know". Don't want to admit they "may have made a mistake". Don't want to contemplate the possibility of "longer term health problems, or even death". (Really, who can blame them)?

We need as a Global community to offer the best in advice and products to help these “jabbed” people.

This will only be revealed when "WE" stand up UNITED & make the world aware of "the REAL facts".

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I completely agree. "Still no court case" still no organization of our voices as one very loud and clear voice which cannot be silenced.

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Right from the start I did not trust the FDA, actually any of them. Sadly because I worked for one the largest medical corporations at the time. So I had experience of their "pushing ", ineffective and dangerous drugs on people.. I have also followed the concerns about vaccination, since physician Dr. Robert Mendelson wrote about them in the 70's. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_S._Mendelsohn

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I was just starting out when the "opioid epidemic" hit, fueled by big pharma, hospitals telling us pain was the 5th vital sign, and CMS allowing patients to rate hospitals based upon pain control, which ratings affected how hospitals get paid. Show me the guy who crashed his motorcycle while drunk, fractures leg and arm, whoo is satisfied with his pain management, unless he is kept anesthetized his entire stay.

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Thank you so much for these insightful essays today. It's a positive to learn many share the perspectives we've arrived at.

Remember your Santa Barbara event. Good to learn a Physician like Dr Aijian has taken in a young doctor to coach and mentor. To me, such interventions are vital, considering the very concerning medical school directions we hear about today. One hopes many more older, wiser physicians in private practices will follow his example! You (pl) are among those who may be able to save the validity and merits of your profession. Dr Aikian's essay is very heartening.

Again today, I'm treated to more nudge articles of the increasing Covid threat and even a new deadly strain from pangolins being dabbled with. Your continuing insights and exposures are so vital to our abilities to be informed and do what we can to share our learning. To participate in advocating. You are appreciated!

Wishing you successful days preparing your stand for the coming cold snap!

Very Bestest n then some ♡♡♡

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Like many here, I did tons of reading, listening, and thinking. I was lucky enough to encounter a comment to an early Epoch Times article on COVID that took me down a bitchute rabbit hole. Saved our lives because, well, we did our own research despite hostility from my own (now ignored) doctor.

Almost from the beginning of the COVIDEra, I began compiling a list of Covid Essential Links. It's not EVERYTHING EVER WRITTEN, of course, but it seems to have stood the test of time (I update it regularly): https://eolson47.substack.com/p/covid-essential-links

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Epoch Times has been a huge positive source of good information on the pandemic. Jan Jekilek had interviewed Dr Malone at least 4 times. His recent interview of Dr Joseph Lapado, the surgeon general of Florida, is fantastic

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I just listened to Epoch T.V. with Dr. Malone being interviewed a year ago. It was absolutely needed for me to hear these clear, honest takes on a very complicated venue. Both my husband and I feel so grateful for this well done interview. Now, on to the next "Troubling Truths" I'm looking forward to the knowledge. Thank you.

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