Wake up America.

Most all of us here accept in our minds these wars against our way of life are real. I have struggled with people that ignore what I so obviously see and it eats at me inside every day. We all have issues in our lives that are difficult, things we should face but push aside because maybe it’s too much to deal with. In many cases people that consistently push these issues to the side end up having to confront bigger more personal issues in their own homes. I, like I’m sure most of you, have many good friends that have ignored what these public schools have been doing to our children. Now years later the children have all kinds of psychological issues that are going to affect them their whole lives and maybe generations of lives to come. These types of problems whether it’s the schools, our government, our finances that we ignore will not resolve themselves and eventually things will get so bad you will have to confront them.

This is why, for what it’s worth coming from me, I want to thank you both Dr. Robert and Dr. Jill Malone. Thank you for standing up and not staying quiet. Thank you for doing one of the the only things that is ever going to make change which is get up and say it out load. Silence only emboldens the enemy. You may think things are drastically wrong, but if you don’t speak up things will only continue to get worse.

Always running away from problems inevitably will one day catch up with you. Running from your fears, running from your past, running from the giant will bring a time that we either stop running or submit to the tyrants dictates. Confrontation to do what is right is never easy but when you take the first step to fix a wrong you will find a strength inside that will help you through. God will give you the will and the grace to straighten what is crooked. J.Goodrich

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You hit the nail on the head. Parents pay no attention to what's going on in the schools, until Johnny gets in trouble. You can blame teachers all you want but if parents paid attention these teachers wouldn't be employed. That goes for school boards too. They make the rules.

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It is my opinion we need to somehow muzzle the legal profession. It has been their capture of our Constitution and their obfuscation of its simple language that has led us into these deep dark woods.

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Fully agree. A consequence of our freedom. The founders assumed the people would be informed and involved enough to keep our freedoms. Low information voters did not seem to be a problem anticipated.

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The threat was recognized by Franklin....but not by not by the populace at large it seems.

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Just not for longer enough Micheal. There are enough foreigners writing about America and its citizens after spending time in the country. They were amazed at how politically astute and knowing the citizen were. They were taught the Constitution in school and all attended religious (man's law could not trump God's laws) and political speeches for a very long time. The felt it a duty. And I am willing to bet they were much busier taking care of their livelihood than we have been.

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And then came wilson and dewey

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Wilson & Dewey: America's hard-left turn begins.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

That was then. Then there were those who began the long march through education and the bright and shiny enticements fellows...

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Yes Dewey. The Federalist recent article "America’s Current Schooling Catastrophes Were Set In Motion 100 Years Ago" starts with John Dewey.


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You can lead a horse to water, but;

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Freedoms yes but the founders created our Declaration of Independance and our brilliantly sacred Constitution guaranteeing our freedoms knowing and openly stating that such documents could only withstand while we were a society with integrity at its core and a strong belief and commitment to Judeo Christian truths. Hence the statement "We have a republic if we can keep it."

The long-standing American made ideal in standards across all trades and educational systems digressed as capitalism was being replaced by successful capitalists motivated only by self-gain and greed and not the betterment of fellow countrymen. I began sensing things were going awry when the term 'if you can do it and get away with it, why not' became a popular euphemism in late 80's-90's. I'm sure I'm not alone in that sentiment and of course it's a simplistic claim in scope but I saw the lack of pride in a job well done then and still now as antithetical to the American way of life I grew up learning.

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"Assumed." A ubiquitous word that can lead to all kinds of misapprehensions.

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Low information voters and Christians who don't vote will be the downfall of our nation in my opinion.

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Yes, Dr. Nash; the result being that in general, the letter of the law has smothered the spirit of the law, and thanks to 40 years of Chevron Deference, the bureaucrats have emerged as an even larger threat to our freedoms. A good start would be a 10% reduction per year of the federal workforce. Easier to do when some agencies, Education Department, for example, are axed completely. FDA might as well go, too, since they are utterly worthless. I really don't know if I consumed any red dye today. Forty years later, it's still legal thanks to the effectiveness of the tax-payer funded watchdogs at the FDA.

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The SCOTUS sold out We the (formerly) sovereign people to rule by un-elected "tenured" (lifetime) freeloaders lodged in the over 300 federal agencies, bureaus and departments - who make life hell for the productive class of American citizens - because they CAN - with NO fear of reprisal because of "civil service" laws and protections.

And the Congress ANNUALLY rewards this bunch of parasites with ever-increasing billions of taxpayer dollars.

Schedule "F" is to the un-elected bureaucrats as the 'Cross' is to vampires. BOTH are bloodsuckers.

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I'm not OK with what is transpiring. The medical institutions both private, public and governmental are continuing to go along with the narrative that the RNA injections are safe and effective and you should get one for the flu, RSV prevention and Covid? Bird Flu? Mpox? Billions and billions being invested in developing RNA injections as the new way to treat most disease states. Many drug manufacturers have jumped into this push to have RNA injections as the new form of medicine. It is reported over 100 research efforts are underway. It is a juggernaut! What we have lost is TRUST! Yes, How can you trust any of these institutions when daily we discover how they have cheated, manipulated, mandated and lied to achieve the goals that were predetermined to achieve the Covid con. The current federal government has been complicit in this effort. I continually receive letters from Senator Durbin, my representative in DC that he supports the efforts of NIH and it's 3 letter branches! You can't stop the Medical Titanic from hitting the iceberg if no one is at the helm!

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Thomas - this comment showed up in another comment section. It is such a great explanation, that I think it should be shared...


12 hrs ago

Liked by SuperSally888

Total horror movie we've fallen into, it's like Jonestown, yet people have been hypnotized by the propaganda... Including those delivering the propaganda I feel.

I'd have been conned if I hadn't studied microbiology many years ago at uni... I'd like to know how many microbiologists took this poison... It defies logic to interfere with this system, ever... We do not and can not know enough to meddle at the foundational level of our health and expect a successful result... I've often said until we can say "beam me up" and be reassembled successfully somewhere else, it is only then that we know enough to interfere at the genetic level...

I had to pull out my old uni textbook, to check I remembered everything correctly, and yep there it was in black and white, the basic science... what the hell are we doing interfering with our bodies on the most basic level?

Raven and Johnson "Biology" (1989) which had some great colour diagrams around page 302, and very clear explanations of our cellular operations.

Not sure that you could practically carry a copy of that around though... But the few paragraphs on page 309, which always helped me understand how it all fits together, spells everything out... once this is understood... anyone would be be just as horrified as I was by the mere suggestion of putting "errant" man made mRNA code into any cell...

From Raven and Johnson , page 309 explanation of mRNA transcription and translation in broad terms (I added the capitals for emphasis ):

"REGULATING GENE EXPRESSION... A CELL must know not only HOW to make a particular protein, but also WHEN.

"It is important for an organism to be able to CONTROL WHICH of its GENES ARE BEING TRANSCRIBED, AND WHEN.

"There is, for example, little point for a cell to produce an enzyme when the enzyme's substrate, the target of its activity, is not present in the cell.

"Much energy can be saved if the enzyme is not produced very much until the appropriate substrate is encountered and the enzyme's activity will be of use to the cell.

"From a broader perspective, the growth and development of multicellular organisms entails a long series of biochemical reactions, each DELICATELY TUNED to achieve a precise effect.

"Specific enzyme activities are called into play and bring about a particular change. Once this change has occurred, those particular enzyme activities cease, lest they disrupt other activities that follow.


"The hereditary message is played like a piece of music on a grand organ in which particular proteins are the notes and the hereditary information which regulates their expression is the score.

"Organisms control the expression of their genes largely by controlling WHEN the transcription of individual genes begins (Figure 15-15).

"Most genes possess special nucleotide sequences called regulatory sites, which act as points of control. These nucleotide sequences are recognized by specific regulatory proteins within the cell which bind to the sites."

I find emphasis on the words capitalised above, plus the bit about the music on a grand organ, the fact it is all delicately timed, for a specified time, when the conditions are just right, when the right substrates are present...

To interfere in this delicate process (at any time) with inserting man made mRNA code could (and does) cause catastrophic events within the cell leading to overall collapse of the multicellular organism whether that be cellular dysfunction, enzyme and hormone disruption, cellular death, tissue necrosis, autoimmunity or cancer...

WTF are we doing to humanity?

How TF are doctors somehow not aware of this basic mechanism of cellular function? Seriously how can they NOT see the immediate danger of this interference??

Who is the pied piper making everyone go along with this Jonestown style poisoning event?

Covid was never serious enough to tinker with our cells genetically, the antibodies produced were not worth the method to produce them (apart from the fact they were at best useless, IgG antibodies not really going to prevent or stop a respiratory disease, IgA antibodies are what were required in the mucous membranes)

I'm sharing this article around, but just as before, it will fall on deaf ears I'm sure... I've managed to awaken some... But unfortunately not enough people will listen or consider, even if they know someone with an injury, they think it's an allergic reaction, rather than a genetic reaction that will happen to everyone... and depending on where the payload lands will determine the effect on individual health...

I hope I'm wrong but the basic premise of these injections has death and injury written all over them, by design.




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The medical text book on the Immune System is 3 Dimensional complex if not more. I plowed through the first three chapters and lost my way. Sending a RNA script into the cell to reprogram the cellular function is like creating a human vessel as a vaccine factory with out clue how it can disrupt and change future genetic responses. Medical Madness to say the least!

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and beyond medical tyranny is media, as if further evidenced by FCC breaking it's own regulations to push through Soros & more that 25% foreign ownership of over 200 radio stations, which without question leads to more censorship and in essence state run media 🤬

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It was the 'independent' FCC among with the 'independent' Federal Reserve that caused the "Great Depression" in 1929: The 'Fed' abruptly cut off the money supply; and the FCC (at WHIM) changed buying and selling procedures in the Stock Market which stopped the "Roaring 20s" dead in its tracks - and launched a decade of hurt upon the working class American and their FAMILIES - that did NOT end until WWII started in 1941.

As for Soros, IF there were any real "justice," as a "foreigner" who "immigrated" into the USA, when he became a U.S. citizen, he "SWORE" to UPHOLD the U.S. Constitution and has since 1969 done the EXACT opposite - and should be DEPORTED! Soros stated (on TV) about a decade ago - in an interview at DAVOS or some such elitist gathering that "The American Dollar is in a Managed Decline." Hello, AMERICA?

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Came across an article about Pfizer's advice to investors. They note there isn't much demand for their covid vaccines But they have 8 new products, (focus on several cancer products) they anticipate profiting from.

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Full Steam Ahead!

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D__m em

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Yes, observed.

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Oct 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’m trying to wrap my head around the words, “inverted totalitarianism,” - unfortunately, it doesn’t sound anything like world peace.

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More like "Whirled Peas"?

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Sounds like plain old COMMUNISM to me.

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Sounds like Tyranny to me...

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Change June 2004 to 2024 for Chevron deference. ”unknown and unknowable invisible ruling class” = the powers that be (PTB). All you write here Dr. Malone is truth. We were warned when I was a teenager -. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg-jvHynP9Y

Glenn Beck hounded his followers about this a decade ago. On his caulk board he showed how Gov, Corps, media and even religion collude to gain total control. Obama was the one that honed the fed institutions into control instruments and oh what a web he built in his eight years.

It was a great event on Sunday. Watched most of it live!

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And thank you - it was great, wasn't it!

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Well, our options to stop, reduce and or end the out of control terminally corrupt "federal' leviathan made up of legions of unelected bureaucrats are few. Defund the entire mess; use Schedule "F" (IF) a president has the gumption to do it - and has appointed an army of Federal Attorneys to combat the "legal" attempts to keep Schedule "F" from becoming solidly codified into law.

It appears the scenario Thomas Jefferson spoke of about "fresh blood" could well happen if the situation continues to deteriorate and individual liberty and freedom are constricted to the breaking point. I'm with Patrick Henry: "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death."

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Great speech and article Dr Malone. I watched the whole 6 hours while cleaning and organizing. The whole event was wonderfully planned and executed. What a lineup if speakers snd talent. So inspiring! I wish I could have been there but thus was my second best option.

Thank you for your courage, your expertise and writing and speaking.

“God save the REPUBLIC!”

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We need only view the complete capture and corruption of our health care system to know that it is an example and not an isolated case. We established Government to facilitate cooperative operation and maintenance of public infrastructure, ( transportation, sanitation, foreign relations, etc. ). Government has without constituent intent grown into an insatiable self sustaining and promoting beast. Examples are far too many to illicit here, but one is Government censorship and democracy are incompatible. Government has even taken philanthropy away from a once private function, by deciding who among us qualifies for financial support and how much is to taken from those who do not similarly qualify to pay for that support. The feel good narratives of freedom and equality for all has sadly become it's very antithesis. We are on a well worn path from democracy to socialism to communism. Holding that in the light of our now only two leadership choices helps in making that choice. We must choose between proven leadership and business acumen and failed leadership incapable of managing it's own private staff.

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Congressional term limits, ending of lobbying, making it illegal for anyone other than an individual, using their own funds, with individual limits to donate to campaigns and a massive reduction in Gov for starters is what is necessary to bring America back.

Any powers not granted to the federal government is reserved to the states, and the federal gov is way beyond its constitutional limits!

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Been saying for some time states should outlaw ALL outside money from ALL elections...local, state and fed. Audits with whopping big penalties and even jail time for offenders

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Politicians love $$$ and would go below the stagnant scum at the bottom of a pond to get the $$$!

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What would such a law do to them?

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In our current justice system, nothing.

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Thank you for this essay further detailing the issues we are facing. You make a solid case that we must act. This morning, I hear we are advised there may be a nationwide computer disruption on election day. We are again urged to get our votes in early (before election day). I will be voting early in person.

You make the points about Chevron and Schedule F. As an aside, in SSA we had a policy group issuing regulations and clarifying when requested. We also had a large contingent of Administrative Law Judges dealing with legal questions and eligibilities. If Congress and the Courts assume these responsibilities, there should be a reduction in force. While subject matter experts (smes) will still be needed to provide perspectives for the Courts and providing implementing instructions, even policy staffs may benefit from pruning. i assume other Agencies may offer similar opportunities.

it is clear, as we hear of current discussions at the WEF and Bill Gates (promoting AI that will identify and nuke all utterances countering, questioning, contrary to Leaders diktat) that our resistance is vital!

Reasons are legion. This is a time to support all measures to block any and all further encroachments. To start to back down their untoward advances.

Our votes are crucial!

Thanks again to our beloved Paul and Paulette Reveres!


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I get the impression that those leading the charge into our glorious if nightmarish Communist future are a little slow when it comes to understanding how much control they really have. I think they see all of the many police agencies we have, from the local sheriff to the FBI, the National Guard and active military, and think something to the effect of, “There is no way our power can be challenged. Resistance is futile!” The law of unintended consequences is waiting in ambush, but they don't see it. That might be because those already of a collectivist mindset ensconced in the bureaucracy see the country as a pyramid with themselves at the top, though they do see cracks in the edifice and work to patch them up with the occasional unconstitutional law or regulatory edict. Many are arrogant, and the price of arrogance is foolishness. (Thank God for the recent Chevron decision by the Supreme Court, though it will be under attack.)


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"What, then, have we learned about government and money? We have seen that, over the centuries, government has, step by step, invaded the free market and seized complete control over the monetary system. We have seen that each new control, sometimes seemingly innocuous, has begotten new and further controls. We have seen that for governments are inherently inflationary, since inflation is a tempting means of acquiring revenue for the State and its favored groups. The slow but certain seizure of the monetary reins has thus been used to (a) inflate the economy at a pace decided by government, and (b) bring about socialistic direction of the entire economy."

From "What Has Government Done to Our Money?"

Murray N. Rothbard


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Interesting that you mention it as my wife and I are reading it right now. Not really news as it's 60 years old, but it's got all the details.

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The regulatory capture ons small part of the cabal will hopefully dismantled and the corruption that allowed it will be destroyed in the next Administration with the rest of the corrupt system. So far 6 years of law fare and 2assassination attempts have not stopped Trump…..6 more years of a street brawl to put the genie back on the bottle

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Second paragraph, third sentence: "undo" should be "undue."

-- Your friendly neighborhood grammar police officer

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Richard, me too - I used to teach English!

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Why do we have to couch what is really going on in the USA with these fancy terms….just call it power hungry greedy bastards who mean US VOTERS harm….whether economic, destroy our future even to have kids, get us fired or cancelled….and much more. Corporate tyranny is a better descriptor..the very people who want us to buy things or put our money in their accounts want to stab us in the back. Whether directed by higher political types like Biden/Obama followers( many paid by taxpayers no less) or some corporate power mob…it is the same…silence and control the opposition no matter the outcome. The entire WHO/CDC/FDA/HHs scheme with COVID and the vac is a perfect example…exaggerate the threat, cancel those who have differing opinions and “force” a ineffective/ lethal vac with $$$$ flowing to big pharma…corporate greed/power..a perfect example. WW3 has already been played out ON US and the World.

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Oct 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


Thanks as always for your usual outstanding insights and complete commitment to honesty and transparency.

I wanted to share one thought I had as I was posting this article across my social media accounts. It occurred to me, you're the only one I've heard use the term "Inverted Totalitarianism." I must admit, I've preferred thinking about our government today as more of an oligarchy and/or a cog of Feudalism 2.0. I had no idea "Inverted Totalitarianism" was coined 21 years ago (thanks to the handy link you provided (amazingly from Wikipedia...guess the censors missed scrubbing that entry) to specifically refer to what's gone wrong with the US government today. After reading that definition from such a source, I thought it lent a lot of additional weight to not just the terminology, but also to exposing just how long our government has been corrupted. Therefore, I used that, new knowledge (for me), in an intro inviting people to read this article for more.

It seems to me if more people understood the origins of the term, the more effective our speech may be in helping awaken people to the dangers we face.

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Thanks! Yes, i did a deep dive into the term in 2022 and didn't want to repeat myself.

You might enjoy the substack on the topic (in 2022)

"The Corruption of our Nation

Inverted totalitarianism: The World Economic Forum represents global political capture by capitalism"

Here is the link to that substack:


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Thanks for the reminder. Apparently I read it back then because I liked it. 😳

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Oct 2Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I watched the event on Sunday also, Dr Malone and enjoyed your speech. This was an interesting and fun event!! And this post is excellent. Thank you.

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