Dr. Malone, you ask why the government is encouraging illegal immigration. The answer is simple. It is not an isolated problem. A retired judge had the following op ed published in a local paper and it is very revealing. All the "tools" for destroying a democracy have already been implimented by the democrats in government.

I am a student of Law whose age is 85. My first year of college was 68

years ago. One class I took was political science. A half page of my

textbook essentially outlined a few steps to overturn a democracy.

1. Divide the nation philosophically.

2. Forment racial strife.

3. Cause distrust of police authority.

4. Swarm the Nation’s borders indiscriminately and unconstitutionally.

5. Engender the military strength to weaken it.

6. Overburden citizens with more unfair taxation.

7. Encourage civil rioting and discourage accountability for all crime.

8. Control all balloting.

9. Control all media.

What was printed in 1954 as a possible diabolic nightmare has become

an emerging reality. I hope that Americans will unite enough to pen a good finish.

Go dwelling.

Keith M. Alber


Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

Winston Churchill, 1948.

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Fred! ALL of the (9) "steps" you site now in 2024 - from (your) COLLEGE days 68 years ago - are the EXACT same that Marxist SOCIALISTS have used in every "free" sovereign nation to deconstruct, undermine, overthrow and step-by-step institute SOCIALISM via "LAW."

The next - and LAST- step is for SOCIALISM to morph into out-and-out COMMUNISM.

BTW, it was George Santayana who coined: "Those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it" - not Churchill.

From my now close to 88 years perspective of the situation in the America, Santayana's prescient observation regarding ignorance of history is about to happen again - IF the liberals, progressives, Socialists, Communists and Maoists "win" the 2024 federal election.

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Here's a smoking gun for the destruction of democracy:


All Americans - and especially Trump supporters -- should be very concerned that the DoD conducted a "pandemic table top exercise" with the Five Eyes nations on 9-10 December 2019... and factored in the 2020 US presidential election!!

Please share this info!

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“Event 21” which took place in October 2019, was a forum on how to handle a coronavirus pandemic. On the panel was an agent of the CIA along with globalists with financial, medical, and journalistic backgrounds.

One of their tactics to circumvent governments around the world, to include the U.S., was to “flood the zone” on every form of media on how to deal with the pandemic they’re way—which means, they flooded out any opposing voices.

Our own government officials were part of that forum, and it played out to the “t” in 2020.

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Yes - the well known Event 201 - the limited hangout - is mentioned in the post.

This article is called: "The Covert Event 201: Pacific Eclipse"

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What the hell!?? WHY the hell would the U.S. Department of Defense (formerly the Department of War) be playing what if games about bio terrorism - that just happened to erupt during the 2020 federal election year?

BTW, NOTHING "escapes" Communist China...NOTHING.

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It's called 'biodefense' - whether zoonotic, accidental or deliberate 'biothreat'.

Basically the new military-industrial (pharma) complex - plus (fake) "homeland defense" for profit and control.

See other posts on the substack:




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Thank you for correcting both, Keith and myself. Yes, Satanyahu also spoke truth when saying that 911 is good for *israhell* executed with pulverizing precision !!!!

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Dang! Pardon my misspelling of "site" - shoudda been "cite"

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In 1905 George Santayana published “The Life of Reason, or The Phases of Human Progress”. The twelfth chapter titled “Flux and Constancy In Human Nature” contained the following passage.

Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

In the first stage of life the mind is frivolous and easily distracted; it misses progress by failing in consecutiveness and persistence. This is the condition of children and barbarians, in whom instinct has learned nothing from experience.

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Yes, indeed, that 1st stage of the wide-open minds of young children is exactly when the MARXISTS begin egalitarian INDOCTRINATION.

Recall V.I. Lenin's dictum: "Give Me Four YEARS to Teach the Children and the Seed I have Planted will Never Be Rooted Out". ( actually, Lenin said "sown" but today that word is moribund).

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Yes the expression was originally stated by Santayana. It was borrowed by Winston Churchill and reformulated. I faithfully put in the wording from another substack posting 2 years ago exactly as it appeared.

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That, my friend, as I'm sure you know, is "textbook" Communist Manifesto!! And the difference between Communist/Marxist, Fascist and Socialist is simply the clothes/uniforms they wear!!!

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"Divide and Conquer "is the Deep State hypnotic blue print into Nov 2024.

Has indeed met a high percentage of traction so far. Too much is my estimation.

After Nov 2024....we might have a chance to hold on to an aging but reliable Republic.

If the laughing Jackals are loose to dominate the landscape.

The Movie Lion King has a much different ending.

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Here's a list back at you. We've hit all but the last two.

The following is the list of Communist goals contained in "The Naked Communist", by Cleon Skousen, 1958 which was read into the congressional record in 1963

1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament by the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.

5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.

6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.

7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.

8. Set up East and West Germany as separate states in spite of Khrushchev's promise in 1955 to settle the German question by free elections under supervision of the U.N.

9. Prolong the conferences to ban atomic tests because the United States has agreed to suspend tests as long as negotiations are in progress.

10. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.

11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.

12. Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party.

13. Do away with all loyalty oaths.

14. Continue giving Russia access to the U.S. Patent Office.

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

18. Gain control of all student newspapers.

19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums.

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.

32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture—education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.

34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.

36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.

37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.

38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand or treat.

39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity, masturbation and easy divorce.

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use "united force" to solve economic, political or social problems.

43. Overthrow all colonial governments before native populations are ready for self-government.

44. Internationalize the Panama Canal.

45. Repeal the Connally reservation so the United States cannot prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.

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Here's a smoking gun for the destruction of democracy:


All Americans - and especially Trump supporters -- should be very concerned that the DoD conducted a "pandemic table top exercise" with the Five Eyes nations on 9-10 December 2019... and factored in the 2020 US presidential election!!

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Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals outline these and several more. Yes, Democrats and Liberals have used them expertly and very, very effectively. Meanwhile conservatives sat back and did nothing thinking they were too crazy to actually work, and churches butt-out of informing their sheep in order to keep that ever important tax-free status......mammon.


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Alinsky and his book were among La Clinton's early influences, but she was a member of the "Young Republicans" club in high school.

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Traiterous and murderous and warmongering *churchill*, the puppet of ***prof frederick lindeman*** is noted but mentionable only for this quote. Nevertheless, I sincerely appreciate your comment.


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So you are saying that the Jews created Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen and Dachau and saying that it was Hitler and Eichmann is a bunch of mis-information and dis-information spread by the "jews"? That's very enlightening, particularly the ones who tattooed numbers on their own forearms?

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Best not even to engage.

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You're an adult and I appreciate your counsel. Conversations like this frequently turn into time wasting, pointless "flame wars" which can usually be settled more quickly face to face.

I went to school and worked in Germany for a couple of years in the early mid-70s and encountered less anti-Antisemitism (almost none) than I did in high school in a mostly upper middle class WASP suburb in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago. Hare Krishna.

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The immigration issue is not difficult to understand. Legal vs. illegal. All of the rants about racism and xenophobia are distractions. Legal vs. illegal. That's it.

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Racism and xenophobia are to create chaos. People are easier to control when there is chaos.

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Amen 🙏 and Amén 🙏

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Worse, is the story behind why the Haitians are here. It is through no fault of their own. Joe Pinion laid it all out on NewsMax last night and I was furious and tearful. Biden and Harris and whoever is pulling the strings are behind it, but the reasons are so insidious and that it hasn’t been exposed proves how treasonous,murderous and devoid of conscience these evil bastards are.

The Haitians were brought here under the guise of protecting them from COVID. And rampant HIV/AIDS.Here’s the kicker~ less than 300 Haitians died with or from COVID. And if HIV/AiDS is so rampant in Haiti, why the hell would you dump 20,000 Haitians in Springfield , Ohio?

But it gets worse. At the time, Haiti had an elected President that was wonderful. The first time ever.He was a combo of El Salvador’s Bukele and Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo. Just after the 20,000 Haitians departed, courtesy of Biden/Harris and likely Soros/UN, the new Haitian President was assassinated. The plot was hatched in Florida, one of the shooters was America and our vaunted Intel was amply warned. Which makes it seem awfully deliberate.

For anybody to say this is some humanitarian effort and anybody complaining is “racist” or whatever “ism” is bullshit. And it gets worse still. There are far more than 20,000. A tremendous group was routed to Nigeria to fight In the conflict with Niger. It’s not racist to import black people to fight in foreign wars , killing other black people and likely getting killed.

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"Whoever is behind it" - the COMPLETE "resettlement" of "WESTERN" nations and societies is none other than the UN-ELECTED UNITED NATIONS apparatchiks (and) the U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT un-elected EMPLOYEES!

NOTE: there is NO tsunami of humanity being flown, bussed or marched into COMMUNIST CHINA, COMMUNIST North Korea, or any other COMMUNIST controlled country.

Question: WHY is THAT?

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Yes, exactly. It's the UN and their cabal of NGO's funded by US Taxpayers that are behind this. For those who don't know, https://x.com/UNmigration is the head of the snake which has an $8 Billion budget. The current Director General is Amy Pope. Anthony Blinken lobbied the UN for her to be selected. She was DHS under Obama and Biden. https://www.state.gov/amy-e-pope-candidate-for-director-general-of-iom. We all know that the plan was to get these illegals to vote for democrats. But I fear it's worse than that. Ultimately the elites need a security force that will kill Americans. They can't take the chance that US Soldiers won't take orders to kill fellow Americans. So they imported hundreds of thousands military aged men, those exposed to a culture of violence, gang and cartel affiliations. Notice how violent illegals are protected? Rep Pat Ryan of NY sponsored a bill to allow illegals into the armed forces. So give the illegals a uniform and automatic weapon. What can possibly go wrong?

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Thanks for the links, Louis. Council on Foreign Relations member - Antony Blinken lobbied to put - Amy Pope - that NO-ONE voted for - into a position of power that is literally destroying the western traditions, folkways and mores' of America.

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Look into the history of the Clinton’s relationship to Haiti.

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I know . It is/was hideous. Haiti is a doomed nation. What the Clintons promised was such a con job. The Haitians wouldn’t have seen a dime of it even if the project had come to fruition. The U.S. has never helped the Haitians aside from aiding in their demise. The elected President showed promise and was assassinated in a short time. Probably because he couldn’t be bought. That the planners and assassin were American citizens residing in Miami, that the savages took over so quickly. It was so organized.. has ours and the UN/WEF’s fingerprints all over it.

Joe sent the rest of the” migrants” to Nigeria instead of helping the Haitians, in part, because Americans are becoming very wary of and USAID weary. The African Union booted us from the region. Niger expelled our troops. I’m still trying to figure out what the hell we were doing in Niger.So we sent Haitians to Nigeria as conscripts.The rest were sent to Springfield to destroy the community as if nobody would notice.

Welcome to UN Agenda 2030/ WEF Great Reset. Did you see and hear the video recording an undercover journalist scored at the UN? It is staggering. An upper echelon European/UN foreign policy liaison spilled the entire agenda, including the lengths they’ll go to should Trump win. I saved it if anybody’s interested.

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Can you post the link?

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The get rich quick scheme they fed off of?

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Obviously, there was no worry about OVER POPULATON in America. Duh. Otherwise, they wouldn't have brought in 10 MILLION invaders! To be honest there isn't one any where in the world! All the Population Numbers are LIES. The people who are controlling Humanity have said there are 8 BILLION humans on the planet,......turns out if you do the work, add up all the numbers, there are only about 3 BILLION! They have been lying to us to make us feel guilty for having children. The less people the easier to CONTROL.

They are using SCAMS and LIES like this one all the time to use as excuses for the evil things they do.

The MAN MADE Global Warming crisis is the same thing! They are LYING to us to keep us thinking their plans to control us are based on real Science! They are NOT. They are lies. Just like the 'covid' Scam. That was all a lie too,....they used the seasonal flu, that they release every fall to get people to take their "flu shots".....and renamed it NOVEL CORONA VIRUS! Then they used a fake PCR test to blow up the number of sick people. They pushed the FEAR PORN 24/7 on TV and Radio!!!

It was a SCAM!!! The 'covid' flu was less deadly than the last seasonal flu!

And a lot of people died because of that SCAM. If you follow Dr. Malone, you already know all about the Euthanizing of our Elderly, fat and chronically ill in Hospitals under the cover of the "lockdowns". It was a Depopulation plan, get rid of the Elderly who are taking their pensions and using Medicare. Like everything else in this Country, everything is a LIE!

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Don't forget the increasingly successful 'Maid' strategies in Canada and the EU.

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There is no global warming crisis. It’s a ploy for control. All of these crises and catastrophes are . It’s an enormous Milgrim Sanford Experiment to see how far we can pushed and still “ obey” .

Case in point were the Covid mandates. Lockdowns, masking, curfews, social distancing, toxic. vaccines, masking, double masking, boosters, triple masking, extending the lockdowns,parents dying alone in hospitals and nursing homes, censorship, surveillance, shaming.. and still we obeyed. And the rules became more absurd, the exemptions, insane.You couldn’t swim in the ocean, walk on the beach.. you could only shop in a big box store. One side of the store and you couldn’t purchase paint or seeds. You could only have 6 people in total for Thanksgiving, a wedding, Christmas.. whatever. But BLM could protest in mobs and burn down neighborhoods, businesses, police stations, private property, a federal courthouse with the National Guard inside Beat up, blind and murder cops… no prob. Migrants entering the U.S. in hordes- no testing, no masks, no vaccines, no ID..no restrictions. They could get medical care . We couldn’t. Strip clubs were open. It was okay to get a hook up, but not a carton of milk. How the hell did people not see they were being tested? It was so obvious. We were so conditioned and frightened. Many of us had no fear of Covid, but of the government overlords.

The Russia Hoax, Charlottesville Hoax, Ukraine Hoax,Russian bounties on US soldiers Hoax, White Supremacy, Kids in Cages, xenophobia, Ukraine’s a democracy, Soros is a victim of antisemitism( that’s rich),Trumps a racist , rapist,Russian agent,Hitler , liar, told people to drink bleach, called the WW11 soldiers buried overseas “ suckers and losers”,Capitol Police officers killed on January 6, Stormy Daniels, E Jean Carroll, Classified Documents,ordered J-6ers to storm the Capitol, 34 felony hoaxes.The Proud Boys were violent racists, Trump has an affinity for despots, prosecuting and incarcerating Bannon, Navarro,Stone, Weiselberg, Papadapoulis, Manafort,Straka,.. ruination of Flynn, Giuliani, Sidney Powell, John Eastman,all the wonderful , iconic medical experts and researchers… the Russia “ false flag” invasion of Ukraine.. of course it had nothing to do with the relentless U.S./UK provocation and what the U.S. has been doing in Ukraine for years, the most malignant was during Trump’s term. And the NATO buildup, broken treaties.

What about Biden shutting down the Keystone and Dakota pipelines and every other fuel source and production industry? Wanna talk about “ Climate Change”, methane, carbon.. why the silence on blowing up Nordstream 1 and 11? All the bombing, tankers,fighter jets, factory explosions , chemical storage facility explosions, train derailments, helicopter and plane crashes, the Chinese balloon, Lahaina, massive forest fires- natural disasters my ass.

Removing the Houthis, Hamas, Hezbollah from the list of terror orgs, cozying up to Iran while picking fights with/Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Israel, Morocco, Philippines, Japan,India,Hungary, Brazil, ( all were sovereign/nationalist ). The Biden admin is largely responsible for the Hamas massacre of Israelis. Biden also reinstated funding of UNWRA, UNESCO,Paris Climate Accords, the WHO, GoF, Palestinian Authority,Iran,Mexico,CAIR, opened the border , funding caravans,NATO expansion..

Not a single criminal perpetrator in government has been held accountable. There has been no media coverage of the non elections in UK, Ireland, France, Spain, Germany- the assassinations of Shinzo Abe, the Haitian President , the attempted assassinations of Fica, the leader of Spain’s Conservative Opposition Leader,the Bangladeshi Hindu President or the conveniently timed deaths of Peter Pry, Phil Haney, Adm Lyons, the CEO of Open The Books, Luc Montagnier, Ramon Oswui, Dr Robert Epstein’s wife or the fact that nearly every European, Asian,Latin American, Pacific Islands, Canada, NZ, Australian Leader and Cabinet, agency heads are WEF Young Global Leaders? Biden’s entire admin, the Corporate Media, NGOs, Think Tanks, religious orgs, advocacy orgs, every industry CEO- all WEF YGLs

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100%. Awesome comment/reminder of ‘what has been’. WEF Communists running the show, setting the world up for ‘The Great Reset’. So bold now and in our face that Schwab wrote a book of the same name laying out the game plan. Canada will vote Trudeau out by a landslide IF he and his WEF cohorts don’t start WWIII so he can declare another Emergency and stop our election. Ditto with Biden.

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Sherry, I pray Poliviere wipes the floor with Justin Castro. What most impressed me was Poliviere not only calling out the WEF, but will ban Young Global Leaders from holding any positions within his admin. What a bitchslap on the faces of Justin and Chrystia Freeland Hitler. Every EU leader but for Orban( was), Wilders, Malvini , Meloni and Fica are YGLs. Every ousted leader in Europe, Latin America, and Asia have been replaced with WEF YGL puppets. AU and NZ are “ led” by YGLs , the U.S. Dem Party, regime and every agency department head, , big donor, NGO, Think Think Tank, advocacy org, “ philanthropic org”, corporate CEO , financial entity, media entity, university professor/ admin , union leader,, lobbyist and special interest but for a few are WEF … now extending to religious orgs, medical and legal. All are in bed with the UN and Islamists. Unfortunately, there are quite a few Republicans as well. 75% of the collective is also in bed with China. And nobody has said a fucking thing.

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They work hard at normalizing Birth Control, Abortions and Limiting family size which are their other forms of depopulation!!!

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Add LGBT++++ no kids there either.

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…and giving hormones and blockers to children, making them sterile

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Shock Video: African Migrants Barbecue Cats on Grill in Ohio

"Shocking footage released on Saturday appears to confirm reports that migrants in Ohio are in fact eating domestic cats.

The video obtained by Chris Rufo reportedly comes from a Dayton resident who captured his African migrant neighbors barbecuing cats on a grill in the backyard in Aug. 2023.

“Yo what is this they got on the grill?” the resident says in the video before noticing a black cat walking by the grisly scene. “There go a cat right there, his ass better get missing man, looks like his homies on the grill man, what the f...”


"We then identified the home by matching it to the visuals in the video and cross-referencing them with the eyewitness. When we knocked on the door of the first unit, a family answered, telling us they were from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and that all of the surrounding units were occupied by other African migrants.

One of the residents told us that her former neighbors, also from Africa, had lived in the adjacent unit until last month. They had a blue grill and the father would find meat in the neighborhood. “Her dad was going to find meat,” she said. “Her dad was going, holding a knife.” The current residents also showed us a blue grill of the same make and model as in the video, which the former neighbors had abandoned after they moved out. There were at least ten cats wandering around the complex and another resident complained that they were breeding on the property.

According to the original witness, whose son was friendly with the neighbors, there was no doubt about what happened last summer. “They was barbecuing the damn cat!” he said. His son’s mother had previously witnessed the family butchering a mammal on the street, but the cats on the barbeque put him in such a state of shock, he felt the need to film it."


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WHERE the hell is the PETA?

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With their hand out

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I have a well regulated and armed household, but I must confess I’ve been lax in one area: starting this afternoon I’m setting up a gun range in my concrete enclosed bunker and teaching my CATS how to use a small .22 revolver and getting them to work together with a slightly larger .308. Granted, paws are not hands but I’m thinking together and appropriately placed retractable claws - anyone thinking cat bbq from my property is a good idea will soon be adjusting their attitude, if it’s not too late for the aforementioned purveyor of perversion.

If anything, maybe we could start a Shih-Tsu on a stick Haitian society (omitting DRC as we have a large Congolese presence in our house of worship and, well, this has never been a topic of concern). Yeah, not sure I despise little nasty dogs or demonrats more - all I know is that both constantly yap yap yap.

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That video and the one Dr. Malone provided trumps the FAKE NEWS MEDIA's screaming about what Trump had made up during the "debate'.

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They’re bringing in third world denizens who only know what they’re been privy to. It’s deliberate. Who in their right mind would cheer an incursion of radical fundamentalist medieval Islamists? How absolutely fucking twisted a plan is it?

I’m so sick of the abortion zealots, pro and anti. If the left wants to abort themselves to extinction, let them. It would be a self fulfilling prophecy. A reduction in “ worthless eaters”, carbon footprints, methane expulsion, use of fossil fuels, electricity, white privilege, draining the healthcare system, housing shortage,, overpopulation, war… I can’t think of anything more “ equitable”.

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A Fetus is not considered a person under Jewish law...

National Council of Jewish Women - "Abortion is a Jewish Value."

National Council of Jewish Women - " Being Anti abortion is being Anti-Semitic."

Planned Parenthood, NARAL, Pro-Choice America and the American Civil Liberties Union have fine tuned more than a perfect hatred for the unborn. Why?

From the devil they came, to the devil they will go.” – St. Bernard.

Here is how Planned Parenthood has been fighting climate change: 75% of babies with Down syndrome in the US are aborted each year. It’s the stuff of nightmares. When was the last time you saw one of these kids walking around?

Most are in hiding.Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts....

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Abortion isn’t a “ Jewish Value”. It may not be considered a sin, but it isn’t something celebrated or prized. Ditto Hindus, Buddhists. The idiots cheering for abortion as a rite of passage has become a Democrat tenet, I’m pro-life. It isn’t a religious tenet, I do believe in God, but I don’t like the intersection of religious ideology determine lawmaking. It’s a slippery slope. My own instincts and conscience preclude abortion.That said, I don’t have the right to force another to do as I do. It’s very personal. However, there have to be sane parameters.Aborting a developed, pain sensitive fetus “ just because” is hideous. And so are the Dhimms. They’ve lost any hint of moral compass. The hate all things living, ergo, if they feel so strongly, let them delete themselves.

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John, I'm dumbfounded to see that that video is from LAST YEAR and it is just now being discussed?!?!

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Correct, their culture habits do not change with time.

People in the Dominican Republic have long been raising alarms about Haitians allegedly eating cats.

There are even petitions in Chile calling for the persecution of Haitian immigrants over the consumption of pets.


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There was an 11 yo girl killed when a Haitian drove a vehicle into a school bus.

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In the same vein, here is an interesting personal story. Many years ago, we had neighbors from Germany, who lived on our block for a few years. The husband was offered a promotion by his company which required that they move back to Germany, though they preferred to remain in the U.S. The wife & I have kept in touch for all of these years (about 30). In the last U.S. election, she told me that she thought that Biden would be better for Germany/Europe. The last time we connected was 2-years ago. (in September of 2022), so I sent her an e-mail a few days ago. In her reply, she told me that Germany is now overrun with Muslims & that the crime rate has risen dramatically & that is is a scary situation. Now she is hoping that in their next election, the Conservative Party will prevail & that the situation will be brought under control. That is like locking the barn door after the horse has escaped. All of Europe is facing the same problem. In addition to the cultural misalignment, many European countries are losing their national & cultural identities. Yet, the "Powers that Be" are completely uninterested in this phenomenon. In fact, they are very much on board with the elites who are pushing for globalism. Another substacker from Sweden, Peter Imanuelsen, describes the out-of-control situationi n his country & states that there are now many places in Sweden that one does not dare venture & that Swedish women are frequently victims of rape....https://www.petersweden.org/p/truth-about-swedish-crisis

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As coincidence would have it, as I was commenting above, Peter Imanuelsen sent this substack article, about how Sweden is now paying these migrants to return to their home countries....https://www.petersweden.org/p/it-begins-sweden-paying-people-to

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I think it is all part of the totalitarian coup in Europe by the UN/WHO to have total control over every EU citizen via ID digital card via a social credit system linking carbon footprint, vaccine status, banking and travel access.

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To me part of this scheme is to piss people off with the intention that they will become so outraged they strike out. Leftest violence is completely acceptable as a means to an end. Cities can burn and they bail murderers out of prison. Anazingly they can’t handle speech and words pointed against them, this has become a jailable offense. In front of our eyes the Democrat party has become an authoritarian communist party that people fear and should fear. They are frightening people.

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Again I agree with your comment about "the left" stricking out with violence. I fear exactly that will happen. I have asked Dr(s) Malone if they can help me as an Australian understand HOW this useless/known socialist who has achieved VIRTUALLY NOTHING during her reign as VP CAN BE NECK AND NECK WITH DONALD TRUMP? I ask the same of you if you can help me mate. Hope all is well with You and Yours.

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Just look at the ‘example’ they made of Jan 6 peaceful protesters. Same as Trudeau jailing on ‘mischief’ charges the Trucker Convoy leaders - political prisoners all. They are saying, don’t DARE question Government or we will call you Domestic Terrorists.

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Trump has everyone talking, meming, producing music, sharing on X why immigration must be controlled. Hope you can log onto this link for a great example!


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Bingo!! That’s exactly the plan. Aldous Huxley, in a 1958 interview with Mike Wallace laid out the most bizarrely prophetic outline of how the Brave New World would come to fruition. Mike Wallace was very patronizing, treated Huxley as one would an addled eccentric or a fanciful child. Every damned detail Huxley posited has come to be and in sequential order. This horrible Treaty is scheduled to be signed on Sept 24 if it passes the Senate. Essentially, the U.S. will cede its sovereignty to the UN/WEF. Global governance, no more Democratic Constitutional Republic. And nary a fucking peep from a single “ elected representative”, bureaucrat, donor, corporate CEO, activist, advocate, religious org, NGO,media pundit.. they’re either criminally corrupt, captured, coerced, coopted, craven, cowardly or clueless. Whatever the reason/reasons, they’re all complicit and should be sent to a gulag in Antarctica, Gaza or hanged in a public square and fed to the migrants.

If I could have one wish granted,the UN gathering of nations, DAVOS annual event opening,Paris Climate Accords annual Event, ditto Bilderberg, Trilaterals,G-7,NATO, League of Arab Nations and Biden’s last day in office going away party would all be held at the same time on the same day and a massive meteor shower would hit every location simultaneously

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As I understand the law,, for officials of the Democratic Party to open the borders of the United States to invasion from abroad is for these officials to be guilty of Treason against the people of the United States and treason is punishable by capital punishment. Am I right or am I wrong?

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Terry, that is what is so disturbing!

It has also been my understanding and for the life of me, I really don't know why nobody is being charged with "Tree-son?"

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I think nobody is being charged with treison because th traitors are in control of much ov ouf justice system.After z xlos xgzfg, ghd conservatives on the U.S. Supreme Court are acting in defense of the U.S. Constitution. waking up to their responsibility to preserve and protect the U.S. Constitution.

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Amongst my several college degrees, I have a study in macroeconomics. It's plain to me that illegal immigrants being transported into any community, whether rural or urban, represents a cost burden to those communities for all public services. Think about it.

In my State of North Carolina, the State's House & Senate have passed a veto-proof law for private school vouchers to parents regardless of their income levels to guarantee their children's education isn't disrupted by the gross failures of NC public school systems, perpetrated by the corrupted teacher's union.

But, this alone does not address the multitude of public services consumed by the millions of illegals, many whom lack any viable employment skills, failing to pay their fair costs shares for these services.

BidenHarris has created this mess. Inflation in the costs of everything, including crimes against our USA Citizens, is the Biden/Harris legacy. It's unfortunate many of my Fellow Citizens fail to understand this. Let's pray those Citizens come to their senses before they vote for more and more destructive ideology guiding the problem creators in the White House, Senate, and House.

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HEY, HEY, HO, HO, Teachers Unions GOTTA GO!

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Absolutely 💯 %

Teacher's Unions and the unions that disguise themselves as "associations!" The National Education Association!

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BOTH the NEA - Nation Education Association and the AFT - American Federation of Teachers are affiliated with the INTERNATIONAL Teachers Association.

But WHY?

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I thought a court said that at least part of that private school vouchers program was illegal. Can't remember exactly what and why.

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Not all of it tho. Read today a blurb saying it will help....some...I think

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These are the best yet! Thanks

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I just finished up a two week construction remediation in the heart of downtown Mpls. at a very much newer class 5 star mega hotel. A large pipe burst on floor 30 allowed gravity and water to do what they do best, Meander, seep down thru cracks, and cascade into the lower rooms and halls unstoppable till a crew arrives to shut down all the water that pipes in to a massive 38 floor bldg.

I have been asked more than a few times to repair the wall coverings in a growing Mpls. high rise office or a hotel as the result of H20 damages. This time things were incredibly different. None of the house keeping crews or staff that service the patrons spoke "ANY" English at all. The entire Service Pro team that showed up in semi trucks and 50 ft trailers filled with high speed dryers and moisture sucking machines on floors 29-23 was more than 150 machines all humming and blowing in a torrent of electric heat. The drywall and taping crew of over 40 men and women only two spoke any english. Orders were being shouted at all such persons in Spanish. Over the loud hums of fans and dryers every 20 ft in a hall. Plus the same activity in each flooded room. This was so eye opening to me to be immersed in a third world Hispanic volley of working people for days on end.

It was as though I was no longer in the city I grew up in and know so well. I had left the USA for sure. Mpls is one the cities on a sanctuary list thanks to Tim Walz. The damage is forthcoming.

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I was measuring up in a newly finished highrise condo a month ago in a large city in Canada. All the occupants of the building were young dark skinned who talked amoungst themselves in their native tongue. I realized I had likely walked into one of the apartment buildings occupied almost solely by immigrants or more likely migrants.

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Changing way too rapidly Fred.

But give those folks with "No English" their due,

They work as hard if not harder as I would testify to it over the past 2 weeks.

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Agreed. There are several Muslim contractors who do work I design. They work long hours and some are very skilled. I respect them for this. They all came here legally. We have lots of migrants in agriculture here who do the physically hard work white people don't want to do. I also respect their entrepreneurship to come here and earn money so they can lead a more comfortable life when they return to their homes.

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My grand and great grand parents strolled thru Ellis Island after a long cold ship ride on the Atlantic from Germany (Austria) to St.Paul in 1909.

I'm the grateful continued results of those gritty efforts of total uncertainty.

And no Guaranteed free stuff. Then 1929 really challenged them to the max.

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Having an immediate important conversation,

without some type of an interpreter, would be impossible.

I tried many times in two weeks just to test this huge gap.

By the look on their faces,

it was like I was the foreigner.

Maybe we should all be learning some global Spanish too?

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I understand the problem. Many times while travelling I have been confronted with people I needed to talk to who did not speak english, my only tongue. I tried to learn french and spanish but no luck. It did not come easy.

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Like all skills that are learned, and not baked into your DNA...

Starting your immersions and durational practices around 4-5 years old.

Brings about the virtuoso in us for the well lived life in a very broad sense.

Bi-lingual folks are one up on us when entering such a new frontier.

We had the suggested opportunities to learn many in public schools.

Most of us thinking, well....I won't be living over there. Why bother?

Ooops! Many arrive here instead and tribe up in the culture born into.

As the land of the free...and home of the brave for 200 yrs have made it so.

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Not sayin’ this is the same, and truly there are other elements in play, BUT does anyone remember the "panic" in republican circles about the influx of Puerto Ricans following the devastating hurricane of a few years back: the concern being, as American citizens, their immigration to mostly Florida would tilt the balance in that state to overwhelmingly demonrat. Funny thing happened during the march on Tallahassee, Ron DeSantis was elected by a slim margin then by an equally overwhelming margin and Florida now has more Republican voters than demonratz.

This is not to say that we shouldn’t be concerned by the included graph - rather I think it should be a powerful incentive to getting out the vote and understanding just how corrupt and evil the typical demonrat in elective office actually is in their core.

Every internal crisis we’ve endured in the country has been spawned and contrived by demonratz, from slavery, the civil war, segregation, korematsu, etc.; now de,o rats have declared war, not on actual enemies but against the American citizen and more specifically conservatives, republicans - anyone who gets in their way of total domination of the political landscape.

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"Total domination of the political landscape"? Hell, that's COMMUNISM!

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It is the military age men dressed a like that is alarming.

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American citizens are entitled, even obligated, to protect their culture. Unrestricted immigration through open borders is WRONG. And it is not racist to criticize it. When the president, congress, or political candidates defends illegal immigration, they are not only wrong, they are unAmerican and they violate any oath of office they may have taken. As for more funding, that has got to stop. The only funding I will support is transportation of illegal (unauthorized) immigrants back over the border.

Someone has to establish rules for the Border Control, especially record keeping. And then someone has to monitor following of the rules.

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SPOT-ON - and ANY "elected" official in the federal government that is sanctioning the 'OPEN Borders" deconstruction of America MUST be thrown out of office - or impeached and thrown in JAIL.

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Absolutely 💯!

We need for our representatives to write a bill addressing this very problem just like Trump wants something to address what Kaca-mala and the rats did to hide the mental decline of the sitting president.

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And Enforcing that all migration is LEGAL! Legal immigration has been beneficial and ordered. It can and should be going forward.

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Actually "California Girl", American's are duty bound to know and understand the Constitution and be able to defend and assert their rights. We as a country, fell asleep at the wheel. Then opportunists marched in and took right over.

They, elected officials, do indeed violate their oath of office by condoning, in any way shape or form, illegal immigration. And this is a treasonous offense. But what do I know, right?

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ABSOLUTELY, P.B. Anyone who via C-SPAN I and C-SPAN II has watched the shenanigans emanating from the House and Senate must conclude that damn FEW "elected" representatives have even READ the U.S. Constitution - with "AOC" (Absolutely Obnoxious Communist) coming immediately to mind.

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Robert E. Barnes Esq. was responsible for suggesting that idea to the campaign, in order to get a viral subject on immigration to the forefront of the post debate discussions. I think that it was wildly successful.

All of these large "immigrant" groups are being placed in areas where multi nationals have manufacturing facilities or food processing facilities. If you check Springfield OH, you will see that a subsidiary of Honda, Yamada Inc. has expanded its facility by 73,000 ft. sq. and are now hiring. I wonder where they are going get their labor? Just askin' the question. They are also going to the head of the line for government housing, over US citizens who are disabled and need it. Check out the YT video:


Coming to a town near you, if it hasn't already.

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Makes perfect sense: American industry is relocated to Communist China for the cheap labor, then Communist China builds plants in America to be filed with cheap FOREIGN labor IMPORTED into the U.S. by the U.S. federal government and the UNITED NATIONS.

White Americans ned not apply.

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I see now. Thanks. Multinational corps that build out on the cheaper land about an hour out from a city.

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Barnes is brilliant and awesome. Not words I usually use to describe a lawyer.

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No doubt this is already happening elsewhere.

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We need to pay attention to multinational corps building near a town right now. Esp., I'm guessing, a town that is somewhat close (50 miles) from a city.

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Alex Jones said they were coming for the rural areas next. He gave no specifics.

I live just outside of a very small town (<500) 40 miles south of the greater Kansas City area. Zoning commissions determine residential/farm/industrial/recreational. My town is too small to have a zoning board. Perhaps the county has influence.

For the last 30 years George Schwartz money has been strategically placing people for city hall jobs across the country to start and further Agenda 21 projects. The city of Salem OR was run by them when I lived there.

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Towns about an hour outside medium large cities.

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Anywhere that a multi national has a facility. This whole "migrant" debacle is part of the Great Replacement. IMO, the Covid DeathVaxx and the mandates under Biden HARRIS were the kill shot for the American working class. See Ed Dowd for the stats on disability and death in the 18-65 demographic. They are off the charts-literally.

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And Chinese corps getting cheap land (oh my gosh) and cheap labor.

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Good video.

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Great topic and discussion! I gather there is a small town in New York now admitting to similar issues. One wonders how many other small towns are being gas lighted, left confused and embarrassed with the citizenry relegated to 'leasts' out there. It sounds as if the culprits (OBiden gang) are capitalizing on 'Racism' excuses to defuse veing held resposible for their criminal pursuits.

We've learned of it in Big City environs. Illegal aliens in fancy hotels getting fed on citizen dimes. Homeless vets on the streets having to fend for themselves. Now small towns where Government at all levels support aliens, not hardworking tax paying and needy Citizens.

As for the Springfield experiences. One of the latest assertions is that the Haitians have been/are voting.

The only excuse they really have is that they recognize and bow to a US obligation to follow UN/WEF Agenda 2030 (that we have never been advised about, let alone been informed we are bound by) with wholly open borders and unlimited migration.

As citizens, it is our land, our laws. our culture and our tax moneys. IMO We have the right to call the shots! I seem to recall something about our right to dissolve a Government that is acting against our interests. Surely this current Government fits that description.

Last evening, listening to a Maureen Bannon session of the WarRoom - they were covering current 'Rhino' initiatives. 1. To assure a Harris win and 2. To rid the party of the MAGA people. It was chilling and infuriating. Steve reportedly is aware and working on it.

All told, Thank You so MUCH!

Will be doing my best to assure I'm sounding all alarms at all opportunities and voting!

Hoping you all are having a great weekend!

❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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Jean-Pierre basically said: We're from the government and we're here to help.

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Jean-Pierre has her head up her Karl Marx!

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We need only to look at England to see how all this will end up. They have been deculturalized

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I was thinking exactly the same. England is finished and the people allowed it. Will America elect a man who says he will conduct the largest deportation program ever seen before? If we’re smart we will and we must support him in closing our borders. A country without borders is no longer a country.

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This is now also happening in Ireland.

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