Aug 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The irony of all this is that we have airport security screwed down to the nth degree but a virtually wide open Southern border letting in who knows how many thousands of induvials per week that may be intending on inflicting mayhem on our country at any time. The dichotomy of these two security theaters defies belief.

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This ruse is not and has never been about security -- yours, mine, or the nation's. It is a mechanism for controlling and manipulating the public just as COVID was. The only difference is the pretext.

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most blatant and obvious of course was Covid ... well, probably when people REALLY began to realize "somethings just not right ... "

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Pray they remember. And hopefully a non-issue.

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It sort of is about security, theirs - you know Our Democracy as Mike Benz puts it.

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My recollection is that the FBI received a specific tip about the Parkland shooter in 2018, but did not act on it. But from the feds' standpoint, why should they be responsive for the purposes of localized, focused protection when they can work towards broad, nationwide crackdowns on constitutional rights instead? Their real goals have been made plain.

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Two-tier in the USA. Not just UK.

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If I remember correctly, this was one of the objections to the whole enchilada we know call homeland security and it’s renewal - its use as a weapon against citizens instead of against enemies.

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and the FISA

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It was FISA that I was thinking about referring to reauthorization.

And we’ve seen how THAT turned out

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AND those coming in through the airports merely have to wave their manila envelopes and TSA not just passes them through but then the airline give them "no wait boarding" and preferential seating .... happened to my niece and nephew traveling out of Texas last month

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Aug 9·edited Aug 9

All the actual Islamic, Chinese, and drug gangsters are just walking across the Mexican and Canadian borders. Then they are given free cell phones and plane tickets to anywhere with absolutely no screening. At their destination they are given AK-47’s, encrypted Telegram text accounts, and future plans for attacks. When will they get the signal? Terrorist cells are already placed in all 50 states.

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Great point WRF!!

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Tulsi being treated poorly by a government organization? Not surprising. The look on Harris' face during the presidential debates spoke volumes to me. There was pure malevolence in her eyes. Not much of a lawyer's face on that one. Then again, she's not much of a lawyer.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8


I'm becoming convinced that Harris may be the Anti-Christ we've been expecting during The Revelation, or controlled by it.

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She’s definitely controlled, there is absolutely NO other reason for her accession, same as Obama. Both rhetoric and action sociopaths.

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Obama was the warm-up band that played before her.

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and he got his "dream job" these last 4 years ... and Kamala HAD to have known what was going on this whole time

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Oh yeah, she was the chosen one to close out the deal.

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Before, during and beyond?

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No. Kalamity Harris is a stone-cold Communist.

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Although "Chairman" Mao added his special form of mind control on his Chinese "subjects"; and Leninist terror tactics also, being that Mao was "educated" and radicalized in France, he was de facto a Marxist which IS Communist.

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Marx was first a philosopher, and thought he was an economist. He wrote a lot. He never headed a movement, his writings just encourage other to act on his ideas. I think the world gives him too much acclaim for a failed and failing doctrine. And a deadly one.

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Marx was first and foremost a nihilist, a megalomaniac and parasite. Geez! THAT describes the DEMOCRATIC "party" TODAY. Marxism at its core is based upon ENVY and HATE - the two most destructive ( and powerful) negative traits baked into the DNA of the so-called "human" species.

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Where is Congress on this???? Anyone and everyone associated with this program should be fired charged and imprisoned. And frankly beaten, within an inch of their lives.

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I have come to believe that our "government" is nothing more than a dog and pony show orchestrated to distract and divide the masses. They have no power. Not really. Those who do have control and power (what I call the predator class) work behind the scenes as they always have. Democracy is dead and has been for a long time. We've been living in an illusion.

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Comment from the TSA on Tulsi Gabbard and the "Quiet Skies" Program

What was asked, how they replied.

Matt Taibbi

Aug 9

Here's the latest from Matt Taibbi on this abomination:

Before publishing Wednesday’s interview with former Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, I sent a query to the Transportation Security Administration. Was it true Gabbard was placed under surveillance via its “Quiet Skies” program? If so, why? If not, why did she receive “Quad-S” security designations? Was the firm Empower Oversight wrong to claim the TSA commenced a retaliatory investigation into identities of whistleblowers?

A reply, attributable to a TSA Spokesperson, has come in:

TSA uses multi-layered security processes to protect the nation’s transportation systems to ensure freedom of movement for people and commerce. TSA’s Quiet Skies program uses a risk-based approach to identify passengers and apply enhanced security measures on some domestic and outbound international flights. To safeguard sensitive national security measures, TSA does not confirm or deny whether any individual has matched to a risk-based rule. These rules are applied to a limited number of travelers for a limited period of time. Simply matching to a risk-based rule does not constitute derogatory information about an individual. Quiet Skies is further described here in the Secure Flight Privacy Impact Assessment.

In other words, they did it. And they dare us to do anything about it. Our government is in the hands of criminals.

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Taking family vacation airplane rides round the world on tax payer high paid salaries....

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They are afraid.

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If there are never any arrests made for the egregious violations of the law it could get really nasty

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Without ... 'consequences' // 'repercussions' // 'accountability' this only continues, as well documented of past transgressions. A certain class and/or political party that is cornered and targeted, where laws are not applied evenly, that's when 'really nasty' actions occur.

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We lack the organization necessary to effect a meaningful resistance.

Every channel of communication is monitored by scripts.....

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We have the organization. It's called Congress. They better Goddamn well start to do their jobs.

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Don't want to rain on your parade, Bruce. They do not care about you or any of their constituents. A single contribution from a lobbyist more than makes up for thousands of pissed-off constituents.

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Let's hope that our elections are still free enough to be able to send these rats packing. And elect honest representatives who will vote for term and lobbying limits.

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Each party determines who we can pick from on the ballot, unless one slips by them. I found out this year in Missouri that the GOP party heads actually vet all GOP candidates for any office. Much mud slinging this primary.

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True but...

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

There is the collective psyche......

Collective will represents true power because it transcends spacetime.

I haven't the foggiest clue how to make it work though 🤷‍♂️

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That's the issue, IMO, too. Since we can't get organized where we can help people who need it when they need it, and can't know who's refusing compliance when they're refusing compliance, we'll never be able to act strategically. Non-compliance works when there's large enough numbers acting simultaneously. That's why organization is needed, IMO. And short of mass, simultaneous non-compliance, the only hopes are WAY more people waking up or divine intervention.

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The old "Minnesota Nice" slogan got it's ass handed down on a George Floyd Special.

Burning a newly equipped to handle such evil events Mpls Police HQ shredded and torched.

Duty sworn Policemen sentenced to prison. But it won't ever happen again....Right?

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If Trump reelected the damn fools may burn the place down and freeze to death in winter. So sad if..huh?

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Destroying the shopping places other families once relied on is such a smart way to get things changed. It provides jobs for front end loaders and dump trucks.

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Have never understood the reasoning behind importing into Minnesota a passel of folks from equatorial africa. One thing to burn down did some thatch huts in a fit of pique where the temp rarely goes below 80 and all together another thing where it hits minus 20. Big culture clash there.

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"They" ARE the law.

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Don't whine to Congress. It was complicit when it enacted all the trappings along with the Patriot Act that brought us this.

Fear strikes again - the terrorists are out to get you all and we need to take away your freedom to keep the deep state and our Democracy safe.

I read Racket's reporting on this the morning it came out. I do not have the new DL that allows plane travel so can't be caught up in this. Maybe they have programs for bus or train travel also?

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I can go to my US rep's campaign website and find a list of endorsements by elected and unelected government officials. She has accumulated this list since she came in as a freshman after the 2020 election. I had high hopes for her, but these have diminished. You can tell a lot about where they are on the issues by the company they keep.

Give me the reps that are left to sit by themselves in the congressional cafeteria. Greene, Gaetz, Hageman, Massie....these are the people who earn my support.

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Roger that James.

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who is your rep? I'd LOVE to have a rep website like that - I'm in Washington, the one above Oregon .. it sucks up here :-(

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You know, if I had to pick one Dem rep in Congress who actually shows some guts and sense sometimes, it would be Marie Gluesenkamp-Perez, from your state.

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If not now, Shelly, bus and train travel WILL be added to travel venues remaining "free"; and unless this madness is stopped, no doubt highway travelers will encounter "checkpoints" with "Special federal agents" ( just doing their jobs) to ensure "public safety".

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the Patriot Act was the creation of 2 generations ago though some are still in their congressional seats... we just need to get 100 more of Matt Gaetz, Eli Crane, Anna Paulina Luna MTG, Rosendale, Massie, Hageman, Burchett and a few others.

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They are the real deal.

The Patriot Act has always required reauthorization. It was reauthorized, minus the several amendments that were not passed by the Senate, like warrant requirements, just this year. They will never dilute its contents or neuter it.

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The wacko conspiracy theorists, along with Donald Trump, were absolutely correct. Whence they've discredited our leadership, they're coming for all dissenters who threaten the status quo. This is pure evil.

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What a sad state of affairs this country has become when they are busy targeting honest people, like you Doc and Tulsi, all the while they fill up planes of illegal immigrants and fly them to who knows where. (no tickets for them I'm sure)

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Aug 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

R.F.K Jr. just cancelled a rally in Iowa due to safety concerns.

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His lack of confidence must wound Mayorkas deeply. I'm told Mayorkas handpicked an A-team of hobbits as his SS detail, to shield him from any threats.

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Aug 8·edited Aug 8

I'm glad I had a lot of my thoughts available on phone calls and emails when I found out how bad the surveillance already was. Otherwise, I may have been tempted to go dark. LOL

Now, sometimes when I'm talking state of the world on the phone, I'll start talking to the deep state directly! LOL

Thing is, if it gets really bad, who wants to live in a world like that anyway? Nothing to lose. Might as well stand my ground until they lay me down.

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Tyranny cannot exist without lists of subversives. We are probably all on a list. They make lists of conservative gun owners. Lists of unvaxed conservatives, lists of conservatives that fly, lists of people at trump rallies. I’m sure when you park anywhere near a conservative rally expect your license plate to be photo’d, run through a data base, and put on a list. This is what tyrants do. Isn’t socialism great. I hope your check is worth the price of your liberty and freedom, and your kids and their kids. Hey Alexi Joe Biden’s a tyrant. J.Goodrich

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Biden's just a vindictive senile imbecile. If you want to see a real totalitarian a-hole, Timmy Walz will fit that bill. A Stalinist with a folksy costume.

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Bruce I'm sure you remember Joe Biden telling Merrick Garland to become an activist attorney General in other words start prosecuting Trump. Shortly after Garland sent Mathew Colangelo to New York to coordinate the prosecution of Trump. Garland under Biden’s orders also coordinated with AG of Georgia Fani Willis to file election tampering charges against Trump. Biden’s justice department has thrown Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, Roger Stone, 2 of Trumps attorneys and many others in prison. Let’s not forget the January 6ers. Biden came up with the idea to go after General Flynn on bogus unused outdated laws. I remember Jeff Sessions recused himself over speaking to a ranking Russian so the democrats could push bogus Russian conspiracy charges against Trump. To this day people still believe Trump conspired with Putin. As imbecilic as Biden is he’s a tyrant who’s done many tyrannical things never seen before in America, with no self reflection at all. Sometimes I wonder if Biden is pulling a Vincent Gigante famous mafia boss wandering around mumbling to himself. God help us get rid of Biden Harris once and for all!!! Your 1000% correct with Walz 👍👍

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From your mouth James to God’s ears! We have to get Trump in! #MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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A Stalinist that likes the CCP would be called a Maoist. After graduating college he took a teaching job at WorldTeach in China. After he marriage and moved to MN they were high school teachers and they also ran Educational Travel Adventures, which organized summer educational trips for high-school students to China.

China is a country comes up a lot in the backgrounds of those in Congress. It is where Sen. Mark Kelly met his wife Rep. Gabby Giffords.

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James I am certain I am on all the lists. In fact as I am typing this my phone is acting up like I am being monitored by list keepers.

White, male, Christian, gun owning, conservative, Constitutionalist, patriotic and knows their are only two genders. Abortion is bad. Taxes are bad. Most vax’s bad or not worth it. Did I miss anything?

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Did you ever donate a dollar to a Republican??

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I forgot that one.

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“Key factors contributing to the current heightened threat environment include: The proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions:”

So, that would be the FBI (Twitter Files), DOJ (like the parent who was named a domestic terrorist when he complained at the school board that his 14 year old daughter WAS SODOMIZED in a school bathroom by a boy in a skirt) NIH (Fauci- say no more). What happens when it is the government that is the terrorist? Hmmmm...we did something about a tyrannical government over 250 years ago.

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I really hate living in a communist country...

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When I read "your fears" and "my heart beats a little faster" I typically thought about how to have an attitude of confidence override the sense of dread. You know how animals can smell fear or other strong emotions, people do too. Don't let them smell you...

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On the other hand, fear can sometimes mean something like "had I foreseen this, I would have acted differently for my family's safety," etc. In the meanwhile, his actions prove he's not backing down. And action is what matters in the end.

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To me, fear is entirely different from intuition, Jeff.

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The government should be required to show cause before conducting a non-routine search of anyone. Ideally, the law should require them to show cause before adding anyone to a list of people that will be always be subjected to a regime of enhanced searches. The big problem with these lists, like the notorious "no fly" list, is that there is no mechanism for challenging one's inclusion on it.

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that is sooo yesterday.

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Yes, back when our national security pretended to only be concerned with real terrorists, rather then law-abiding citizens.

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I know....

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You are a True Warrior Dr. Malone! Thanks so much for putting yourself on the line for us and the fight to save our Country. I cannot believe we even have to worry about this stuff. Appreciate the travel tips. I’ve pre-ordered your book and look forward to reading it. Thanks again for all you do.

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thank you for your support, Cheryl.

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My Pleasure! You and Jill are just awesome and tireless, too! I don’t know who is more of an energizer bunny - you or Trump! LOL

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Yes I so agree- true tireless warriors! We so appreciate the Malones! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Such a great essay! Thank you for sharing your story as well as Tulsi’s. I rarely fly and am very happy about that fact.

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