So it's called Twitter, because it's a honey-pot for useful Twits.

Sounds legit.

Tremendous journalism here, you earned this month's subscription.

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Oct 12, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022

At least one of Twitter's tricks isn't that sophisticated. I welcome others to tell me if I'm alone (Yes, you can try this at home).

When I see something on Twitter I agree with, I "heart" it. Me being me, it's almost always conservative thinking. Probably 1/4 to 1/3 of the time, it ticks up my upvote, and almost immediately ticks back down. But the heart stays red, showing I've voted. Basically, my upvote was canceled.

This afternoon I looked at some Twitter threads following JD Vance (R) and Tim Ryan (D), running against each other for an Ohio Senate seat. Ryan has tens of thousands more upvotes than Vance. As an experiment, I hearted some of the pro-Vance threads. A few of them did as I describe- essentially suppressing the "hearts." Did the same thing for Ryan. Didn't get the same effect. If Twitter is doing what it appears to be doing, they're creating a false impression Ryan has far more support than Vance.

I'm not a lawyer (although I took a semester of Business Law at LSU, so I'm almost a lawyer 😀), but I think this is a) Twitter providing support to a political party without reporting it, and/or b) defrauding the public.

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Absolutely. There is an excellent trail of breadcrumbs from the little blue bird, through fakebook, and silicon valley straight into the heart of the CIA, NSA etc.

They exist to nudge and to control and to divide.

We're the "rubes."

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Blue butterflies were used in mk ultra as a trigger for change. Anf submission to the alt personality.

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That's very interesting. My daughter (27) is very attracted to them, and utilizes them in some of her art.

I look at them, am amazed at their beauty, especially the "blue morpho" but somehow never actually wanted them around...

Blue Morpho indeed.

If we are all "one" in our subconscious or collective unconscious as Jung believed, your information would explain both her attraction, (having grown up being conditioned by the psy-ops running through mainstream media, Disney, the educational system, etc.,) and my instinctive dislike, on an unconscious level...I seem more immune than most, and grew up out in Nature.

I have always had gut reactions or subtle attractions or dislikes that never "made sense" according to conscious knowledge at the time.

Later however, explanations emerged. Thank you for posting that information.

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I am familiar with carl y s channeled info. It was far more accurate than freud s applications.

The tarot deck i use is also related to the collective quantum herd immunity network. The 100th monkey syndrome. We are all part of the same collective dream although some of the dreamers have different power and consciousness levels.

I have an article on my substack for the hero s journey. I think it will explain some more of your life questions. My wordpress blog has been shadowbanned for decades but i also like to keep a low profile so i made a substack and transfered the more relevant parts to the collective s awakening journey.

I just bought a morpho blue butterfly glass murano from aliexpress yesterday. It is all about what you choose to transform into. If u are ubaware u can be conned and deceived. If u are aware, u can gather evidence and put the crims in jail. Just a matter of application truly.

When u hear the destiny and fate of the species, u will then understand why this metaphor applies to humanity. We are in the cacoon phase. The transition period.

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Same experience here.

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"...I think this is a) Twitter providing support to a political party without reporting it, and/or b) defrauding the public."

Geez, ya think? Never have been on Twitter, ain't gonna be. But it was obvious to me a long time ago that it sounded like it was mainly a platform to promote "progressive" social objectives. The censorship aspect appears to have come later, but it's here now in full bloom.

As far as supporting a particular political party, again, that's obvious - will they continue to get away with it? Of course - the "law" doesn't apply to democrats.

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Great article! Bad cat reveals some serious shenanigans today as well. You paid for the vaccine propaganda that was levied against you!


The only way that Colbert's dancing vaccine skit could get worse is if you paid for it. And you did.

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Biden’s HHS and CDC Paid Screen Writers and Comedians To Mock the Unvaccinated

“The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been exposed running the most disturbing and elaborate propaganda campaign in living memory. Screen writers, comedians, influencers and church leaders, among others, were recruited and paid to promote Covid-19 vaccines to the masses, while ridiculing and shaming those who refuse the jab.”


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Yep. So if you wondered why suddenly all the celebrities were telling you to get vaxxed -- THEY WERE PAID OFF.

Andrew Bogut warned about this when it was happening, stating something to the effect of "If they're offering a nobody like me $200,000, some SERIOUS money is getting thrown around."


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Oct 11, 2022·edited Oct 11, 2022

What kind of dark soul accepts money to do that? smdh

What kind of dark soul pays people to do that? smdh

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Apocalypse means revelation disclosure in the ancient lexicon. This is how u will find out the truth

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Medical journals are captured too, IMO. I’m shocked by the poor quality of COVID studies that have been published in high impact journals. Similar processes also appear to be in play for climate change and racial Justice causes.

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Mattias Desmet says in his book The Psychology of Totalitarianism, that some 85% of "science" research is mathematically bogus, meaning the numbers inaccurate or even falsified. The priorities of consumer culture seem to be antithetical to human thriving.

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Newton s 3 body problem. Navier stokes equation problem with boundary between earth atmos and moon.

Einstein gravity contradicted by galaxy spins.

It goes on and on. They were all wrong just like children who tried flying off a roof and crashed.

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Yes. Strapping a mask to a mannequin with a tube on its face tells us nothing about how people wear masks in the real world. Even if the masks COULD hypothetically work, then we would need specs for a 'correct' mask, plus instructions on its use, etc etc etc.

But no, you can still strap an old T-shirt to your face and call it good.

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Most troubling are studies about vax effectiveness and safety in plum journals like JAMA Medicine. Cherry picking, p-value hunting, testing hypotheses that were never prespecified, abstract summaries that don’t match actual findings, failure to acknowledge data sitting right there in the table that are unfavorable to the jab. I’ve lost all respect for medicine, public health, and research.

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I have always been immune to the childish mockery of being an unjabbed individual, Covid or otherwise. I find it immensely puzzling anyone even considers ones medical choices a matter for them to highlight or put down. If it matters at all, it might stand out as a measure of intelligence. I know far too many are bothered by what others think of them and their choices. I don’t even consider that being unjabbed is in anyway anything other than normal. Do you and leave everyone else the hell alone. Period. It really is that simple.

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I enjoyed reviewing Dr. Malone's Powerpoint slides regarding manipulation of human emotion. Well, perhaps enjoyed is not the word but it is difficult to remain aloof, even about banal topics, when TPTB shade them with menace and threat of physical violence, as they frequently did (See Joe Biden's threats, Trudeau's unforgivable raiding people's bank accounts and running elderly matrons over with horses, etc.). It is a matter of profound development to become inured to being threatened (See, e.g. Paul Vaughn's recent arrest for abortion protest, designed by agencies to instill terror for holding opinions the fascist State disapproves).

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All thr world is a stage. The ruling class has been eliminated. Only the npc puppets and actors remain.

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You are so right. Gato is on fire with his latest post.

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Results matter more than intentions. Yet our society refuses to hold leadership to the only standard leaders should be held to: their effectiveness (which is measured in results). Why do so many policies exist that continuously have bad results?

This problem is easily solvable. We need to be a results-driven society once again. Intentions irrelevant, we need to demand results with receipts.


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The bad results have always been intentional. The pretense that they aren’t and that it’s actually believed by the public continually astounds me.

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I am hearing people in the financial world talking about this openly. That stupidity, incompetence don't account for the patterns and the wide spread controlled demolition of societies everywhere. Only intention can explain it. Here is an example from an interview this week, start at about 2 minutes in:


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The veil over the secret societies are falling. Many texts warned of this in prophecies and occult lines.

They have always walked amongst u. Even tucker says ufos exist now.

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Joseph P. Farrell, Peter Levenda, Richard Dolan, David Jacobs, Graham Hancock, William Henry, & their many colleagues. Long wondered when their viewpoints and explorations of the past would converge and offer something on the present. And now it all makes sense.

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Everyone needs a big injection of Dr. Mike Yeadon.

If that man cannot wake them they're already dead.


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Dr. Mike Yeadon = safe and effective.

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Twitter needs to be shut down and we the people have the power to do it! Just walk away! As Paypal found out, you mess with the people- your business is gone. DO IT!

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Even better to buy it and turn that weapon against the censors.

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As long as the buyer plays for the right team.

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He does.

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Are you sure?

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Yes. He was apolitical, but has become a White Hat.

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Quote from the article you just read:

"There is also an easter egg for those seeking to better understand the Elon Musk/Twitter deal, which is absolutely not about Elon Musk being a champion of free speech."

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I hope you're right!

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Here are some things you didn't know about Mr Musk:


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This lengthy Musk Derangement Syndrome article doesn’t change my view of him.

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That's OK. I encourage you or anyone else to follow up on some of the claims made. Quite a rabbit hole there.

He may (or may not) be doing the Lord's work, but he's not who he presents himself as. Same can be said for most public figures: certainly those being most heavily promoted.

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Thanks for this info. I have no inclination nor time to delve into it, but suspected some of this nonsense.

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It is a mystery novel, this earth play. We shall see whodunit

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I'm in the "buy it and redeem it" camp. Go Elon! So much more schadenfreud to occupy it than burning it down only to have the ants scurry to rebuild their mound.

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Oct 11, 2022·edited Oct 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

(UN)HOLY FAUCI! I did not realize he has a relative who works at Twitter. The turbo-nepotistic rot goes deeper than most people are capable of fathoming.

I hope some brave attorneys are busy working on a RICO lawsuit.

Once again, Joost Meerloo articulates how vehicles like Twitter serve as mechanisms for mass control in “The Rape of the Mind”:

• “He who dictates and formulates the words and phrases we use, he who is master of the press and radio, is master of the mind.”

• “Ready made opinions can be distributed day by day through press, radio, and so on, again and again, till they reach the nerve cell and implant a fixed pattern of thought in the brain. Consequently, guided public opinion is the result, according to Pavlovian theoreticians, of good propaganda technique, and the polls a verification of the temporary successful action of the Pavlovian machinations on the mind.”

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Oct 16, 2022·edited Oct 16, 2022

How much do you want to wager that Alison Fauci doesn't even know how to spell "engineer," yet "she are one" for Twitter?

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😆 Did you just presume her pronouns? 😉

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😳Haha, cute!

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Wouldn't a RICO lawsuit have to be brought by the government? Can private folks do it?

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I don't know, but if it depends on the government, I'll be waiting for hell to get frosty.

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Look at nuland and her husband. Then kagan and institute war study. All in it t9gether

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is your obvious and clear intelligence that has me following you. That is so apparent in your writing and how you relay a broad spectrum of information. Observational skills are applicable to all subjects not just ones you gain a formal education in. Same with analytical skills. Those who can't see it just make their lack of intelligence apparent.

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Oct 11, 2022·edited Oct 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm not so sure that "Opting Out" is the right answer. If this is an "information war", what we need is an effective strategy, not a withdrawal.

I've never liked Twitter, and never posted there. In the beginning, it wasn't so much because it's a greater evil than the others. I just didn't like the super-abbreviated message format. But I do use Facebook. Lately my strategy is to post only rarely, when I feel that I have something very important to say. So far, I've never been banned. But I can't say it's working: I don't attract a lot of followers, and I think my content is shadow-banned when I do make a post.

How safe is Substack from this sort of intelligence gathering? Even if it's a bastion of free speech and intelligent discourse, shouldn't all users also assume we're being tracked? In my case, I've been making my opinions known on the web for decades, and I'm sure the Government knows about me. I can only assume they haven't bombed my farm yet (or taken any other action) because I'm not enough of a threat.

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I'm not sure if Farcebook shadow-bans my posts or if others just don't care about what I post. If I post a photo of my grandchildren, my restaurant meal, or pretty flowers, those posts get a lot of attention. The posts about vaccine deaths and injuries, or mutilation of children for the transgender agenda, or other such unpleasant realities are ignored. It's discouraging. I got pushback on a recent post from a fully vaccinated church friend who objects to me "condemning" others for their choice to be jabbed. I do not condemn others, I have compassion for them because they are deceived. I merely want them to have enough info to give informed consent before being jabbed. This friend is one of two who, so far, have apparently not been harmed by the jabs, so as long as they are fine, they can continue to live in their Pollyanna world. Like you, I suspect a dossier is being put together on me, but I am defiant. I feel strongly that my faith in Christ requires that I speak out.

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People don't want to hear that the jabs may make them sick. I send articles to my son, who is jabbed and boosted and "trusts the vaccine science" when from good sources, but he ignores them. I'm pretty sure he hates that I do that, but I care too much to stop altogether.

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The sad thing is the jabbed could still benefit from the truth. They can still reject boosters and try to lower bodily inflammation among other health precautions. The sooner they acknowledge this the better. Looks like many received placebos too. So opting out of boosters could save them.

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Oct 13, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022

That's what I'm praying, that my son will STOP getting boosters and NOT give my grandsons the jab. I'm so concerned for them.

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Everyone has a destiny.

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An enigma or an ameboa?

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Same here! I am compelled even though I was told recently by someone that I have gone off the deep end. It just rolls off like water on a duck's back.

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Don’t be discouraged, believe your gut. I have hundreds of friends on Farcebook and when I post something very concrete and damaging to a protected narrative, no one sees it. Posting pictures of kids and vacations gets lots of interactions.

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Certain topics and key phrases are shadow banned and delisted. They did it to flat earth theory in 2015 ish

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I see a few have already shared Dr. Malone writing about this already on twitter, so I am also going to share the article instead of shutting my twitter page down. Thanks for your suggestion, I was ready to end it. (only got back on it when Musk said free speech months ago). We would all be clueless without Dr. Malone.

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I left Twitter a few years ago. Nothing would make me go back. Nothing Dr. Malone has said here surprises me. I don’t know what Elon Musk’s motives are for buying Twitter but if Quatar is involved it can’t be for purity of free speech. I am unjabbed, I trust almost no one, not my government, I do believe what Dr. Malone is telling us here. This is a very ugly world, I have serious doubts that it can be redeemed. I’m just glad that I am not young. I feel very bad for the young people.

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I am a freebird now. That wasn't so bad afterall!


Your account is deactivated"

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This is a very beautiful world once you activate divine dna. Porter robin s shelter. https://youtu.be/fzQ6gRAEoy0

It is the world we co create using the power granted to the sons and daughters of god. Even the evil is a shaping tool for the blade of the universe.

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I've been wondering who, and how easy it might be to start scraping Substack posts for intel, spying, and manipulative purposes. Twitter seems custom made for AI bot analysis, Substack a lot more challenging.

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The other day, my homepage recommendation reasons for Malone and Kirsch disappeared into thin air, but the other comments for other substacks did not. Hmmmmm. Agreed, 'how easy it might be'. Starting to wonder..

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There are so many ways that Twitter can be manipulated, under the radar.

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Essays and longer videos are more effective at changing minds than sound bites and hash tags.

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There are some accounts here that may be subversive. There’s one in particular, who looks to be trying to tie fear of Communism to anti-Semitism. I’m careful not to “like” any of his reasonable comments, as they are interspersed with hateful, broad-brush smears against Jews. What a perfect opportunity for ADL, a poorly disguised Democrat party operative, to swoop in.

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Yes I made the decision that even when someone makes a great comment, if it is sandwiched in between something that looks more disturbed or fomenting hate, I just move along. And you do start learning their handles. These names can be changed at any time. I appreciate all those out there with their real names or something in their bio that gives me a sense of their background or experiences. "Frustrated Methodologist" is a good example of enough to say, I can certainly relate to that!

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I doubt enlightened ranking member of the true illuminated ones, would make me look better in my bio

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Why not? Raising curiosity also a great qualification. I subscribed to your Substack.

Your post on Hero's Journey mapped to present day challenges could be followed up, repeatedly in fact with periodic progress updates. What does the journey look like in people who have been tested by many smaller trial runs of the process to the end? Those who have graduated from significant prior iterations are the ones making it to the finish line in better shape now?

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Ralph smart has a presence on ytube and media. He is likely shadow banned cause he talks about covid in 2020. If you want to see what the journey looks like farther ahead, check his life story.

Correct, those of us that have done the personal work did not have to face the trials of 2020 and 2021 etc. We did not lose 9ur jobs nor did we become forc3d by the state to do stuff we did not want.

This advance credit allows us to see what the collective is going through and give you tips and guidance. As i did in my article. I do not do it often because few would understand it. Nor is it my place to spoil your journey. Journey before destination.

As for ur 1st question. There 8s a veil of maya protecting occult aka secret forces and knowledge. That is why the collective did not see the evil. But this veil also protects those of us who oppose the evil aka darkness. And for me, it is even thicker and stronger as i have advanced quite far.

I appear to most people to be either proud insane or moronic. That is to protect their free will not to know. Nor do i wish to be destined to 9btain folkowers. Major pain they r.

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Withdrawal can be part of an effective strategy.

Here's the biggest difference that Substack has: it's funded by readers, not by advertising. Different incentives lead to very different policies and outcomes.

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Don't be too sure, Jerry ... they maybe are just waiting for the ChiCom satellite GPS coordinates for your farm

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U can see the pusback from tulsi, ye, candace, putin, und donald.

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How do you propose to fight on enemy territory using weapons your enemy controls?

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Consciousness is our weapon

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you very much for writing this. It is the best and most useful synthesis of the situation I have seen. We are deep in a war that most people are oblivious too.

The mind is in fact both the ultimate weapon and the ultimate battle space.

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Information warfare, like all forms of commercial marketing, works best on weak minds. The failed education system has been mass producing them for decades.

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

At 77, I remember when the MOB was using money from illegal things to buy legitimate businesses. I've always realized the CIA, like the MOB, was buying legitimate businesses they weaponize. My guess, if Congress defunded the CIA 100%, they could continue to operate from their business profits.

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This is one of the worst features of our current arrangement. Government bodies secretly own pretend private businesses and use them to extend their control - this needs to be abolished. Forget church and state, today public and private need separation.

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Reason why forever war in afghanistan. Opium cia off books money.

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Democrats (as a specific type, not just political party) have always been good at the long haul plan and have no moral compass to cause a "red line." Conservatives have never been good at the long plan, never been good at seeing the long plan and, for the most part, have morals they won't compromise. The last one is good except they tend to believe others are just as moral - and that's a critical mistake.

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For the less cynical and somewhat naive among us I repeat “If you choose to participate in Twitter, you are feeding a Cyber Warfare engine. So (please) just stop.”

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the info. I was listening to a podcast with Elon Musk. He was talking about AI. He said that AI keeps adding information about you and forming opinions. The more info they can get the more they know about you. He said it never stop getting info. It makes AI smarter and smarter. Pretty scary stuff. Big brother at his best.

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Or his worst, depending upon how you look at it.

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Oct 11, 2022·edited Oct 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Twitter is very much a tool of information warfare.

The platform is the preferred playground of the blue-check praetorian guard, a cynical and ethically marginal species charged with creating The Narrative™ every one of us is subjected to, whether we realize it or not.

It's also an indispensable propaganda tool of the Left — exclusively theirs for at least a decade now — with an outsized influence on reality thanks to algorithms that’ve codified the ideological predilections of Silicon Valley oligarchs who happily kowtow to Democratic Party mandarins.


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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Extraordinary! So thankful for this prodigious, very interesting and in depth analysis of how the power of technology when combined with evil forces can destroy all those qualities we hold dear and which are the foundation of the USA. Your phenomenal and masterful mind and writing/journalistic gifts have synthesized such a prodigious amount of research and material. Coincidentally, yesterday I listened to Dr. McCullough express his sorrow for the loss of his Twitter followers. Maybe he should consider himself lucky? Maybe I should stop posting my opinions on FB? But I will share in emails this wonderful substack. Thank you, again, Dr. Malone!

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, I extracted myself from most of these social media venues a while ago. However, since I know the media is just a mouth piece for propaganda and disinformation, I find myself wanting to stay on one venue that I am well aware uses all kinds of manipulation, honey traps and nudgers because I believe at least some of what comes through may have some truth to it. I just have to remember that everyone has an agenda or a narrative, and try to discern which one are they promoting. I am sure that I have been misled from time to time by trusting someone I should not have. You can't always tell right away, but over time, everybody has a 'tell'. When it comes down to it, I know I am not in charge...but I do know Who ultimately wins. I find my peace in knowing that I am not God, but I know the One who is. I know my Savior lives. In the end, because we were made for eternity and has shown His love for me... Jesus IS my both my King and Country. In the meantime, I will try to stand for what is JUST, RIGHT and GOOD in my present world. Peace.

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When the state religions and man made churches bowed to the state, they became satan s vassal and property. Thus the faithful must decide whether to stay in babylon as it dies or get out.

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Reignite Freedom is calling for specific steps to defeat the Agenda, one of which is disconnecting from all media, social and mainstream, that lies or censors.

If everyone did this it would flip the Cabal on their heads!

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I disagree vehemently. Communication tools are just that. People aren’t going to stop using a tool because some use it badly, or because others have discovered how to manipulate it. No, we need to stay present in the information space. Communication tools aren’t going away. Neither is the attempt by the powerful to corral the rest of us. It’s up to us to shape the future. Don’t give up.

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Sorry, they have too much power, and have weaponized it against us. The only solution is to stop "feeding" them; they would not EXIST without our acceptance of their abusive behavior.

At least 1.5 million Americans have lost their lives, perhaps half of all American children who took the NLP/mRNA injections have subclinical myocarditis, and at least 3 million Americans are now fully disabled by this campaign.

Those who lied endlessly on these topics; Covid, Early Treatment, & the "Covid Measures," including masks, lockdowns and the "vax" from hell, ARE DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE.

To continue to hang out with them is like dating your rapist afterwards.

Sorry to be blunt, but that's my view. If more people thought similarly we would not be in this nasty Swamp we're mired in up to our eyeballs right now.

Lies come from the Devil Himself. These lies cost hundreds of thousands of lives. Wiped out 3.3 million American independent businesses and destroyed a generation.

Twitter should die. I'm a firm believer in "capital punishment" for Corporations complicit or responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.

All those who participated in the Covid Coup need to go. End of story.

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The denial I find regarding Big Gov and Mega Corps reminds me of girlfriends I've had who keep going back to abusive boyfriends after he offers some half baked apology. BTW, I'm a woman so it's not jealousy causing my frustration. Lots of people want an abusive nanny state and abusive corporations "taking care of them" for the same reason SOME women date strong, confident abusive men. They can abdicate all personal accountability and neglect other relationships to focus on just one. He makes them feel safe and protected regardless of how little reality matches these feelings.

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I 100,000% agree with you. And I firmly believe that this entire phenomenon, the "acceptance" on some level of being a victim of absolutely heinous behavior, comes out of the 6000 years of "war culture" patriarchy and sexual abuse of women and children, that most modern civilizations, including ours, are based on.

It's a long history, and the best short cut is, we all have either PTSD from past abuse, or Stockholm Syndrome from current abuse.

James DeMeo's "Saharasia" woke me up. It's really a foundational work to what ails humanity imho.

Study cultures that thought and lived very differently; the Iroquois, the Minoan, etc.

War, of all sorts, is the root of our insanity; the acceptance on some level of abuse, fear, and atrocities.

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The irony is instead of abusive boyfriends or husbands now too many women want an abusive bureaucracy to "take care of them." Due to its nature, bureaucracy is cold and lacking in empathy. When an individual hits another they have to overcome the pain of seeing them suffer. Not so when they oversee a corrupt branch of the system and only have to deal with numbers. Bill Gates never once had to talk to a child his organization crippled or a young woman his shots sterilized without her knowledge or consent.

(I thought sadistic billionaires who rhapsodized about solving the world's problems were supposed to be handsome and charming. M.R. James sure got that wrong. Lol.)

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Also add in reincarnation and ancestral dna memories

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Lol. Viva la differences! To create an analogy---

Wars are won utilizing both guerrilla warfare tactics and cannon balls.

However, a wise woman, (one who the full force of the Federal Government tried to destroy for exposing their corruption exceptionally effectively,) gave this advice: "disconnect yourself energetically, which means physically, financially plus time and attention, from any entity, corporate, or individual, who does not have YOUR best interest at heart." It's much healthier for you. ; ))

So that means cutting the connections to every corporation that profits from harming, manipulating, and lying to us.

Twitter is an aspect of the intelligence agencies who are the Criminal Gang behind the murder of John F. Kennedy, the destabilizing of nation after nation, the promotion of drug and human trafficking world wide, they, or some aspect of our government was involved in 911, the housing meltdown of 2008, and the whole Covid Coup.

In.my personal opinion.

So, just like I wouldn't date my rapist, I don't associate with Twitter, Facebook or any of those psy-ops.

I dropped WhatsApp and Instagram over their connections and behaviors.

Telegram doesn't censor and Signal works beautifully, as do multiple newer platforms too many to list..

If everyone jumped ship our controllers, manipulating predators and corrupt corporations would cease to exist or straighten up fast.

You have a different opinion which is completely your choice.

But at 62 years of watching the BS, and wars, deaths, and thefts, and lies proliferate, I'm done supporting the manure spreaders, the liars, the thieves, and the killers.

My time is getting short and I'm not willing to waste it, or swim in those waters, lol!

But if you wish to wade through it all spreading some sparks of truth, have at it my friend!

; ))

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The positions are closer than they appear. There is nothing stopping us from building better internet systems. Quitting theirs does not mean we will be lacking. See brics for an example. Russian federation was cut off but they are better for it. They wont run out of guns and internet or gas.

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Parallel econ9mies. See brics

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