Not only is climate change disastrous for America, it’s anti-human for the world


And it’s nothing more than another reason for the rich to steal and plunder from the earth


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I wonder if it's a coincidence that both professors are retired and don't have to give a flip about their careers or being politically correct. "Give me liberty or give me death!" Free speech is worth fighting for!

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“I’m lucky because I didn’t really start pushing back on this until I was close to retirement,” Mr. Happer said. He had already established himself at that point as a tenured professor at Princeton, a member of the Academy of Sciences, and director of energy research at the U.S. Department of Energy.

“If I’d been much younger, they could have made sure I never got tenure, that my papers would never get published,” he said. “They can keep me from publishing papers now, but it doesn’t matter because I already have status. But it would matter a lot if I were younger and I had a career that I was trying to make.”

Happer quoted in the article I link above

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Rush Limbaugh warned us about falling for the hype regarding the crisis formerly known as global warning for at least 20 years. I must confess I thought early on that he was wrong to come out so boldly and unapologetically on the subject, but Rush had a nose for the left and could smell a rat a mile away. How much of the climate hysteria that has been foisted on us by foreign and domestic inteligence agencies remains to be seen. In the meantime, "Academia" needs to be rebranded. How does "Ministry of Information" sound?

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No, wait. Mainstream media already has that moniker. How about "Ministry of Truth" for academia?

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One thing Rush got wrong was "The Drive-By Media." This is too forgiving of a characterization for the evil that they do. The Academic Ivory Tower Elites' brainwashed progeny are the Media Journalists of our post-60s era, the "IT Media" for short. Fundamentally, this is a result of Post-Modernism philosophy which is pervasive in the Humanities' curricula.

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The "Drive-bys" were so named because of the "reporter's" appearance at, say, a natural disaster, pontificating a bit, and moving on. He would have agreed with your view that Liberal Arts is now neither, and that schools of journalism have been fatally corrupted by the sinister overhaul from "reporting" to "advocacy". My one caveat with Rush would be, while he was spot on in his critique of big government, he seemed to be not so curious regarding the excesses of such actors as Big Pharma, not that they would put their interests above those of the common good...

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How much of the climate hysteria that has been foisted on us by foreign and domestic intelligence agencies remains to be seen." I have been saying since Bagram this administration is bought and paid for by the CCP and have since expanded the idea to all of government. Because, cui bono? The CCP, clearly. Therefore, they MUST be at the forefront of all the crap that serves to weaken us, which the climate hysteria does.

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Bagram can't be explained by incompetence. The only thing that makes sense is treason.

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Agreed. Joe gave $85 billion in high-tech military equipment to the Taliban, who is chummy with Pakistan, who is chummy with the CCP, which can reverse engineer the fun stuff.

In December 2020 I watched Tucker showing a Chinese (I think) professor giving a talk in which he bragged about all their assets in high levels of the U.S. government. In spring 2021 I read the first 30 pages of M. Stanton Evans "Blacklisted by History: the Untold Story of Sen. Joe McCarthy," which convinced me that McCarthy was generally correct. I formed the hypothesis that Biden was committing treason. Bagram confirmed, in my mind, my hypothesis. There really is no other explanation for everything Biden is doing, from eviscerating our energy sources to doing everything he can to divide us (which is consistent with the idea, divide and conquer).

Yup. Treason. By Joe and everyone around him, which includes nearly all of the Democrat Party.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

Thank you for this substack Dr Malone.

A more condensed version of Happer and Lindzen's testimony is here for those who haven't the time.


Please note and download the excellent graphs and charts. They say it all.

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Note the divergence of CO2 in the Cretaceous. Temps spike while CO2 plunges to essentially today's levels.


“But if you could double the amount of CO2 from 400 to 800, and that will take a long time, the amount that you decrease radiation to space is only one percent,” Mr. Happer said. “Very few people realize how hard it is for additional carbon dioxide to make a difference to the radiation to space. That’s what’s called saturation, and it’s been well known for a century.”


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Not even shocking anymore.

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Climaye Change is run by the same WEF crowd that developed COVID and the vaccines, for the same purpose. The difference is that Climate Change has a four plus decade record of deeply failed predictions, tens of thousands of PHD skeptical scientists, and thousands of skeptical peer reviewed publications, as well as decades of their own statements revealing their purely political and financial motivations.

Therefore it is far easier to red pill a sincere friend on climate change then on COVID. Imagine what will be known about COVID and COVID policy in 40 years. The linked 20 minute read from the always free not a news feed substack is a very effective link to share with family and friends that only get the legacy media propaganda.

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“in 40 years?” You’re wrongly assuming there will be freedom of speech in 40 years.

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By cutting CO2 emissions we are cutting our oxygen. Plants take in CO2 to produce oxygen.

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I began delving into the Climate debate back in the mid-2000's and immersed myself in the research and studies for several years. Anyone who sought the truth and legitimate science knew that there was a massive scam being promulgated upon the world through government laws and regulations. The methods utilized to promote the narrative and censor contradicting evidence were honed and perfected in time for the COVID-19 scam, and many of us recognized the methodology immediately for what it was.

Ironically, I just recently decided to revisit the earlier literature and legal cases surrounding the Climate debate, as I'm truly attempting to understand how we got here to this level of madness and absolute junk science. It's easy to just say, "Follow the Money!", but there's more to it. For example, despite pressure from environmental activist groups and liberal states in the early 2000's, the EPA "refused" to regulate CO2 emissions or declare greenhouse gasses as "pollutants." It wasn't until SCOTUS ruled in "Massachusetts et al. v. Environmental Protection Agency et al." 2007 (No. 05-1120) that the EPA was essentially forced to move in this direction.

It was during the Obama Administration that a huge shake-up occurred throughout the Federal agencies that moved the government culture towards a Progressive administrative state that we see the shift towards heavy-handed policy supported by shoddy "science" and academia while simultaneously silencing any dissent. That has continued and led us to where we are today.

I'm continuing to go back through the research and cases, but that is what I have come to realize so far.

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The origins of many of our ailments today can be laid at Obama's doorstep, particularly the weaponization of the Department formerly known as Justice and climate hysteria taking root.

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Yes, but not Obama himself; he was simply the poster child who could further the means to an end for a cabal of interests that propelled him into the White House. He was carefully groomed in Chicago up through a brief stint in the Senate and into the WH. While I have no doubt that he fully endorses the programs, he and Michelle are opportunists who sold their souls for the money and power, and it's paid off nicely for them. Meanwhile, the apparatus that began to be installed under Clinton, continued under GW Bush, and finalized under Obama, has been hardened and deeply-entrenched so that no subsequent Administration or Congress is going to uproot it anytime soon.

It's surprising that nobody has responded (that I've seen) to Trump's claim, of cleaning-house and firing a bunch of folks on his first day if elected, with the reminder that he was legally prevented from doing that before and his effort to remove the protections for certain Federal employees was thwarted shortly before the 2020 election. The Deep (Bureaucratic) State has ensured they are well-shielded from any attempts at diminishing their power and influence.

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"Change you can believe in" No, I agree, he was a mouthpiece for the globalist cabal, whose primary target is the U.S. Constitution. Chip, chip here. Whack, whack there, morphing into blatant abuse across the board. Republican collabortators like McConnell and Romney only make matters worse. The administrative state is the antithesis of a democratic republic with a core value of freedom, particularly with posterchildren such as FBI, CIA, IRS, EPA, CDC, DOJ, and DNI, to name but a few. You're right, it's not going to be easy. But do we reclaim and regain our republic, or do we surrender to the forces of darkness? I think we can agree on that answer.

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Remember: Obama the Communist promised to “transform America.” That’s what communism does. “Follow the ideology not just the money...”

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The big antecedent I am aware of to this was the rise of psychoactive drugs, which was also based on crap science.

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Having seen it from multiple directions on multiple occasions - it seems clear to me.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

A vastly unappreciated fact is that the more varied (but independent) solution paths lead to the same conclusion, the more likely that conclusion is to be true. Two of them make it very likely, find three and the concept is almost certainly true. The reason this works is that reality has many different facets to it. We divide reality into separate fields to make the study of it more limited and therefore more manageable, but the totality of reality demands that these disparate fields be reconciled. For a video example of this, view (if you can) the brett weinstein/ steve kirsch/ robert malone discussion from a few years ago. Late in the discussion Dr. Malone and Mr. Kirsch reach the same conclusion via different solution paths, Mr. Weinstein immediately recognizes this and points it out.

This applies to disparate fields as well. I once proved a thermodynamics expert wrong on a thermodynamics concept using mathematics. As you may (or may not) be aware, the God hypothesis has been garnering more attention in recent years because mathematic probabilities have proven long held evolutionary concepts to be next to impossible.

Indeed, multidisciplinary approaches are a powerful tool for separating the wheat from the chaff, especially for differentiating what is possible from what is not. I wish we made more use of them.

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Excellent! Darwin had privately admitted big problems with angiosperms. In the introduction to the origin of the species he said the theory was entirely based upon the theory of gradualism which has long been in the dustbin. There is no evolutionary record for insects, suddenly they were just here in full flower, which of course in itself is fruit for contemplation.

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Can't wait to watch. With the exception of Substack, the Epoch Times is my main news source.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

This is great. All this data in that concise report. The one problem. If the only places this is to found is on Epoch Times (I like Epoch Times so this is not a snipe at it) and Substack, it will never reach the hundreds of millions in this country and the billions world wide that need to see this. Until and unless, everyone in the so-called main stream media is suddenly replaced by real journalists I fear the hill we need to climb is still very steep.

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Still very steep - true enough. Epoch has several additional articles on this topic. We can play a useful role. We can share this information. Call in to open minded/pursuadable radio sources and ask them to discuss. Look For Opportunities to raise as a relevant consideration when local related topics are being considered. Et al.

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I agree 100%. I still think we will need crampons for quite awhile.

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True, a difficult hill to climb, but think JENGA. Each thread we pull out from under their climate tower of babel weakens the structure until at last it falls down from having no basis in fact. It's taken them 50 years of fear porn to get to this stage of tyranny. It will take at least another generation of reschooling our youth to understand they have been lied to. Share this information. Do it for the children.

Just as in the covid scam, I have alienated friends and strangers alike by simply sharing alternative scientific analysis, which has usually been suppressed or censored by government approved "fact-checkers". Our education establishment has become a wholly captured indoctrination camp led and populated by communists who filter out any dissenting individuals in their ranks. As a result, logic and reason is lost on so many people caught up in the bread-and-puppets theater paraded before us by MSM. It's no wonder they don't understand the scientific method.

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I read the cover letter last month & am interested in seeing the rest of what they have provided. My greatest fear was that the EPA would ignore what they had to say, & that mainstream media would fail to mention it. After all, none of it aligns with the "Green" narrative that is being crammed down everyone's throat, whether we like it or not. Remember too, that federal grant money is heavily dependent upon agreeing to all of the nonsense that is being generated & promoted by the global elitists. The same was true of most of the hospitals in this country during covid, which is why so many were willing to employ the deadly remdesivir/ventilator protocol. As someone recently said, "I tried to follow the science, but it kept leading me to the money". In this case, it's money + power.

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And following yesterday's essay, what enticed unethical doctors to heavily promote clot shots for their patients. Watching the MSMs progressing rollout for this fall season Vax extravaganza, I'm left with a suspicion more doctor bribery is hiding in the wings.

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its the way they are doing it thats so evil & cunning & desguting and disasterous & double standards.!! not that climate or environmemt isnt important to anyone with a mind soul brain or heart! becauase it plainly is! But its the sick twisted duplicitious way they are implementing their climate scam with media and tesla (for instance) and the davos big boys club - the biggest hyporcrotes and poluters, profitteers, virtue signalleres lecturing the whole world hypocritucallaug and like biden or dnc gestapo legalaties, what rule is good for you is bad for me etc. But its far far greater. Its tied to roboticisation of human beings. The murderers of JFK and so many others must be laughing at us alongside their well paid abators. its Tied with human control, censorship , and distopian covidhoax future they have been plotting for, the wars (theyve alwsays got enough money for their fake wars - ukraine for eg), ! peodophiles friends', 3 letter agency crime coverers. abolute insincere thieves and abusers. The whole world knows now & they are a filthyy disgusting abusive joke (except to jobsworth myopics , liars, complicits or the very impressionable young/lab rats).

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Wow! Thank you for this treasure trove of information Doc! Really great sources!

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I just signed up with the CO2 coalition.org - it will be nice to have a little stack of real data next time I am embroiled in a “climate change” conversation. So many people have NO idea how dangerous to all of us on the planet it would be to reduce C02.

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That link to coalition.org ends at a blue colored page with almost zero text. Doesn't lead anywhere. Do you have a different link?

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IMO, Humans have been on this Earth, as compared to how long the Earth has been in existence, the equivalent of a gnat fart. Meaning, we have barely existed at all, and I find it impossible to believe that we meager humans could cause the entire climate of this planet to change (for the worse of course). From what I have read and seen, the Earth has gone through many many environmental changes over the millennia, good and bad, before Humans "took charge". Climate Change is a total Fake and was designed for certain people to make money, and control the population as an added benefit.

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The “good and bad” only relates to how humans see things. The Earth was created to form the basis for the existence of life forms. Its numerous extraordinary features all serve a function or purpose to support the cycle of life. Through its own process and cycles of rejuvenation it takes care of itself. “We” live on its outer crust and make use of the abundant materials it produces and it behooves us to clean up after ourselves. We have not been affecting the climate. The USG has tried by purposefully dumping particles in the atmosphere, attempting to hold the heat in, not to reflect the sun’s heat back into space. That has been a colossal failure. Bush 43 was a neanderthal because he cared not about ‘climate warming’. Obama forced the entirety of the fed government to play the climate game - the science is settled. The military – climate is an existential threat because our oceanside landing fields and ship docks will be covered with water as the ice melts. BS, all of it.

Even though I got an email 15 years ago from my best friend worrying about the polar bears (my response was it’s God’s earth and our existence does not alter His intent. We do not cause ice melts) it has been estimated that more than 50% of the American public does NOT subscribe to their ‘climate change’ hoax. Yes, the climate changes, it always has. The north pole was once a jungle.

None of the MSM will report this important filing with the EPA - it’s forbidden. We should think of CO2, and all other gases, as part of God's breath as He spoke everything into existence.

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Powerhouse info, as always Good Sir!

From Red Pill Realsville (Empiricism) it’s like this:

I don’t accept the destructive Marxist premise that warming is an ontological certainty, it’s all man-made, and it’s bad.

I ask: what is the Delta between the optimal Earth temperature and the current earth temperature and why is that optimal? The follow up questions self-cascade - what is the acceptable rate of change? The history of optimal temperatures, Etc. Please show your work.

Hint: poor polar bear thingy (Impecunious Ursus Maritimus Resy) isn’t a number with a unit.

Going down the phylogenetic pathway, Animals troop, herd, flock, swarm, and school - a simple compression algorithm for survival - do what the guy next to you is doing.

Happily, a contagious number are turning to face the predator as we have our own (civilized) predatory aggression. Cf Cape buffalo turning the tables on lions.

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023

It is not normal human living that threatens the health of our world. We should, however, be good stewards. Strip mining and Cobalt mining, in particular, seem rather irresponsible both ecologically and humanly.

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Think billions of years of plate tectonics, of ice ages, hurricanes, volcanos, and so on and the impact they continue to have on the Earth we survive on.

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There are natural cycles to the earth. It is a fallen world, so there are difficult times that we all adapt to.

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The Earth we survive and thrive on.

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Yes. We need to not look at it as a 'throw away.' Stewardship means we need to care for it so that it will still produce for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

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Strip mining does prevent forest fires. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist)

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Sigh… true. It prevents a lot of things.

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