Jun 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's obvious to me that our would-be tyrants realize that time is not on their side, so they're putting the pedal to the metal. It may lead to a new pandemic shortly after the WHO gets their desired countries on-board with their new tyrannical scheme.

SO, my thinking is that we need to support every presidential candidate that we think has something that needs to be said in the upcoming primary debates. Both parties. We need as many people as educated as possible on ALL the different kinds of propaganda they have not yet seen through.

In the end, neither political party is going to stop the tyranny train coming at us a thousand miles an hour. IMO, only enough people choosing to NOT COMPLY (up to and including just quitting their jobs and resorting to mass protest rallies) is going to stop the tyranny from prevailing. They've shown us they will do ANYTHING to win.

Take them VERY seriously. They know the Rino's are secretly on their side. I still haven't heard McConnell apologize for his shameless posturing as a vaccine expert to guilt us into taking vaccines that non-experts like Steve Kirsch saw through from early on. None of them DARE to side with Ron Johnson, do they?

Thanks, again, Dr. Malone, for doing your share and then some in the education effort!

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The coup of 2020 was our clarion call to resist at all costs although Glenn Beck put out his clarion call in 2008 and has never quit warning about the "Administrative State Leviathan and its corporate partners" and the need to 'not comply'.

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Indeed, I was horrified when no Republicans running for Congress in 2022 needed to even talk about medical freedom or vaccine harm/death because the vast majority of Republicans didn't even seem to be concerned about that. That's my reason for wanting education from the primaries, regardless of who wins. I have zero reason to believe the RINO party is any hope at all. And clearly the Democrat politicians are for controlling every aspect of our lives. Hopefully Bobby Kennedy can educate a few of them over the next several months. But I am not optimistic at all. The WHO business alone could be devastating to this country.

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Yeah, I would agree they will have to move in one direction or the other in 6 months. They can't stay the same without putting the Republicans in a better position. I pray it's the direction you're inferring. Because I think that will make it to where they'll have to over-play their hand with something really draconian the next time they try to re-gain power. And that might be just enough to deter them from trying it. I'm betting they're mad they didn't double down more than they did already.

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No doubt that if it gets broke, it will get broke here. Praying for just that, I assure you. Because it may take divine intervention, to boot!

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


Bank that popped up in response to people having their accounts frozen and attacked for political reasons by paypal and other institutions.

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From Old Glory Bank's web site (https://oldglorybank.com/frequently-asked-questions):

What makes Old Glory Bank so safe and secure for your deposits is that we are FDIC-insured up to $250,000 per depositor. We are not a “challenger” bank like so many of the online providers who partner with a third-party bank that controls things behind the scenes. We are a real bank and have a great and easy mobile banking solution, accessible on your computer and your smart device. We will stand with you, no matter where you stand. Of course, Old Glory Bank will absolutely comply with lawful orders, including, for example, a garnishment to pay child support and lawful requirements to report your income. We will never be a bank for criminals or support criminal activity. Just the opposite. We believe in the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, if a government official requests that we punish or cancel you for lawfully attending a protest, we will not comply. If there is a request to punish or cancel you for conducting lawful business, that request will be unlawful, and we will not comply. If other banks (and tech companies) want to stand with their elite friends in government and media to punish and cancel Americans for fossil fuels, the meat industry, firearms, or speaking truth to power, that’s on them. Old Glory Bank will never punish or cancel customers for their lawful activities. Instead, we stand with you.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Parallel economy banks would need to be the most conservatively run financial institutions by far. 100% guaranteed not going to receive a bailout if there is any crisis. If their client base has enough undesirables, the regime will aggressively try to make it fail.

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Founding member...just threw $100 into an account to get started...

...got my debit card this week

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WOW. I plan to open an account!

Nigel should too!

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I believe this is the bank started by Larry Elder along with someone else, whose name I no longer remember.

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From their website: "Who is the Operational Team at Old Glory Bank?

Old Glory Bank is blessed to have great co-founders and thought leaders such as John Rich, Larry Elder, Dr. Ben Carson, and Governor Fallin. Additionally, behind the scenes, we have a large leadership team of humble patriots who are working nonstop to deliver great products, brand values, and services to our Old Glory Nation.™ ..."

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I first learned of it from country star John Rich (of "Big and Rich" fame).

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yet another, far more dangerous form of “cancelation” being used by govts to silence people. EVERYONE should be alarmed by this. If allowed to continue, yes, it will soon affect us all.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Like when they claimed nobody was forced to take the covid shots, but for a lot of people the mandates took away their ability to support their family unless they complied. Now they are just taking the ability to function in everyday life if they don't like your views.

Non-corporate journalists and people like Dr. Malone need to be loudest on fighting this, because they are the primary targets for this threat.

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Although I agree with you, there's one word that needs to be changed.

"When" allowed to continue, yes, it will soon affect us all.

This will eventually happen, as I don't see very many out there, other than Dr. M. who's doing much of anything to either inform, educate, or spread the word of this. Glenn Beck has been talking about this for about a year, and other than him, the world is pretty silent on what is about to happen.

I'm interested in finding out what to do when it does finally happen, as I don't think they're going to listen to the average citizen and say....

"oh, okay. You don't want this, then we'll just keep things as they are".

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It's a decade-old way the gov handles silencing, so yeh, no one has fought it and it was only suppressed under Trump. https://dailycaller.com/2014/05/13/obamas-operation-choke-point-and-the-new-american-legal-system/

Biden breathed new life into it.

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Example: JPMorgan Chase Bank CEO Jamie Dimon is prone recently to bad press. In Oct 2022, his bank closed the bank account of the National Committee for Religious Freedom (NCRF), a non-profit founded by Sam Brownbeck, former KS Gov & Senator, and former U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom under Trump. Brownback alleged that a Chase employee reached out to the nonprofit and said Chase would reconsider doing business with the nonprofit if it would provide a donor list, a list of political candidates it intended to support and a full explanation of the criteria by which it would endorse them. Biden re-opened the decade-old Obama admin's Operation Choke Point.


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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When this political action takes place in the US, the bank should. Be named and all. Depositors should transfer their money out of the bank in a mass protest. Down side is less than 10% of the depositors will get their money out! Humanity is being screwed by the WEF handlers which include Biden, Trudeau and King Charles!

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The mass exodus from PayPal when they got above themselves seemed to shake them up.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We debanked several years ago and switched to credit unions. Upon moving, we signed up with a small, conservative state bank.

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I moved my business accounts to a credit union, at the advice of my good friend about a year ago. We shall see how that works out.

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I have exclusively banked with a credit union for over 20 years. While their interest rates on savings accounts have not been anywhere near as high as commercial banks, all other products have been lower cost. Keeping fingers crossed that they resist the globalist / woke politicization that's occurred in the mega-bank sector....

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Who is to stop the feds from getting its regulatory claws into the CU enterprise? When O and E. Warren instituted the CPB with no congressional oversight, I assume it can do whatever it wants. Trump's pick for its Head neutered it for 4 years. I can only assume that it is back in operation. The lame SCOTUS said nothing, except a wondering statement from Kavanaugh about its legitimacy.

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I did this several years ago. I was formerly with Chase. They had gobbled up several smaller banks, including Washington Mutual, where I had started.

My parents had been members of the Co-op Credit Union in Berkeley back in the 1960s, so I was aware of that type of banking. I joined them when I moved back to Berkeley in the late 1970s. But by then they had changed and seemed to be just hanging on.

I am currently with BECU, which used to service Boeing employees in the Seattle area. They seem to be a very solid operation. Maybe a little Woke but not too bad. But political forces can lean on Credit Unions, too. I don't know what I'd do if I lost my accounts there.

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What is the advantage of the credit union over a bank?

It seems this Old Glory Bank and other's that may be trusted with one's money and FDIC insured should be just fine. NO? I must be missing something.

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Totally depends on the bank and what floats their boat. Generally, banks have been fighting CUs for years, thinking the CUs have a regulatory advantage over them, and they do. But now, the "regulatory capture" issue to which Dr. Malone exposes comes into play. Are CUs vulnerable, too? Probably, but at least they're not in the Woke/Global tank that the big banks are. Old Glory sounds good; more power to 'em. However, the FDIC security blanket might not be of much value when the dollar loses its reserve currency status. Thank you, Brandon.

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See my reply to BigGuy49. I named one of my three kittens BigGuy!

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We have two cats: Batty(the boy) and Socks(girlie). siblings.

Batty has been called Big Dog at times. He acts like it too.

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Batty, great name. I thought about Socks for my female with four socks but decided to stay the course on two-syllable names. Her name is Libby for liberty. That was a mistake because I keep wanting to say libtard! Her other brother is named Big Boy. I'm not very original with names.

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Credit Unions are not-for-profit financial institutions that focus on providing personal loans to their members. Banks are for-profit financial institutions that are more likely to be involved with mortgages or big commercial projects. For the average private person, the services offered by both institutions are very similar. Credit unions pay lower interest rates, but also charge lower interest rates.

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We have been with the same CU for 35 yrs. Yet, ear to the ground regardless. Jaded badly through this regime badly.

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Jun 30, 2023·edited Jun 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is absolutely disgusting and even more proof that those in power are colluding against the masses in order to control us in a totalitarian state. We need to look at how systems are the cause of these issues and then create new systems to exit to that make the old ones obsolete.

This is why we are such huge proponents of Bitcoin. Most people don't fully understand its power, but we tried to help people better understand it with this article (below). Bitcoin is truly decentralized. It has never been corrupted, it has never been counterfeited, and if you cold store you keys bullshit like bank weaponization can never happen to you.

Bitcoin isn't an investment, it is a protest to all of these corrupted systems.

Read more: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/satoshi-lives-an-exclusive-interview

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An alternative view; Bruce Schneier knows a lot more about cybersecurity and cryptanalysis than I ever will:

"Schneier—I spent a lot of time sort of debunking blockchain. I mean, there’s a lot of I think. Mythos and excitement because it’s new is a lot of stick it to the man and crypto bros don’t fully understand the technology it exists. It’s a thing people are making and losing money. Just because it’s a dumb idea doesn’t mean it’s not real. But when I peel off how it works, what it is, it’s not secure, it’s not safe, it’s not reliable, it’s not trustworthy, it’s not even decentralized, it’s not anonymous, it’s helping destroy the planet. I haven’t found one positive use. For blockchain, it was nothing that couldn’t be done better without it."


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very interesting substack.

I signed up.

I might buy some bitcoin too.

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Central Bank Digital Currencies require that the existence of physical "money" be eliminated, be it gold, coins, or paper. They actually call it 'sterilization' of the foreign exchange market. I propose a new term to describe CBDCs.....CASHTRATION..... When is enough eunuch?

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And MO legislature had a bill to authorize gold as currency in the state to get a head of this but, yeah... all talk. Did not even come up for a floor vote.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This triggered what I've been aware of earlier, that is, our country's debt danger and financial system is compounded by how it affects Europe. America's banking crisis could actually unite Europe. America's addicted to debt, the dollar is already losing value rapidly. Although it is still used as a reserve currency, many nations are moving away from it. Russia and China are trading with each other using Chinese currency. It's far easier for the government to control and regulate a small number of big banks than a lot of small banks. And many heads of big banks share the same ideological goals as leftist politicians. That the UK is weaponizing banking now is an exemplar of certain political leaders working to manipulate this financial crisis to their own devious ends.

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In Canada, people did and are taking this seriously. I read a while ago that a sizeable portion of all the money that people withdrew from the big banks during the Freedom Convoy has not returned to the banks. Nobody knows where it's gone but I suspect a lot of back yards are treasure troves! As for what to do, not enough people are ready for a full-on bank run yet and until such time I think the best course of action is to de-bank by paying down debt as quickly as possible, moving accounts to credit unions and paying everything you can with cash. July 1-7 is international cash week. Spread the word!

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If you live in Canada you might as well living in China - US trying to catch up.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for jumping in here. It is almost unbelievable.

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Connected to all the riots in France??

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There's an embedded Twitter compilation of many of the riots taking place last night across France in this article:


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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Nigel live @ 1:00 CDT: https://www.gbnews.com/watch/how-to-watch This is pure fascism, coming our way muy quicko. Miss you, Rush.

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Jun 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

this is why there is bitcoin

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Dan Bongino has been strongly & persistently advocating for everyone (especially constitutional conservatives) to start banking and conducting financial affairs & business using financial resources within the recently created "parallel economy." This became more urgent after the Canadian Trucker protesters' accounts and their online charitable giving website page at GoFundMe were frozen by Dictator Comrade Trudeau from his hideout in the Ottawa Kremlin.

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Vivek Ramaswamy has been on Glenn's program since last year calling for a "parallel economy" and I do believe that he even started an investment firm. It is so hard to believe that a half cent on the dollar is going to fight back against the trillions.

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Jun 30, 2023·edited Jun 30, 2023

I was waiting patiently for one of these expose's, so that I could send it to all my friends and fellow conservatives who are trying not to believe what is happening. I've been the fog horn of my small circle of influence, and for the most part, I feel as though everyone is trying to ignore me, without trying to ignore me. This topic (being taken over by a tyrannical force) doesn't set well with most people, and disregarding my emails, texts, and words on the phone, will only work for so long, and one day, it's going to hit them in the face like a large ballpeen hammer.

Why is everyone so afraid to engage in discussing these issues ? Because we've all been trained to think that "That shit won't happen here."

Well, folks.... the train will be arriving soon. See the light down the end of the tracks ?

Question is ? What do we do when the train finally arrives ? This isn't Willoughby, and although I wish it was, we all should start to think about how to deal with that train when it gets here.

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"Willoughby. Next stop, Willoughby."

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Jul 1, 2023·edited Jul 1, 2023

This weekend is an all weekend long Twilight Zone marathon. I look forward to it every year.

The episode with "the new world order" is quite prophetic. Burgess Meredeth plays the main character in "The obsolete man", and as usual, plays a superb role depicting a mild man with really big balls. Every time I see this particular episode, I can't help but think that Rod Serling must have read a few "good books" in his time to grasp this concept in which we're just about living through right now.


As a child, the Twilight Zone episodes scared the crap out of me, but as an adult I can relate to it's undertones and meanings beyond what was placed on the screen in front of us. Each episode is a brief moment to escape this reality we're currently enveloped in.

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Yes, Rod Serling was a gem. Each episode had a moral undertone that was understated yet inescapable. He was a genius and died way too young. There is no one today even close to his caliber as a craftsman.

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On the way to revolution...

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The Canadian reveal and learning the particulars of the CCP Social Credit System clearly detail Globalist planning. The rush of development for digital currencies sounds more warning bells. Now the Farage expeience.

The evil this strategy presents is far too attractive for the Globalists to do anything but further enhance it fast.

We do NOT want our best and most impactful exposed to such evils as Mr Farage is suffering through. Caution is warranted.

Perhaps our focus would better be on potential wrenches to throw into the digital currency works generally and the best protections we can take for ourselves. I've been noting strategies for us. For me. It would help to have a list with discussion of just how impervious the strategy is, it's pros and cons and what it would take to employ it. I was snooked into considering a bitcoin type purchase a while back. Got a book about it and decided it would take a lot of learning to get on top of it and what if our internet/electric system fails? Didnt take the 'opportunity.' As a none numbers/money person - it is a challenge.

Thanks so very much for timely bringing this to our attention!!!!

Very Bestest

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