Mar 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The US has zero credibility especially when it comes to militarism of any type. We've proven over and over again totally inept in exercising military muscle especially in far off parts of the world. Compare the relatively minor bombings and attacks that Russia is engaging in compared to our toppling of other governments by the CIA and how we have mercilessly bombed so many other countries, especially Iraq and Vietnam. Glenn Greenwald and Chris Hedges have written well on what is at stake with the current conflict. There is no major news outlet either on cable or newspaper that are not parroting the government talking points and they will continue to increase the amplitude until more and more people call on the US and NATO to get directly involved.

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Worth noting Chris Hedges lost his weekly interview show this week when RT was shut down. RT America had some of the most powerful voices MSM will never tolerate including Abby Martin and Lee Camp.

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Does anyone know how DISH was influenced to drop RT? Who was behind the shutdown? Was it the FCC?

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How about CIA.

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Same difference!!!

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Pretty sure it's momentum generated by political rhetoric and fear of being attacked as Putin sympathizers. Once the official proclamations begin the propaganda drops resistance like flies... We get the lip service BS that w believe in free speech as long as it agrees with official talking points...

March 1 - National Association of Broadcasters issued a statement opposing the broadcasting of Russian-government sponsored programs.

"Given the unprovoked aggression exhibited by Russia against the free and sovereign people of Ukraine, NAB calls on broadcasters to cease carrying any state-sponsored programming with ties to the Russian government or its agents.... blah blah blah"


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Thanks very much for the info. RT actually does investigative reporting, and documentaries. Actual Field Reporters, not just talking heads. Most of the people on RT are Americans, Chris Hedges, Scottie Hughes, William Shatner, Lee Camp, Jesse Ventura, Steve Malzberg, Max Keiser, Mike Papentonio, and many others. Seems like a suit against NAB is in order. Definitely a violation of the constitution. Should go to SCOTUS. I recommend the App.

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Agree the talent in RT includes the anti-war, anti-imperial voices MSM exclude. Fun fact, Chris Hedges sued the Obama Administration over NDAA provisions that targeted journalists in 2012 over unconstitutional assault on free press. https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/ca2/12-3176/12-3176-2013-07-17.html

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Forgive my ignorance but what is RT?

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What we're looking at goes back to the 2004 "Bioshield Act," pioneered by guess who? The neoconservatives...

In a comment below I quoted a piece called "The Project for a New American Century and the Age of Bioweapons: 20 Years of Psychological Terror":

"This anthrax attack led quickly into the 2004 Bioshield Act with a $5 billion budget and mandate to “pre-empt and defend further bioweapon attacks”. This new chapter of the revolution in military affairs was to be coordinated from leading bioweapons facility at the Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick. Since 2002, over $50 billion has been spent on Bioweapons research and defense to date.

The earlier October 2000 RAD document emphasized the importance which the neocon cabal placed on bioweapons (and other next generation war tech) stating: “Combat will likely take place in new dimensions: In space, cyber-space and perhaps the world of microbes… advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool”.


Whitney Webb has a great series, "Engineering Contagion" on Unlimited Hangouts. Can't recommend that enough either.

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Promoted by the Neo-cons yes, but endorsed and funded by Obama and probably Trump. It all stinks.

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President Trump was surrounded by neo-cons left over from the obama regime. Trusting information given to him by those slugs was his biggest mistake. I hope, pray, and believe he learned volumes from that 4 years of betrayal from both parties..

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Tired old excuse....we knew it [or at least felt it]....why didn't he at least be suspicious.......

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Neocons + Neolibs = Globalist Elites

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They determined the anthrax was experimental grade. Inside job for getting the law passed?

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Re: MSM -it's called The TRUSTED NEWS Initiative - is that ironic or cynicism? Never to be trusted ever

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US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: "I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses. 1:23 min https://youtu.be/6RmEsPE7iq0

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We were given freely CartBlanc ....and nobody cared nor questioned it.

As of today....still have not. We are your gd rulers! Not 1616 Pennsylvania!

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deletedMar 11, 2022·edited Mar 11, 2022
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Expecting no less attitude change nor compass directions from the Deep State stadium.

This is the New Frontier...same as the Old Frontiers.

"Meet the new Boss....same as the old Boss! " Roger Daltrey (The Who)

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Mar 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I was at WRAIR in the early 2000s (among other times), and a colleague who had moved to USAMRIID told me that after the fall of the Soviet Union we had essentially employed the BW scientists in the former Soviet states, at their old labs, to do safe biological work, in order to keep them from leaving their countries to gain employment in Russia, if they couldn't earn a living at home. That makes sense. What happened in the intervening years may be something different and, given that "the NIH never funded gain of function research in Wuhan" turned out to be a lie like a teenager, or Bill Clinton, would tell - possibly very technically true, but in actuality false - I'm not believing anything any feds tell me, just because they're telling me; show me the data. I also think there has been something unusual going on between the Deep State/Swamp creatures and Ukraine for a very long time and that this sudden "everyone display the Ukrainian flag and ask for donations and the Russians are evil" thing is highly suspicous - it looks like yet another op (operation).

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Excellent points. Seems Ukraine was used as a cover and place for every shady/unethical and illegal thing going by the US. Like Cuba was for the mob. Human trafficking, money laundering, bio"labs" etc.

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Everyone suddenly jumping onboard with the “let’s support Ukraine “ and cause as much hurt to Russia as we can, but yet where were they the last 8 years as numerous amounts of Ukrainians have been tortured and killed in Ukraine by their own people! Where has been this concern for people the last two years as lockdowns & other measures taken have put many in poverty worldwide & caused physical & psychological damage to many as well! I have a huge amount of empathy for the suffering of innocent people, but I find it repulsive how most of these same people don’t notice suffering until it becomes the new “virtue signaling”. Normally most of our Hollywood elites, TV personalities and Democratic representatives are anti war as well and now it seems many are beating the war drums…..what about the many innocent Russian lives who have had no say in what actions their government is taking?!!!

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Ditto the perception that Deep State/Swamp has long had illicit activities with Ukraine and is now painting a binary picture of Russia and Ukraine, imo to foment yet another mass formation where Russia is the boogie man and we all need to be very afraid and do anything to stop them...

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All-in-all -- Biden clique has proven multiple times to be much worse than Putin but - Putin "is a killer" idiocy. The US is a failed state.

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Here's a good review/expose of the close connections between the Democrats and Ukrainian officials, as well as their role in political dirty tricks pre-election and in the attempted coup on Donald Trump:

Ukraine Worked With Democrats Against Trump in 2016 to Stop Putin. The Bet Backfired Badly.

Ukrainian-Democratic coordination traces back to 2014, when then-Obama Vice President Joe Biden helped install Petro Poroshenko in Kiev. Then came collusion against Trump.

By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations

March 10, 2022


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What was old is new again. Especially politics and coverups.

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Mar 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for everything you do. Listened to you in Glenn Beck today, and I will tune in for the interview on the podcast. I know this isn’t what you want to be doing, but you are serving humanity, and we are grateful. How brave and steady you are.

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A patriot and hero! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Right now you can “donate to the Ukraine” unfettered through an unbelievable and growing network of channels but a couple of weeks ago, God forbid, you tried to buy a Canadian trucker some diesel. Your donations to the Ukraine, which can be in the form of weapons, are assisted and lauded by the media and big tech. Given the alignment of the “ powers that be” , I must admit that I tend to put a little more weight on the Russian claims.

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Ain’t that the truth!

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I concur w your assessment

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Add up the number of times in your life that you have been instructed (brainwashed) into who you should utterly despise....and who you should admire.

It's a very long list I may like to add. Russia takes the hit on the big parade charts.

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Mar 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone, great informative article! Absolutely love this line though: “Grow up, own your mistakes, and stop trying to obfuscate them with a barrage of flying feces.” !!! 😂 I second that!!!

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Mar 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I heard this a couple of weeks ago and found a similar foundation document. What I was interested in what whether these were level 4 Biolabs, or if they were for something else. My conclusion is these were level 2 labs, intended for the disposal of pathogens and other contraband discovered in customs. Other functions, such as sampling were possible, but I did not find anything at the level of the Wuhan lab. I am going back to my source once again and see if there is any other evidence. Your statement that the failure of the US to have a protocol to provide Russia assurance that the labs were not intended for any other purpose is the same failure that led to the chain of events leading to the Wuhan lab failures, a level 4 labs lacking level 4 pathogen processes. I am not an expert in this, but I am satisfied that this was paranoia fed through incompetence and subterfuge, the same that led people like Fauci to lead to resolve the very crisis that he helped create.

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'Your statement that the failure of the US to have a protocol to provide Russia assurance that the labs were not intended for any other purpose' That was key to showing good will to the Russians as it was a really fair thing to do but it didnt happen. Why?

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Did the State Department even know or have any say in this? What could they have done and would it help? Ask the former an ambassador. That is my guess.

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I believe you’re being foolishly naive that Fauci tried to resolve the crisis he helped create. No doubt whatsoever that the virus was created for the vaccine, not the other way around.

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I do not think it is a good thing.

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No question whatsoever it’s not a good thing.

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Mar 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Home run as always, Dr Malone. Thanks so very much for your intelligent insights.

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Klaus Schwab, Hunter Biden & Pentagon Funded Bio-Labs in Ukraine (Greg Reese)


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OF course it's all Klaus and his Klowns. (Sounds like a punk rock band...maybe they are?)

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Mar 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How does a member of congress, or the media know what questions to ask? Most of them have no idea of the complexity of these topics, nor has the education or experience on how to ask a question. They don’t know what they don’t know, if that makes any sense.

After leaving the Eastcoast and moving to the middle of the country. I really see how others live, think, work and yes pray. So different from what the media presents to us.

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Mar 11, 2022·edited Mar 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"This increasingly strikes me as very immature, and a horrible way to run a country. Grow up, own your mistakes, and stop trying to obfuscate them with a barrage of flying feces. The USA is supposed to be the dominant political, military, and economic power in the world at this point. So act like it. This reminds me of a young child that keeps seeking to blame everything bad that happens on someone or something else. Just stop it." Well said. Thing is, I'm not sure there are any adults (I mean, ones not impaired by dementia...) left in any positions of leadership in the Biden administration, so I suspect this advice will fall on ears not in the least bit ready to receive it.

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Thank you for the insider info and analysis. The concern I have is that our very own Press Secretary is claiming the Russians will maybe use this as an excuse for a "false flag" using biological and chemical weapons. Telegraphing, perhaps? https://wholistic.substack.com/p/us-in-cya-mode-over-biological-weapons

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We don't have a real press secretary.

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I appreciate your delving into the complexities and bringing your own extensive expertise to this topic, Dr. Malone.

You may find these articles of interest as you assemble the puzzle pieces:

• Hunter Biden Firm Rosemont Seneca Invested in Firm Tied to Ukrainian Biolabs (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/03/breaking-exclusive-hunter-biden-firm-rosemont-seneca-invested-firm-tied-ukrainian-biolabs/)

• An HONEST Military Situation Report by a Russian Soldier In Ukraine (https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/03/10/an-honest-military-situation-report-by-a-russian-soldier-in-ukraine/)

• How Obama And Biden Installed Neo-Nazis In Ukraine (https://kanekoa.substack.com/p/how-obama-and-biden-installed-neo)

I am still sorting through the different layers of propaganda myself and always view everything with a skeptical eye, but TBH, the following list is all I need to know to understand the story we are being fed about the Ukraine is being orchestrated by the same puppeteers as the COVID narrative.

This is a list of some of the key people who have gone on record supporting Ukraine:

• Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, John Kerry, George W. Bush, Lindsey Graham, Adam Kinzinger, Eric Swalwell, Willard Romney, Marina Abramović, Pope Francis, the CIA, and CNN/MSNBC/MSM

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My father in law was a Minn Supreme ct Justice and on the bench at the State capitol when

Mikhail Gorbachev flew from Russia to the St.Paul capitol to personally thank Walter Mondale, Skip Humphrey, and a host of others for the tireless efforts to sign an agreement to reduce and dismantle the numbers of ICBM Missiles on both sides. As was common the Judges were allowed access to these types of dignitary meet and greets in the rotunda.

The Judge was close enough and lucky enough to shake the Russian Pres hand and thank him. This was the sigh of relief the planet had hoped prayed and died for. Sigh.....

Albeit short lived. The war hawks just can't do Peace on Earth very well. No money in it!

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Blessed Memorial Day MAA.

Thanks for chiming in. Its a rainy day here. So read read read it is.

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That means WE shouldn’t support Ukraine!!!!

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Yes but more important it means we should not supply arms dollars,

or an even worse step as walking uniformed blood donors.

Call on us Americans when ya'll can say the word Peace.

And act according to the meaning of it.

Ya'll need leadership. Not the corrupt ones that manage to find their way in.

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Watch Oliver Stone Documentary on Ukraine, “Ukraine on Fire”. It’s been deleted and censored from everywhere else.


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And follow that up with some of Sarah Westall’s research into it.

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Yes! That documentary is EYE OPENING!

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I talked to a bomber pilot a couple of years ago


21 min ago

A very interesting gentleman, affected by the war ww2.

The great backpeddle is starting along with the great retrenching and refortifying. Luckily for the planet there are honourable scientist doctor researchers in the world. people that stood against the corporate profiteers. We are greatful.

As we know now the corporate machine of distraction is spinning up and I think working well.

We must not be distracted with all the superfluous studies the if / ands /or whats.

Does Ivermectin work, does Hydroxy work, were there protocols available to treat. When were the WHO/CDC/FDA made aware.

If the answer is yes. If those treatments/ prophylaxis were suppressed then murder has been committed. Nothing else matters right now. We must prove our case. Period.

Who committed those murders

Who participated in the great lie, news media of course, doctors, legislators etc…

How do we make people accountable, there is a way that won’t destroy society. I will offer my suggestion in another posting.

I asked that bomber pilot about flak, he said it was somewhat effective. A plane would fly into a cloud of flak which led to the occasional mission failure. The most common thing flak did was to distract and force the plane of course.

Lets not let the flak distract or force us off course.

Is Ivermectin effective, does Hydroxy work, where treatment options available, when did they know.


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Dr. Malone, this seems eerily similar to a series of events in the sixties. I think they called it the Cuban missile crisis? If I'm not mistaken, it was the US that provoked the Russian's into placing missiles in Cuba in response to the US placement of missiles in Turkey.

It seems the criminals running our government haven't learned the lessons of the sixties and didn't heed the Russians warnings to remove those biomissiles or else.

My greatest fear at this point is that these evil bastards will release something nasty in Ukraine and blame the Russian's. Just like Rubio prodded Nuland to confirm in her testimony.

If we as a people do not take a stand and get our house in order, we will all pay a heavy price.

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Thank you so much for adding insight and sanity, it's priceless. For reference here's Wayback capture of the 2005 US-Ukraine bio-weapons agreement.


Existing facilities and pathogen inventories by country


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Thanks for posting these links. Interesting to note that doc in the second link says that Ukraine inverts the 1-4 risk ranking of pathogens and labs, with 4 indicating lowest risk and 1 signifying highest risk (opposite of international nomenclature). Makes me wonder if the people who dismiss Ukraine's labs as only level 2, nothing to see here, know about this.

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My pleasure I am a link hoarder and Wayback saver and always happy to share. Here's a few more related to bio-weapons vanishing from NATOs collective memory.



The BioWeapons Prevention Project (BWPP) is a global network of civil society actors dedicated to the permanent elimination of biological weapons and of the possibility of their re-emergence. It was launched in 2003 by a group of non-governmental organizations concerned at the failure of governments to fortify the norm against the weaponization of disease. BWPP monitors governmental and other activities relevant to the treaties that codify that norm.


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How many people does it take to change a light bulb is like how many labs do you need to eliminate pathogens? Seems like a proliferation of these labs!

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