It is good that this information will be added to the public record for all to read. Thanks for the update and all your hard work.

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More evidence of treason, as if we needed any more. It's Trump or curtains for the USA.

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I agree we must win this case, but what are the consequences to these communist traitors?; IE Antony Blinken, Leah Bray, James Rubin, Daniel Kimmage, Alexis Frisbee and Patricia Watts. If they loose this case, and they will, it seems they just start another covert illegal censorship operation tomorrow. If the house would just do their frickin job and defund all of these departments and or agency’s from continuing their treasonist actions we would see a change. Mike Johnson really needs to get his head out of his rear end and do his dam job. If he keeps funding all of this administrations illegal, unconstitutional un American schemes who’s the actual criminal? How did we end up with such gutless republicans? God how we need Trump!! J.Goodrich

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Cushy suits and ties for men, Designers Pant suits for the ladies. Vacations/ expensive cars/Million dollar home mortgages and college age offspring in the best schools.

Pride and Denial become one. The club will survive and we are not in it.

But the offspring certainly is. Need an example? How bout Chelsea Clinton/Liz Cheney? ETC!

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Thanks to the lawsuits in process it should focus a new administration on identifying what needs attention and justify what needs to be done about it. Now on to doing our damnedest to get that New Administration!

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You’re completely right Jean. This does bring the issue in front of the courts. Really the first failure is the MSM. If they would expose these unconstitutional actions it would stop Blinken nearly immediately. They are complicit as the House is. It’s a complete collapse of our checks and balances. It’s a complete collapse of the public’s protection from tyranny. That’s why it’s up to us to correct it, and even then the tyrants want to take the corrective candidate away from us. They are in full court press.

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Feb 12·edited Feb 12

At least we are at a game in play position. Well worth giving it our best and all. Up and on to another productive week.Take good care. Sounds like you may be getting more snow.

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Yes preparing trucks today for 12”’s of aggravation. Oh well… Thanks Jean have a great week, I’m sure we’ll chat again this week

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Feb 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I guess we know why Ken Paxton's own party went after him. (Many scared swamp creatures. )

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Texas is an example of a "republican" majority present but the democrats and rino's run the government. Could be why it took our Governor 3 years and the crossing of millions of illegal aliens to "attempt" to close our border. Bussing some of these illegal aliens to other cities was a side show.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

In a way, the bussing did help some sanctuary city inhabitants understand that there are big economic and social problems associated with funding human trafficking on a large scale. But true that neither party is going to do much for sustaining this country.

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You bet!

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is good background information on the Military Industrial Complex.

Globalist Military Industrial Intelligence Complex - they have incorporated The U.S. Department of State into their operations.

The secret "shadow" government is the large organizational network which operates alongside the officially elected and appointed government of the United States of America. Just as with the official government, the secret government has functional branches.

We can add The U.S. Department of State to this list. Sounds like the have cooperation from the CIA and  (INSCOM) whose assignments include psychological and psychotronic warfare (PSYOPS), para-psychological intelligence (PSYINT), and electromagnetic intelligence (ELMINT), Ft. Meade, MD. - U.S Army Intelligence and Security Command.

Just as with the official government, the Shadow Government has functional branches. However, unlike the official government, the purpose of the non-executive branches of the Shadow Government is simply to distribute various functions, but not to achieve a system of checks and balances, as was supposed to happen constitutionally between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the U.S. Government. That is because the Shadow Government is a creature of a powerful elite, who need not fear being dominated by an instrument of their own creation.

In the Shadow Government five branches may be identified. These branches are: the Executive Branch, the Intelligence Branch, the War Department, the Weapons Industry Branch, and the Financial Department.General Outline of the Shadow Government  :  of Military industrial complex past examples.

1.(CFR) includes George Bush, Bill Clinton, all modern CIA Directors, most modern Joint Chiefs of Staff, most modern Cabinet and top Executive Branch appointed officeholders, etc.

2. The Trilateral Commission: Zbignew Brzezinski,  John D. Rockefeller, Alan Greenspan, Anthony Lake, John Glenn, David Packard, David Gergen, Diane Feinstein, Jimmy Carter, Adm. William Crowe, etc.  

3. The Bilderberg Group: Prince Hans-Adam of Liechtenstein, Prince Bernhard of Netherlands, Bill Clinton, Lloyd Bentsen, etc.

 4.  (NSC), the military and intelligence policy-making and control group for national and international security, which reports directly to the President, its secret 5412 Committee (which directs black [covert] operations), and its PI-40 Subcommittee

5.  (JCS)'s Special Operations compartment, the operations directorate which implements the orders of the NSC's 5412 Committee, utilizing the U.S. Special Forces Command.

6.  (NPO), which operates the Continuity of Government Project (COG), an ongoing secret project to maintain command, control, communication and intelligence executive centers during an extreme National Emergency by operating clandestine, secure, underground cities staffed by surrogates for above ground national leaders.

7.  FEMA's black projects compartment, which operates federal preventive-detention camps [often located on military bases or Federal Bureau of Land Management lands], secure underground shelters for the elite during cataclysms, etc.

*********************************************************************************************General Outline of the Shadow Government  : Examples of Military industrial complex

Intelligence Branches

1.  (NSA), monitors and screens all telephone, telegraph, computer modem, radio, television, cellular, microwave, and satellite communications, and electromagnetic fields "of interest" around the world, and orchestrates information-control and cover-up activities related to UFO secrecy and surveillance of extra-terrestrial operations, Fort Meade, MD.  

2. National Reconnaissance Office.  UFO traffic entering and leaving Earth's atmosphere, coordinates firing (NRO), controls and collects information from global spy satellites, monitors of energy beam weapons from orbiting Star Wars satellites at selected human ground and airborne targets and selectively at extra-terrestrial craft, Pentagon basement and Dulles Airport area, VA.

3. (CIA), commands, often controls, and sometimes coordinates, the gathering of secret overseas information gathered by spies (HUMINT), electronic surveillance (SIGINT), and other means; carries out covert unconstitutional paramilitary counterinsurgency operations and preemptive political pacification projects in violation of international law, as well as counter-intelligence sting operations against foreign agents; engages in domestic surveillance, and manipulation of the U.S. political process, "in the National interest" in direct violation of its congressional charter; operates proprietary "false front" companies for profit; conducts a major share of international trans-shipment of illegal drugs, using National Security cover and immunity; and cooperates with NSA's UFO cover-up operations, Langley, VA, and worldwide branches.

4. (FBI) The branch which investigates, surveilles and neutralizes foreign Intelligence agents operating within the U.S., and cooperates with the National Reconnaissance Organization in the surveillance of those involved in close encounters with UFOs and extra-terrestrials.

5.  (DOE-INTEL), which conducts internal security checks and external security threat countermeasures, often through its contract civilian instrumentality, the Wackenhut Corporation

6.  (INSCOM) whose assignments include psychological and psychotronic warfare (PSYOPS), para-psychological intelligence (PSYINT), and electromagnetic intelligence (ELMINT), Ft. Meade, MD. - U.S Army Intelligence and Security Command

7.  (ONI), which gathers intelligence affecting naval operations, and has a compartmented unit,                Office of Navy Intelligence.

8.  AFOSI), which gathers intelligence affecting aerospace operations, and has a compartmented unit involved in investigating IAC [Identified Alien Craft] surveillance, and coordination with NRO interdiction operations, Bolling Air Force Base, MD.

9.   (DIA), which coordinates the intelligence data gathered from the various Armed Services intelligence branches (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard and Special Forces), and provides counter-threat measures, (which include providing security at ultra-classified installations by the deployment of U.S. "Thought Police".

10. NASA:    Which gathers intelligence data relating to space flights, sabotage threats, astronaut and reconnaissance satellite encounters with UFOs and ETs, and coordinates the transfer of alien technology to U.S. and allies' aerospace operations.

11.  Which is an NSA/USAF joint intelligence operations unit dealing with possible threats to aerospace operations from foreign powers, terrestrial or otherwise.

12. (DISCO), which conducts intelligence operations within and on behalf of the civilian defense contractor corporations engaged in classified research, development, and production, Defense Industry Security Command

13.  (DIS), which conducts investigations into people and situations deemed a possible threat to any operation of the Department of Defense, Defense Investigative Service

14.  Which conducts surveillance and interdiction of threats to the security of Air Force electronic transmissions and telemetry, and to the integrity of electronic countermeasure (ECM) warfare equipment, Air Force Electronic Security Command.

15. DEA: Which conducts surveillance and interdiction of drug smuggling operations, unless exempted under "National Security" waivers.

16. Federal Police Agency Intelligence:  Which coordinates intelligence relating to threats against federal property and personnel.

17. Defense Electronic Security Command:  Which coordinates intelligence surveillance and countermeasures against threats to the integrity of military electronic equipment and electronic battlefield operations, Fort Worth, TX.

18.  Naval Investigative Services: (NIS), which conducts investigations against threats to Naval operations.


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Part 2:

War Department: Military industrial Complex

1. CIA's Directorate for Science and Technology :  

 Which gathers information with promise for scientific and technological developments which present a superiority advantage for, or a threat against, the National Security.

2. Strategic Defense Initiative Office(SDIO) and Ballistic Missile Defense Org.(BMDO)

  Which coordinates research, development and deployment of Star Wars electromagnetic pulse, killer laser, particle beam, plasmoid, and other advanced technology aerospace weapons.  

3.  Department of Energy :  

 (DOE) which, besides its cover story of researching cleaner-burning coal and gasoline and more solar power, is principally involved in research and development of: more specialized nuclear weapons; compact, self-sustaining, fusion powered, particle and wave weapons, including electromagnetic pulse, gravitational/anti-gravitational, laser, particle beam and plasmoid applied weapons research; high energy invisibility "cloaking" technology, etc.

4. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories Sandia National Laboratories-West(SNL-W): 

  Which are involved in nuclear warhead "refinements", development of new transuranic elements for weapons and energy applications, development of anti-matter weapons (the Teller Bomb: 10,000 times the force of a hydrogen bomb), laser/maser technology applications, and, reportedly, successful teleportation experiments, among other projects, at this Russian nicknamed "City of Death", Livermore, CA.

5.  Idaho National Engineering Laboratories : (INEL), which houses numerous underground facilities in an immense desert installations complex larger than Rhode Island, has security provided by its own secret Navy Base, is involved in nuclear, high energy electromagnetic, and other research, and includes Argonne National Laboratory, West), Arco, ID

6.  Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) Phillips Air Force Laboratory: 

 Which are sequestered on Kirtland Air Force Base/Sandia Military Reservation, and conduct the translation of theoretical and experimental nuclear and Star Wars weapons research done at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories into practical, working weapons, Albuquerque, NM.

7. Haystack (Buttes) USAF Laboratory, Edwards AFB, CA :   A 30 levels deep, extreme security facility reportedly engaged in alien technology retro-engineering.

8.  Area 51, Groom Lake, (USAF/DOE/CIA) Base) and S-4 (Papoose Lake Base)

 Ultra-secure "non-existent" deployment bases where extremely classified aerospace vehicles are tested and operationally flown, including the Aurora hypersonic spyplane, the Black Manta [TR-3A] stealth fighter follow-on to the F-117A, the Pumpkinseed hyper-speed unmanned aerospace reconnaissance vehicle, and several variants of anti-gravitational craft (U.S.-UFOs).  

9. Los Alamos National Laboratories : The premier research lab for nuclear, subatomic particles, high magnetic field, exometallurgical, exobiological and other exotic technologies research, Los Alamos County, NM.

10.  U.S. Special Forces Command: Hurlburt Field, Mary Esther, Fl, along with its Western U.S. Headquarters, Special Forces Command, Beale AFB, Marysville, CA, coordinating:U.S. Army Delta Forces (Green Berets)U.S. Navy SEALs (Black Berets), Coronado, CA.USAF Blue Light (Red Berets) Strike Force11.   (DARPA), which coordinates the application of latest scientific findings to the development of new generations of weapons.

12. The Jason Group:  Elite weapons application scientists, developing cutting-edge science weapons for DARPA, and operating under the cover of the Mitre Corporation.

13. Aquarius Group:  Technology application scientists, reportedly working under the guidance of the Dolphin Society, an elite group of scientists privy to extremely classified science and technology findings.

14.  Defense Science Board:   Which serves as the Defense Department's intermediary between weapons needs and the physical sciences.

15.  Defense Nuclear Agency:  Currently concentrating on fusion powered, high energy particle beam, X-ray laser, and EM forcefield weapons development and deployment.

16. U.S. Space Command :  Space War Headquarters for operating "the next war, which will be fought and won in space", Falcon AFB, CO.

17.   (NORAD), operating the nuclear survivable space surveillance and war command center deep inside Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado Springs, CO.

18.  Air Force Office of Space Systems: Which coordinates the development of future technology for operating and fighting in space.

19. NASA's Ames Research Center :  SDI weapons research - Classified

20.  Project MILSTAR: Development and deployment of WWIII [space war] command, control, communication and intelligence satellites.

21. Project Tacit Rainbow: Stealth drones/pseudo-UFO's.

22.  Project Timberwind : Nuclear powered space vehicles.

23. Project Code EVA: Space walk based technology.

24.  Project Cobra Mist: SDI energy -beam (plasmoid?) weapon research.

25. Project Cold Witness: SDI weapons - Classified

The (FED) Cartel of private banks overseen by elite super-wealthy financiers, such as the Rockefellers , Mellons, DuPonts , Rothschilds etc., which dictates to the Government the flow of money, worth of money, and the interest rates.  

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Which brings up the question…what is so bad about a gov shutdown?

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Black budget. No way that stuff shuts down.

Sounds like Mr. Guy is well informed.

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Doubt blk budgets pay salaries. Cannot spend itself.

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This is why the Pentagon needs to pass its audit, Trillions of Dollars go missing.

However, they know but wish to hide which projects are being financed.

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The five sided puzzle palace will NEVER pass an audit.

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With our luck - these folks aren't deemed as among the unessential.

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As Tom said, cut off their funding and they become unessential real quick. We desperately need a solid conservative House

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Desperately, if we survive 2014. Maybe taxpayers could defund the Fed if it didn’t have a Chinese credit card and the US mint printing paper.

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I always thought it would be a mitzvah and a blow for Liberty.

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How do you know all this? This is worse than I imagined.

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This is all public source information. Here is the site.


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May I copy this and post it to twitter so it can be bookmarked? Very interesting and yes, I want to study it further. You're quite an astute guy, John Guy!

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Yes, you may pass it aground at your choosing. Have a nice day.

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Thank you! You have a great day, too!

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Once again, the ONLY "civil" way to de-fang the out-of-control "administrative state" - and its ever expanding legions of UN-elected and UN-accountable (lifetime) "tenured" so-called "civil servants" is

to DE-FUND the preponderance of UNCONSTITUTIONAL agencies, bureaus and departments.

The Founders who wrote the U.S. Constitution - charged the House of Representatives with the responsibility of the "POWER of the PURSE" to CONSTRAIN the notion of raiding the U.S. Treasury via out of control SPENDING (and BORROWING) which has COMPLETELY gone off the rails TODAY!

The TOTALITY of the U.S. federal government today spends UN-BACKED paper money and creates MORE IOU's for ever more BORROWED money - like the drunken SOCIALISTS they ARE!

BOTH "political" parties are infested with economically illiterate spendthrifts, addicted to spending a HUGE MULTI-TRILLION dollar BUBBLE of fiat $$$$$$$$$$ that WILL finally BURST, and unleash unstoppable chaos on near 100% of the American people they supposedly "represent".

A pitiful FEW in the House and Senate have been sounding the alarm - to the absolutely deaf ears of the American 'masses', who continue to re-elect charlatans year after year.

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I like your term: DE-FANG!!!

Today, I started using the term: SNAKE-PROOF 🐍 🐍!!!

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Way to go, Ana!

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I went to a townhall where I asked our Congressman to be brave and bold by setting the example of cutting his salary and the budget for his staff.

He said that he WOULDN'T CUT HIS STAFF'S SALARY!!!!!

PERSONALLY, I think 🤔 that all representatives who are serious about cutting spending, should set the example!!!!!

We should all ask our respective representatives to do that to help get the ball rolling!

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Feb 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just subscribed to Epoch Times. As I was reading this I realized, access to the truth is something we need to invest in. Any information paid for by advertising $$$ is going to be biased. Even if our government wasn’t cutting off access to advertising dollars in order to censor, most ads link back to the new corporatocracy because big corporations are the only ones who can afford to advertise with major outlets. So either way, if it’s “free”, it’s propaganda. I see a future where the only way to get real investigative reporting is through membership support such as The HighWire. And more and more, access to the truth is a matter of survival. I find tremendous value in the information I receive through this SubStack because no way would I be able to do this amount of research on my own. Knowing about this lawsuit and what our Government is really doing with our tax dollars is a great example. I also believe, the privilege of freedom comes with the responsibility to be informed.

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Feb 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Omg. I’m into the first 5 minutes of Fallout and I really want every remaining pro CoVax to see this! Now that everyone kind of accepts that it was engineered, this conversation connects the small logical next step toward understanding why the vaccine is so profoundly dangerous!!!

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Thank you, Dr. Malone, for sharing with your followers this information exposing more corruption within the ultra-corrupted Biden administration.

TRUMP 2024

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Racket SS did a article about this on 12/6/23 and included this tidbit on credit where credit is due:

“A last note, and a word of encouragement to reporters everywhere. The Daily Wire/Federalist suit would likely not have been possible had Gabe Kaminsky of the Washington Examiner not done such excellent investigative work on GDI in his “Disinformation Inc.” series. Kaminsky said he was “thrilled” to have an impact, and Cleveland generously credited the work. This is proof that if journalists work at cranking out true material, someone will put it to use.”

Cleveland is the New Civil Liberties Alliance attorney representing The Federalist and The Daily Wire

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Great info as usual Shelley. Imagine how different this country would be if we had a real media with real reporters digging into all of this corruption. If the media would just do their job it literally would change everything.

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To sue the state department is like punching an elephant. No single person or group is ever punished, fired or suffers any financial damage. Endless legal budgets and no personal accountability. There is no deterrent to continued attacks on ordinary citizens. It will take an administration intent on cleaning up the mess and an appointed director with that sole purpose in mind. Criminal indictments and prison time for those who use or used their unelected office to weaponize a govt entity for political reasons.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10Author

Generally, I don't disagree with your statement but...here is the difference in what is happening with this lawsuit. It is the state of Texas suing.

The immediate result of this lawsuit appears to be that the GEC/State Dept. "retired" the program that has been used to censor and stop free speech. Clearly it will be revamped. But they got caught.

Here is the notice from the State Dept.


All good things must come to an end: with the start of the new year, the GEC’s Disinfo Cloud platform and the Disinfo Cloud Digest have been retired as GEC-sponsored efforts. However, the GEC’s work to elevate technology solutions to disinformation challenges continue with new projects designed to adapt to the current environment. Stay tuned for more information

on the next iteration of this program!"


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Feb 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Glad it had a good result, but some one created the mess that had to be ended. They should pay!

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Feb 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yeah but….

Studying the response to the lawsuit can be beneficial in and of itself. Locking up bureaucrats is a rewarding exercise just because.

How to get to our psychotic overlords and bring them to justice is the question.

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If a few lower level people flip to save their skin, maybe they will turn on the overlord

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No they just make dead.

Look at Seth Rich. He came forward without a plan or they got him before he could get a survival plan in place.

That laptop will never see the light of day until and unless the FBI is forced to release it.

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Forgot about Seth. He definitely had the goods and was snuffed for it. I’m not sure if the people in charge now even care about exposure anymore. They are NEVER held accountable and until a high ranking three letter agency honcho is looking squarely at prison time, nothing will change

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Still does not get to the psychotic overlords.

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We need to win this case!!!

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Aint it good to have our AG back?

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I hope where ever life takes him, you'll agree we can support him! High approval from this quarter!

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I see he's scheduled to speak at the CPAC in DC at the end of this Feb.

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Amen. He's morally grounded and ain't askeert. Good vibes behind the boot-Phelan initiative too. Sorry to say we're stuck with RINO Cornyn for too long.

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Damn; my tax dollars being used to create and fund censorship organizations. Missouri V Biden found our Government guilty of media intimidation. I hope this country's voters respond. Thank you for giving this some light.

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Those who have or feel they have superior powers and knowledge, whether governments, organizations, religions institutions, or individuals; those who hold their own views as sacrosanct above all others... Those who feel they have the "right" are a force to be reckoned with, but it is a force that has and will always be with us as long as we are human and walk this earth. Indeed, It is our existential struggle.

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The Daily Wire is a Limited Hangout. It’s run by the cabal. I do hope this is obvious our Substack subscribers.

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Interesting. I have not recognized Ben Shapiro and his associates as being a Cabal.

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Explain, please?


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So they are on both sides of the lawsuit. This is how they guarantee a loss in court.

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Great content! So glad to learn our band of great litigators are on the March! Since this is at the first level they can add to it should they learn further relevant details that enhance its strike.

I did watch Fallout last night. Missed the first 15 minutes. Had a hard time logging in. Did replay. Learned even more relevant details! Looking forward to next week's offering. Hope the access issue gets solved. It is a frequent issue. Maybe potential viewers need forewarning.

I use an app called Conservative News (available at playstore) to regularly read both tha applications suing here. There are other apps I follow as well. It's a handy way to pick them up at a convenient moment.

Off to feed the kitty I'm visiting. Back to read more closely later.

Thank you!

Very bestest♡♡♡

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Checking just now Conservative News seems to have gone black. As all the outlets they've been listing have been offered free - the suite involves impact on earning capacities - they may feel the free access they've been providing had to stop. I'll be checking back on where this goes.

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Rechecked just now. All, including the Blaze and American Thinker (with an article on Biden - Harris 'Nudge' operations) back free full strength.

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The Blaze sure went heavy with the paywall recently. I’m sure they’ve lost adverts, but they’re losing me. I doubt I’ll be missed.

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Several news sources on Conservative News (which consists of article headlines from the source) provide click throughs partial/initial content and offer subscribing - I think the Blaze may be one. Others share their full article. American Thinker offers full articles.

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What state USDC and Case #? I would like to be better informed before commenting.

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The link is in the article.


But here is the info.


Case 6:23-cv-00609-JDK

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Not certain we would ever have the "REAL STORY" about most of the past (4 yrs of fraud funding)

There are so many past atrocities that need those deep secrets revealed as a forgiven cleansing.

But the moment to shine the light comes and goes. Until the next generation feels an urge to try.

I love the rock solid evidence in facts and the reminder that the laws have been nearly buried.

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