Our ancestors had deeper insight into fate. Who among us who can see, even in limited way, knows where the vision comes from and why?

To be among this minority is both mysterious and a great privilege. That it is undeserved providence I have no doubt. That the sovereign plan will unfold I am certain.

On this thanksgiving day I give thanks for vision. For those who can communicate what they see with greater clarity. And for faith in the One who ordains all things, gives us a role to play, and offer’s eternal security in exchange for faith alone.

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Well said.

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Oh Wow! Amen

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“Thus, in my own laboratory work, I always seek out and actively listen to the newcomers. They may not know the language of insiders, but they are often the only ones who can see scientific realities that insiders cannot perceive. These rare insights are often not the product of “logical” thought, but seem to arise from somewhere outside of the conscious mind and, strangely, often arise independently in multiple places at about the same time. As far as I am concerned, that is one of the great mysteries and wonders of our shared humanity”

— Lies My Gov't Told Me: And the Better Future Coming (Children’s Health Defense) by Robert W Malone MD MS


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For another "take" on Ulysses, I refer you to the original: Homer's Odyssey, the best translation of which I have found to be Robert Fitzgerald's. Or, read my play "Penelope and Odysseus (A True Story?)." It is based on the human action underlying Homer's 3,000 year old classic, the Odyssey.


Penelope and Odysseus survived and triumphed, realistically not supernaturally, as individuals and as a couple, with family and friends sticking by them, through all the travails they endured. Their mastery of so many things makes them heroes as modern as tomorrow.

The play is dramatic, suspenseful, romantic, thrilling, inspiring—and surprising whether you know the Odyssey or not.

Read and Imagine. Wonderful things are possible when people exercise the virtues revealed in the actions of Penelope, Odysseus, family, and true friends.

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"The hero's journey is inside you; tear off the veils and open the mystery of yourself." - Joseph Campbell

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I've watched Steve Kirsch's The Epoch interview and movie, "Died Suddenly" - very compelling!

Maybe the two of you should join efforts to confront Congress: Senator Ron Johnson and the appropriate House Committee Chairman and STOP dispensing this fake vaccine and the deaths it is causing. You are are WARRIORS!

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"We are not now that strength which in old days

Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are;

One equal temper of heroic hearts,

Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." I recognize you and your companions here and I can only say of all of you--that your intelligence and heart have made you the natural defenders of what is best in humanity, and I am grateful and support you.

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To share an old saying my 90 yr old mother often said, "Youth is wasted on the young!"

I am finding out why she felt a need to repeat it. Haha. She had immense appetite for words.

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I love this...and your sharing this series. So much beauty and sorrow and still it always makes me come more alive. Thank you Dr M.

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To answer your question about what to do next:. As politicians hold hearings to ultimately hold those who committed or supported this crime against the US citizens and humanity in general accountable, those politicians will need your help, either in or out of the limelight.

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Happy Thanksgiving, Robert, Jill and all the other heroes that surround you. I’m very grateful for all of you and your efforts.

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What focus? We look to the horizon. Godspeed. God Bless all the Truth bearers. Thanksgiving. Thanks. Thanks. And Thanks.

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Campbell further subdivided the Departure/Separation into a “Call to Adventure” and a non-heroic “Refusal of the Call” - undertaken by the unheroic.

My thumbnail discernment of who is on a true Heroic Journey and one who isn’t is one’s relationship to the Truth and the process of its acquisition.

John Milton - in “Paradise Lost” and “Aeropagitica” understood the enormity of difference between Heroic Salvation and non-heroic Resentment as well as anyone who ever lived (save One). The Salvific Path is Via Free Speech.

Bravissimo, again Good Sir.

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We are fighting an Octopus. The HEAD is WEF, WHO, UN, Davos...all unelected globalists forcing the world into their 'Great' Reset. The ARMS of the Octopus are the destruction of truth in media, stable economy, safe cities, closed boarders, fair elections, justice in the courts, sound health care, food security, education integrity, family & traditions and even foundational identity. These arms are slapping at us relentlessly. We are reeling from the pain. Stand back!... because focusing on these many arms is not the answer! Why? 1) our efforts are split and watered down as we are fighting the battle on too many fronts 2) We focus on one and the others grow in strength 3) Each arm alone can strangle us. The solution is to FOCUS ON THE HEAD...it must be 'cut' off. In war the goal is to 1) Rally the troops and tap into their Genius...it is our ultimate weapon! 2) Deceive the deceivers 3) Cut off resources 4) Infiltrate their ranks 5) Carefully cut out their power players. The systems we relied on to work on our behalf have been taken over. We will lose this fight for humanity if we fail to face this reality...ACT NOW.

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Nicely said. Endless tribal bickering over the various arms will ensure defeat in the end. Think of the head as the root cause of arm misbehavior. Go straight for the jugular.

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Right. We've let our tribal bickering/polarizing distract us from the actual threat. Time to change focus and unify. Muster courage and creativity. Uncover and expose the vulnerable jugular - the truth = this scary, multi-armed demon is actually calamari, whose fate is to be captured and consumed. Time for dinner!

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I was there last month. It was amazing. I hope you visit Ephesus where Jesus’ mother, Mary, was buried and visit the Island of Patmos where Revelation and John 1, John 2 and John 3 were written!

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Maybe our forebearers had a better idea about what constitutes heroism. Our bunch pretty well contaminated by comic book heroes. I mean--Batman? Come on man, I serve in that role for two cats,quite willingly and all but hardly would call that heroic.

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The Bosphorus and Dardanelles are this Brooklyn boy's ancestral homeland, though I have never yet visited the legendary place. Hope you and your wife enjoy. When you return, remember that our shared fate is to string the bow and slay the suitors.

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The better future is one where people can take care of themselves. But alas, this will not occur until the hierarchy, and all those payments, have collapsed.

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Inspirational … and so apropos.

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