Mar 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm retired LAPD (1980-2000) and private investigator (1997-2018).

In 2008, I investigated claims against UC Berkeley Prof. Peter Duesberg who was alleged to have killed millions on South African men (ala Collins' "take him out" operations). After establishing the claims were false, I distilled the claims to this basic question: When, where, why, what, and who proved that HIV 1) attacks cells and 2) causes AIDS?

The NIH and CDC refused to answer. Instead, they referred me to several social marketing companies (Edelman & Air.org) that have no obligation to tell the truth. The NIH/CDC websites post disclaimers about the third party websites they refer you to.

At the time, exposing someone to HIV was a felony and some people are still serving life prison sentences. So I put together a team of doctors, scientists, and lawyers to compel gov’t witnesses - "infectious disease experts" - to testify about the things that the CDC and NIH refused to address.

As a result, my team won DOZENS of cases across the US - including the landmark case US v. Gutierrez (2015) that essentially ended felony HIV prosecutions across the US.

Our success occurred primarily by focusing on the testing technologies and our client’s medical records, which were based entirely on tests that don’t detect diseases (read the package inserts - they don't!). Like the HIV test, the Corona tests don’t detect a virus or “markers”. Get past the pseudoscientific gibberish and go straight to the LIMITATIONS. Anyone can read them - but you must read them carefully.

One of our witnesses was the patent holder of the PCR/HIV test. While PCR is a reliable technology, test manufacturers use the name "PCR" to lend undeserved credibility to their unreliable products. https://www.omsj.org/blogs/hiv-tests-explained


We also used electronic microscopy (EM) to confirm the presence of HIV. Despite PCR and other test results that claimed that millions of “viral particles” were coursing through every ML of their blood, EM showed no evidence of HIV. https://www.omsj.org/cases/2013/rosenow/Motion%20to%20Dismiss%20REDACTED.pdf#page=53

You’ve heard nothing about our cases because the pharmaceutical industry - the makers of these tests and drugs - represent 70% of all media advertising. If 60 Minutes reported our cases, 70% of their advertising revenues would evaporate.

Fauci controls $6 billion for "research funding", so if a researcher presents tough questions the NIH or CDC, he or she risks the loss of millions of dollars to their departments and university systems that enforce silence and retaliation against intellectually curious scientists and doctors.

Until the CDC and NIH are defunded and the corrupt, complicit, and acquiescent technocrats fired, this 40-year gov't-sponsored genocide will continue in the US and around the world.

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Thank you Robert Koch,This made very interesting reading,it must be hard for you fighting for so long, and seeing no change.As a recently awakened 71 year old I will fight tooth and nail with many other recently awakened people,to see change.

Your fight proves that these lies ,deceptions on MSM and corrupt practices have been part of the system for longer than we can imagine.I only hope that they have overplayed their hand this time.

It is very hard for caring empathetic people to think like psychopaths, but that is what we must all try to do (in a walled off section of our minds )to fight this take over of our lives.

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Thank you Mr Robert Koch for the very important work you have done and for sharing the results of it and what you learned, which confirms what so many scientists have been saying! We need more like you to help prosecute these criminals!

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Thank you Robert. 6 years ago I would've said it was amazing how we never knew....

An excellent story by an investigative reporter from the early 80's on Fauci and his HIV drug fraud with AZT can be read below. Fauci followed the exact same steps with Covid.


Note that it was several YEARS before the truth was allowed to be published and people believed.

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That investigator, Celia Farber, is a dear friend. You'll find her today at https://celiafarber.substack.com/

Celia's career was destroyed by the NIH goons after she reported the murder of Joyce Ann Hafford at the hands of other grossly-incompetent and reckless "infectious disease experts".

Here's Celia's censored Harper's report: https://www.omsj.org/reports/HarpersOutofControl2006.pdf

Here's the hit-piece that Fauci's goons targeted her with: https://www.natap.org/2006/HIV/ErrorsInFarberArticle.pdf

There are plenty of giants who fought and fell before the Covid shell game began. As Cornell Virologist John Moore Ph.D warned in 2007:

"If they are able to "justify" their actions, it's most likely because they simply

see this as WAR. War against the "denialists". Nothing more.

"When you're in a war, there are no rules.

"This IS a war, there ARE no rules, and we WILL crush you, one at a time, completely and utterly (at least the more influential ones; foot-soldiers like you aren't worth bothering with)." https://www.omsj.org/goons/moore/JPMoore27Jan07.pdf

The documentary "House of Numbers" (2009) is a must-see examination of the AIDS scam as well. The story arch begin with the claim that HIV kills everything it touches and ends with HIV discoverer Luc Montagnier admitting that HIV can be cured in a few weeks with clean water and good food. The rest - the middle - is mostly a pie fight between Fauci and other authoritative quacks. https://rumble.com/vxntn5-house-of-numbers-by-brent-leung-eng-version-must-watch.html

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It's beyond my ability to understand how this can be allowed to continue, back then and today. Fauci et al continue the same steps, tactics, methods again and again and no one, anywhere, is powerful enough to put a stop to it??? A senator can write an entire book on the frauds, investigative reporters can write clear& proven facts, but no one, no one at all can actually DO anything? My God. How can this be?

In the Harpers Report, Is this the same John Solomon of today's "Just The News" ?

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After decades of investigations, I was foolish to believe that after a few major wins in federal court that SOMEONE in our government would suggest that we change course.

They didn't and, in fact, doubled down - using NIH/NIAID-funded goons to attack me and my witnesses. https://www.omsj.org/cases/2013/rosenow/Motion%20to%20Dismiss%20REDACTED.pdf

While it's clear that HIV mythology laundered $billions for homosexual activism and virtue-signaling NGOs, I suspect that AIDS in the African continent is about MINING.

In short, mining companies survey favorable mining sites in mineral-rich African nations. An NGO like the Clinton Foundation approach the corrupt dictator with a bag of cash, ostensibly to fight AIDS in that region. Once accepted, the NGO/s suggest opening the targeted area to being mining operations. Those mostly open-pit mines recruit young and exploitable labor to break ground for international mining companies that aren't hamstrung by superfund and other environmental challenges. Once the digging begins, rain displaces the toxins and pollutants that despoil the land. Those toxin pour into the local rivers and lakes. When the locals get sick, the NGOs dispatch "qualified medical personnel" who test and invariably blame HIV, ebola, etc. They then administer black box "anti-retrovirals" that facilitate the poisoning and death. The NGOs then use the mortality as evidence that infectious diseases are ravaging the African continent.

If the US "found Jesus" tomorrow and decided not to partake in the sacking of Africa's rich mineral resources, we would not be able to feed at the trough that also enriches China, Russia, Britain, Brazil, Iran, etc. We have no choice but to continue that sacking. AIDS facilitates it all. https://www.omsj.org/corruption/hiv-africa-connecting-the-dots

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A good read, is "Deadly Deception" by Dr. Robert Willner. You can find the book online in PDF and read. The book is nearly impossible to find (saw a copy on Amazon for $1600; just checked again, and now they have a used copy for $1,098). Dr. Willner explains how AZT was used on HIV patients, which caused AIDS. Not necessarily intentionally. AZT is very toxic and was tested for cancer years earlier and shelved because it was too dangerous. AIDS is a condition resulting from drugs, chemotherapy, radiation, starvation, transfusions.

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Just buy Robert F Kennedy Jnr’s book The Real Anthony Fauchi to see the same thing Kindle £2.99 then decide whether it was intentional or not.


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I have RFK book and read. Deadly Deception says once they knew about AZT it had to be intentional to continue its use. Some like Fauci should have known the risks from initial deployment, but so much money was made they covered it up. Some physicians probably never knew what was going on. Kind of like Covid, some doctors to this day seem to not know the risks of vaccines.

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Bingo Helen. I am in the process of reading Bobby Kennedy's book and I am struck by how similar Fauci's response to COVID was to AIDS. He and Bill Gates should be facing the gallows!

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Gallows would not provide adequate justice. Their judge waits for them in the next world.

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This info is in the article I posted above also. Incredible.

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And the Covid Bioweapon.

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Let's just say I've got more behind me than before me at this point. Some decades back I realized that much of what I had been fed my whole life was built of lies: the origins and nature of an "independent" FED, the cause and "morality" of US military entanglements across time and the globe even including the big ones, etc.

This awareness is commonly referred to as being red-pilled. Yet even for the red-pilled, it is almost heart stopping as we continue to learn there are things we've swallowed hook, line and sinker our whole lives are absolute fabrications sold to us by government goons using the hard earned money pilfered from the productive capacity of our own hands via massive illegal taxation. Coronavirus, AIDS, vaccines... each truth lands like a dagger in the heart.

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I have an article on www.substack.com entitled Death by Medicine Fauci Style. Go to the website and put the following in the search engine thomasabraunrph my blog will come up.

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I know this is not the right thing to say and I'm not advocating it, but I don't think complicit people need to be fired, I think they need to be made an example of. Somebody needs to start with one, make an example their families won't forget, and continue until these horrible satan-loving elite "cry uncle" so to speak. Then we could continue more civilly I suppose.

Also, we have more power, than we realize. The high ranking have body guards and need services. What if nobody agrees to protect them or perform those daily services? All their money is good for nothing because they can't go out and nobody will deliver. Just a pipe dream but it would work if you could make people understand.

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Yeah but the Left/Democrats will continue to protect the Left, queue BLM, Antifa, the ones creating fraudulent ballots, etc they will do what the Left elite want.

The Right/Republicans are only JUST figuring out they have power. It took the mama bears to finally step up. But they haven't yet realized they vastly outnumber the Left. And they haven't fully joined together to combat the issues.

(It's not really political party - it's the philosophy or mindset but accurate because left, liberals, and even left of center are all Democrat voters and right, right of center and conservatives are all currently Republican voters.)

If the Right would band together and ignore any small differences - like the Left does! - our force would be unstoppable. I believe we outnumber the Left at least 60% to 40%, maybe more. But the church is split and THAT is a problem. A problem created by the Left for this very purpose I believe. Too many can't see it yet.

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The banal evil ones need also to be made an example of.

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Thank you. I am doing my own research on these subjects and others in an attempt to understand what in the world has been going on!!!!!! My mind is blown away. I am reading books and online articles voraciously and am learning so much. There just aren't enough hours in a day.

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Think on this:

“(I)t’s against the law to do many things, but the law winks when a reputable man wants to do a scientific experiment. For example, the criminal code of the City of New York holds that is a felony to inject a person with infectious material. Well, I tested out live yellow fever vaccine right on my ward in the Rockefeller Hospital. It was no secret, and I assure you that the people in the New York City Department of Health knew it was being done. Unless the law winks occasionally, you have no progress in medicine.”

Thomas Milton Rivers - the so-called "Father of Virology" https://www.omsj.org/2010/Virology%20-%20Rivers.pdf

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Here's a PDF of Dr Peter Duesberg's 1996 book _Inventing the AIDS Virus_, with a forward by Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis --


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Thank you,much appreciated.I have joined Archive I didn’t know of it.Best Wishes Helen

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Spot on! Isn’t true that the AZT antiviral drug that CDC pushed was

Key toxin that destroyed so many lives , even though Dr Duesberg stated HIV was a hitch hiker and not the root cause?

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HIV is real - I purchased and photographed copies of Montagnier's LAV specimens from the NIH.

AIDS is real - millions of people around the world die every day from immune systems compromised by toxic drugs, behaviors, environments, and age.

There's ZERO evidence or proof that HIV causes AIDS. https://www.pnas.org/doi/pdf/10.1073/pnas.86.3.755

Once you understand HIV and AIDS you'll understand most of the billion dollar frauds generated by the CDC and NIH. They're all variations of the same shell game. Fear sells.

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PS: Dr. Luc Montagnier and he were friends. RIP

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I'm sure they were - kindred spirits drawn closer by attacks from lesser men. I've found that most real scientists are playful and plain-speaking, while most pseudoscientists get angry when their theology is questioned.

In one of my favorite interviews on the subject, Montagnier admitted that HIV can be cured without drugs and vaccines but that the pharmaceutical industry doesn't profit from clean water and good nutrition. https://youtu.be/PyPq-waF-h4?t=1040

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My view is it is a marker, that reflects an impaired immune system, just as herpes zoster does when it re-emerges as shingles. The Merck shingles shot is supposed to re-energize the immune system to fight it. It can't when it is impaired. We don't focus on why the immune system is impaired, repair it with significant nutrients including Vitamin D and identify the root causes. Prevention and reversal of disease states is not mainstream.

HIV maybe a viral invasion via vaccines which use animal organs as the petri dish for vaccine development. I believe Dr. Judy Moskovitz was railroaded out of CDC by Fauci for identifying one of these viruses. My friend Dr. Demopoulos did a research study using glutathione to suppress the HIV virus. His study was ignored

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Markers are clues. They MAY be correlative but are not definitive. Technologies like Flow Cytometry present markers, but many are meaningless. https://www.omsj.org/corruption/the-alchemy-of-flow-cytometry

When I was a policeman, I routinely observed "markers" related to drunk driving that prompted me to stop drivers. Those markers didn't mean they were drunk - it meant only that I'd seen something anomalous to good driving practices. Professional cops require more than anomalies (markers) and blood/alcohol tests.

So when I stopped the suspected drunk driver, I approached and asked for a driver license and registration. I looked at their eyes for symptoms of intoxication (nystagmus, strabismus, watery eyes, dilated or constricted pupils, an unfocused gaze, etc.) as they retrieved their license and registration. Fumbling hands or other signs of impairment weren't enough either. If i saw them, I asked if he/she was sick or under the care of a physician or on medication. I sometimes asked if they needed medical attention (paramedics) because it's bad form to arrest victims of stroke or diabetic shock for drunk driving.


I then asked the driver to step from his car. I asked further questions to rule out medical or physical impairments, and demonstrated the field sobriety test for them to perform. Only if they were unable to perform the test as demonstrated AND they expressed no other reasonable explanation for their impairment, I rendered an opinion that he/she was intoxicated and unable to safely drive a motor vehicle. Then - and ONLY THEN - I had reasonable probably cause (PC) to believe that the elements of drunk driving existed. I then used the Gas Chronograph Intoximeter (GCI, blood or urine test) to CONFIRM my objective observations, i.e., my "diagnosis".

Medical practitioners operate at a much lower standard, routinely ordering unknown and untested third parties at testing facilities to use mostly Chinese-made tests to screen for whatever the tests are marketed to screen for.

Having examine 100+ medical records, I've typically found that Doctor A orders a screening test, the test returns positive or reactive, and Doctor A refers "the case" to Doctor B. When it comes to biological testing, Doctor B (an AIDS or "infectious disease expert") often assumes that Doctor A diagnosed, while Doctor A assumes that Doctor B diagnosed, while BOTH A & B ASSUME that the test can accurately detect "markers" that accurately identify the presence of a given disease. In this "medical standard of care", our medical experts are held to a much lower standard than street cops who are tasked to arrest drunk drivers.

Take the use of RADAR to facilitate speed enforcement.

If I observe a car traveling at 35MPH and my RADAR pings 90MPH, I wouldn't cite the driver because my observations conflict with what the device reports. In this case, I would send the device back for service and recalibration because I use RADAR not to "catch speeders", but to confirm my personal observations. And while the high frequency 90MPH tone presents a "marker" that identifies a speeder, those markers are only reliable if used to confirm the presence of other observable facts that have nothing to do with speeding cars.

Testing technologies are only as reliable as the operators and practitioners and most practitioners do not - and have never read - the related package inserts that explain what I've tried to say in this narrative.

I also don't urge practitioners to read or understand all of the obfuscatory pseudoscientific gibberish printed on package inserts - I simply ask them to focus and understand the LIMITATIONS section of the test package insert. And if those limitations aren't complete - as is the case of EUA package inserts - they have a moral obligation to presume a false positive. Practitioners should examine their patients completely. If the symptoms and underlying causes are not apparent, they can assume that the test is meaningless.

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Well said!

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To just say thank you doesn’t begin to convey how I feel about you sharing this vital (and hopeful) information. Keep the truth coming Dr. Malone. You are a lion. The world desperately needs you.

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Best article ever! Thank you for publishing Ernst Wolff’s lecture. Dr. Malone, I considered your interview with Joe Rogan to be the beginning of The Great Awakening, and your work here continues to add energy to that great endeavor. Thank you for playing your part.

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Thank you Dr Robert Malone,for laying out the facts so clearly,I hope one day that the world will recognise the extraordinary lengths you and your lovely wife Dr Jill have gone to for the rest of humanity.

From the UK ,thank goodness we have Dr Mike Yeadon and Dr Tess Lawrie and others now fighting tooth and nail.The Substack website has many of the best minds working on these problems.

In thé UK we have many local ( freedom) groups popping up , members are growing exponentially and can see what is happening, just because they are not seen on local news outlets does not mean they aren’t there.

We the people are revolting 🤣😂no offence meant.

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I ask myself why so many people obviously still want to be plagued or just keep being blind because, if not, they would wake up and stand up as you, Ernst Wolff etc. Unfortunately I have the feeling that we (the group not following the narratives) are still this 30% which group Mattias Desmet figured. Maybe your wife understands the psyche of those who let themselves lead to the great reset as lemmings from her work with the animals? I don’t… Why do people don’t want to live in freedom with dignity and self-responsibility, respect for others and the nature? In Europe we fought for freedom against the church’s oppression and other totalitarian regimes or leaders - finally gained this freedom and now this???

Love your articles and interviews from the beginning!! Take care!

Have a beautiful day! Hope you can enjoy this lovely spring!

Lots of love from Austria, Bettina

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Bettina, I believe that most people lack the capacity to believe that there could be a global conspiracy against them, of which their own governments are a part. It’s a degree of evil that is too much for them to bear. And much of the reason for that inability is the degree of stress they are under in their daily lives. Maybe they are struggling to survive and feed their families. Maybe they have serious medical problems and very limited energy. There are lots of reasons. Of course, there are also a many who cannot admit that they were deceived for so long. Such an admission threatens their good opinion of themselves. I can sympathize with the busy and stressed people. The others, not so much.

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These fascists are relying on machines that depend on finite resources. It will collapse. We have to go back.

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Part of the consequence of Mass Formation setting in is that rationality goes out the window. The desire to be part of the "in group" (of blind followers) is so strong, irrational ritual-like behavior can be demanded of them and they will comply with unthinking willingness. Like lockdown or vaccination mandates, for example. The affected group's behavior is likened to a state of hypnosis.

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Keep the Peace, y’all.

And always nudge back, even if it’s a micro-nudge.

Who knows? Millions and millions of micro-nudges could end up effectively taking down a very sick body.

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I feel like a little nudge here and there is all I can do, which feels inconsequential to the big scheme of things. Your message to keep nudging has encouraged me to do more of it. Thanks

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Mar 25, 2022·edited Mar 25, 2022

It was a long read but worth the optimism Ernst Wolff offers at the end. I hope he's right, but I'm concerned that people are a little too slow to wake up. Being in a blue state my hope is that the rest of the country is waking up faster than what I am experiencing around here.

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Don't give up hope, Blue state rebel. Truth eventually wins. Having escaped a Blue State, I can tell you that many people around you know the Truth but are afraid to say it. Keep trying. Not only will you find like minded people but you will embolden others to do the same. Peace.

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Peace, wretchedcoder. Thank you!

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Great article!

Does the author think the pandemic was created to bring about this new world order or just pounced upon? If the latter then how long were they prepared to wait for a big enough crisis - seems unlikely to me.

Also, does peak oil play a major part in all this?

The worry is that they will (probably already have) use behavioural nudging, like they did with the vaccines to convince everyone that digital currency is great and for the best. Then they will turn on those who still have and want cash, like they did with the unvaccinated.


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They will most definitely convince many, though I don't think the CBDC plans works. Enough people won't go along. And this group - whatever name we call them is not without its infighting. Humans win. I know it. (Can't prove it, don't have evidence, just know it.)

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There is a lot of evidence that the pandemic was planned. Remember Fauci’s 2017 announcement that there would be a worldwide pandemic during Trump’s administration? And the October 2019 Event 201 (if I’m remembering the name accurately) that posited a pandemic and laid out all the responses that governments subsequently adopted? There is earlier evidence as well.

I’ve read that peak oil is a myth. Oil continues to be made underground, so even when one deposit runs out, there are others to be found. I am no expert on this, so if I’m wrong or someone else knows more about this, please speak up.

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The idea that all of the coal oil and gas in the earth came from fossils is impossible on it's face. I believe these are constantly produced by the earth. Remember, the earth has a molten core. Mama earth is cookin stuff up for us.

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I believe that the question of peak oil is not the major problem. The real problem, when stated in terms of the overall biosphere that supports human life (and all other life), is one of waste management. Specifically, it's the problem of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere resulting from the burning of fossil fuels. CO2 is a waste product that happens to act as a heat-trapping blanket over the earth. The blanket is, in effect, getting thicker and thicker. I believe the consequences of global heating will catch up with us long before the supply of fossil fuels runs out.

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If you understand the agenda of world slavery by the so called "Elite" you might be able to reach another conclusion of methodology of a criminal enterprise called the US Government. Most people find the well of truth distasteful, because it emits fear, which is a tyrants greatest weapon. Since the government's agent is MSM (censorship), is voice of authority-the system can use Socrates most noble lie to stay in power. JFK assination set the stage for the priming of IQ public acceptance of the lies for security. Piece by piece freedom was surrendered by the patriot Americans and the coup de tat was 9-11 and the bioweapon joint venture. David Rockefeller admitted in 2003 he was proud of destroying this country for the New World porder agenda, because hewas holding Enron bonds as collateral! The vision of JFK must pounded into the psyche of the world community. Dr David Martin filed lawsuit against the players of Scamdemic in Utah on Mar 3, 2022. We will see where the rule of law flies.

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Mar 25, 2022·edited Mar 25, 2022

You mention the Elite's agenda of world slavery. I would add to that wealth transfer.

When the lockdown was initiated, I used the time to read more deeply into history, and I couldn't help noticing that the behavior of entitlement of today's Elites is in a similar pattern to the way Elites behaved in the past. Take for example of the Elites of ancient Rome who used the conquest of Carthage (another method of wealth transfer right there) to import tens of thousands of Carthaginian slaves. The Elites used them to replace the Roman citizens who had previously had generational agricultural land agreements. The image of the city of Rome as a teeming slum is the result of this forced diaspora from farms. And these inequities were the reason for the Elites moving to assassinate those like the Gracchi brothers and Julius Ceasar who called for land reform, land redistribution, and debt jubilees. Several generations of this kind of instability and societal dysfunction eventually led to the death of the Roman republic and an establishment of a hereditary line of emperors. Knowing how Elites of Europe and Britian were reliant on Classical education for hundreds of years, perhaps we can expect them to fashion themselves after the ancients. Later in the Roman era, another single event resulted in both loss of freedom of choice for the masses and a huge wealth transfer; that was the destruction in a single stroke of all aspects of pagan society (religious, educational, philosophical, artistic) and creation of the empire's adoption of a (mandated if you will) state religion.

The things you point out seem to echo so many past schemes and schemers. The MSM is a means to perpetrate so many major illusions like the hype about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq which New York Times reporter Judy Miller filled inch after inch of front page space. [Every time I saw film of the Twin Towers tragedy, I could not accept I was seeing passenger planes. Even today my gut reaction is the same. It looked like passenger planes, but something in me knows that was a display of drone technology enhanced with steel girder piercing function. If I'm correct, it could only have been an inisde job wrapped in an illusion. But I digress!] And the relentless push to destabilize the Middle East, I would think, goes along with a longterm agenda for a totalitarian world order free of all philosophies and religions whose teachings or values would resist One World Order dictates. And was there a wealth transfer in regards to Iraq's oil?

It's undisputed that the Covid Lockdowns resulted in the greatest wealth transfer imaginable. And the illusion? That there was a virus so virulent that it could REQUIRE suspension of human rights and mandated 100 percent "vaccination" with a GMO drug developed with bioweaponry gain-of-function technology as Dr. David Martin clarifies. Just watched an amazing program on germ theory leading up to covid; it is titled "Viral Delusion" [here-- https://paradigmshift.uscreen.io/programs/sequencing-trial-14-sd-480p-06db04?categoryId=106852 ]. If you watch these films you may come away with an AH-HA moment like I did: This just might be why it is necessary for Anthony Fauci and his Virology Cult to quell scientific discourse, re-label real information as misinformation, shut up critics with deplatforming, de-licensing, censorship and character assassination. Because BELIEF in an imaginery virus has nothing to do with science and everything to do with pseudo-science. Belief requires not logic but compliance. Belief in an illusion doesn't require critical thinking but only obedience.

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All you have to do is connect the establishment. The 31 bioloabs in Ukraine were started 2008, Obana accelerated the Bioweapon funding with H Biden and Kerry's son investment fund Rosemont Seneca, George Soros Foundation, DOD, Metabiota, black & Veitch,CH2Hill etc... They all have one thing in common. And Putin is the enemy!

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Thank you for your comment. I appreciate an inquiring mind. If you haven’t read this, it has more info. https://jamesfetzer.org/2021/05/susan-bradford-rothschild-dynasty-is-seeking-to-fulfill-kalergi-depopulation-agenda/

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The author made 2 mistakes which is Clinton was a Rockefeller, wibthrop gov of Arkansas and Trump is a Rothschild agent, as New World Order as it gets. God did not stop them, the chimera wasnt ready in 2016. Both parties are controlled by the fascists. The analysis is Silview.media.

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If you know their playbook, 4 horseman appocolypse=Anti-christ (Red shield) white horse world conqueror, red horse (war/blood), black horse (famine) pale green (rotting flesh) The scenario is playing out in front of our eyes. After the fall of last empire (Roma/British) a new world order is created with 10 nation states ruled by 10 kings all ruled by king of kings (Lord redshield) 10 kings are the illumenati families. look at Gomberg map of 1942, NWO, COVID-19 Certificate Of Vacine IDentification-19 (Chap 19 book of revelations The world is ruled by symbols, not words or the rule of law!

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They forget one thing. They don't have my approval. Nor yours.

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Drones and not passenger planes? How then do you explain the missing passengers on flights that left one airport and never arrived at another?

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Great post!

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Great article, Dr. Malone. A deeper dive into Klaus Schwab reveals that his mentor was Henry Kissinger while he was at Harvard - all under the egis of a CIA funded entity at Harvard. I cannot recall the name of the program- perhaps one of your other Substack followers can enlighten.

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Along with Earl Butz during Nixon's Presidency called for small farmers to get big or get out. A continuation of the Bolshevik revolution to eliminate of the small landholder to consolidate land production for food control over the people. Same in Nazi Germany (with fascist WEF-like directives) smashing apart European small holders (mixing in the profitable aspect). Now the trap is being sprung with the food control mechanisms to control us, is my view. This idea has been ongoing for a long time.

Start a garden now!

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Earl Butz, as US Secretary of Agriculture, helped usher in the production of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and its introduction into the American diet. The wave of diabetes that followed continues today.

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Interesting. A fascist collaborator is there ever is one.

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Yet despite the push for small farmers to get big or get out, 99% of the farms in New York State are still small. I believe there is rapidly coming a concerted effort to get rid of them, somehow.

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Are they using the products offered by agribusiness? Patented seeds and the help aids needed to grow these seeds out? If so, they are still in the fold of the fascist's control of food production.. I typed this out a few minutes ago just for you: https://ricklarson.substack.com/p/the-most-vile-f-word-on-the-planet?s=w

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I’m sure there’s a real mix among them. But small farmers I know use heritage and organic seeds and natural methods—manure, composting, etc.

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I'm not thinking any of these hybrid farms, I actually spent 8 day filming a seminar at Mark Shepard's farm, collectively, are going to have enough food to make up the coming shortfall. And I highly doubt very many have fertile soil enough to overcome the costs associated with growing food for the market. But maybe some do.

The scope of the problem is huge, if the land isn't in control of agribusiness, it is indirectly by the inputs supplied by the corporations and the distribution network. Plenty of Substack authors now publishing about the increasing costs and predicting shortages of these inputs. Start a garden now and avoid the rush.

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All those small farmers need to unite.

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They need to become independent of the system.

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Would that be 99% by count, or 99% by land area, or 99% by production capacity, or ...??

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By count.

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Good question. She said, "farms" not acreage or income. Reading a book called "Compact Farms" by Josh Volk. It seems once you calculate the net income (versus just the gross) small farms can be more profitable due to low business expenses. The factory farm model earns more but it's expensive to run too.

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Mar 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is probably the most important message published on this forum. It may sound like a James Bond fiction story, but is a reality that is being inflicted on humanity by an powerful unelected group of individuals, who believe they know what is best for mankind. It has infiltrated all spheres of influence, and recruited millions without their knowing. As Biden recently mentioned in Europe…..”America is back”

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'Who believe they know what's best for mankind' 😩 Nope it's whats best for them. And what an evil scheme, straight out of Austen Powers but way more sinister. Interesting that Schwab and Gates are both into eugenics

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Yep, probably because they realize that they're inferior.

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In their hubris, they believe that what's best for them is what's best for mankind.

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Dr Malone, thank you and your beautiful wife for giving this community knowledge needed to survive. I have never felt more strongly that the very survival of my family depends on having a clear understanding of what is going on painful as it may be. You cannot know how important you are to us. God bless you and Jill and know that you are loved.

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Excellent piece and I fully endorse and agree with your conclusion. Humans win in the end.

I would add and stress the need for not just waking up others, but also non-compliance. As we stand up collectively, we must say No. The old world is collapsing and while unsettling and potentially dangerous, it really needs to. Its foundation is built on lies and slavery. The new world is ours - free people who do not look to external authority for their freedoms and rights. They claim them. They live them. As we shake off the amnesia and embody who we really are - everything changes for the better. Thanks for all you do.

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We have given far too much money, power & control to plainly evil people. Power & money corrupt. Corruption leads to evil. Evil people are stupid. If we could take one thing away from the entire sordid debacle of the past 21 years, it is just that. Since those towers fall, we have failed to choose to pause and look at just why it happened and, instead, thrown ourselves into one endless round of slaughter & chaos after another. Our society and our culture is sick & dying ... flailing around like Germany in the 1920s. Are we going to see a complete rejection of the sociopaths who have infested leadership positions throughout our nation and rebirth of personal responsibility & liberty? Or will we see complete annihilation? Those are the stakes and I'm afraid there isn't much runway left to choose.

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We have allowed the sociopaths and their big-money influence to own and control the electoral process, the politicians, the judicial process, and the mass media. I believe that the only means of democratic change we have remaining lies in our power of superior numbers, standing massively together in the streets, taking part in huge sustained demonstrations of nonviolent civil disobedience, demanding the complete removal of the sociopathic billionaire oligarchs, their politician puppets, and their big-money influence, from the process of governance. Will we be able to set aside our tribal bickering and stand together in such solidarity? Time will tell, but I'm not holding my breath.

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Mar 25, 2022·edited Mar 25, 2022

One need look no further than Ruby Ridge or Waco, and the small but significant public blowback, to understand the problems the 2nd Amendment poses to the Elites’ plans.

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Buy more ammo.

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Well, too late to “ buy it cheap”. Lots have already “stacked it deep.” Let’s hope it doesn’t come this.

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Those fighting politically and legally will need the backup. The essence of our ability might be enough. But if it does come to this I am confident 10s of millions would rise to the occasion. The choice is owning nothing and dying of an experiment on a hospital bed or fight.

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Yes, assuming that 10s of millions can come to properly understand the choices they're being faced with in a reasonable amount of time.

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What I think and what will happen won't match up. But, one never knows what the future will bring.

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A healthy civilization requires reliable sources of energy and stable currencies. The global elitists are destroying both. They are being played by the Chinese Communist Party as useful idiots. History proves useful idiots are disposed of by inhumane ways when their "usefulness" is no longer of use. Russia now has the upper hand in energy, fertilizer and grain for western Europe (with worldwide consequence). China has the upper hand in the production of raw materials needed for technological advancements and the upper hand in the manufacturing of goods and products needed to sustain our current standard of life.

However, as I wrote in a previous comment on another thread this is a conflict between Satan and God. Satan's agents are maneuvering for control and we all suffer from their evil and stupidity.

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What you write about CCP touches home: The price of corn tortillas in my supermarket have gone up by half. Turns out Biden sold our corn surplus to China and now we are low on corn, while corn in shipping containers is stockpiled at China's ports.

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