I feel like every single day I'm reading multiple articles highlighting multiple datapoints, and they are all SCREAMING in one direction.

Unfortunately, Pfizer and their bought-off media is screaming in the other direction.

But the wall is crumbling.

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

it needs to crumble faster!!

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I sure hope so.

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I agree with you up to a point -- and that point is when reality smashes face-first into the climate agenda and people start starving and freezing. They're trying to walk a fine line, and (to me) it looks like they're going to have 100 Sri Lankas on their hands.

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Its going to get colder due to the magnetic pole flip. They are already cheating the maps by pixellating the colors. Even 4 degrees colder causes mass starvation. The Green New Death guarantees it

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I've given up worrying about the jab killing people and resigned myself to the fact that THEY are agreeing to the injecting of this poison.

Children, however, don't have that choice.

The perpetrators of this insanity must be brought to justice.

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Many elderly may not have the choice either

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True. I talked a relative out of getting it, but then his kids, he told me, "gave me the heavy pressure" and he gave in. I suspect he has probably had 3 shots, I hope not 4 or 5.

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Darwinism in action

My family member had a transplant so they constantly try to force shots on her and her family

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I heard someone say we can try to inform people, but if they won't listen, maybe injury or death is their karma. I don't believe in karma, but I agree with you, they're bringing it on themselves. I will continue to fight for the children.

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Maybe not Karma, but as the ancients knew there is hubris and then there is nemesis, this is indisputable.

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Could use a little nemesis

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Totally agree with you

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They are agreeing because they trust the authorities. I feel for the sheep that followed the shepherd, but the people that acted to bring discomfort and anguish to those that resisted, well off to hell with them. A young man I knew from birth, my next door neighbor, took the jab because he wanted to continue his college education and get on with life, he now has a damaged heart and will get on, albeit with much difficulty and probably a shorter life span.

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I respectfully disagree. Many of my parents are busy putting food on the table, working and raising kids. They trust their pediatrician (as most of us did prior to Covid) and there is NONE of this in the news. In my 30's, I was busy with 3 boys and my husband and I looked at the news briefly. I relied on my pediatrician and other professionals. My twins were 3 months premature so their survival depended on doctors. Unfortunately,

my 28 twins got their vax because their pulmonologist told them to. How is an elementary reading teacher going to argue with that? I found out, as many others have, this info after they got the shot. While it may seem obvious to those following folks on substack that have the real goods, the rest are raising families, working, etc. If substack were blocked tomorrow and those that we follow were silenced, we would have no access to the information. We would know nothing that we know today and that's a fact. I'm grateful I found all of this and it had changed my perspective completely. The goal is to make this mainstream or get info to the masses somehow. Once they have open public access, and I hope one day they will, then we give them grace as they have been lied to and simply don't know. We need them.

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I can relate. My two adult (late 30s) sons knew my reasons for refusing the Covid vaxx, but they got it anyway and I learned of it after the fact. We haven't let it damage our relationship, but they clearly prefer that the subject be avoided. Of course, I find myself wondering if they are at least getting inklings of the truth at this point; both interact constantly with a number of same-age neighbors and co-workers, and it's my hope that at least some of those neighbors and co-workers have gotten a clue and are sharing it. (It's for sure that our kids are more receptive to the views of their peers than to anything we have to say.) Like you, I feel that the channels of truth are still comparatively few and fragile -- surely it is within the power of some very bad actors to pull the plug and then what?! -- BUT there is momentum now at least, more information every day and the b*stards cannot control word-of-mouth. That ultimately is what will save us, I think. That, and the fact that if bad guys pulled the plug, good guys who are just as smart could probably get it back in place at some point.

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Both my sons, my daughter-in-law and my two older grandchildren (who live with their mother) have had at least one jab. My son and wife got the shots because he knew his ex would not let him see his children otherwise. They have a three year old and I have shared info with my daughter-in-law and begged her to not let him get this shot. I don't think they will. My son suffered greatly when his ex took his children and made it difficult to see them; I know it would kill him if his little one got injured. Unfortunately, I think there will be many devastated, remorseful parents if they give in and let their innocent children be jabbed.

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I’m sure you are right. The situation of divorced parents who are not able to protect their children from this madness is particularly cruel. Far beyond cruel, really. Your efforts are truly heroic.

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And how about parents who cannot prevent their children from being subjected to so-called gender affirming care? What frightens me the most is when the government takes children away from parents or in divorce situations, sides with the crazy parent. I remember when the government in the Soviet Union institutionalized "mentally ill" parents and took their children. We're headed toward such horrors.

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Yes. It’s horribly frightening. I think that the instinctive imperative to protect our kids is so strong, though, that enormous pushback is brewing — finally — now that the scope of the evil intentions toward children has begun to show itself.

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Am afraid many people are misled into taking the vax.

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Americans must be "fully injected" to fly or to take cruises. We have decided never to travel except by car.

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People living in care homes (whatever age they have) also don't have a choice. Our friend who is psychiatric ill and lives in a care home was forced three times, against his will, he refused as we had warned him and he even pointed this substack out the last time: he just got the needle. He can't live on his own so he has nowhere to go.

That does not mean I don't feel you, I often feel the same and often keep my mouth shut, especially considering he MD we know who takes the jabs and gives them o her husband who has a serious illness to his blood-vessels (and suffering now a lot of side-effects and still jabbing): she can and should know. I'm happy I can wake up many as well, this month I was able to stop at least 10 people from taking boosters. I must say, I give up when they have had their fifth and say: I haven't had Corona so they are working, I'm ill for weeks after the jab, but it is worth it: on them I have given up.

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Congrats on convincing so many people! How do you do it? Any tips?

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I wish it had been more but as Jennifer also says: many are not open. What can help in that case is planting little seeds so now and then and find an entrance. Use official sources as otherwise they start: there's also research that... there are also scientists saying..... Then you get the discussion about good trustworthy science etc which doesn't bring you further as they want to believe (it is truly a believe, very much like a religion to many people).

So I use what Pfizer says themselves, their report. When you read something about that, look it up, see if it is indeed there (always good to do) and try to translate it for people so they can understand. In the Netherlands and in some other countries there is official documentation from the government that they had to make public or that leaked: the info in that is often shocking and gives enough arguments they simply can't deny. If your own government is saying measurements don't work and you can read how they discussed how to get the people comply anyway and saying things like " we know that of course but we will not tell them", making jokes about it. That often makes an entrance: use it!

Give them basic information you can find in any introduction book about immunology (in my case it helps I've studied that for a while), this information makes already clear why the measurements will not work and this supports the above documents: the door opes a bit more. Tell them how the vaccines work, never start with : they are no vaccines (the door will close immediately), tell them what they do and meanwhile point out what the danger can be: careful, slowly and never full in. Many will start to ask questions. When they ask: why would they do so? Never start with the story you are already deep into, realise they only start just now, it will be too much. The why is not the most important at that moment, this is what it is doing, this is what is happening and we know not all governments can be trusted, they can make mistakes as well and many more reasons. Make sure people first understand the situation and why they should not take the shot, why there's no need for it: step by step so they don't close the door and run.

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I've convinced very few. People that are questioning and hesitant on the booster are open to info. Most are not ready...yet.

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My mom was required as well to go to rehab after a broken shoulder. She died 4 months later. This whole thing sucks and every day pray that this will change. It's now an industry...billions actually. I've managed to change a few minds but it will take more to overcome this nightmare. I'm not losing hope- there are many amazing people that have come forward to lead the way.

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If only (most of) my family would have listened to me....sadly, I feel like I’m waiting for the bombs to go off...

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You’re not the only one!

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Ditto 😢

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So am I. Feeling particularly blue tonight about it 😢

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I'm afraid some of mine have been ignited.

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Ditto 😢

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This is so frustrating. There's so much data coming at me from every direction that I literally can't keep up with it, yet there's still so many blind people! I offered Peter McCullough's book to one of our church's teachers who stated that vaccine injuries are rare. He declined the book. I dared to share on Nextdoor about the ACIP'S decision and encouraged people to contact our NC legislators if they have concerns. (Our governor is a lost cause.) I expected pushback and I got it. People were so angry because I said the vaccines don't stop transmission. One woman was aghast that I suggested mainstream media is censoring. One woman has had five shots, including the latest booster and would take another one "in a heartbeat" to keep from getting covid. I was told I am in a cult and that my info is BS. I'm criminal for sharing this harmful info! The icing on the cake was when I was told I should not be frightened. 😁 I responded, kindly, that I am not frightened, just knowledgeable. Nextdoor took it all down after a couple of hours and that was that. I'm planning my next move. Live not by lies.

Dr. Malone, I just shared info with several people who had questions. I shared your frightening CIA video with one of them. Thank you for helping keep me informed.

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when I offer up information to those I love & care about, I am told to stop.

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Yep, me too. I still share occasionally if only to soothe my own conscience that I've done everything in my power to help them avoid potential catastrophe (I know not everyone dies or becomes disabled by the shots, but I'm not a fan of Russian Roulette).

Brainwashing is so much more powerful (and easier) than critical thinking and logic. The same folks who shun sushi or aspirin during pregnancy literally are sticking their arms (or their kids' arms) out for the jab.

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I quit trying with those people. I'm trying to reach different people. I start conversations, but don't force it. Like the Bible says, don't cast your pearls before swine. 😊 Not sure that verse is applicable to this, but it's a good principle regardless.

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I am usually very low key unless confronted, then I am firm and stand my ground but as nicely and politely as possible.

I was at a large gathering today and sat next to a woman who was about 75ish, wearing a mask. I struck up a conversation and she began to tell me how her children really wanted her to get the shots so she did: 4x. No bad reactions she said. She then mentioned the Canadian Freedom Convoy protest saying she couldn't understand why those people demonstrated against getting the shots. I explained to her that many of them did, they were not against vaccination, but were against mandates. I explained that as with any drug, pros and cons should be examined and then a person should determine if it's right for them. I told her that it was great she has not been harmed but that some people were. No one should be forced.

I wish i could have said more but most people are not open to the facts. I know, I've tried, so I resign myself to at least trying to make a small point of arguing for choice.

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The poor woman doesn't realize she's probably in more danger after the injections. I'm 70 and my husband is 71. We didn't rush out to be jabbed, but did research. The more we learned, the worse it sounded. We said no!

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I know, she was such a nice lady and that's what kept going through my mind. I have other friends in their 70's also no shot, I'm 65ish and no shot. I know people in their 80's & 90's who had covid in late 2020 and it wasn't so bad.

She seemed happy with her life, she mentioned a few times that she kept telling her kids 'I'm not afraid to die' as in 'I don't need these shots' but her kids insisted. These are people who completely believe what they hear on MSM and they push their parents thinking they know best.

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It's definitely applicable

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I shared some links with my son early on. In order to maintain any connection with him at all, I had to agree to NOT ever mention anything covid related to him.

He got (at least) 2 Pfizer shots, so he could "do stuff" with his girlfriend.

It's tragic, but he is an adult, and I can't preach freedom of choice and then deny him his....

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I'm sorry. Both my sons are vaccinated. Neither wanted to talk about it beforehand or afterwards.

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I am a right wing conspiracist apparently, or at least that is the derision heap upon me, by some family members. Oh well be antifragile (hat tip to Nassim Nicholas Talib).

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Remember, there are no conspiracy theories now. They are spoiler alerts.

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"Spoiler Alerts" - I love that!!

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Pretty much the same happened to me on NextDoor when I simply mentioned the importance of free speech. I've given up on ND and all other leftist media. It isn't worth the heartbreak -- too few hours in the day to give the critical thinkers courage to speak up.

So many people (including my own family members and former friends who dropped me) are blind to the truth and wish to remain so. We could turn a few, but as Dr. Ryan Cole says often: They will not find that which they do not seek. (something like that!)

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It is foolish to waste time talking to the fully indoctrinated. It is as important as stressing the benefits of kale, broccoli, and quinoa; but no one cares.

Protect yourself and say a prayer for those who die after being injected repeatedly.

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I've reached an armistice with my adult children. I've stopped beating my head against the wall of elective ignorance about potential vaccine side effects and injury, and they've finally stopped chastising me for my stubborn resistance to get the jab.

There is sufficient information available that I would expect them to at least ask critical questions, but it is not to be.

Despite the continued sales pitch to keep getting jabbed, at some point people are responsible for getting educated and making their own choices.

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I applaud your efforts! It’s a shame you feel you have to move but I get it!

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Sure does sound familiar! I'm a Christian. A woman on another post commented that she hears believers saying "God's got this!" and thus absolving themselves of any responsibility. I know God's ultimate plan will come to pass, but while I'm here I'm supposed to fight against injustice and do what I can to protect the vulnerable. "Don’t participate in the fruitless works of darkness, but instead expose them." Ephesians 5:11

We have stick together as best we can. Take care.

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

Sadly, I agree this IS possible. I have been paying attention to all sides of covid, but also the “climate catastrophe”. There are many true scientists fighting that (supressed) battle too. Yet another crime against humanity, ie. pulling fossil fuels, which will put an end to human flourishing (especially in the poor regions of the world) and kill way more people than covid has due to inability to protect against climate as well as food supply to name only two-there are so many other reasons to continue fossil fuel use that FAR outweighs the “risk”.

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The Twilight Zone! Yes - just like that...

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So thankful that you continue to speak truth and that you put so much on the line in doing so.

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am having a hard time believing that the media is so blatantly hiding the truth. How much money are the Elitists paying the different outlets to ban you from giving life saving information.

I hear people I talk to who have had friends or family who have died suddenly. Young and healthy people or elderly people. The media are trying to hide the truth.

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a friend of mine (57) “died suddenly at home” on Friday...

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I’m so sorry for your loss. It is such a terrible act of genocide

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So sorry for your loss.

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At one point, Big Pharma was spending 3 out of every 4 TV advertising dollars in the US.


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Big Pharma commercials are constantly running, on par with the politcal ads this year.

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Oct 30, 2022·edited Oct 30, 2022

It is so dispiriting to see the Dutch follow the narrative. I suppose they will be happy to own nothing, lose half of their population to a bioweapon, see half their farms seized in the name of "climate change", freeze to death waiting on US-sourced LNP (at usurous prices) - and, get to kiss the rings of Rutte (21st Century reincarnation of Anton Mussert), Schwab and Gates. If the people of the Netherlands do not resist, they are done (of course, we in the US are in much the same boat)..

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Oct 30, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, Dr. Malone. How long must this horror show continue?

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I don't spend time on social media and if I manage any free time, I prefer to read various substacks. But for some reason, I found myself watching a monolog on Youtube of Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame). I watched little of it so my observations may be wrong but it sounded like 1) he might be vaccine injured and 2) feels that the jabs are safe because if they weren't, some doctors (at least say, 1%) would be saying they were unsafe and none were. So - this person, who is media savvy and I would say pretty connected (more so than myself, certainly) is totally unaware that - any - doctors feel the jabs are unsafe! This indicates how effective censorship has been and still is and how successful the legacy media is at keeping the airwaves devoid of anything other than what suits them. This is a very serious problem.

Today, I read in Andreas Oehler's substack that, according to the CDC awhile back, the unvaccinated were nearly five times more likely to become infected, about 10 times more likely to require hospitalization and almost 11 times more likely to die from Covid-19 than fully vaccinated individuals."

This is in direct conflict with the chart from Dr. Schetters. But it's clearly apparent, the people who need to see it aren't going to unless something changes.

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Adams uses no source of info except Twitter. My husband, who likes his podcast podcast, says Adams changed after taking the jabs and seems to have brain fog.

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YouTube / Google are the Enemy of the People. End of Story!

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Real science data collection doesn’t lie. A PICTURE is worth a thousand words.

….. they are crumbling.

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Going on now: Special event on livestream still going on NOW about the global dangers of WHO/WEF attempt to take control and what to do about it, the grave harms caused by the covid shots, & more. Now talking: covid shot victim. 7 PM EDT: Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox, who fought courageously against Hochul’s quarantine camp regulation. Please join! Tinyurl.com/StandForHashem

Recording will G-d willing be posted on my substack afterwards.


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Another smoking gun!! How does evidence like this get ignored? Anyone? How ?

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I got my 25 shots and I'm fine!


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The only reason this poison is still being pushed is pure evil, there is no other rational explanation.

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"Correlation doesn't mean causation." This is a sick mantra at this point.

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But they're quick to spout that the vaccines saved lives and kept people out of the hospital. There's no way to prove that. (Especially when the data shows the opposite, but who am I to doubt Fauci?)

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I'm begging you doctor Malone as respectfully

as I can muster, can we for the love of God and all that's Holly please stop calling this poison a vaccine?

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right-it IS gene “therapy”

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May I add, Poorly executed?

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"Vaccine" has been redefined by the CDC - remember?

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Yes along with women being referred to as birthing people, men can now be women and have babies.

Saying something is so doesn't make it so.

A critical piece of Marxist ideology is to subvert the language.

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.

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