Censoring is the first action 🎬 step in a cover-up! PERIOD!

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Agreed. The malevolent first responders “Your Tax Dollars at Work” Cover-up Derby is in full swing. Who ordered the 372 LEOs to stand-down in Uvalde?

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When the "conspiracy theories" begin to sound more plausible than the official narrative, you know we've crossed the Rubicon.

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I’ve become immune to conspiracy theories now that I identify as a pattern recognition specialist.

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Sadly so!

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I used that exact comparison last night!

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The officers in Uvalde were just blowhard cowards too chickenshit to do the job they were hired to do. They could have removed those heavy fire rated classroom doors and used them for shields.

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Must be the same who ordered the police to prevent the people from Maui to escape the flames by leaving.


Listen to the old man who was there, who witnessed this. Don't worry, though. Hillary has already booked him a flight to her place up in Upstate NY so they can have a one to one, obviously to either change his mind, or have him go paddle boarding with her.

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No matter the root cause and the failure of the Maui officials, the fact that a 1000 or more are still unaccounted for says they are going to do everything in their power to minimize the horror that was bestowed on innocent Maui citizens and their visitors to the island. Biden's comments next Monday will be interesting.

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Aug 18, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023

Excellent analysis which also points to mitigation paths forward. Namely employment of existing predictive (wind) technology tied to public policy (such as Public Safety Power Shutoffs) and risk mitigation (e.g. brush/tree clearing around power lines, underground power lines, escape route planning/improvement, more water dropping helicopters, etc). Reports from 2014 specifically called for such steps in Maui (government and power company) but not effectively funded ($250k versus $10s of millions for renewable transition).

Occam’s razor as to root cause. Natural, predictable strong local wind conditions and sparks from downed power lines. Red flag event that was foreseeable but not prepared for.

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One thing I have not seen is the use of volcanic heat to generate power. Look at what Iceland does. I say that not as a Green freak but someone that came out of the power industry. Heat water, generate steam, turn a turbine that turns a generator - poof- power. I may be off here but if they plan to use wind turbines, those will go down in high winds.

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That was very enlightening, thank you.

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Well explained. Sad event. Fire suppression money not enough. Lot's of blame to go around!

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"... And it wasn't Hurricane Dora, a relatively small tropical storm that passed 700 miles to the south of Hawaii..."

Total BS. He does not live there obviously (I do) and did not research in the slightest the wind conditions those days. Another armchair expert. Plenty of on-the-ground video evidence of Tropical Storm level winds propelling the conflagration.


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Actually the article very well researches the wind conditions that day. I dont think you read the article. Yet the winds were not caused by Dora.

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Aug 19, 2023·edited Aug 19, 2023

OK, sure thing.


These sustained conditions are not from some atmospheric anomaly. This is the tail end of the hurricane wind cone. Armchair experts and conspiracists be damned.

I have a bumper sticker –– Critical Thinking: the Other National Deficit

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So you link to a twitter comment, about a hurricane 700 miles away. 70 to 80 MPH downs slope winds were ther, as the artcle shows, but not from the hurricane. Read the article.

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Oh great guru, many thanks for your all-knowing insight.

fyi, there was (and typically is) a high pressure system just north of there creating a pressure gradient line and the tail winds of Dora moving through the area, that moved through the islands over a couple days This happens throughout the year depending on circumstances.

I live and work here and know the environmental characteristics quite well from daily life.

But go believe whatever story makes ya feel good. A human tragedy has happened thanks to human ineptitude, arrogance and greed, and you knuckleheads want to pick nits from thousand of miles away.

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If you even read the article you would not have asserted it denied winds that it talked in detail about. And yes, those downslope winds can and do happen. read the actual article, as clearly you did not.

"None explained the 60-90 mph gusts that hit a very localized area. Winds strong enough to shear off wooden power poles, tear roofs apart, and down lines of power lines."

Last Tuesday, strong winds approached the crest of the West Maui Mountains, not because of Hurricane Dora, but because of an unusually strong high-pressure area to the north.

"We know this for several reasons. A map of sea level pressure (black lines), surface winds (wind barbs), and the standardized sea level pressure anomaly (difference) from normal (colors) at 9 AM Hawaii time on Tuesday are shown below.

High pressure is centered north of Hawaii and this high pressure was far more intense than normal just north and over Maui (indicated by the orange, red, and brown colors). The pressure anomalies due to the Hurricane Dora were very small in scale and limited to far south of Hawaii.

Hurricane Dora had little impact on Hawaii during this event, something confirmed by an expert at the National Hurricane Center." With additional links.

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Agreed. Here's a quote from Wikipedia "2023 Hawaii Wildfires" article:

"The proliferation of the wildfires was attributed to dry, gusty conditions created by a strong high-pressure area north of Hawaii and Hurricane Dora to the south."

As usual, citations are given for those who wish to investigate in depth.

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Dowd has lived in Hawaii for many years.

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Thank 😊 you for the link.

Sadly 😔 though, the current crazy 🤪 mentality won't let a crisis go to waste!

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An outstanding analysis which is, unfortunately, entirely beyond the capacity of most people, and (clearly) ALL politicians to comprehend.

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Ed Dowd is such a informative person. I appreciate what he has to say.

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**This list was created and vetted by Mr. Dowd's team. Help survivors DIRECTLY.


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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you again, Dr. Malone, for bringing us this video and keeping us objectively informed! I’ve heard people there who say they SAW the beams that started the fires. And then the fact that they wouldn’t let people out, yes OUT, in the beginning. And then wouldn’t let help IN! 😭😡

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Jimmy Dore show coverage of cops directing traffic back toward the fires.


Full institutional collapse. Police as helpful as doctors pushing covid shots.

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Mass murder. Again. 😡

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Create winds with HAARP. Create fires with DEW. Move in afterwards and buy up destroyed real estate. Rebuild. Acquire monopoly on tourist trade. Disenfranchise local population (kill local population, too, for that matter). Send homeless somewhere else (camps, 15 minute cities?). Convert private homeownership to collectivist units: 15 minute city, smart city. Live happily ever after.

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I saw a video on TS posted by someone that got it from Greg Reese reporting for InfoWars.

It showed miles of burnt carnage with nothing but devastation except for the miles of oceanfront mansion-type homes just on the other side of the road. None of them were touched. It was not just a standing church, or home, but dozens of them still with their green lawns and trees.

John Pelletier Chief of Police who led the response to the Las Vegas massacre is Maui's Chief of Police. When they do a good job for the FBI the first time they are moved around to help out for the next USG crime scene.

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Some people may read your post and scroll by. There are no coincidences when the same bad penny turns up and people die horrible deaths.

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Yes, that is the one I watched but it was not the one I watched the day before from another TS poster which had the helicopter or drone video footage. I tried to find the post again today but I have no idea who posted it. But, it was amazing to see all of the huge homes still there as pristine as the day they were built.

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Thank you very much. I had no idea where to look and TS posst don't have http identifiers.

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Houses destroyed by fires but we can still see leaves on the trees. Very strange. It reminds me Paradise CA ¨fires.¨ DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON

LOCKEED MARTIN - Directed Energy ¨Harnessing the Power of Lasers for 21st Century Security At sea, in the air and on the ground, Lockheed Martin is developing laser weapon systems ready to defend U.S. and allied forces. Combined with our platform integration expertise, these systems are designed to defeat a growing range of threats to military forces and infrastructure across all domains.¨ https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/capabilities/directed-energy.html

On Wikipedia : Directed-energy weapon - ¨A directed-energy weapon (DEW) is a ranged weapon that damages its target with highly focused energy without a solid projectile, including lasers, microwaves, particle beams, and sound beams. Potential applications of this technology include weapons that target personnel, missiles, vehicles, and optical devices. In the United States, the Pentagon, DARPA, the Air Force Research Laboratory, United States Army Armament Research Development and Engineering Center, and the Naval Research Laboratory are researching directed-energy weapons to counter ballistic missiles, hypersonic cruise missiles, and hypersonic glide vehicles. These systems of missile defense are expected to come online no sooner than the mid to late-2020s.¨ Read More https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directed-energy_weapon

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The Santa Rosa and Paradise fires seemed so peculiar. One of the Paradise pictures I came across showed big, grotesquely melted trashcans with unburnt cardboard right next to them.

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Yes. I also saw those videos few years ago about Santa Rosa and Paradies ¨Fires¨ where we can see melted metal and still have leaves in the trees.

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Take your Blue Pill Hawks and go back to your Blissful Sleep!

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What astounding arrogance. Allergic to actual, factual evidence. Keep drinking from the poisoned well! Stay thirsty, my friend!

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Thank you, every one in my world is hypnotized by Climate Change, my neighbors bring up storms and how strange the weather has been...so I point out the typical sine wave type trends over the past decades, but like Covid, the eyes are glazed, the mass psychosis and spiritual(?) blindness refuses to see, hear or understand facts. May God continue to bless your efforts and your fellow truth tellers in Maui.

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It's easy to convince people to believe a lie.

However, it's difficult to convince people that they've been fooled 😕

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They would rather continue believing the lie than admit to fallibility. Arrogance.

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Considering the timeline and it took 24 hours for the fires to really start expanding because of the winds that were acting as a blow torch says that it was malfeasance on the part of the Maui government. If They took the proper action in a timely manner there would’ve been no lives lost! Having been to Lahaina and walking down the street among the wooden houses, it is easy to understand why it became an inferno. When you consider that the Canadian fires were caused by lack of fire control, and the depletion of funds to create fire control, and it is reported a similar situation developed on Maui makes me believe that it may be the climate change gurus are trying to keep the fear level up that we’re all going to be incinerated on earth because of the questionable climate scenario

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It's almost as if the government /wants/ to keep the planet on fire. But to what end? Promoting the "global warming" mythology? Keep the populace cowering in fear? Surely the NYT will tell us the truth -- right?

"Vote for higher carbon taxes and more unreliable, heavily-subsidized renewable energy and we'll stop lighting fires."

Come to think of it, that's not as crazy as it sounds.

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Biden has authorized CO2 scrubbers to reduce climate change. Need to balance China's none participation role. Just funnels more tax dollars into BS activities for fun and profit!

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It funnels more tax dollars directly to the CCP, Biden's true handlers.

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Hey, you gotta give the Greens some credit. There is logic -- a bit -- to the idea that if they can return our economy to a pre-industrial state, we'll burn less carbon. Even if the rest of the world refuses to go along, at least they did SOMETHING!

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Yea! I will be wearing a buffalo hide for warmth if we had 350. Million in the US! Ooops.. they would all be pumping out methane!

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Hey Bug boil dude. Stop thinking logically. You'll get yourself into a heap of trouble with the folks from DOJ which will take you down in the middle of the night in your underwear, send you to the gulag, and have you eating bugs and drinking rusty water.

God knows that can't be fun, not like it's happening to any 400 Americans in DC right now.

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Spain's mountains are on fire now.

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I haven't read the news, but I have been in Spain in the summer (1998). Guess what? It's hot, very hot. And dry.

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And like Canada it has forest fires almost every year and the gov doesn't manage the forests to better control the fires?

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Woke Hawaiian Official Stalled Release Of 'Revered Water' Until It Was Too Late To Save Maui


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You’d think the coast guard would have those boats with the water cannons that can suck water from the ocean and shoot water to douse fires onshore. Do they not have planes in Hawaii that can drop water on a fire also? I’m puzzled with so much water available since Maui is an island, why only rely on fire trucks? Make it make sense. I dunno, maybe I’m misinformed.

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Trains, Planes & Automobiles comedy and tragedy. There is ample ineptitude and inefficiency in Hawai'i govt. relating to a variety of issues and challenges.

I'm unaware of any CG presence in the Islands other than Honolulu. No planes that I've ever seen, since large-scale fires are unheard of –– just occasional brush fire in a dry zone. But helicopters with buckets, yes.

One particularly remote fire in a high elevation forest above my home in Keokea was accessible only by one graded service road, and took two+ weeks to douse with non-stop copters (dipping fresh-water from open reservoirs during daylight hours).

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I don't think helicopters can fly in 70 mph winds. The meterologists and the government officials in charge were asleep at the switch. Period!

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Nobody was suggesting the improbable/impossible. But you are spot on about govt. ineptitude and/or indifference (and oh, the malfeasance!). Plenty of well-deserved blame to go around. The karma boomerang will not be kind to those responsible.

With all the insanity we have witnessed and/or experienced from govt. loons in recent years, I keep having thoughts of the old Albert Brooks dramady Defending Your Life and the dialog line "Good afternoon, and welcome to Judgement City" - and 'The first true story of what happens after you die' tagline. Surely the intelligent universe has program feature for redress and restitution for human freewill? One can hope and pray.....

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When our educational system is skewed and no longer teaches right from wrong humanity is screwed!

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I will not believe any explanations until ACOG stops recommending jabs for normal healthy pregnant women. And .... someone can explain why there is an increase in morbidity and mortality in our world and the common denominator are the jabs .

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Oh my goodness. Why are these fundraisers still using gofundme in 2023?? :(

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Aug 18, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023

Hawaiian Electric, who is owned by Vanguard and BlackRock.

Keep in mind Hawaii is run 100% by Democrats. The people were abandoned and left to fend for themselves. Government did nothing for them- before, during and after the fire.

Body count is currently 111, but there are over 1,000 still missing. The only bodies they are allowed to count have to be intact! That means NO insurance payouts for lands and homes or lives. The survivors will be forced to leave.

"A good friend told me she saw a firefighter at Costco a couple of days after the fire. She mentioned that the death toll was just raised to 50-something. He told her that the firefighters had already used up 400 body bags, all that they had available. He said the death toll was way under-counted."

"I was working with a young guy loading trucks and during a break he told me he was a police officer stationed up in Haleakala and brought down to assist with finding bodies in the rubble of Lahaina. He told me that everywhere one stepped there were the charred remains of bodies, and in his opinion the death count was way low."

"My source in Hawaii described scenes lifted from Dante’s Inferno. Entire families clustered in their home’s bathroom using the bathtub filled with water seeking refuge. All burned beyond recognition. Firefighters are vomiting when they uncover these horrific remains. The rescue workers involved in this grisly recovery task will likely be Post Traumatic Stress casualties themselves."

Source: Larry Johnson


The Police are not only lying in Maui about everything, but the Maui Police are now arresting all witnesses to the fires. They are all DEEP STATE, and should be shot dead on sight.

"Police put up roadblocks that confused fleeing residents. Police herded them all onto one narrow street in Lahaina. It was a deathtrap. A long line of traffic backed up as a wall of fire approached. Those people, children and dogs burned to death in their cars.

Here is what I experienced each time there was a wildfire in Malibu. The Fire Department parked trucks on every block in the path of the fire to defend homes. Police and firemen went door to door to warn us to leave immediately.

Police helicopters flew overhead with loudspeakers warning us to “leave now, or you will die.” Jumbo jets dropped fire retardant on the fire (and on homes). Helicopters scooped water from the ocean and dropped it on the fire. Police directed traffic and made sure everyone got away from the fire. Lastly, there were police boats to save citizens who jumped into the ocean."

"Since the worst wildfire in modern US history, the Biden administration has done virtually nothing for the people of Maui. Witnesses say no help has arrived. Where’s FEMA? Witnesses say at donation sites for victims there are no federal, state or county personnel. Just citizen volunteers.

Some of the lucky ones abandoned their cars and jumped into the ocean. They treaded water for hours until help arrived. Why? Where was the US Navy? Where were the police boats to rescue them?"

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John, thank you for this account. It coupled with Dr. Malone and his colleagues reporting provides a much clearer picture. Very sad. I honeymooned in Lahaina 19 yrs ago - it's a very special part of our creation, unlike any other. Of course the elites want it all to themselves. The loss of life is heartbeaking.

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great Johnny-on-the-spot reporting/curating, Doctor.

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Excellent news cast. Thank you Bruce, Paul and Robert!

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There was no energy directed weapon. Talk like that is foolish.I lived through the Oakland California fire in 1991. The Lahaina fire looks the same.

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We had fires here in Texas that started the same way. High winds caused power lines to spark and combined with the drought conditions it was devastating.

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks Dr. Malone. Very interesting and worth watching. The most important thing is discussions like this need to be protected speech. Please contribute to Hungry Heroes Hawaii.

Steve Waters

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Aug 18, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023

Lets see, water is too holy to use on fires, but it is ok for rich people’s swimming pools. Sirens used for tsunamis would drive people mindlessly in the wrong direction.


note: It has been observed than no seaside mansions were destroyed!

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you (as always) for an update we can relay on and the link to donate. Curiously, I'm not seeing much coverage on my independent media news sources. ? So double thanks for getting this out so quickly. I made a donation and am happy to hear that survivors are able to get access to help now!

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