Lets hope that the judges in this case show the same insight shown in the suit against the FDA for their propaganda on ivermectin. When done well, language and the law are essential means and institutions to diplomatically settle social and technical disputes.

Without your tireless work to expose these issues, they would have been covered up in the rush to the biggest drug money making effort in history that used humans as a resource to be extracted. So the coverup of adverse events continues to be pushed full steam ahead in order to deploy mRNA technology to humans and to the food supply and generate more profits.

This trial might be an important turning point to get the truth out and to stop the rush to the bank because there are values more important than money.

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from your lips to God's ears....

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There is little doubt there is a master Blueprint that has been carried out in lock step on a value time line (when plan A slows it down Insert plan B) . But as we can see in Act 2 part 1

most of the structure has been well laid with hush and blow money in all the back alleys.

All they are dealing with now is those pesky "PUNCH LISTS" that always pop up.

Bribe time has no bounds! Shhh...no look over here. Gotta sweet deal with your name on it.

Talk about changing names in America, Hmm..... That reminders me of current events?

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Very well put, and ultimately they destroy themselves.

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Nice to have full memory of the events that really occurred...Unlike 99.99% of the media involved at this point

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You never have to worry about what you said, because you speak the truth!!

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makes it easy to write also.

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It must be very satisfying to watch the biggest buzzards in the desert fight over the dead corpse that lay in the MRNA wasteland. If there was any way we could help to escalate the war between the enemies of us humans, I’m sure many would donate an Abrams tank or F-35. I had mentioned that my mother-in-law, my wife, and myself all recently got Covid, I think!!! My mother in law has been in the hospital for her burst appendix and has been receiving steroids, she feels much better in general, still has safety issues. I began hydroxychloroquine and another drug a doctor had given me a while back, quickly after not feeling well and I’m about 95 % better. My poor wife who refused what I took, and was forced 3 MRNA shots as a Boston nurse is still sick. To take what I took early on is useless now I think. If her work forces another booster, her career at the Boston Hospital is over. It’s so hard to have to watch, be somewhat aware of what has taken place with my wife and not be able to do a thing about it, is so aggravating to say the least. Saying anything to her is just not a productive thing to do, in fact it’s the opposite. J.Goodrich

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" biggest buzzards in the desert fight over the dead corpse that lay in the MRNA wasteland"


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Dang. Rough. I can’t fly an airplane; but, sure can leave one, high altitude/low pull. Boots on the ground. I sincerely Hope for You the Very Best. Ed

Edit - I know there is Big money/Big pharma/gubment involved; but, My questions are still many, Why make it so hard to get HCQ and IVM. Are “they” going to outlaw Vitamin D next?

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I have a friend that took HCQ also, and he told me all my arthritis pains would go away, which they did. While on HCQ my knee pains nearly completely went away and the stairs I have to run up and down weren’t such a problem.

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I lived in Washington state. Friends in BC…Let’s just say, They are not happy. Beyond Absolutely Insane. 🤬. Ed

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Reply again - Uhhh…The inmates are running the insane asylum. Ed Precient - It is coming. Dr. Mattias Desmet, “It is going to get worse before it gets better”. Unfortunately, I believe that to be true.

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Robert F Kennedy explains this squashing of HCQ and ivermectin this way: the law says the FDA may NOT issue an emergency use authorization IF there are other ways to treat a disease. ANY other ways, whether on or off label. Without emergency use authorization, pharmaceuticals cannot be exempt (as they have been by the sweetheart deal from our government) from liability. So, for Covid they would have been offering an unauthorized medication for which they could be sued for adverse reactions.

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Uhhh…Sorry, You mis-spelled Gubment. Signed the spelling police, Very Best, Ed

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James, it saddens me to hear about your wife. I hope her health improves soon. My son who was also required to take the jabs for his job in ‘21 has now had the ick 4 times since 12/21. He’s only 39 and it seems his immune system is so compromised he stays sick. His dad 75 and I 68 took the wait and see attitude, especially when no one could give us enough information to warrant taking a “pig in a poke medicine”. I might add, I question everything, just my nature.

My son now realizes his aging parents have been well, not even a cold for years now. We don’t do anything special, eat as we’ve always done, take a multivitamin and extra Vitamin D.

I hope more people will stand firm when the powers that be try to force more fear porn on them.

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I really hope the hospital doesn’t push another damaging booster shot!! It will be the end of 23 years of her helping to save children in the OR. She has 36 plus years in Boston OR’s and basically runs the rooms they put her in. She’s always put in the biggest hardest cases that are on the schedule. I can’t tell you how many thousands of kids she has helped to save including friends and relatives. It’s a sin to push this poison on these angels that have put their entire life out on the end of a limb to help children and people. I can’t tell you how emotional it is to see her sick for weeks and I, untaxed got over it in about a week. It’s so unfair!!!

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Prayers for your dear wife. She’s been an angel for so many.

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Thank You GMoody!!!

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I’m studying Level III Vet Tech “stuff”. Cannot go back to human med. Ripped on My brain, heart and soul. I have the utmost respect for “The Goox Ones”. Ed

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I certainly can’t blame you for that Ed. I have 3 dogs that are my kids.

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Uhhh…Vitamin D. It is not a hard leap…Zinc Ionophore + Zinc as well. These people are stupid/sick. I really don’t know. No college degree and I can figure this out. 🙃 Ed

Edit - There are so many brilliant people/Warriors out there; yet, they have been shunned/cancelled. If “They” are not being cancelled/investigated…Run.

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Dear James, I am so sorry to hear of your situation.


In the hopes that this may help your cause, I have included this story from the CDC. Perhaps it may help convince your wife to take advantage of Ivermectin or the Zelenko Protocol, pine needle tea, or any other natural treatment available shown to be effective to deal with the spike protein and covid. Blessings to you.

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Excellent advice. Maybe Dr. R can shed some light on his treatment protocol, considering he too, was also injured

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Thank You B!!!!

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Many families are in the same boat.

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Aug 31, 2023Edited
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Thank you for this. I had got a prescription for ivermectin over a year ago and cvs would not fill it. I told my doctor before there may be a problem and he was surprised when I told him they would not fill it. He asked me to please not push it, which I didn’t. I knew docs were getting in trouble (losing their (license) for just prescribing it. I sent him the story of the Doc in Maine that they pulled her license. He was shocked. Thank you!!!

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Push Health: get a doc assigned(less than 2 min on line), tell your problem and need for FCCC protocols for IVM or HCQ, they send prescription to their Las Vegas pharmacy who ships direct to YOU. Simple, works, cheap.


There is this place IndiaMart, even cheaper, two weeks delivery.

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I found a doc through FLCCC and get IVM through a local compounding pharmacy in Vancouver, WA

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I haven’t seen you in a while Red!!! Unless I missed you. Thanks for the info!!!

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glad to help my friend!

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Hope all is well with you and your family.

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Aug 31, 2023Edited
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Aug 31, 2023Edited
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That’s great, thank you!!! I will try, I’d love to have it on hand like you mentioned. That was my idea back when.

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It’s out there…But, it is a Hunt…Won’t doxx; but, You can find “IT”. Ed

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Aug 31, 2023Edited
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Doc, how do you wake up in the AM and assemble this much info so fast?

I am constantly blown away.

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I am still on Italian time. Just got back yesterday.

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You simply can't beat a farmer with jet-lag.

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And a brilliant wife

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08-31-23: They're fighting over a "vaccine" patent that DIDN'T WORK and has MURDERED hundreds of thousands of people, if not MILLIONS?!

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I assure you they just don't care that people died. It is all about fame and fortune. Death and disability are collateral damage, like bystanders unintentionally killed in a war. Patent battles to take credit for medical disasters is not unique to Covid. Patent disputes were fought over who invented AZT, which may have killed more people than AIDS. The NIH and Institute Pasteur fought over the patent rights to the HIV virus itself, although Gallo at the NIH was charged with scientific misconduct (theft) and the Nobel Prize was awarded to Montagnier at Institute Pasteur. Even thalidomide (which caused horrible birth deformities in children) was initially patented and marketed to treat morning sickness in pregnant women, but it was withdrawn from the market in the early 1960s because of its grotesque side-effects. There was still money to be made from the drug, so thalidomide was later patented as a treatment for AIDS and cancer. The Patent Office has always said it didn't care about the safety of a drug because assuring safety was the job of the FDA. Now the FDA has been corrupted so nobody in charge cares about drug safety anymore. Most drugs exist to make their owners rich. Therapeutic benefit is incidental.

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Agreed. And then the Sacklers --- how convenient! --- are made the scapegoats and everybuddy is happeee! And never mind the owners --- look at the tv ads. Ad agencies and paid actors beaming with joy.

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As a physician I remember being forced to submit to compulsory "medical education" about pain relief in the 1990s. We were told we could have our medical licenses revoked if we didn't prescribe the new long-acting "nonaddictive" opioids peddled by the Sacklers. Since opioids were now "risk-free" there was no reason to ever let anybody feel pain again. The same state medical board later forbade treating Covid with ivermectin and mandated Covid vaccines. It's really not difficult to control the practice of medicine once the medical boards are bought and paid for.

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09-02-23: Superb. Thank you.

HUGE scandal in the 1950's--- "College basketball players shaving points!" Reaction was seismic. Careers ruined (good).

Fast-forward to 1990s-2020s: State medical boards shaving points. Open about it. In-your-face whadda ya goin do about it, worm?

Were any of the medical board members arrested for knowingly lying about non-addictive? Probably not. 100-1 odds they weren't.

Sidenote: The insurance companies have been real quiet long-term about all of this going on. Conclusion: They've already priced the future cost of any revelations into the rates they've been charging / are charging today.

I mean, you've got to be a bloated GE poobah switching jobs and going out to Indiana to be able destroy an insurance company (as its new CEO), and that was what about 25-30 years ago? Since then, if I'm not mistaken (I might be), real quiet. Everybody's happy. Invest in companies manufacturing coffins.

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08-31-23: Alas the video does not load. So now there's a certifiable price as to how much we can profit by discarding our integrity and financially profit from the death and injury of children. I'm 71 years old, and grew up in a time when we read and heard about what Germany did in the 1930s-40s, and the price they paid for their craven inhumanity. "It can't happen HERE." Today the entire world is the Germany of 80-90 years ago.

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The video DID load. Thank you.

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Thank you, I did see it. I have followed Naomi from the start, along with Dr Malone, Dr McCullough, Dr Ryan Cole, Dr Kory, et all. So many brilliant people that know the truth and have stated it regardless of the consequences. They are brave warriors. I applaud them and thank them for saving so many of us.

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About darned time they get a heavenly assist or two...

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Two points. First, a lot garbage was introduced into patent law by a law co-authored by Rep. Smith. Happy to say he has been replaced by Rep. Chip Roy, a big, big improvement.

Second, what does it say about 2 companies fighting over the right to inject the synthesizer of a patently toxic protein into the bodies of humans of all ages?

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Sad, and yet because demons always turn to infighting, nerdly hilarious.

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Just so...

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On the subject of infighting, a patent attorney who had UC for a client related an incident at UC Davis that would have occurred at about the time you were there. The attorney had a meeting with two professors in order to take their disclosures and the meeting degenerated into a physical altercation when they began to argue about who should get credit for what.

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These offices need cages in them.

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You deserve full vindication and public apologies on every platform. But we know that will never happen. These agenda driven demons will do anything in their power to line their pockets and keep that fake mask on. God Bless you and Jill Dr. Malone.

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I love the idea of what’s happening the two evil corporations that have profited from causing so much suffering, aided by hideous lies told on their behalf by shady agencies. They are at each other’s throats over the right to claim this technology, even as the technology is gradually revealed to be a population-wide mass-poisoning event and their stock values collapse. They’ll spiral down into further rivalry as they discover that their claims to take credit become liabilities as they are heaped with well-deserved blame.

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And while we're at it, let us repeal the 1986 Pharma immunity laws COMPLETELY. As a man(corp) sows...

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It reminds me of the scrapping that goes on in Congress as the two parties fight to take credit for the downfall of the country they supposedly run.

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No matter how hard they try to erase you they can’t . You followed the rules to a patent and they did not. I’m so glad that you have Jill behind you, and beside you to forge forward pressing for truth. Thank you for your honor and integrity.

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Bravissimo Good Sir!

Methinks you’ve excluded your most significant medical accomplishment: you’ve led the development of the Covid Red Pill!

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Yes, and this is what deserves the Nobel Prize!

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...You have "The Receipts"...

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And yet our favorite truth slayer continues to live. I guess he took the advice of the interviewer who asked him about his security detail? And hired one?

Dont know, either way, but the simple fact Dr. R. Is still walking the earth perplexes more than just I. Those receipts must be mighty powerful to be over the target, and not given the JFK treatment.

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I practiced medical patent law for many years and understand your frustration about inventorship and attribution of scientific contributions. I had inventors come to physical blows and death threats over inventorship disputes. As you may know, the inventor of FM radio (Edwin Armstrong) threw himself from a skyscraper shortly after losing a patent battle to RCA. You are also right that the press (including scientific propaganda organs like Nature) are laughably ignorant about patent matters. But even brilliant scientists like you can find patent law infuriatingly incomprehensible. Your early work should probably have been cited in the all the Moderna patent applications, but some of the more recent publications relied upon during patent examination were "closer prior art" that would have been considered more pertinent by the Patent and Trademark Office. Some of Moderna's broad claims will likely fall during the Inter Pares Review (IPR), but ironically your warnings about the unsuitability of mRNAs for vaccines could be relied upon by Moderna to demonstrate that their scientists overcame a "long-standing problem in the field" by developing a "safe and effective vaccine" contrary to your warnings they would not work. I am not suggesting you stop warning the world about the undisputed dangers of these vaccines, but the patent system creates a twisted reality that even the security state would envy.

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except that the addition of pseudouridine is not enabling. inconvenient fact. And both Moderna and BioNTech have licenses for that anyhow.

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Robert, on Moderna's webpage they have a list of their IP https://www.modernatx.com/patents and within that list is patent US 10 , 064 , 959 B2,. One of it's references it cites as prior art is this patent that you are credited as an inventor. Any journalist worth their salt could of found this information if they bothered to look.

Induction of a protective immune response in a mammal by injecting a DNA sequence https://patents.justia.com/patent/5589466

It seems to me if Pfizer is trying to invalidate Moderna's IP because of prior art then they're admitting that their patents would be invalid as well.

There is also the issue of Moderna not disclosing in their recent patent applications that they received $25m of taxpayers dollars from DARPA to develop their "vaccine". https://www.ft.com/content/2be1f87e-9e96-4e23-9cc5-33ba35e50586

Moderna also reneged on their promise not to enforce their patents during the pandemic. The US Govt. keeps extending the Emergency Declaration so we're technically still in the pandemic. https://blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/2022/08/29/no-take-backs-modernas-attempt-to-renege-on-its-vaccine-patent-pledge/

And what about the issue that part of the genetic code of the virus also being in one of Moderna's patent? https://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202203/21/WS6237da55a310fd2b29e52288.html

Moderna's CEO Stephane Bancel is a lying, greedy psychopath. When I called him out on Twitter in Dec. 2021 for not doing anything to help people injured by his product rather than respond back he just deleted his Twitter account. https://www.statnews.com/2016/09/13/moderna-therapeutics-biotech-mrna/

And this recently published paper discusses just how dangerous the vaccines are.

‘Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNAhttps://www.mdpi.com/2227-9059/11/8/2287

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Wow !

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Keep an eye on this ignored fact - the U.S. military has a massive repository of stores blood samples from every active duty personnel in the world. This archived blood - from different time points - could have been tested for antibodies, which might have provided definitive evidence of "early spread." If this had happened, all the key Covid narratives would be shown to be false. Why hasn't stored blood samples from, say, January 2020 been tested for antibodies?


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