Bill Gates gave a TED talk several years ago and said the goal was a 15% reduction in population. Translation 1 BILLION humans. Since the Covid and the RNA has hastened deaths in Seniors, it has provided great benefit to the US Government. First, since 25% of the annual healthcare expenditure which amounts to more than 1 TRILLION dollars (Total Annual is reaching 5 TRILLION and 20% of GDP!) is incurred in the last six months of a seniors life, expediating the demise of seniors saves millions and millions in Medicare dollars! Second, it provides great wealth transfer to the children of the seniors which have great debt. In turn those dollars are more likely spent than saved. My view without validation. So, between promoting abortion, voluntary or planned thru RNA injections, methods are in place to reduce humanity. In addition, longevity is being reduced because of how the RNA interferes with normal cellular reproduction. Inflammatory processes in all organs! Myocarditis is the poster child! The following astute medical researcher is documenting this extensively, but NO ONE is listening at NIH or any where else in DC. All the bad actors are just going along with the agenda. https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/multifaceted-applications-of-micronanorobots?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=956088&post_id=144407266&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=bvdgc&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email I have written my view on this massive crime against humanity extensively at thomasabraunrph@substack.com

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The problem with the desire to save “annual healthcare dollars” being a reason for all this obscenity, is contradictory to the fact that they have now created a huge population of injured and disabled people, with more to come as the turbo cancers kick in and children are born with lifelong developmental problems, that will negate any savings due to “deaths” or population reduction. No, some of the reason for this was simply to decrease the number of viable healthy people who could oppose the elite agenda, and perhaps to just decrease the actual “mass” of humanity. “They” are perfectly happy to have a high expenditure annual healthcare bill because it feeds the bio pharmaceutical complex. Money most of all.

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Agree! 1000%

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Your points well made! Just before this publication was listening to JJ, Epoch TV and Victor Daid Hansen. Hansen advised the CCP has declared war against us ( that we don't seem to be taking seriously [facilitating?].)He notes the direct line of fentenal deaths. If one credits a Gates, CCP, WEF, Rockefeller, Italy operatio, Globalist goals- one might note similar objectives.

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My thoughts from day one. Target that giant segment of the factoids that 10,000 people turn 65 each and every day in America! That is a force to deal with in the coming years. OUCH!

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New info on 5 10 2024 from RFK Jr. Children's Defense site! For anyone who doesn't believe that Bill Gates is the driving force behind what is transpiring. Just read the following!


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Here's a compilation of Bill Gates' multiple talks, including the Ted Talks episode you referred to: https://rumble.com/v5aq1f7-bill-gates-describes-his-plan-which-came-true-in-2020.html

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Again, I think Gate's comments are taken out of context here. What Gate meant was the vaccination would decrease infant mortality which, coupled with third world economic growth, would result in people having fewer kids. Hence, a 15% reduction over the expected population growth if these things did not occur. I am no fan Gates and consider him a war criminal. But I do not thing genocide was on his mind when he said these things.

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Based on the negative impact of Gates push to vaccinate Africans I believe what he said and what has transpired are opposites. Considering he is all in to continue to the push to use RNA injections should give every one great pause.

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You do have a point about Bill Gates and the Africans. He has been trying to say without being politically incorrect that there are too many black people in this world. Being that, at the end of the day, he is and has always been a nerd, with the nerd's biggest fear being those big and energetic black people, no doubt he would like to have a shot at reducing their population.

The hoot in all of this is that by pushing the covid-19 shots on the rest of us, and the uptake in Africa being non-existent, he may have inadvertently accelerated the time frame for the emergence of an Africanized world. Call it his fear of a black planet. I'm told that his organization is making up for lost opportunity by sending in medical teams to vaccinate the continent.

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Controlling humanity for profit is his God!

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How come Dr Malone has not commented?

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Because I was busy all day with other stuff after getting this out the door.

See prior post about canada's assisted suicide (MAID) and the FALLOUT segment Jan and I did on this. There is absolutely a perverse incentive for western governments to reduce life expectancy with elderly pensioners. That is undeniable.

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Harken back to Palin’s death panels. Have glimmerings of them every medicare wellness exam, i.e., which tests no longer recommended after X age. Had my latest one yesterday.

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May 9·edited May 9

Clearing the books of 'people that will not benefit the state’ any longer with their tax money. I think Covid was, in part, a tool of the cull. People are cogs, meant to benefit the State… not the other way around.

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Not sure about the bug but the jab sure was

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May 9·edited May 9

My very elderly inlaws got jabbed and the original bug, it took days of pushing their doctor by phone between different family member to get him to finally write a script to receive the IV antibodies treatment. I think my FIL may have died without it. Fortunately, they were still in their own home, unlike most 90 year old men.

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You are spot on imo!

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May 8·edited May 8

The dam is breaking. The NYT article a few days ago, now this admission by Dr. Jha, Chris Cuomo suddenly coming forward and talking about his vaccine injury. Finally it's becoming okay to talk about vaccine harm in polite company. The narrative is changing.

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Yes, it's planned change. It's changing now that DJT has secured the GOP nomination. The COVID shot disaster will likely be hung on the neck of DJT over then next 5 months, as Biden exits the race and a new, shiny Dem face takes the nomination in August.

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And guess who is loudly and proudly declaring that he and only he could have pulled off the miracle of pushing this wonderful vaccine through development in just 9 months? Why yes, that selfsame DJT!! Is he falling right into the trap? I just can't account for his tone-deafness in this case.

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Operation Warp Speed, as it was originally intended was not a bad thing - pairing the expertise of military logisticians from DoD, with the scientific knowhow of HHS, and the deep pockets of Uncle Sam. The original plan was to simultaneously fund or incentivize the production of 5 different vaccine candidates using 3 different technologies. For the first time vaccine doses were manifactured in bulk production WHILE clinical trials were ongoing. The Government contracted to buy up the first few million doses even if the vaccines proved not to work, so there was zero risk. At the same time, the federal government worked closely with state governments to plan a rapid distribution and dispensing of the vaccine as soon as it was ready. This included the purchase of specialized equipment and supplies to facilitate all of that. There was absolutely nothing wrong with that approach... Until... Fauci and his cabal at NIH and in cooperation with Phizer and Moderna used the vaccine roll out to put their thumbs on the scales in favor of the mRNA vaccines. The mRNA vaccines were faster to produce so they entered clinical trials more quickly. We now know (well after the fact) that the Pfizer trials were rigged and that the results were intentionally misreported. CDC then declared the vaccines to be "safe and effective" and then ignored all evidence to the contrary. None of this is Trump's fault - he did not realize just how deeply entrenched and far-reaching the deep state really was until after he left office. Hopefully, he won't make that mistake again.

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Yes, hopefully he won't make that mistake again. But since he continues to insist that everything he did was perfect, I see no reason for optimism.

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Agreed. Where are his intelligent advisors? Are there any?

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I definitely see it too! Finally! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Taken from Dr. Malone's article-

"But will any Federal officials be held accountable, or are we just going to see a sort of scientific excommunication of Dr. Daszak and his EcoHealth Alliance coupled to some testy future congressional questioning of Dr. Fauci?"

Did we see any accountability/repercussions from 2008 meltdown, no.

IVERMECTIN/Hydroxy work. Who knew, When did they know, Who suppressed it.

Accountability Now,Now,Now


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There are a number of people who need to be tried and jailed for the lying they did.

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Qualification for EUA could only be implemented legally if there were NO extant effective treatments. Thus the massive campaign to discredit Ivermectin and Hydroxy was conducted to protect EUA status because under EUA, the pharmaceutical companies and all involved could not be held liable for deaths and/or adverse events caused by the "vaccine". Without EUA, all involved would be held liable.

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Spot on! Also meant that Big Pharma would make big bucks!

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May 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The US population is waking up to the fact that the CDC and the FDA are not working in the best interests of the American public at all, and obviously exist for the sole purpose of providing cover for the Pharma industry.

These organization's need to be shut down. And the perpetrators tried and sentenced.

Any new regulatory body needs to be instituted that prevents all hires to be proven to have no financial ties or experience with the private industries that the regulatory bodies are assigned to regulate.

This needs to apply to all regulatory bodies within the government.

Corrupt to the core. Its systematic murder.

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All three branches of our Federal Government have been corrupted. The corruption runs deep!

Beginning to realize that only a Constitutional Convention is the only answer to changing the direction before we end life on earth through greed and stupidity!

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You will never recover your reputation other than through a slow realization that you may have been right and likely not until you are dead. Sue the bastards! Start with Fauci please

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Tried that. 50K later, all I got were headaches.

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You’ll never beat them in court. The good news is you’re slowly being vindicated. Unfortunately the damage is done and many people will never come around. I know this doesn’t mean much coming from a stranger but you and Peter McCullough single handedly kept me from allowing anyone near my children with this vaccine. And the information that you provided that I shared with rational people helped keep them from doing the same. I know your reputation is important and you’ve been treated unfairly but you saved many lives dr. Malone and i appreciate your bravery in the face of such terrible circumstances.

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I’m so sorry for all you have been through Doc- breaks my heart and infuriates me! But you are doing God’s work and it is paying off! You are greatly appreciated and admired! You are a HERO!!!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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No doubt

I avoided suits and lawyers anyway possible during my forty year construction career.

It would likely take a class action from a large group of victims and a legal team with the financial capacity to compete with big Pharma and big government. Hard to prove real damages to interest such a group.

What’s really needed is to have an attorney general and a congressional majority determined that this never happening again.

We are a long way from that I fear.

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As the dry rot takes hold I believe the chances will completely change in that arena. The ship is sinking.

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Maybe Jeff Childers could help. We will multiply you :-)

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Wrong lawyer? Wrong path?

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Dr. Malone: Thank you for being a warrior, truth teller, a "shaman" of sorts, able to explain the spiritual side of seeing beyond what we were being told. Not sure if I am explaining it correctly, but I know I value your insight, research, knowledge, spirituality (with your communication with your animals as well as showing love, care and support for your family, nature, and your animals in your care) and sharing all of that with us, as well as stories of your life in Virginia. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I always feel better knowing there are people like you, and many others, "out there". It gives some sanity to what is going on - and that in it's turn, gives us HOPE and FAITH, in our own lives - to be BRAVE.

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May 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It’s difficult to feel encouraged by an admission of guilt for the egregiously illegal behaviors surrounding vaccine misinformation, illegal lockdowns and even a deliberate cover up given that conservatives have no enforcement arm. The truth is all this was evident to anyone with an unbiased view all the way back in January 2020. The left continues to write their own script because they have control of corrupt government agencies and the media. Someone enlighten me. What’s different now?

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A New Dawn is breaking! There is the difference now. Steady the course, heavy seas are ensuing but keep in mind who is the real Captain of this ship. The Mutiny is being overthrown. Keep The Faith! The Truth Will Prevail!

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May 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My God how you are owed..you are owed a very public, worldwide apology..you are owed compensation up the you-know-what..just to name a few..I'm so sorry that suing Fauci wasn't what it SHOULD have been. But you're a righteous man, and our maker takes care of the righteous.

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I sit here saddened by the loss of those who followed the 'science' and died very young. My heart breaks for the families I know who are seeing this information for the first time. They were not aware that their loved ones were killed over politics. They believed what the government was saying and that covid was so deadly that Jon had to be put on a vent, dying days later at the age of 57. Eight weeks earlier he was the Medical Director of a thriving medical practice, with a loving wife, children and two grandchildren. Beyond sad for them and for all of us.

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There was no long term science or data … never forget thalidomide

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As a nurse, I wrote about this. It was an integral part of my decision not to take the shot.

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You are right.

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The World Council for Health hand-delivered this notice of liability to the WHO on May 6th. Those here may be interested in the contents...https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/the-notice-of-liability-delivered

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AWESOME! Hope everyone frequenting the Malone's sub stack OPEN THIS LINK and READ the "Cease and Desist" letter to whatshisface (WHO) "Director"

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Thank you for this information!

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May 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone for this brilliant essay! Praying for you all of the time 🙏🏻🙏🏻💯💯

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Question “Authority”

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May 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, you're a legend and a hero to many, I'm sorry for what you've been through...no good deed goes unpunished. But you should sleep well at night knowing you've done the right thing and saved many lives by spreading the truth. Matthew 5:12: "Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." Now let's get on with this fight and stay the course....how can criminal charges be initiated based on this FOI information from the CDC?

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Agree! Doc M was born for such a time as this! HERO!!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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More importantly, is will they restore your good name and reputation?!?! 😔 😟

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It may be small consolation, but for those of us who have followed you, heeded your advice, and benefited from your courage: you are the paradigm of what a doctor should be. I will be eternally grateful for your efforts, Doc (and I suspect millions more feel the same).

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Totally agree! 💯‼️

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Yes agree 💯

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Absolutely agree.

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Yet now you are respected by a much broader coalition of intellectual, curious, sane information seekers. I believe you came out ahead.

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Make that HELL-NO!

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“Yet these products are still mandated”….🤬

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May 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Drip, drip, drip goes the slow infusion of distorted truth. This scene is like watching in slow motion the running to and fro to cover their assets. (you know what I mean) It is hard to gain any sense of pleasure from these acknowledgements when so many lives have been ruined in so many ways. The only pleasure I get is the unswerving belief in justice and balance on the "other side". These people will suffer the consequences of their intended actions one way or the other. Karma is a bitch.

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