"Conclusion and a glimpse into our Nation’s National Security – a Dystopian Future"

Everything is being burned to the ground deliberately. In order to "6uild 6ack 6etter" they must first destroy. And they are ALL IN on destroying.

If we fail to meet this challenge then everything will be stripped from us and we will be left broken and starving and many will kiss the collective dark triads feet and do anything they ask for any benefit or morsel of nourishment. Depraved hell on earth is on deck and we must stop this madness NOW. Here is how:

It would seem that mankind is doomed to repeat the same mistakes of inaction over and over. Always hoping against hope that we can comply our out of tyranny, even when the wolf is at our neighbor's door.

The predators encroach, and we do nothing. The predators advance, and we do little. The predators take off their sheep masks, drop all pretense, bare their teeth, and halt the charade that they are not out to consume us - and we go on pretending that they are still sheep and not the ravenous wolves they’ve exposed themselves to be.

And all during this dance between predator & prey - between their revelation of what they are and our rejection of it - our liberties and securities are corroded, eroded, dissolved, and disintegrated.

And thus all of the above - that dance that has been danced time and time again down the corridors of history where mankind refuses to acknowledge the pack of snarling wolves encircling him for what they truly are (perhaps because the trauma of such a reality is too overbearing to confront) - raises an important question. Is mankind just a herd of sheep that can be led to the slaughter at the whims of the tiny parasite class at the top - lacking any agency, awareness, or willpower to revolt and seek greener pastures?

The self-evident answer, of course, is no. We were made in the image of God—We are anything but sheep. And because we are God’s children we have been imbued with ample power to control our destinies and forge our own futures. But in order to do that, we must first emerge from the apathetic fire that consumes our lives, seize the helm of this ship we call the world, and steer her back to bluer waters.

Excerpt from: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/apathy-is-the-fire-in-which-we-burn

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Spot on. United we stand, divided we FALL!

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We must learn to live as brothers or we will perish together as fools. -MLK

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Why is it so hard to accept the fact that we are all Americans first.

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Stand together 🙌🏼

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Mar 2·edited Mar 2

The problem which my simplistic mind views is that there are those among us who have sold us out. They've sold their families out. They've sold their neighbors out. They've sold their constituents out who voted for them in the place that they hold now.

This being said, how do we all collectively say "NO", when those who sold us out are fighting for the other side, both covertly and out in the open ?

How do we move forwards when these same persons who've sold everyone out write articles, do videos, and have the MSM publish them that "The greatest threat to Americans are other Americans", simply based upon their ideology and their skin color? They use this conatant visual and audio tuned power to persuade the population that we (us old white guys) are the problem, and there "Is no external threat to be concerned over, you don't worry about anyone now, other than your white neighbor who is part of some supremacy group". Kalergi must be dancing the jig in his grave right now.

You think what you want. They are publishing self defeating garbage rhetoric like this on a daily basis, and if I had to lay money down, this was coming from our own DOD.

Military are bad. Citizens who love this country and are willing to defend it are bad. Republicans are bad. Conservatives are bad. Statues are bad. American Flags are bad.

Everyone is bad except those with liberal / Marxist ideology.

You want this to stop ?

Shut down all these foreign owned NGO run entities which are pervasive in this repetitious, mind numbing shit on the screens of American broadcasting companies programming.

Shut down all these monopolies that push these drug commercials into every single broadcast of any TV or radio network, and stop the back door dealings which are bribing these evil betrayers of America to continue this backstabbing and destruction of America which I love.


Shut down all the 3 letter agencies, and start new with Patriots who swear allegiance to THIS NATION, and who's only goal is to be beholden to the people of the United States of America.


At this point, I doubt their is a returning point to the America which used to exist, as there are so many tainted, infected individuals who partake in this ruination of our country.

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But what was/is the exact thing that makes them all so repeatedly blind?

These folks were hired to rationalize the fate of the entire global population.

No one will prevail when Mayhem and Hurt turns to uncontrollable Anger.

How close are we ? When the BIG BUTTONS are pushed. We have only hours.

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And to whom this may concern.....

Your timely response is highly advocated.

Second chances are not in abundance nor probable.

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Agree with every word, however ..............over years the younger generation has psychologically been trained and manipulated not to see the wolf and to believe everything they learn and hear is NORMAL.

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Is it a fear continuum?

Is it just flat out laziness and or stupidity?

Is it just the fact that they feel Government created the problems,

so they should respond responsively and fix them too.?

I'll take Stupid is as stupid does for $500. Alex.......

Psstt....the Fat Hamsters not only fell off the wheel, they engorged them with boosters.

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I am again reminded of a passage from RFK Jr's "The Wuhan Cover-up." Repost:

p. 116: “While the public assumed the pharmaceutical companies were doing their own research, Operation Warp Speed was, in fact, a DOD-managed program. Through its officials, the Department of Defense oversaw vaccine development and directed supply, production, and distribution, paving the way for coercive, mass-vaccination programs with unsafe, zero-liability vaccines on terrified and often unwitting American citizens.”

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deletedMar 2
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Dang, I wish you wouldn't encourage anyone to read S.L. She is one of the most foul-mouthed detractors of Dr.Malone. Every chance she gets...along with her buddy J.R.

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When if ever will the Nuremberg Code go into play.

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When the devil hands out overcoats?

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Comment deleted. Still, the research is sound, it comes right out of DARPA's own documents. I think a big part of the reason that we cannot solve many of these problems we face, D D, is that we are deeply divided, and I doubt very much that that is an accident. Divide and conquer is among the oldest, most effective tactics in the book.

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I think that is why Dr. Malone asked S. to reveal her husband's position when they were in Davos. There is more going on than deep division.

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Pride and Denial are so often the exact same thing.

I will gladly lie cheat steal murder to protect my image.

And then lie some more.

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My daughter was vaccine injured during the Gulf War when the Navy forced the Anthrax Vaccine on all members deployed to the front. She still has neurological issues on occasion these many years later.

It was my understanding that a law was passed back in 2004 to prevent this from happening again. Yet, here we are!

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If you want to know why anthrax vax was required, look for the answers in RFK Jr’s book the COVID cover-up for how our Gov gave anthrax to Sadam in the first place.

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Thanks, I’ll look it up!

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Laws have lost their meaning and enforcement. This is the worst of the "wild West"

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They certainly have! It’s my firm hope that this debacle has opened enough eyes to what our government has become.

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This may sound over the top, but I'll write it anyway.

Our military's function is suppose to be one of defense against foreign attacks where volunteers join to serve our country. Veterans on the other hand, already served their country and are only veterans because they were not killed doing so. Our government is purposefully undermining its military personnel to make our defense impotent. There is no other explanation. It has become a giant midget that repulsed religion, fired 150 of our best officers for dubious reasons and later jabbed those remaining without their consent. Veterans were named enemy combatants fifteen years ago.

The facts are in and they speak volumes.

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A big problem with progressives is that they suffer from monomania. They set their sights on a goal and go full bore paying no attention to the unexpected (by them) consequences. Often what looks like a conspiracy is nothing else but a consequence of stupidity on a rampage.

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I wish it were stupidity.

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I agree. This is no less than intentional, and those perpetrating the treason against our military, our nation are being compensated, one way or another. What is happening is too repugnant, too vile to be out of stupidity.

To me, stupidity is leaving the pizza on the roof of your car, and driving off. No harm to anything but a cold pizza and cardboard box. When human lives are involved, its a different ballgame

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At one time America had hard nosed leadership controlling the armed services. People that started at an entry level and with hard earned work made it into leadership. Remember nearly 80 years ago the last time we won a war. Now they are run by DEI, affirmative action, weakness bending over to minority groups instead of promoting strength and the best candidate. In the past three years we see service people killed due to poor weak decisions. You can’t win a war if your strategy is not to offend anyone or the enemy. This Video is a perfect example of leadership arrogance and their asinine divisive thoughts. This is why recruitment is at all time lows. Leadership is gained by example not by exempting yourself. J.Goodrich

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James, here is how DEI is wrecking (and then rewriting) everything (I know you know this already):

Tying It All Together with Air Travel & 15 Minute Cities, these DEI, CEI, & ESG policies are intentionally leading directly to scenarios such as this:

Experienced pilots are dying in droves due to the blood clots caused by the COVID injections combined with repeated high altitude flying ● Unqualified DEI replacement pilots are hired ● In addition, unqualified DEI hires are also invading companies like Boeing and their suppliers where quality control and engineering competency are of the upmost importance ● Combine all of this with DEI Air Traffic Controllers ● ….and quality control nosedives from a myriad of competency and quality control gaps ● Both air travel and airplanes become unsafe across every aspect of the industry ● Fleets are grounded, airlines go bankrupt, get dismantled ● WEF meets its 2030 goals of ending air travel to “save the planet” ● You wake up to find you have yet another lock on your 15 minute prison city.

The WEF Lockdown, DEI, Immigration, & Famine Kiss of Western Death: This premeditated DEI subterfuge is wreaking havoc at a breakneck pace across all industries, but alas this willful carnage is just the tip of the iceberg. In full spectrum dominance methodology, nearly everything is being brought to ruin in tandem right before our eyes. In order for all of us to own nothing and be happy about it while eating bugs locked away in a concentration camp prison city we cannot have any means of escape so self-reliance, employment, and small business have to go.

Excerpt from: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/why-all-these-brands-ab-inbev-target

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Once upon a time veterans were the majority in Congress. Today I doubt 20% can make that claim, and as we have seen, some who do engage in stolen valor. We are missing the draft in ways nobody ever talks about

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We elected them to remind us that we must stop this parade of false nation building.

It never even slowed down. It's unstoppable. Now we are the enemy.

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All those stripes and stars and color breast pocket service awards,

Are not the result of a group setting of Baking cookies in a remote field tent.

They are for making darn certain the enemy ever smells or sees what's coming at them.

We became the enemy! TEN HUT! Stay focused my friends, thirsty will have to wait.

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After just listening to the 14 minute condensation of the last Sen. Johnson panel, and now this long and detailed explanation of the military injury and dysfunction, there is no doubt in my mind of the advancing of the Shadow over all of the systems we depend on. And still the charade goes on, and the majority of the people have no idea what the future will bring if there isn't an awakening. Devastation doesn't begin to address the situation we are in.

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Well DD since you and I are the fly over Midwesterners ....

" folks we got trouble right here in river city"

I wish it was a musical once more. It's much more than that. Hahaha

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What is being pushed upon us: inoculation for the body, indoctrination for the mind.

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Our own Government sickening and killing those they recruit. Somehow they've become self destructive. If you want to win the war, make sure your enemy is "vaccinated".

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The current situation that veterans face is similar to the experiments conducted upon active duty personal during WWII and declassified in 1993. Back in 2015 NPR published about the WWII experiments, https://www.npr.org/2015/06/22/415194765/u-s-troops-tested-by-race-in-secret-world-war-ii-chemical-experiments.

Perhaps NPR should again be contacted and the current mRNA toxicity shared. Now it is not just a group of the military involved but our entire population.

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When they suspended drafting medical personnel medical care in the military went to hell in a hand basket. Not only active duty and retired vets but families too. Medical treatment at military bases has degenerated to an alarming degree. Vets swamping VA now who once got cared for on bases, hence the large numbers of retired vets in places like San Antonio. Now they are encountering foreign civilian physicians in base facilities if they can get cared for at all. Not good.

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Why aren't we calling these GMO shots?

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Yes, one would think the leftys would be all over that.

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I know. All my friends are Lefty's and they have spent a good part of their lives avoiding GMO products. I think it is a good term to use as it might jar them out of their stupor.

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Don't bet the farm on it.... You know how much those leftys love their double standards.

Worth a shot though.

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There’s a blinded view by many in the veteran/AD population that’s tied to having been inoculated so many times prior that they fell into line when the pandemic arrived. Cardiac events, neurological, cancers, autoimmune diseases - all “coincidental”. Our military is also indoctrinated, especially the older veteran cohort.

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I remember Army Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, MD, in her Senate testimony, referring to all of the injuries that she was seeing in those who had been injected with these products, & of the disturbing DMED data. That triggered an immediate damage control response whereby it was soon determined that there was a "glitch" in the system that resulted in 5-years worth of previous incorrect data. It was one of the early gas-lighting attempts meant to deceive everyone, and there has been no end to the gas-lighting ever since.

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Is it too late to turn off the news, disconnect the interwebs, dig a deep hole - and hide a bit?

Saw a graphic yesterday showing likely nuclear targets in USofA, interesting that some places have more bullseyes than I have fingers&toes - yes, hands and feet are intact. As an aside, just between us, my gut feeling is that one, two tops, should suffice - but that’s just me and I tend to be mite stingy with my weapons of mass destruction.

Anyway, looking at the graphic and I realized that the only place potentially safe from a direct hit and resulting fall out was a narrow strip of land from Cape Flattery, WA down to Mendocino, CA — then I remembered that’s the same strip of land that will be impacted by the M9+ CSZ megathrust earthquake that will rupture some day.

HENCE, the deep hole in my well room.

DocM; how ‘bout more chick photos, kitten videos and braying jackasses (no, not referring to politicians, this time) — at least on Saturday. PsyOps, war games, lethal vaccines - I’m getting too old for this 💩

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VA is just another bureaucratic health agency without leadership that is helping to destroy the Constitutional Republic!

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Mar 2·edited Mar 3

I am beginning to regard much of what we have been discussing as collateral damage after reading Dr Michael Nehls suspicions in his book “The Indoctrinated Brain” and listening to a youtube video interview with Dr Nehls. He is a German Alzheimer’s researcher, who amazes me with the understanding of brain function that has come about since my Physiological Psychology course, albeit with an up to date teacher straight out of Grad school, decades ago. The combination of the “vaccine” and Covid lockdowns appears a purposeful attempt to modify the behavior of human as a species (except for the elite) with spike proteins attacking the hippocampus of every “vaccinated” person making them susceptible to zombie like acceptance of suggestions and orders without question. Klaus Schwab’s dream of subjugating the globe into 15 minute cities inhabited by beings who own nothing, but are happy.

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