Being a practicing doc in California, i am now subjected to this ridiculous law that threatens to punish a physician for speaking “ill” of the vax, or discussing alternatives with patients. This is beyond preposterous. I continue to provide the most up to date advice for my patients which many times included vaccine advice. I have seen now complications from the mRNA shots that range from mild tinnitus to adenopathy, to facial paralysis and sudden hearing loss. These are devastating complications for patients at extremely low risk of adverse outcomes from covid.

The recent ACIP recommendation for including these shots with childhood vaccines just confirms the corrupted nature of the CDC and FDA to protect the public and patients from rogue therapies. I’m glad i’m on the back end of my career so I have little fear of the medical board and govt from stifling my honest conversations with patients alike. We are in a dangerous place in this country and it started with our health agencies and the continual misinformation they provide. Unfortunately most doctors are now employees so speaking out against these policies results in their termination or disciplinary action. We are in big trouble as a country and unfortunately so is Australia.

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Very courageously stated!

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Thank you for that...So is Canada.

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Oct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022

This all goes back to the issue that these are not "vaccines" they are gene therapies which hijack the body's cells to manufacture the actual vaccinating agent. "Which cells?" Nobody has a precise answer, and its clear now from the array of vaccine injury symptom profiles that it is different from individual to individual. "How much vaccinating agent will be manufactured by these hijacked cells?" Nobody has a precise answer, and the answers that do exist are arm waving speculation with their premises laying in ruins. "What happens to the hijacked cells?" Again, nobody has a precise answer since they don't even know which cell types get hijacked and which don't. But suffice it to say that killer t-cells probably take out many of them, no matter the cell type. So what happens if/when nerve cells uptake the gene therapy packets and manufacture spike? The "idiot" sheep would love an explanation from the CDC and FDA. And I'm guessing Tyson probably wants answers to these same questions from the Australian medical authority equivalents...

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Gene therapies are fine, if they work and don't create new problems. Some are showing great promise, like sickle cell and some cancers. The problem with this one is it does not work, and causes additional problems. The fact the entire civilization persists in demanding it is beyond ignorance -- there is clearly evil intentions involved. We've never had mass ignorance before, but often have mass psychosis. We can teach the ignorant, but psychos require much sterner treatment.

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Oct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022

Granted in the case of covid gene therapy, the cell manufactured vaccinating agent (spike) itself is problematic. But the issues I cited may still exist for the others, not sure since I haven't looked into how those work. Which of course brings us to the question "Is the treatment worse than the disease?" Maybe so, maybe not depending on the disease and the mechanics of the associated gene therapy. But in the case of covid, the jury has rendered its verdict.

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The jury that matters is still out. The prosecutors have declared victory before presenting their case. When the court of public opinion hears the case, things will get ugly. So far, the case is censored.

The vax problem is probably more than just the spikes, which certainly seem to be toxic. They are packaged with a lot of other materials that also seem risky. The real problem is the insane prohibition against considering the risks.

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Oh, the case against the covid vax is more than presented at this point imo. Now you are right that many are not listening yet. But the more of them that continue to have an untimely demise from "cause unknown" and "cause censored", the more that are left will listen. I agree that one of the real problems is the prohibition on considering the risks. Test a couple of days on eight mice and they're adding to child vaccine schedule? They need to be dismantled.

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Most people are unaware. The case hasn't been presented to them. Many of them don't want to hear it. Too dangerous.

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Ither substack communities are beginning to speculate and ask questions beyonf the spike issue.

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Remember that movie about a treatment for cancer causing zombies in i am legend?

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And in Serenity the research causing hyper aggressive Reavers. We've imagined bad science for a long time. Now it's real.

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Think of it as herd immunity and wuantum entanglement. The artists were just pulling from the collective field and called it creativity or inspiration. We resonated with it because part of it was true and thus interesting.

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I have a niece receiving gene treatment for cystic fibrosis, which seems to be working well. She’s in a controlled study. It gives me hope that there are still a few people working to cure the ills of humanity.

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where there is light there is darkness. While technology can serve the light or the dark, the public trauma over gene editing is deserved. Although this isn't even the worst of it.

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This is an f**ing bio weapon! Pure and simple.... There is no benign innocent reason that explains continuing administration of something that killed 1200 people in the first three months it was used.

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With way less than 1% fatality, and that being the sick and fat, the virus not a very good weapon. The vax has done some damage, but those numbers are also small. The weapon has been the stupidity of the population that makes us so easy to manipulate. We have met the enemy and it is us.

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"The weapon has been the stupidity of the population that makes us so easy to manipulate. We have met the enemy and it is us."

My point exactly with one exception. It's not stupidity. Doctor Malone is no dummy. In fact he's been duped* himself into taking the jab along with many other very intelligent people.

How is this possible? This is the quintessential question! What is difference between those who fell for the banana in the tailpipe pipe and those who didn't?

As to your thoughts on this not being a very good weapon...I would agree if I thought it was intended to kill us all straight away, but I don't and neither should you. If they had killed large numbers of people in very short periods of time, even worse than they have done, then many would have seen it for what it is and avoided it. No. They wanted to get this poison into as many people as they could before they lowered the boom. If your going to poison someone and attempt to get away with it you don't want them to noticed the poison right?

So those that don't die outright will develope myocarditis and fully 50% of those will be dead in five years. Those that avoid those hazards will develope cancers and many more will die. There's already a 40% increase in all cause mortality and that's only going to get worse. Lastly all these medical ailments have forced those suffers right into the waiting arms of the very people who hurt them in the first place and like cows to the slaughter they will go ignorant the whole time due to the level of information control that's been deployed.

So I have to disagree with your analysis. I think it been quite an effective weapon.

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Covid poison was designed to kill 10 to 20% in 2p20. It was stopped but not due to doctor efforts. Secret societies fighting each other over who rules here basically. But while covid was stopped the shots were not because the shots respected free will

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We can't be sure what it was intended to do, since we're not yet sure who created it or why. If the virus was created in the Wuhan lab, as evidence seems to support, and was intended to incite fear, it was unbelievably effective, but a whole lot of things had to happen together to reinforce it. Conspiracies of that complexity are exceedingly unlikely. If the vax was developed by Moderna and Pfizer, as patents seem to support, it would be irrational for them to intentionally kill potential customers. Maybe they're just irrational psychopaths. Probably not.

This scam was most likely a series of serendipitous events that intersected the greed of corrupt bureaucrats, pharma companies, and hospitals, with the power lust of leftist politicians. But it was enabled entirely by the ignorance and gullibility of large portions of the population. Without that, this would have been a routine flu season.

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We're all born stupid. We get smarter as we learn. Some learn faster than others. Dr Malone accepted conventional wisdom of the vax, then learned the risks and changed his approach. He probably wishes he had learned quicker. I would have taken it too, but had the good fortune to get an antibody test, for curiosity, just as the vax became available, and learned I already had immunity so decided to wait for the vax. I learned enough while waiting for clarification to avoid the vax. Sometimes luck makes us appear smart. But, as some say, luck favors the prepared.

People like to think of the tool as the weapon, but any tool is inert until activated. The only real weapon is the warrior who chooses to use the tool. The vax has been used as a tool to frighten the population, and give them false hope for salvation by benevolent governments and doctors. But every vax recipient was a volunteer. If the vax is a weapon, the victims were all suicides.

The important question is why did we learn to avoid the vax while so many others haven't. Maybe we can help them learn. Before the next panic. Maybe it will be climate. Or space aliens.

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Again Mr. Watson, I must disagree.

We are certainly not all born "stupid".

stoo͞′pĭd, styoo͞′-


Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.

Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.

Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless.

We are born a clean slate.

Perhaps ignorant would be a more precise word to use.



Lacking education or knowledge.

Showing or arising from a lack of education or knowledge.

*Unaware or uninformed. (This would be my choice)

I'm not sure referring to recipients as volunteers quite captures the nuances. I trust you would refer to Holocaust victims as volunteers simply because they didn't fight back? I see very close similarities to today's events and those leading up to the second world war. And wouldn't you know we just happen to be on the verge of anther world war at the same time. Curious no?

Yes understanding why some see and others don't is precisely my question.

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You are misinformed.

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Maybe you can inform us. Maybe not.

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And the "antigen the vaccinated " cells are the very nasty weapon of this lab made virus. Which to my mind constitutes med malpractice with every recommended jab

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It's not just in your mind. These crimes are worse than malpractice -- it's criminal malfeasance.

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A former resident in 80’s with the best care, how far the state has fallen to be relegated to the servant law of the government. Such a waste of collective talent. You are most brave.

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You can serve Pfizer or you can serve Hippocrates. You cannot serve both.

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Most doctors are trusting the CDC and FDA to give them the correct information.

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Then they haven't been paying attention for the past 30yrs or so

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Those doctors are the UNthinking doctors.

Similar to the UNthinking public. You know.

Those folks you can't talk to . . . as they turn away from your helpful words.

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I think that way they can keep practicing while keeping their heads down. They have all the cover they need. Except moral cover.

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I would suggest "most" doctors who are looking to the CDC and FDA for information are:

looking to keep their jobs and likely share in the "rewards" of following Gov protocols.

(the "correct information" is that that is required for their survival in their position),

Perish the thought that they believe they are receiving information that will unquestionably be of benefit to patients.

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AI and a bunch of LVNs can do that. Why do we need doctors? At least this is how the big hospital chains are thinking...

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Doctors are among the most indoctrinated people on earth.

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That's what I think too

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It is cowardlyness and selfishness that is allowing this situation to continue and get worse. If EVERY physician did their duty and refused to comply, this would end literally overnight, because they can't fire EVERY DOCTOR! And if they tried, so what? It is time for doctors to band together and form their own medical groups, on every level, including medical boards!!!!

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Yes, Faith, you are correct here. However, I don't have your optimism. If the "corporate-captured" doctors were going to band together, surely by now they would have. They have no backbones and will not grow one any time soon. These doctors, their nurses, and minions deserve nothing but contempt and punishment. Recall, these same creeps are the ones STILL enforcing masking when you enter their damn reception area.

They won't enforce it on me, but 99% will comply, reinforcing their false imposition.

So, a little at a time Faith, it is up to you and me to continue burning their masks in disdain, in public, loudly.

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I sent my wife's pharmacist a note telling him directly if you continue to put this poison into people your a murderer and I suggest everyone else do the same!

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Dang! I stay away from prescription drugs, so I don't have a pharmacist I can do that to! Too bad!!!!!

But for all of you who do . . . GO FOR IT! Yeee Haaa!!!!!

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Excellent idea and great points made here.

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You've just summed up this whole ungodly mess in very few words.

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With words like the Simon and Garfunkel Top 100 songs of all time...

The sounds of silence!

Hello, darkness, my old friend i've come to talk with you again because a vision softly creeping left its seeds while i was sleeping, and the vision that was planted in my brain still remains....

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I asked my GP at my annual exam what she recommended should I contract COVID. This was coincidentally at the time of rapid spread and early treatments of Ivermectin and hydroxychloriquin were being found effective by some practitioners and I expected to hear that I should call her and she would prescribe these. Oh no. I was told I should just get myself to some ER and that would be it. Of course, if everyone with COVID did that the parking lot would be full of COVIDers. That's when I started looking for a new internist.

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Good response. Did you find one?

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I did, but it's a conditional relationship. My first internist was a patient of mine, and we worked together for 20+ years, until he retired. I suppose there are physicians similar to his whole-body approach, but the ones I've encountered since have been more of a chemist than physician.

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Never thought when I became an RN in 1962 that I would live to witness such atrocities.

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Recall that after WWII the world pulled together and said ,"Never again"! And here we are, three generations later, doing it AGAIN! Oh what short memories we have as a species!

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Me either, Mary. If you are receiving crap from the ANA association, it is full of transgender crap. I don't know what other word to use. I apologize if it is offensive.

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I dropped ANA membership years ago - while still a “young” RN!

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and we must Eliza.

Stomp on any mask offered you, publicly resist all forms of tyranny.

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And have fun doing it. That seems to piss the sheeple off the most!

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Tyson thank you for your bravery to speak out and to stand against this injustice. If enough people follow your lead we can make a difference.

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dear Tyson, The pain, misery and fear which you have experienced is unfathomable! I have read many testimonies concerning the clot shot, but your's is overwhelming. I hope Dr. Kory and Dr. Marik can help you at the FLCCC.org, of which I am a member. They are terrific. Also, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny has opened up clinics in the midwest for the vaccine injured. I will have to find the exact data in my files. You never know who or what can help. I wish you total recovery and as a fellow musician I wish your return to your beloved music. Sending love across the seas. Thank you Dr. Malone for posting Tyson's eloquent and brave declaration.

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I agree Tyson, Australia has disgraced itself beyond belief. It’s a far cry from the Australia that I immigrated to in 1980. I hope you can find someone to help you heal.

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So has the rest of the formerly free world.

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Tyson is one more person stating the reality of the very evil world in which we live. We need to change this reality without delay or we are really screwed. Those of us who understand this need to realize that, although there are many of us, there are many, many more who are still living in the dark and many of them choose to stay there. Substacks like this are for the most part speaking to the choir but that’s actually a good thing. Most people need reinforcement so they aren’t swayed into believing the lies and propaganda we all are constantly bombarded with. This is the real benefit of people like Dr. Malone. It’s not just providing information but also providing reinforcement.

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I totally believe you have made the right decision and I congratulate you for having the conviction to stand up against those around you.

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RemovedOct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022
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Thanks. Makes me think. I am 1,000,000,000% with you on climate change and RFK’s position on it is hard to fathom. How can he see through the vaccines and Fauci and not the climate lies! Great point.

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Amen! One little off shore volcano somewhere on mother earth can cause such a major atmosphere destruction that is greater than 100 yrs of fossil fuel uses.

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I'm thinking that a Litmus Test for purity of position may be counter productive. There is a wide range of perspective on matters of health, religion, philosophy, government, etc. Perhaps that's a good thing. Uniformity not mandated. We have a huge job to do. I'm focusing on where we find agreement so we can get it done.

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Do you really want to know instead of speculating for fun?

Here are some of the answers so spoiler alert.



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When u enter conspiracy land, u will feel paranoia.

The qabal is changing the climate. Why not stop the change?

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Perhaps, in order to remain as an influencer and a spokesmen, he must maintain some “stances” that are politically correct, lest he he be deplatformed like other outspoken people.

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Oct 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for sharing this Dr. Malone! And if you know him, thank the writer. There are so many who could help turn the tide. Justin Bieber and wife coming out honestly about their injuries would reach so many!

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Oct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022

I was just talking to my wife today about the pain of being around people these days. I have not been injured physically by a shot since I have not had one, and I sincerely hope Tyson gets a break, but we, like so many, have felt the non-physical effects that are contextually different from Tyson's, but are fruit from the same tree. The constant belittling & gaslighting, an irrationally fearful society in denial, people not noticing that they are being propagandized to, us being dismissed and marginalized even by our leaders, people fabricating bizarre multi-layered excuses to glue their nonsensical and discombobulated ideas together, and plain ol' ignorance (it was a surreal experience to find that few people seem to know who Anthony Fauci is, or here in Canada, Theresa Tam). I feel like I am living in John Carpenter's "They Live" except I don't have the glasses to see who's not a conformist drone.

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Quite right, and to this day, in spite of so-called "explanations" such as "mass formation", it is still unbelievable to believe the degree of willful ignorance and cowardice so prevalent all around us; the mental laziness and the lack of any critical thinking whatsoever indicates that much of the problem lies in the individual who sold out his/her identity long ago, long before Covid and its manipulators came on to the scene; it was the loss of sovereignty and relinquishing of responsibility on personal, national and global levels, a tsunami of human failure, a failure to stand up for one' own species; "You will own nothing and be happy" must sound like a good deal for many of us, even if it means giving up one's own soul which, apparently, goes for little value in today's market; the lessons from Nuremberg have never been learned as the only prevailing "code" of human conduct is one based on widespread lies, deception and control and, now, so much a part of an alternative, false reality that most of us have accepted as the price for a comfortable slavery.

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I was in Walmart yesterday (small town, no choice) and it was like a scene from a movie. I was a lone, conservative white woman in a sea of people who presumably know nothing about the machinations of the world, and who did not look like any of the people I am used to seeing in my long life as an American. A 400-pound man on an electric cart turned to his young daughter and screamed with anger, “I wish I could sell you!” Barely-dressed teens with purple hair wandered the aisles in a daze and sales associates in their blue vests with name tags looked miserable and prayed they wouldn’t be approached for help. The lines were long for the lost people holding their cheap Chinese products in the self checkout line.

Later, I had lunch at my brother’s big house on the beautiful lake we live on. His daughter was hosting a writer’s luncheon and asked me to join them as a senior writer. The young writers are Millennials and knew absolutely nothing about the dismal censorship writers and Patriots are experiencing. Truly just clueless young people; no more informed than the crazies I ran into in Walmart. I gave them a long lecture about The Freedom Of Speech.

This is a day in the life of the informed.

I feel as if I have woken up on another planet and can’t get home.

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Very accurate analysis! It is what I have been calling "willful ignorance" bred from personal cowardice and self-inflicted hopelessness; the scene you describe is now a commonplace reality, as fake as it appears, because these "sheeples" have given up their individual identities to the globalist and elitist controllers; they have chosen to be mindless and soulless in exchange for a numbing and dumbing down and the false security of "you will own nothing and be happy"; well, they are NOT happy but, unfortunately, they are the only ones who can release themselves from the slavery they find themselves in; this is not about mass formation or hypnosis but rather humanity's failure to take personal responsibility for the unique and irreplaceable gift of individual life that has been given to us.

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I couldn’t agree more! It was my own deep dive into the global warming “science” that opened my eyes (it took about 4 years, though!). Fortunately for me, recognizing the weakness of models and the goals of the fear-mongering helped me to see early on that the pandemic measures taken were absolutely not based on any real “science,” but rather were tools to implement totalitarianism. So, I never got the jab. NOT FOR A BILLION DOLLARS WOULD I TAKE A GENE-THERAPY TO GET MY OWN CELLS TO MANUFACTURE A TOXIC BIO-ENGINEERED PROTEIN!! Also, I never wore a mask outdoors (wouldn’t do that for a million dollars, I told myself and anyone who asked), and pulled that idiotic embarrassing cloth below my nose as soon as I passed the guard at the front door of the grocery. Now, I’ve done a deep dive into ALL vaccines, and will NEVER EVER put any neurotoxic poison into my body ever again.

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In the Jewish ghettos, they did their best to resist and find some humanity in their abhorrent situation. And still, they were carted off to the gas chambers. I’m afraid unless we truly organize we are doomed.

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2020 20 20 vision. Glasses huh

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So true!

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It’s time for all physicians around the world to walk off the job in protest over the criminality of the medical establishment supporting nano drug injections that trick the immune system and reprogram cellular function without knowing the ultimate negative outcomes that have been experienced and will be experienced if we don’t stop this madness now!

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When every one fears going to a hospital and would rather die at home, they will wake up!

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Which have replaced Buicks as the "doctors car" of my pre social security youth

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deletedOct 22, 2022·edited Oct 22, 2022
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I am a nurse. I still have my license, but I don't have a job. There are nurses out there working and they are constantly harassed to take a vaccine. Any vaccine. One of my nurse friends, (MSN, RN) who is as sharp as a tack, is fighting off administration and HR above her to not take anything. Vaccines have not been safety checked since Reagan let pharma off the hook in 1984. Maybe, some of the companies kept it up for awhile, but now they are all in the red for safety checks. Red Robert Kennedy, Jr.'s book.

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Worried people still signing documents that spell our demise?

Apparently, he wasn’t worried enough. Or he had no balls. Or both.

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I'm so sorry for your painful detour and thank you for sharing. Getting persuaded to take the second jab reminds me of how hubby and I have a plan before seeing the Dr and then he's like a deer in headlights. Son says until I go to medical school I have no right to question. And yet what my car mechanic told me sticks and I can humbly say "no thanks, I'm not comfortable with that" even though it's very tense. The mechanic told his Dr "I didn't give you permission for a contrast, just a CT, I won't put that in my body. You work for me and my bank is the insurance company ". Why do we regress to toddlers in front of Dr's, hypnotically saying Yes to every recommendation without any informed consent? It's really turned into a religion with blind unthinking faith and worship. God have mercy🥺

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Thankfully a lot of us are now able to see that many doctors give horrible advice.

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I think giving up one's right to question is one of the biggest mistakes we can make.

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Very insightfully stated!

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Death doctors do not take the hippocratic oath.

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Brave young man! Thank you for speaking out ! 🤗

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TYDI... Thank you for your voice and your bravery in speaking out. Sadly, you can expect significant push back for your public stance - from your government authorities, media, and fellow artists who remain drunk on the Koolaid.

Stand strong. Stay safe. Get well!

On the positive side, life trauma can be a real creative influence for many - use your talent to advance the cause!

Peace, Hope, and Healing!

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Our governments in cooperation with Big Pharma are forcing Chinese Communist Party style capitalism and medical tyranny on us. No longer is crony capitalism enough. They now coerce us to take their damaging concoctions as they lie to us about safety and effectiveness, bribe the media to censor the truth and threaten doctors with loss of license to practice to go along. This is tyranny on a global scale.

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First off - your story is heartbreaking and terrifying. I am not optimistic that any country or state that has imposed such draconian measures will be reconsidering any time soon and in the meantime I fear others will follow whether for CoVid or some future pandemic.

Somewhat related and an ask to readers here: my Twitter acct has been blocked and I refuse to delete my post as according to their terms this would be an admission that it violated their random rules. I will not.

At any rate I want people to know that Pfizer decided this week they are hiking the price of a dose of a jab from $110 To $130 USD. So taxpayers will pay even more for the privilege of forced exposure to serious AE’s, chronic and/or fatal injury from an ineffective unsafe experimental gene “therapy.” Since ive been blocked i dont know if this is making the rounds in MSM

My ask is if you use Twitter and dint see this, please get the word out. https://truthout.org/articles/pfizer-price-gouges-by-charging-10000-percent-above-cost-for-us-covid-vaccine/

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Tyson, This is my 2nd comment re Dr. Sherri Tenpenny info: Tyson, The ECP therapy may be only for cardiac related problems. However, I will send her your writeup so she can evaluate. Her email and phone are below. She has a great program on Thurs evening 7 pm est called Critically Thinking. She wrote the ground breaking 20 Mechanisms of Injury which you can find on her website or I could email you.You should get her weekly newsletter full of great info!

TREATMENT NEWS FOR MANY VAXX INJURED! Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, will open one of many ECP (External Counter-pulsation Therapy/FDA approved) clinics in Cleveland, OH on July 18th. ECP therapy is a clinically proven treatment that helps restore quality of life in many cardiac patients, including stroke victims and other possible health problems. 35 treatments for 7 weeks can last 2 years. She announced the clinic opening at the end of her program, "Critically Thinking with Dr. T & Dr. P" last night, which should soon be available on Rumble. Dr. Tenpenny wrote the brilliant "20 Mechanisms of Injuries (MOI)

Email: drtenpenny@gmail.com.

(440) 239-1878

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Thank you Dr. Malone for sharing Tyson’s story and especially thank you Tyson for your courage in coming forward to help others. You are not alone. I will keep you in my my prayers and do not give up on long term treatment to continue to improve your condition. God is in the miracle business and it just takes faith and persistence.

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What concerns me is the mountain of stories like this (oh sure, anecdotal I suppose) about how the China plague vaccine has caused harm yet, once you get out of certain bubbles of info, it’s as if everything is hunky-dory in the "real" world. In addition to folks like Tyson here with traumatic injuries, why is it we seem to be hearing more and more of people dropping dead for seemingly no reason? I’ve been reading. Listening, watching the news going on 60+ years and I’m aware of more young people, athletes, healthy folk, suddenly expiring. Perhaps I want to see it, perhaps my news focus has shifted making the unusual more common;

perhaps ... we made a mistake. ???

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Note it is never the bozos who so publicly got jabbed. Gosh what constitutions they must have

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Saline. Saw a video with a vaccine injured French politician. He states that at the time he got the Covid injection he didn’t realize Macron and most other French politicians were and are unvaccinated.

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🤕 ouch!!! Betrayal.

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