Hope and redemption. This debate last night brought back something that has been missing in my idea of America. Something I haven’t felt in a long long time, it gave me hope. I thought of when I was a child and my mother told me in America you can be anything you set your mind too, you can even be president. There was a certain brilliant subtlety to Vance last night. He has a way about him to be laser focused and calmly answered questions on policy and what a Trump Vance administration would be. I found his discussions of what he went through as a child and what he wanted for his 3 children full of hope and redemption. He is the perfect example, that in America you can be anything you set your mind too, even the President of the United States of America.

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"Hope and redemption"

Amen. Hope and redemption that is NOT the "hope and change" of Obama or the "joy" of Kamala Harris, which is null and void and leaves a deep unmet desire to feel the satisfaction only found in principled leaders like Trump and Vance.

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Especially given our useless federal government's response to the horror of Helene, we need smart, competent, tough and caring leadership now, more than ever. JD took a big step up last night.

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Walz reminded me of a comedian that wants to entertain. He fiddled while Minneapolis burned.

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He reminds me of Don Rickles.

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Yes! I had been thinking of Rip Torn, but I think he's more like Rickles! How can anyone take him seriously?

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Bongino was calling him Elma Fudd where’s that wabbit….

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A Headliner v a Lounge Act. Reminded me of Luca Brasi thanking The Don: “And I hope their first child starts out as a masculine child”.

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So totally agree. “Comic relief as his city a mess.

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So well said James! JD was absolutely spectacular! I was not surprised at all as I have been watching him since he became a Senator and he is brilliant and polished! A great VP decision by Trump! He is the person to take the MAGA movement far and wide during and after Trump’s final term! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸‼️‼️‼️

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James and Jennifer -- spot on. I "met" Vance when his book came out. Have been following him ever since. Thanks to Don, Jr. for convincing his dad to pick J.D.

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Yes thank you Don Jr! He is the very best choice! Love Don Jr. too! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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The left hates Vance because he has all the sterling qualities that no Democrat possesses.

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Thanks Jennifer Vance I think is a perfect pick for Trump. I think he had a perfect affect last night.

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MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸‼️‼️

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Well said!

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Here you are James, everything you doubted and more to give you a thumbs up! Don't ever doubt your value and keep the ego at bay. Huzzah!

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Thank you DD, trust me with the quality of people, especially the Malones and yourself, on this sub stack there will never be ego on my part, just gratitude to get to know some of you. Thanks for listening to my BS….

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Stated so well!

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15 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Vance is the future of MAGA"

Yes! That is critically important because Trump will be term-limited after this election (if elected) and four years will NOT be enough to clean out the deep state. We need a VP who can step up and meet or exceed Trump's vision for the next two terms - eight more years AFTER Trump - to get the deep state pulled out by their roots and all.

This is what it will take the rescue the republic.

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I’d support Republicans over Democrats! I even wrote an article why I say Democrats are destroying our country: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-the-democrats-are-destroying

But I gotta say, I’m fearful of Vance being the future. His connection to Billionaire Peter Thiel is what gives me heartburn. Thiel's company, Palantir, specializes in data analytics and has worked with government agencies, including the NSA and CIA.

Would hate to have increased surveillance on all of us.

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So kamala and tampon tim don't scare you? They scare the hell out of me. Those two closet marxist have received literally hundreds of millions of dollars from left wing billionaires and corporations that will go to any length, including murder, to destroy our country and every freedom and liberty we hold dear.

Vance doesn't walk on water, but he has come from the bottom up and will fight for "We the People". He fully understands that the future of our country and especially our children are a stake.

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Absolutely Terrifying to continue as we have the last

4 yrs. It will leave our nation rudderless as some global czar manipulates our great nation. Billions to Ukraine and so little, $750 per person for Asheville/Boone and more as Helene wiped some small towns out. It is insane.

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You know, some people learn from their life experiences where to go and where they shouldn't have gone.

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4 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs ago

I'm very hopeful about Vance. Yet, I've become much more skeptical over the past few years, so I'd rather say I am cautiously optimistic. I must have missed something on Peter Thiel, I was under the impression Peter Thiel was a friend of President Trump. He spoke on Trumps behalf during the 2016 Republican convention ..

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15 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The debate was telling hopefully the few remaining on the line voters will have an epiphany.

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That would only be true if the clueless millions brought into the country by the Left had a brain. Unfortunately, they are beholden to their masters who allowed them, 20+million and counting, in, and strategically placed them in swing states all over the country. This is not a “ normal “ election. It is yet another hijacking. The “Republican if you can keep it” is barely hanging onto the edge of the cliff. God help us all, and we must repent from walking away…..Pray for Trump/Vance….Pray for America. Still the Best Hope (Dennis Prager)

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Well... the politics of the recent immigrants doesn't really matter. The folks who brought them here didn't do it with the intention of ever letting them see a ballot. They were brought here, airdropped into swing states, and registered to vote so a Democrat operative can fill out a ballot and insert it into the system.

If you need 3,000,000 votes at 3am to overcome Trump, you better have more than 3,000,000 registered voters who you can safely assume aren't going to show up to a poll.

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I've got a special purpose,

🎯 🎯 🎯 !

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

I've wondered why the Democrats would go to all this trouble. Seems like they could just manufacture fake ballots or manipulate voting machine results without the illegals being part of it. They more or less do what they want already.

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The “Republic if you can keep it” I meant🇺🇸

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I think Trump realizes that he may not be around as long as he would like. Vance is calm and not intimidated… does he understand that most Americans do not want the crazy crap we’ve been subjected to? No, it’s not okay to fly the satanic flag of alphabet soup dominance. Sorry, yes people can live their lives as they choose, but you don’t get to make the rest of the society bow to it. Not. Happening.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

JD Vance reminds me of Reagan in 1964. He is principled. He is well-spoken. He possesses a quiet strength that speaks loudly. He is kind. His recent conversion to embrace Roman Catholicism shows he has undergone a process of DISCERNMENT and has exercised his skills leading to prudence and judgment. This might just mean it’s “Morning in America” again, for a new generation sorely in need of REAL “Hope & Change” (and joy). Here’s to JD!🥂!!!!

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15 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Spot on, Dr. Malone. Spot on.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think that both DeSantis and Vance are the future of MAGA. Will be interesting to see how these two selfless, men of God work together. Obviously DeSantis has the governance and leadership experience, and people love to work for him. Vance is a bit untested in those areas, but he is an excellent debater and orator, and genuine as well.

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I think Ron DeSantis would be good too in the future but was really impressed with JD last night. Being on the campaign trail has sharpened his skills. Clearly always bright!

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The moderators were openly biased toward Walz, cutting off Vance and failing to abide by the Rules that they stated in the beginning of the debate—but that’s what propagandists do.

Vance was a class act, and outshined Walz all night. I hope his demeanor and rhetoric will convince voters to vote for Trump on November 5th.

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Vance has had the opportunity (that was never granted to Trump) to set the record straight at the very beginning by being able to show that the picture that media has been trying to paint about J.D. is wrong!!!!

Our GREAT PRESIDENT TRUMP has been mis-characterized by the media ever since he came down the golden escalator!!

It's sad 😔 that people are saying that Trump should learn from J.D.!!!!

We're talking about two very different scenarios!!!

J.D. has hopefully 🙏 had the opportunity to shine a light on how the media IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL OF THIS MESS!!!!


HAD they BEEN STOPPED, TRUMP would've been finishing up his second term instead of still running for his second term!!!

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15 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Amen ................a great analysis of a turning point in which we all stand at the precipice. Trump and Vance will take the world into a new beginning, be it a bumpy ride and I think they will see us all through.

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The difference between the Kennedy - Nixon debate and the Vance - Walz debate is that the media was in the bag from the get go for Kennedy and he was able to make Nixon look terrible by every metric. Just the opposite with Vance -Walz, the Blob, to include the media were all in for Walz and he got trounced by Vance's intellect and sincerity. And you are correct, we need to get younger leaders like Vance into both parties going forward.

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I think the Democrat Party is so deeply and hopelessly corrupted that it simply needs to go away. A new party needs to spring up on the political landscape.

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I’ve been wondering about that. Looking at Europe, when things are fragmented into multiple parties, nothing is ever decisive. Having two parties makes things more clear - but how did this happen? It seems very fake; and look, more often than not, we have a covert uni party orchestrating coups on one side then the other.

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As a Canadian and an outsider I might have this wrong, but I think if the Republicans could oust their Rinos they could be salvageable. The Democrats appear to be fully infiltrated by "wrong 'uns" and the whole mess needs to be shut down. Then Parties need to stay vigilant about infiltration by corrupt globalists. They need to be much more selective in their recruiting process.

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🎯 🎯 🎯

You absolutely 💯 % get it!!

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15 hrs agoLiked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How this kind of men can make much difference in our actual society. Certainly I saw yesterday a men with virtues moral principles signaling very knowledge about all aspects of society and humanity.

Where this kind of human is now?

All we have in western society are corrupted governments like Canada Spain France Venezuela Brasil Perú. All puppies of WEF.

But changing is coming inevitably in this western society where we lived the last 2000 years.

Thank you Dr. Robert Malone for your support and for!your attention bringing and remembering us the right and good way of life.

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In every country where they have been installed the WEF muppets have been a disaster and have proven to be hopelessly inept. If this is the calibre of people the WEF attracts, I have hope for humanity ridding itself of these corrupt globalist predators!

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Well, the WEF wants mindless fools who can be manipulated. Smart people need not apply.

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Without a fix like the last go around, the Demoncrats will lose. I live in a so called blue state and only the really sexist, racist, stupid are supporting Kackula and her woke joke bloke!

If the Demons know this too, look for an excuse to prevent an election or even worse, lose the election but declare Martial law to install Kackula as a perpetual president.

We all know January 6 was a set up by the crooked government and aided by RINOs but watch out for the left to do it for real likely again aided by RINOs and illegal immigrants staging a national riot before January.

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Love the Kakula nickname…I hope Trump takes that one and uses it! Kakula…. Very funny

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The debate went just as I anticipated it would - Vance wiped the floor with Walz. Even if Walz was not so befuddled, the bottom line is that the majority of Americans do not want a communist for their Vice President or for their President.

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I was at a rehearsal last night and only caught the first 7 minutes of the debate but during that 7 minutes you could tell that he was kicking butt. Vance has the fortitude to carry the MAGA torch forward. With his life experiences , he has the drive to carry the torch forward. He is the American dream.

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As a side note, but an extremely important issue for our Republic. I look forward to the day when someone will present the legal case for unborn children as “persons” who are protected under the law as all citizens of the United States. To this day, unborn children are nothing more than commodities, to be disposed of like a gall bladder and other organs. Commodities that political parties use for votes, and that includes the Republican Party, which has taken the Pro-life position off its Platform. Yet, the Left is so determined to kill unborn children, that Kamala Harris wants to do away with the Senate filibuster, in order to codify abortion in every state.

Even Republicans are using abortion as a voting issue—just listen to their talking points—“the people in each state decides this issue.” THINK this through to its logical conclusion.

“People” decide if children are killed in the womb, or if they live—not God, not the God given right to Life as outlined in our Constitution which has been shredded by both parties, nor equal protection under the law which requires Due Process, on ALL criminal charges. And those charged must have representation against their charges. What criminal charges can be laid at the feet of unborn children where they deserve death? Who is their advocate in the court of law, since they cannot speak for themselves? America has killed between 62-65 million unborn children and counting, and we wonder why we have an age disparity between aging and retiring seniors, and those still working.

Common Law and Natural Law considers unborn children as “persons” from the beginning of life at conception. The SCOTUS makes rulings based on Common Law! It’s past time for ANYONE to make the argument that unborn children are “persons” protected under our Constitution. Otherwise, unborn children are nothing but political pawns for both parties, by men who refuse to be men of courage and men of God, speaking on His behalf for the most vulnerable and unrepresented among us.

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14 hrs ago·edited 14 hrs ago

Watch watchman, watch. Years ago, as a new real estate salesman, a girl in our office was all excited, she had just sold a commercial building to the first abortionist. To make a long story short, and she took some of us to meet him and I asked him why, and he replied, "The law has changed and someone is going to do it and I figured it might as well be me." And, like the Prodigal Son, I did not have an opinion on abortion (killing babies in the womb); however, after meeting Jesus Christ on January 20, 1981 I've come to the understanding, just after Mary, a virgin, was told she would have a child, she went to see her cousin, Elizabeth (who was also pregnant with John (later called the Baptist) and the baby LEPT IN HER WOMB at the presence of the just conceived Jesus Christ. So yes, a newly conceived baby is NOT a fetus, it is a child of the Living God, and I pity the people who have murdered so many on Judgement Day.

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Well said.

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There will be a reckoning, rest assured.

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I agree, providing that he takes advantage of being under the mentorship of Trump!

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