Governor DeSantis is going after the manufacturers. Pray he stays the course and is successful.

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We need to hear more aggressive discussions from politicians about breaking the liability shield. The focus needs to be on their fraud. Bring back people like that whistleblower from Ventavia. Highlight their efforts to hide data for 75 years and unredact whatever they were trying to hide.

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True. As far as legalities go, my understanding is that Pfizer's "we aren't liable no matter what" clauses that Trump granted them won't stand up in court if Pfizer committed fraud. Which of course is why they wanted their data hidden for 75 years....

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That would apply in a Republic ruled by law. Our d.o.j. is pretty obvious proof that no longer applies here. Sad

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The 1986 ruling was deemed as "UNAVOIDABLY UNSAFE"! But you still had choice. 2020 EUA act pretty much dissolved choice via Executive privilege's.

Vaccine safety and liability was smashed back into the stone age of time.

The meaning of fraud, as we know it, will be changed to mis-con-screwed.

And those who suffered the wrath of 'safe and effective", will all be screwed.

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I just read where Pfizer's admitting that the "so called vaccine" was developed to reduce the population by 50%. Anybody else see this information? This seemed to coinside with the CEO's resignation from the company.

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Yes. Please give us a link.

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No, haven’t seen or heard. Where did you read this?

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Same for Murderna.

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There is ZERO incentive for politicians to remove the liability shield. They make HUGE sums of money from Big Corporate Pharma though Pharma's lobbyists - far more $$$ than they raise from We the People. Big Corporate Pharma also provides HUGE sums to the mainstream media via advertising - has anyone ever counted the number of Pharma ads you see on TV (both broadcast and streaming modes) on any & every channel you watch?

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Greed never sleeps.

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As vax damage becomes increasingly obvious, intelligent and very ambitious politicians will recognize there is more opportunity in fighting big pharma for the people instead of staying on big pharma payroll. This move by Desantis is a sign of that growing awareness.

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Some might want to, but most of them won't, because standing up to the bad guys could be not only political suicide but even actual "suicide". Remember, those Globalists are outright psychopaths. They will stop at nothing, and they know they have "crossed the line" already with the mass deaths and injuries they have caused. They aren't going to be able to say "I'm sorry" and we will just drop it! Too many lives have been destroyed. Too much suffering has already been caused, and it is only beginning, with probably many more deaths coming as the autoimmune disease, cancers, blood clots, etc. continue to develop. Justice demands that those people pay for what they have done, and because of that, they are going to be even more dangerous, like cornered animals. They won't give up without a major fight, and it is pretty much a given that they have more diabolical "tricks up their sleeves" to repel and counter anything we throw at them.

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From what I have observed, "opportunity" for a politician translates to raw dollars. Popularity or being thought of as a hero does nothing for the politicians who are seeking personal wealth gain as fast as possible, and 97% of the current crowd in Washington DC, including former FL Congressional Representative-now-FL Governor Ron DeSantis all are doing exactly that.

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True for all of the uniparty politicians. But their fealty to big pharma leaves them increasingly vulnerable. The situation reminds me of one of Trump's campaign speeches where he threatened car manufacturers that if they move production to Mexico and close local plants, he will immediately punish them with tariffs. Even Michael Moore praised the speech as the first time corporations were meaningfully threatened for bad behavior in decades. As public awareness of how bad the covid shots grows, populist anger toward big pharma will grow waiting for someone to seize it. Hopefully that person can ride it into power and go into Washington DC like Elon at Twitter instead of what happened with Trump.

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"increasingly vulnerable" to what?? Please don't say - vulnerable to being replaced at the next election. By now we should all be well aware that elections are fraudulently manipulated to prevent honest candidates (who vow to clear up government corruption) from winning politically powerful positions.

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It is only Justice that it must take that direction, but neither humongous fines nor excess punitive damage's, has never ever stopped them before!

Now the profits banked and redistributed are 100 billion.

Fines/damages are built into the display of legal battle carnage.

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"It's a big club and you ain't in it"—George Carlin.

He was right, but it is MORE LIKE a club to beat us over the head with!

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There is little or no honesty or integrity today. I saw the erosion starting in the late 80s when dealing with govt contractors and higher govt Mgmt. When you fight the good fight they just cause you hardships but with God on your side you never give up the fight for what is right.

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Pray he does not end up in a plane crash. The cabal has a history of downing planes with high profile adversaries.

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DeSantis backed off stripping Disney of its special Reedy creek status. He is looking to backpedal and give that back to Disney since Iger is back in and Chapek out. Given Disneys push to make homosexuality and transgenderism the new Normal, I don't think they should be getting any special status. Disney is the new Epstein, just now it has Streaming REACH to groom all the kids that watch those programs. I tried to watch their new Willow series and not even halfway thru the first episode they have the pair of girls making out. I watch the program for the adventure, not the sexual grooming being pushed. If they can't just make an adventure without sex in it, then I won't be watching. Getting to the point where I'm gonna cancel my subscription. The new strange world movie is the same. All Garbage all the time now.

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My kids are all adults so I keep the subscription to see whats being pushed in the "programming" as I do with many streaming services. I can't be aware if I just stick my head in the sand and ignore it all. If I'm not aware then I can't speak out against it. I will cancel it when I am ready. For now I'm still keeping tabs on the multiple engineered events proceeding apace to keep the general obedient public afraid.

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😊 Good point: we can't let them crawl off under their rocks and do their dirty work in the shadows!

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Yeah I watched Andor. Spoiler! Its weird that the main rebel guy at the end just wanted to be put down eh? It is all about fomenting civil war, which is probably Why the media and seated authorities are just constantly telling everyone whats what while listening to nobody. Need to get stickers printed up that say "disobey unaccountable authority", since none of the authorities are actually being held accountable. No Accountability, No obedience. Have you seen the series called Peripheral on Amazon Prime? Claims a civil war started in texas, and there are a few other programs like "southland tales" and the series "the umbrella academy" on netflix that note similar nuke actions in texas. Weird that programs keep making an american civil war part of the programming. Guess they gotta seed the idea in the Obedient somehow...

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Yep that we are. I've taken to using the term "iteration of form" to represent my lifetime. Seeded into this context in a form with senses to try and understand things due suffering, so that one can reduce suffering for self and those local to self. These clowns seated in authority positions who are being allowed to act unaccountably so that when they leave their position they are safe from prosecution is ridiculous. Just need to restore accountability but doesn't seem like any group is in a position to do such. I tend to think in spheres as opposed to vertical or horizontal growth. A bubble when it grows increases its volume, I figure we do as well, and if we don't grow we return to the field of consciousness that our individual intellect was pulled from to be seeded into form for an iteration of experience and a chance at growth to be had. You ever see that month python clip about Not enough Hats? :)


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It’s sick why can’t they leave children to grow and make decisions as adults. They are sick groomers. They do this to justify their decisions they have made in their lives. I bet over 99 percent of all people including lgbt….. Don’t want children groomed but they still persist. It’s child abuse. I’ve heard Disney is losing billions because of their decisions to sexualize children. Money will eventually tame their perverted desires. Perverts!!!

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I know many people that have been molested. You can never change what they are shown or what is done to them. A good friend of mine was molested by the hockey coach at catholic memorial high school in west Roxbury Massachusetts. He was a great kid from a great family. This horrendous act completely changed the boy. He finally committed suicide. I know others and once they see this it puts kids on a path of sexualization. These child molesters should be put behind bars and throw away the key. I’m sorry I have zero tolerance for them. To me they are worse than murderers!!!!!

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Every booster taken enters you into a game of Russian Roulette, with even more bullets and less empty chambers.

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Dec 7, 2022·edited Dec 8, 2022

I cringe whenever I hear that someone I know just got another booster. I have talked until I am blue in the face.

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Most accurate metaphor ever.

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FLCCC is also working tirelessly to help the vaccine injured. They have treatment protocols and lists of providers on their site. The organization's own Dr. Pierre Kory is personally treating some of these people also.


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Lloyd Austin and his ilk should be stripped of their rank and dishonorably discharged for what they have done and are doing to our military - an absolute disgrace. And yet he has now stated he will continue to invoke the mandates despite all evidence to the contrary . Despicable man.

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The military has a much quicker way of dealing with the likes of them. After all, we are fighting a war against a pandemic, aren't we?

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Interestingly, I saw where the government of India has officially stated they have no responsibility for vax injuries "since nobody forced anyone to take it". Same ridiculous claim coming from the US government in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

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Truth in government is now optional. It is whatever they want it to be. A sure sign that the ruling elite have crossed over to the dark side.

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When our government does make such a claim, this leaves the CEOs of companies who forced employees to take them as the liability bag holders. Of course the companies themselves will also be bag holders, but the boards and shareholders will be gunning for the executives who forced it. Just as I predicted when the vax first came out and was legally shielded.... The next several years are not going to be kind to those CEOs.

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This is the first bit of goods news thus far that possible treatments exist to help the vaxx injured. Beyond sad what is happening.

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We just made arrangements for our 50-year-old artist son who lived in Hollywood, CA. Earlier this year, he received the shot and in a few hours was in the ER at Hollywood Presbyterian Med Ctr with blood clots in his heart, liver, and micro clots in his spleen and a pre-existing condition of umbilical hernia. He almost died. He was consistently put on a waiting list for the hernia operation, which never happened. What followed was consistent pain and suffering until he passed on Nov 15th, after a total of 4 hospitalizations. His liver completely shut down and then his heart gave out.

During the previous hospitalizations, a couple of dormant conditions were activated as well as new problems which he never had prior to this shot. He began spitting up blood, which is what took him to his last hospitalization. Previous to this incident, he was quite physically active and was working for an agency that serves the homeless in Hollywood.

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I'm so so sorry. I've had several patients with similar devastation.

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Where is the public outrage? It should be deafening!

FLCCC offers a treatment protocol to help vax injured (undergoes frequent updates as FLCCC learns more): https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/i-recover/

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I agree many are super scared from various societal pressures. The evils in msm and sm and from overlords did succeed at brainwashing billions, literally altering world-views over a slippery slope for decades and sealed with covid nonsense. And many are total cowards because speaking out would require they appear to 'change sides' and admit they were wrong. Sick cowardice, no morals, no empathy, no humanity. Lots of robots and others, just no guts at all.

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My article on a 41-year-old man from Minnesota who died six days after his second Pfizer shot was picked up by Citizen Free Press early this morning. The article has already been read by more than 46,000 people. I hope a few of Robert's readers will also check out the details of this family's "maddening" story.


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Just read your article. Good for you for publicizing this terrible tragedy. I hope the family has some success in the lawsuit. What I do not understand is that there is specific language in 21 US Code section 360bbb - 3, regarding Emergency Use Authorization and what informed consent is supposed to look like and that you cannot be forced to take the drug, so why aren't lawsuits being filed based on that section of the US Code. I am not a lawyer but would love to hear from some.

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Dr. Malone, can you please post a link to where people can obtain pitchforks and torches?

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Dec 7, 2022·edited Dec 7, 2022

I just keep reloading to keep my ammo stock high. Also keep going to the range. Need to stay sharp.

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And tumbrils? Think Sarah Hoyt is stockpiling said items

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I had 3 mothers tell me the only reason they took the shot was because they wanted to visit their children in college. They are all now suffering from serious adverse effects and unable to travel or do the physical fun things they once did with their children. People will spend time to read food ingredients but won’t do the same for injecting something into their body. It is baffling and devastating. My heart goes out to all those suffering and their families now also being impacted in every way.

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No doubt baffling. I have about a dozen patients who refused/never took any flu shots or jabs but lined up for this experimental.

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I believe the process of Mass Formation, as described by Mattias Desmet, may explain some of the sudden willingness to follow the government's narrative. In short, a certain (preconditioned) segment of the population goes along with the covid vaccination narrative to relieve their built-up feelings of free-floating anxiety, frustration, and aggression. See any video featuring Prof Desmet for details.

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Truly disgusting what the Gov and big pharma are blatantly getting away with, because only a few good medical professionals are willing to stand up for do no harm and expose the truth. Gov is now proven to be out of control 🤬

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How shall we interpret the fact that government misbehavior has become so brazen? Maybe they believe their control over the people and the system is so complete that no top-level perpetrator need fear serious consequences.

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Well it’s obvious for any one with common sense that the FBI & DOJ are extensions of democrat party.

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This story should be read aloud on the Congressional record.

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Some in perfect health go in for their covid shots and suffer horrific reactions. Hoping for medical support, financial support, or at least recognition of issues and further studies. The public health response is like the pawn brokers meme "best I can do is 'temporal correlation'"

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In my view, the real culprits are the FDA, who stomped on ivermectin and HCQ as useless, despite obvious contrary evidence, so that their rich friends would have a door open to an emergency use authorization. The experience in India during the Delta surge provides a fascinating direct comparison of ivermectin vs the vaccine, with ivermectin proving to be vastly superior. You can read about that experience in the two-part article entitled: Some painful lessons from India, written by Rafael Castillo, M.D.

For those suffering now from the vaccine, FLCC.net has some resources they believe are helpful. Of course, there is no money in that kind of research, because it would be a little embarrassing for the FDA to have to request an EUA for a new drug capable of counteracting the side effects of their hastily-approved and dangerous vaccine.

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Like life today isn’t difficult enough we all, the people who take the time to see, have to try to fight and educate people to what is going on. If I can educate one parent to not inject their child with this mRNA shot I feel it’s a success. Many times I try with family, friends or acquaintances and they say what am I supposed to do keep them out of school. What a horrible situation this country has put its citizens in. Many towns people who push this, I think, are uneducated themselves. They don’t understand the risks to kids and people. It’s amazing the number of people I know that have been hurt by the mrna shots. I never considered suicide, but with life so difficult it’s understandable. Dr. Malone your posts are so frequent and powerful, I don’t want to get people mad, but you should charge subscribers more!!! Thank you!!


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