Oct 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My son is currently looking for a new job. Many are requiring new hires to take the jab. This is how the mandates work now. They simply say that you don't have to work there of you don't like their policy. He said no thanks but it makes it tough to get a job.

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Sounds like 'if you don't want to sleep with the boss, just find a new job'.

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Couldn't agree more.

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That’s an example of fascism in action. Government and Pharma working hand-in-glove. We’ve had a fascist condition in this country at least since Smedley Butler complained about it in 1930.

I am grateful to Dr. Malone for connecting the dots in the scamdemic. Dr. Fuellmich sits in prison somewhere.

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deletedOct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023
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Adam Smith explained that open market capitalism can function only within a moral and ethical society. The leadership of most large corporations is toxic--it does not know or care about the differences between right and wrong.

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“. . . can function only within a moral and ethical society.” Wasn’t the same said about our democratic republic? Nothing functions without morality and ethics except maybe Hell.

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The agency I left due to mandates also made a policy that any new hires are reputed to have the Covid injections and all boosters.

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It would be enlightening to know the industry or area of this job. Sounding pretty cocky for being in a situation in which it is hard to find good employees!

maybe time to consider a new area for a job-- both geographically and literally.

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It sounds like he is better off to not be employed by such a company. There are likely much better opportunities waiting for him just around the corner.

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Thanks for sharing this; anyone considering leaving a position has to keep this in mind.

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He's doing the right thing. Nothing is more important than good health. He'll find a position eventually but won't have to worry about heart/stroke problems.

Danny Huckabee

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Outrageous!! What state are you in?

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I'd replace "Arbitrary and Capricious" with "Planned and Coordinated." The Pandemic was nothing else but a tyrannical test Ala Gates, WEF, et al.

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Mounting evidence is practically every where.

Yet doom is flourishing.

Covid became the serious side show. As Toto pulls the curtain back to show you the real hidden story.

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Texas house just passed law forbidding employee jab mandates. An amendment upping fine to $50,000 sends it back to senate where it arose and suspect Abbott will sign.

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My wife and I were just talking about this on our walk this morning... I was the ES&H Director at a DOE National Lab run by an Ivy League University. I was well aware of and advocated for alternative controls vs. a mandated vaccine as we had success with the controls for well over a year. My position on alternative controls was rejected by the University and I was fired in August '21 to huge financial consequences. Are there any firms willing to take on a case? Is there even a case??

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Mike, contact a lawyer quickly. If you failed to file with the EEOC within 6 months, you likely have exhausted federal remedy. However, state law statute of limitations may be longer - but that is state specific analysis. This is not at all my area of expertise - I have this knowledge because I am a lawyer and a Plaintiff. That said, I am pursuing my remedies under state law. At least in my state, it is my opinion and belief (yet to be proven in court) that state law protections are stronger. Check informed consent statute in your state, living will statute, state equivalent of Buck v Bell (many states had it BUT at least in my state it was overturned by legislative action). God's will be done for all of us. There is growing potential also for claaaims based on genetic discrimination considering what is coming to light re DNA contamination, though that particular case has hurdles in development.

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The state of employment was NJ. I’m currently in Georgia.

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Sujata Gibson is in NY - she has done some of the winning NY cases. She may have a referral. But the statute of limitations question will be key. It is two years in my state. I do not have a New Jersey referral. God bless you Mike.

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Thank you!

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Childrens Health Defense may also be able to provide a NJ referral. I believe they might be involved in the Rutgers litigation. But time is not your friend at this point.

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You and others are victims of the tyranny of the majority by way of politics and manipulation of government policy by groups such as GAVI and WEF. That our judiciary allows it to happen shows how corrupt they are. Good news from Dr. Malone and NY court, yes there is hope to punish the crimes perpetrated against you.

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Arbitrary and Capricious is EXACTLY what I wrote in my letter to the company I worked for when they mandate “the shot”. And what I received in return was a notice of termination.

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Job or jab is still going on after all this time and knowledge the shots are not effective in doing a thing except cause harm.

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Your courage and conviction is above and beyond. Not sure how many of us would have been that brave. I am grateful I was not in that position. Friends and family caved to the "science". They all regret their choice and most are ashamed to admit it.

God bless you and yours.

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Job or jab is still going on after all this time and knowledge the shots are not effective in doing a thing except cause harm.

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Never forget. What is done is done. Even if they could raise the dead, which they can't. Even if they could wipe all tears away, which they can't. No hate, just never forget; never again.

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What about all the military active duty and reserves who were horribly terminated and lost pensions and rank?

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this also applies to them.

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Military were federal, this was state, no?

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The data cited is what I refer to. Not the NY supreme ruling

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In the last NDAA bill, Cruz offered an amendment to "reinstate service members who were wrongfully discharged due to their COVID-19 vaccine status, and give justice to service members punished in other ways due to COVID-19 vaccine status.” The final tally was 46 votes in favor to 53 against. It needed 60 votes in the Senate to pass.

Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) countered that the amendment conflicted with two important tenets of the military: readiness and obeying lawful orders. COVID-19 infection affected military personnel’s readiness to fight and those who refused the vaccine when the mandate was still in effect were violating a lawful order, noting it is not the only inoculation the armed services require.

Some 8,400 service members were discharged over the mandate before it was repealed.

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just curious. 'Infection Affected military readiness to fight' From my perspective - so does pregnancy. Arent they being capricious and arbitrary here?

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Just by coincidence, "Senator" Jack Reed (D-RI) is a member of the "Council on Foreign Relations".

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We should be justly terminating the employers. In due time they will be begging on their knees for employees. It's already happening. "Help Wanted" signs all over.

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Reading your documentation reveals to me, a lay person, enough evidence to persuade even the most questioning doubter. But as we know, the courts work in strange and unpredictable ways. The case at hand is thoroughly covered and hopefully will set a precedent for other states. I do wonder why N.Y. and not some other state like Florida etc. This movement does make me hopeful, I just want to be around when the rest of the mockery and slander finds it's home! Great work! This doesn't surprise me, you have a gift in so many areas.

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Because Florida’s government outlawed mandates already without the insistence of the courts.

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Good to remember, is that legal? (ha ha)

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they knew the whole time, and when we said that we ALSO knew, they kicked us out of the conversation........because they knew their bs would shrivel with any close inspection.

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

But sir, in newspeak, failure =success. Please report to your nearest re-education camp.

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you must be Canadian?

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Negatory, but I feel their pain.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


I can refuse the HepB shot my from my employer (I took it and it damn near killed me).

I don't have to show vaxx staus for ANY OTHER SHOT except Covid, to get or keep a job.

I can claim a religious or faith based exemption (most places) for any shot but Covid.

The Covidians want amnesty for their, "hasty and poorly made" decisions, won't respect my right to choose what goes into my body and argue that killing babies is a right under the Constitution, using the phrase, "Her body, her choice!".

The same Covidians, by and large, are the architects of pretty much ALL of the worlds problems.

I don't think the next round of WEF / Globalist chaos is going to turn out the way they think it will.

Spot on again Dr.'s Malone. I appreciate your clarity.

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As a physician, the sad part is that it took a court ruling to bring forth the truth. The medical establishment went all in for the lock downs and the mandates. Doctors should rethink paying dues to the AMA or the specialty societies that took the governments word as gospel. Think like doctors not lemmings!

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I cancelled my AMA membership years ago, right after the AMA Guide to Permanent Impairment, 6th ed., as it is so clearly pandering to the work comp industry and is injurious to patients. The AMA is a bunch of socialist hacks who actually backed Obamacare, the greatest disaster to befall doctors and patients in the modern era, until COVID.

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They also promoted medicare

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"As a physician, the sad part is that it took a court ruling to bring forth the truth."

This can't be said enough. The shortcoming to the structure of our government has been the incredible amount of time it has been taking to discover what is behind the obvious pathologies that have seized our institutions and our agencies.

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Question: Why should the employer's concern about the health of their 'unvaccinated' employees be unequal and less than the employer's concern about the health of their 'vaccinated' employees, given that 'vaccinated' employees may transmit the virus to 'unvaccinated' employees?

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deletedOct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023
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That would also appear to violate equal protection clause, where one category of employee is burdened and another isn’t. Require all the employees to sign the release, or don’t.

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A lot people "terminated" need full retribution as well.

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Thank you for the great news. Wow New York has come to its senses. The courts appear to be our only hope for stopping the runaway train of bureaucratic overreach and political corruption. I will never forgive myself for getting jabbed twice when I should have been skeptical and my job was not at risk. The threat of terminating someones livelihood is the most dangerous weapon we face as individuals. The sheep outnumber the resistance and CBDC will make it even easier to punish anyone who peeps dissent in the future about any totalitarian absurdity.

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Judge Porzio in New York state court has done a great job protecting freedom, but no employee has been reinstated. New York has appealed. God's will be done.

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