I know this past 12 months have been exhausting for you and your family. Please know that so many of us are beyond thankful. We listen to you and pass on your message as often as possible.

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****"It requires a lot of time and patience to de-program someone who has been immersed in a cult. So learn to park your anger when you engage with others who are not yet “awake”****.

Fabulous reminder! I try to think and respond instead of react, and *try* to remember to speak quietly which helps me remain calm and confident, though you do it so wonderfully! I need to learn how to have a calm face, my emotions and reactions are so easy to read, I don't know how to keep a placid face so I will work on that this year. It's hard for me to engage in 5GW because I have zero social media.

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Well said, ditto!!

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I just finished watching the weekly FLCCC webinar. When asked about Damar Hamlin, Dr. Kory didn't speculate on whether or not the vaccine caused his injury, but he stated that he is "apoplectic" about all the sudden deaths and injuries and how everything is still covered up. I was cheering him on as he "ranted" for several minutes. What has happened is unconscionable and we must do as Dr. Malone says and continue to fight.

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Dr. Malone - thank you for another wonderful lesson. I am so grateful for all you and Dr. Jill provide us. It’s comforting to know that we have a reliable and safe source of sound counsel. Thank you.

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I am not helpless. I am fully awake. But, I am incredibly frustrated that 95% of my family and friends have succumbed to 5th Generation Warfare. They fell in unison for BLM, Ukraine, Climate Change, Social Justice and the granddaddy of them all, the Covid/Vax Narrative. I have found solace in your book, interviews and substacks. Thanks!

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You are not alone - I too have about 95% that have swallowed the BS. It is tough to keep calm for sure. All we can do is keep trying.

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Thank you for this! I always love when you teach!! There is so much to learn from you!!!

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Drs Malone - I needed this one...

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Great advice. I would only add two more ideas. Don't get despondent and give up: that's what they want. Two, never, ever, give up is sharing the truth.

Danny Huckabee

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My adult children who have been injected tell me to stop! I can’t! I fear for their futures and I see the great harm that has been bestowed on humanity. Nano drug injections are the new medical path to treating disease states and Billions and billions are being invested. The high rate of adverse reactions and deaths being created is not slowing the rush to profit from manipulating the very foundation of human existence. Crispr is their bible. The truth is being strangled and has been corralled. We need a ground swell of rational medical thought leaders to speak in unison to stop this new cavalier approach to treating disease states that have their roots in detrimental life style issues.

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There MUST be serious repercussions for those who planned and executed these things and their adjutants. If there are no repercussions, no public admission of wrong doing, no sincere remorse and commitment to higher principles of conduct, then this (or some variation of it) will happen again and again and again. It's starts with a growing mass of people saying, NO!

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Much appreciated, Dr. Malone. Refusing to be intimidated, bull-crap burried or be turned into screaming meany myself is very empowering. My Granny always said, “kill them with kindness”. I can both sleep in peace at night and look myself in the mirror. I thank God for His mercy, He has not left us orphans. Ephesians 6.

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Distill reality to a few readily digestible words. For example "The way the covid vax works is the nurse injects you with genetic instructions to hijack your cells to manufacture the actual vaccinating agent".

You'll be shocked at how many people don't have a clue and immediately question this truth. Which of course begins their red pilling process when they see for themselves its true.

They'll eventually ask the obvious follow on questions on their own. "Which cells get hijacked?" "How much vaccinating agent is made by these cells?" "What happens to the hijacked cells?" "What makes cells stop manufacturing the stuff?" "Is the vaccinating agent itself safe and effective?" And so forth.

JMO of course...

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The power of strong verbs :)

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I have been finishing Ayn Rand's Capitalism the unknown ideal book recently. She wrote much of it 60 years ago and the word manipulation and association of bad items or people to good causes has been pushed by the left since Marxism began. I recommend you read or reread an Ayn Rand book to help awaken yourself to how they manipulate and control.

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#3 -I have been doing this for a while now. It is effective. It’s interesting how many people respond positively and seem relieved to have someone validate what they are secretly thinking. Some don’t respond or argue but I know that I have put that doubt in their mind. Pull the blinders off slowly until the sunlight shines through. Wake them up slowly. Thanks, Doc, for the affirmation that this can work.

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Thank you for not only providing the facts (that you have obviously researched extensively) but also the love and compassion for our fellow man. God is at work in you and many others. We are to love as Jesus did and you are awesome example of that love.

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Amen! Words of wisdom appreciated.

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