May 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you so much for this since I couldn’t listen to all in the live stream! The parts I heard were amazing and partly even new to me. It was a great variety from all over the world. The lion is fully alive and strong! 🦁

Still, what I am worried about here in Austria (and Germany) is this: I notice around me that especially younger generations don’t work, they do not want to work, don’t see a sense in it, don’t feel a desire for it - whether it’s for a living or for partnership. This scenario was already present before the so called pandemic. Now, the new narrative “long-Covid” gives them a new excuse for their fatigue and lack of motivation. One often hear: Why work, better receive unemployment benefits and hang around having spare time. And if they actually do work, they are too tired to afford more than few hours work per day but wish the same salary as if worked all day. I understand that the injections (may) cause inflammations all over the body which leads to fatigue. So this is a vicious cycle. But the worrisome thing is that people in such a state do not fight, they don’t have the energy to fight, for any action or for thinking, recognising the lies.

All the best,

Bettina 🌷☀️

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This! What are people and schools teaching their children - so that they have this attitude?

The idea that being productive is a life well lived.

The being creative is part of being human

That we all must be self-sufficient - the state is not there to care for us.

It is very sad and I really don't understand it.

It seems a complete lack of self respect

It also seems that there is a lot of self- hate in this age cohort.

A lot of hopelessness.

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Message here is self respect not endemic, must be acquired. And that requires external prompting, either by parental instruction/example or it is hammered into hard heads by need.

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When I was growing up I never knew any child that was not required to do chores. Some got a pittance and many nothing. None of us were told it was to build character, to be responsible, or prepare us for adulthood. It was just a given that everyone was required to pitch in as part of the family. Not saying that some didn't grumble.

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As a child my responsibility was to stay out of sight, out of mischief, act like a little adult and rarely do a chore. My parents said their goal was that I marry and be cared for. Mother got me summer jobs in her office. I finally got a job of my own. But I could not afford myself and my horse. So wen went to Mich St. Then I was on my way. Which is to say - the level of support MUST be less than ones desired life style.. Tough Love and aspirations?

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The State is not a benevolent actor… at some point these types of people will be seen as 'useless eaters’.

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..."Useless eaters" is a state in which cretins like bill gates already considers much of humanity... globally. This perception is apparently generational as his father was a eugenicist as is the son. The apple doesn't roll far from the tree. Gates & his money provide significant support to W.H.O. & vaccine distribution to impoverished countries. He has done so much damage to African & Indian populations he is banned from returning.

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I agree. The funny thing is, so does the 'much lauded' Henry Kissinger.

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Perhaps they are unwanted feeders?

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You bring a good point. I've been following the AI news. They anticipate AI will take over massive numbers of jobs (in concert with the obots). We have the basic universal wage geniuses..We may very well end up with another contaminating factor in river city and our verdant hills.

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I don’t know. I think it is criminal and unholy to do what the propagandists and ‘elite’ have done to so many…but there is a spirit behind such malevolency.

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Maybe because they see, that even if they would work whole life, they can not afford to buy decent house?

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So...how do we get this to go mainstream? Will RFK Jr. Children's Defense Network list this? How do we get all the truth tellers to send this to their followers. We need action! Moderna is building plants around the world and the march down the wrong medical path continues without safe guards!

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Children's Health Defense also has this but it is one single 8.5-hour-long video (the URL doesn't seem to be intuitive but it does point there)


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Thank you for this! Our family is praying for your protection as you continue to boldly expose the darkness.

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Thank you for your professionalism (and sometimes snarky good humor), integrity, and continued updates both professional and at the farm.

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I have been remiss over the last three years in saving links to the great Covid videos I've watched. I'm placing this in a pc folder, along with the highlights you already provided, and will add to it going forward. I have many saved links to articles, but not to videos, accept the Great Barrington Declaration with its numerous thoughts on safer, better plans of action that the world should have enacted had Covid been a real virus and not a planned takeover plot.

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If there is one good result from this WWIII movement by the billionaire class elimination of 'surplus useless-eaters', it is that we now are much more aware of the true nature of this battle called life, and (most importantly) who our allies are, and who they turned out not to be. I lost many 'friends' but gained many allies, now that the definitions of such is more discernable.

I do not begrudge the ignorant, cowardly masses. There but for the Grace of God... (The Lord tells us, in Timothy, to pray that "God may grant them repentance...")

But, I am aware that I might/may/will be called to account for those I met/knew/interacted with about whether I shared a Better Way with them or not. And it is so much more key to the battle ahead/future/just now passing that they see the salvation that awaits them more than any other temporal aspect on this beautiful, but failing, spec in space/time.

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It is not too late to make a difference. However, if the knowing had planted the seed, as God calls us to do, with those they met/knew/interacted with throughout prior decades we would not be in such peril today.

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Exactly right. I am the reason we are here. I made no such effort compared to the 'animation' with which I now mirror my relief and joy at not continuing in the delusion of middle class banality

Lord make me able.

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Bravo, Lord please make us all willing and able; move us, shake us and wake us.

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Thank you!! This will be my learning library curriculum for the week!

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The recent International Covid Summit was excellent, but it had a very major technical impairment which absolutely must be corrected ASAP. The information presented as slides to the attendees, but excluded from the video of the event, is an essential component of the message which needs to be presented to the world. I urgently ask that the slide presentations from all of the presenters be collected so that the video plus slides can be reassembled. I will do the work of assembling the video plus slides, if necessary, but I need the slides to do that. Please contact me.

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Calling Dr Robert Malone! Can You do this?

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I am so grateful for your work, Dr. Malone, and for this Covid Summit. This is huge! My sister, who has refused to listen to any information about the danger of these ‘vaccines’ the last three years is finally willing to watch the video and to heed.

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Thank you. I have stopped receiving your emails for some reason. I do get notices of your postings via text via the Substack app, but your emails stopped showing up in my inbox about 2 weeks ago. I check spam folder as well

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icloud was sending these to my junk folder…

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Could be your email provider. I've gotten two in my spam folder. The last one was the link to Taibbi's substack. My emails come from Webmail since I don't use an email provider.

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Bring more lions, there ain’t enough in Europe and US as well

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and not to forget those invaders coming from the homeland and abroad, the WEF, the WHO, DARPA, FDA, CDC, Eco Health Alliance, Xi, Tedros, Greta, Zelensky’s and Putins,Pfpfizer….how many did I forget? Yes also invading from outerspace Elon right into your living room and bathroom soon to come

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Read RETURN of the GODS by Jonathan Cahn. It makes it make sense.

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Yes let it sink deep they will call it Democratic (a threat to their democracy) we call it demonic.

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Thanks very much! I was looking for this but didn't even bother to check YT.

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I notice the symbol for the symposium is the Caduceus, the rod with TWO snakes and wings. This is a sorcery, alchemy, astrology or symbol of commercialism, or trade. It is the magic wand of Hermes, the messenger of the gods.

The Rod of Asclepius (One snake; no wings) is the bona fide international medical symbol, and is the predominant symbol for medicine and health care.

I am not surprised they got this wrong. But maybe, in a semi-ironic moment of conscious or subconscious fuzzy lucidity (?) the organizers are stressing the sole commercial, not medical, aspect of this conference?


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I’ve watched it all and probably will again. Thank you for posting this as a resource!! What an amazing conference and so courageous of everyone there to keep fighting against the narrative. Thank you Dr Malone!!

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@Robert Dr. Tom Cowan has made a short commentary of the words "infectious replication defective", I totally admire David Martin for his courage and would support him all the way. HOWEVER he is quoting terminology used by proven liars and this phraze has to be nonsense. It doesn't pass the common sense test any more than renaming a Volvo a rose or any other name lol

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Thank you for sharing this, Dr. Malone. I will set aside time this evening to view it. Have you read Auron McIntyre’s substack from this morning? It is excellent, in my opinion. I think you will find it very interesting, as will your readers. Linked here for convenience https://auronmacintyre.substack.com/p/why-the-total-state-is-doomed?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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