Feb 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am encouraging readers to contact their local bookstores to get books like The Real Anthony Fauci or Lies My Govt Told me and many others to be available. Here is Kelowna BC you can't find them on the shelves. Lets try and level the 'reading' field.

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And if you do order online, Barnes & Noble is less woke than Amazon:


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Yep. Same price as Amazon, so why is Dr Malone pushing money to Bezos-Amazon-Prime? Alex Berenson does the same thing with his book, even though Amazon censored him and it's also the same price on Walmart. I don't get it.

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Me neither ~ 🤦‍♀️

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Thanks for the link. By the way, Dr Malone might suggest B&N include "government" as a metatag search term in addition to "Gov't". I searched for Lies My Government Told Me and of course it didn't come up. Lot's of folks won't remember the contraction. Same thing happens on Amazon.

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Rite on Hauptsturmfuher. I got mine from BAM.

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I bought mine from Books-A-Million.

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They also heavily promote the racist racefluffer anti-American "1619 Project".

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They're offering a 50% member discount on 3 books, two appear to be non-political, the other is 1619. Of all the political books they could push, they choose only one that is Woke-Racist and anti-American.

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BAM is the best!!!

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I order books from Alibris . They ship free if you get it from their inventory. On the left margin they have a box to check "eligible for free shipping". They have Bobby Kennedy's book and "Overcoming the Covid Darkness" by Brian Tyson and George Fareed. At the time the book was published they had successfully kept all but a handful of 7,000 patients with Covid out of the hospital. Now they are up to 10,000. Early treatment works!!!

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Thanx fer the info

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Sweden's public health agency is legally protected from political influence to a much greater degree than the CDC, which partly explains Sweden's success.

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CDC et.al. needs to be free of big pharma's influence more than free from the administration's influence. In our case BP bought gov't health which in turn gaslighted the previous administration and coopted the current one... JMO of course.

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Can you elaborate

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The Swedish constitution guarantees that public agencies are independent of the influence of the central government, protecting the agencies from political meddling. https://voxeu.org/article/sweden-s-constitution-decides-its-exceptional-covid-19-policy

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You are correct. There were interviews with Tegnell where journalists tried to box him in a corner politically and he didn't let them. In my view, he always took the position that he might be wrong.

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Thank you, as always. Your honest perspective is priceless in world where so many of us have lost faith in nearly everyone and every institution.

Having said that, I realize that if you wanted to comment on a particular topic you would do it without being asked. I feel compelled, however, to ask anyway: I would like to know what you think about the horrendously long and fibrous "clots that are not really clots" being discovered by embalmers, as reported by Dr. Jane Ruby and Steve Kirsch. I am normally very skeptical, and was at first very skeptical about this story, but it is now beginning to seem like the real McCoy.

If this is real, it is solid and very graphic evidence that something has gone terribly wrong.

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That is something i would really like to know also, i swear i feel like a walking time bomb with this vaccine in me. The big question is WHY why are they so insistent that the whole world get these vaccines that don't even work ??? I don't believe it's about the money 🤔

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You are so right. WHY would sane people do something so obviously wrong? The answer is that sane people wouldn't have done it. Personally, i believe that most of those in charge are psychopathic. There is no other way to explain how they could destroy so many lives so cold-bloodedly. As for the rest, I think they can plead temporary insanity. Mass formation psychosis I guess. I am not normally very religious but may the Lord bless you and keep you.

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Psychological conditioning

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My answer was sincere but perhaps no so helpful as the person who pointed out that universal vaccination would eliminate the control group of the unvaccinated. In plain English, that means that scientists would no longer be able to compare the disease and death rates of the vaxxed to the unvaxxed. In even plainer English, we killed a lot of people so let's kill even more people to cover our tracks.

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Frightening video. I sent the link to Ron Johnson via his contact me website link asking him to take immediate action if the findings are legit.

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Steve Kirsch did a video interview with another embalmer from Carrollton Missouri who has verified what Richard Hershman saw.

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I have been following Covid for months. It was Dr. Meryl Nass in her even handed treatment of the facts and history that convinced me: this has been murder. They knew chloroquine treated coronal virus in 2004 and in 2012 Fauchi's own organization published a paper that it worked to treat corona virus. They knew, they lied, people died.


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I don't think that the vaccine divide falls strictly along political lines. I'm a Republican and decided against the vaccines as soon as Trump announced them. I immediately thought to myself that I'm not taking any vaccine that was developed at "warp speed." And I also know more than a few Democrats who have refused the shots.

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I was like you in the beginning. I thought Warp speed? No thank you. I know of no Leftist who did not get the vaccine. When Trump was heralding it of course they all spit nails, but when Fauci came on they bent the knee. Maybe that's why that little ogre rose to the pyramid.

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As soon as they said “the vaccine is the only way out” I thought “f. That”.

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ordered your book! Along with Mattias desmets Psych of totalitarianism. Thank you so much for all your bravery and service to humanity!! These books will go to my sons, hopefully grandkids too, because this will not be the last time we face this. ❤️

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Feb 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am on Chapter 12 (last chapter) of "The Real Anthony Fauci". By this point in the book I am thoroughly convinced that the CDC, NIH, and FDA exercise no regulatory function over the pharmaceutical industry. Rather, they are their cheerleaders and financial partners. The situation is a scandal, if anyone would pay attention. When it comes to new drugs or vaccines introduced to the market, you can take no comfort that they have been tested for safety or effectiveness.

You may think that you know the way that the health care system works in the West, but until you have read this book - trust me - you don't.

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I’m just about to start Chapter 12 too! This is an amazing book that lays out so much about what is really going on and how we got here. Agree with the above comment totally - that this is required reading to be truly awakened to the horror that is the regulatory-scientific-pharmaceutical-philanthropic complex! RSPPC!

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Cancer is the best example of how the corrupt the system. Soon to be overtaken by covid vaccines and new treatments, followed by HIV therapy for everyone!

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Feb 15, 2022·edited Feb 15, 2022

Another excellent read. I would like to point out that science needs God. The CDC did abandon science, one of God's creations, by abandoning God first. If you look at the book, Covid 19:The Great Reset by Schwab and Malleret you will see that they too don't have much use for God and religion. I think they would say they are "following the science" however. But a godless approach to any of the sciences brings confusion and the opposite of virtue. When Prasad asks if science is sacred, the answer is, without God, no. Science is for finding the sacred. It is a compass on a journey to the divine. The greatest aha moments in science are best connected directly to the glory of the Creator of all things.

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Nature is God's second book. Science is the study of nature. By studying nature we learn the mind of God.

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Amen, exactly!

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Love it. You are absolutely correct. God and His word convey the true science.

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Feb 15, 2022·edited Feb 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is tremendous demand by the reading public for sharp analyses of the current situation of public health. Fear is a terrible emotion with which to make decisions, but that has been turbo charged in the last couple years. So many unnecessary deaths, so few courageous voices in the professional community. Certainly Dr. Peter McCullough stands front and center with his unwavering voice of warning with specific reasons for every recommendation he was making. If it had been me I would not have been reasoned and forthright but would have raised my voice with indignation at every opportunity to expose how wicked the actions were by the reptilian people in authority. We have seen no shame, no admission of error, no regret or apologies offered. It should now be open season legally on those behind the staggering deaths that led the world with bad policies.

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Feb 16, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone - it is my most sincere wish before I die to personally thank you for all you do. Your tireless perseverance amazes me. You are a true hero. You give me hope when I feel hopeless. I've been trying to share your insight and information with my older brothers to no avail. I feel my relationship of over 60 years with them is over, or at the very best, will never be the same. My sincere sympathy for the loss of your beloved Aura. I cried when I read your tribute to her. God bless you and Jill.

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Follow the money and it all makes sense….

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

While I think that Dr. Malone and others might ultimately succeed in setting the record straight on the COVID vaccines, I also think that those who pushed these shots on us will mostly avoid being held accountable. Here's why: https://jeffcuttler.substack.com/p/democrat-vaccine-disclaimers?r=13nu2g

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’d like a signed copy of your forthcoming book Dr. Malone. Please advise if/when that’s something you’re planning. :-)

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I suppose it will be - but no clue yet when.

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Hope you are keeping a Kavanaughesque diary.

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Many thanks. 👍

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


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All one needs to see the corruption using federal tax from the citizens-Wolensky ;s husband company a biotech something received 5 mil grant from Faucis NIAC it goes on and on like Neil Youngs 4 dead in OHIO-government coming to cut us down!

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We MUST begin to speak of restoration. In all battle plans, there is always a plan of restoring civil order and peace.

A method I use quite often to find answers is to “imagine” the outcome by looking forward. I ask, how do I want or could this or that turn out?

If we know what the worst outcome of our collective present situation could be, (a life run by I.e. Hitler, Staline, Xi, Mao, Biden) certainly we can “Imagine” a better more amicable outcome for the future of America.


"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards."

~ Soren Kierkegaard

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Feb 15, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

United States of Fear by Mark MacDonald is a good one too. Very short, fast read.

I met and spent a little time with Neil Young and the other members of Buffalo Springfield way back in the '60s. Absolutely delightful people-it's all very sad. Now I am deciding what to with my NY CDs except for "Ragged Glory" and "Americana" which I'm keeping b/c they're just so good.

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