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One begins to wonder how many new games are superimposed on top of previous games. Since some writers have claimed the entire Ukraine thing was colluded in by the West in league with China and Russia itself to introduce the next step in their diabolical plan, i.e. energy shortages leading to food price increases, more poverty and starvation, to allow the banks et al to step in (again!) to bring in their digital currency (btw already in India and being introduced in Russia), reduce everyone's freedoms further, etc. etc. and now that "the war" seems to be escalating, isn't the intention just to frighten the shit out of everyone? Who can unravel this spider's web?

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And btw, any advice proffered by Kissinger should probably be disregarded as not in our interest.

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Did you know Kissinger’s accent is completely fake?

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James Colbert did a great video all about him which is shocking.

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