Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is a very serious threat. These countries are aligning militarily and economically. The last “BRICS” summit was brainstorming regarding trade mechanisms away from the dollar and the western banking system. American politicians need to wake up to this threat and find ways to entice these countries that it is in their interest to not pursue these ends. Or we will indeed be dealing with more than a cold war, on every level.

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Brandon did this.

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IMO, the immediate puppet master is BHO, former and now shadow Prez. But, all of the playerz we see are aligned with Davos Man/UN and the usual suspects. If the psychopathic uniformed idiots in DC, London, and Brussels continue to poke the bear as they have been doing, we are headed for Armageddon. Soon. And, if this thing goes hot there are going to be large holes in the ocean that mark the former locations of our obsolete aircraft carriers. My heart goes out to the many young people who have put on uniforms in moments of patriotic fervor. Of course, I did the same thing - wore Army green - believed the Empire's narrative... It is always best, of course, to recruit one's soldiers when they are very young and have little to no life experience.

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I too am grateful and humbled to have so many of my family serve in all branches of the military. The last one to do so is my youngest son who put 4 yrs Navy active duty

on the CNV75 H.S. Trumann. Thousands of nautical miles and thousands of sorties out of the Persian Gulf. With his four yrs up last year he took his out and his college money and has pursued a new life with pride and respect of his Navy challenge.

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Yes! Dr. Evil has me searching the waterways for sharks with lasers on their heads...

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Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022

They all did it; it was just Brandon’s teleprompter who accelerated the change.

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Yes Biden and the Neo Cons were hot to push Russia through a planned major military offensive on Donbas in March 2022 and the Russians began their SMO in Februarys. This follows 8 years of military action against the Donbas region by Ukraine after the US directed coup in 2014.

But it goes back further.

"Ukraine: The CIA’s 75-year-old Proxy

By Gerald Sussman (Posted Sep 14, 2022)

Originally published: CovertAction Magazine on September 12, 2022 (more by CovertAction Magazine) | "


"It takes a musical artist to cut through the morass of propaganda to educate American mainstream media (MSM) about the Russia-Ukraine crisis and the roleof the United States in instigating that conflict for its own nefarious ends.

The MSM have constructed an undiluted narrative about “Putin’s War” that disguises America’s imperialist expansion into eastern Europe. It is utterly Orwellian in its effort to project onto Russia what the U.S. and its main imperial ally, the UK (which a British journalist deemed “America’s tugboat”), have been doing non-stop since 1945—and indeed for centuries.

Looking back, the U.S. under Truman began the policy of turning enemies (Germany, Japan) into friends and friends (the important war-time alliance with the USSR) into enemies. The CIA, established in 1947, was the main clandestine instrument of this policy, working closely with the neo-Nazi Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) to carry out acts to sabotage, divide and destabilize the Soviet state"

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Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022

The only thing worth adding is that the plan was supposed to roll in 2017, assuming that Killary would be president, but Trump got in the way... and - once again - he was the "lesser of two evils" indeed, and by a long shot.

... and thanks for the link!

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Caught in the trap set by the Actual POTUS.

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RemovedSep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS
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His handler is Xi.

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His “handlers”?

You mean the REAL president?

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“Buck stops here” however. All the power of the Executive brach is vested in Biden. When his flunkies act, it’s the President acting. Scary thought all around.

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wow. OUTLOOK just said your "substack" POST was UNSAFE. I wonder if that means you are now being blocked by Microsoft. That is really obnoxious. just letting you know. I will see about fixing that.

I am actually aware of this HUGE mess but won't comment today. Biden's performance at UN was as disgraceful as the U.N.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sadly, the US neoCONs give us war after war and fools like Biden/Democrats (and RINO warmongers) go right along with it and spend billions of dollars we don't have to cover up their 2014 mistake.

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Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am increasingly coming to view RINO as a bit too limiting. Am inclined to think of them as being political agnostics, being pure opportunists lacking any convictions of their own at all. That is why it is nearly impossible to ever nail them down on any issue. The are as changeable as the wind

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Good point, as these creatures exist in both parties. Joe Biden and Liz Cheney are two prime examples.

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there are no parties, they are two wings on the same bird

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Nothing in the Asia Times article is a surprise to me, neither content nor tone. That is because, since

2013, I have followed Russian geo-strategic analysis, weekly, sometimes daily, at Andrei Raevsky's blog, https://thesaker.is/

The contributors there, both the article authors and the knowledgeable analysts in the (strictly moderated) comments section, have a decidedly different perspective than that of Western official/media propaganda.

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Indded, reading that blog helps enormously to understand whats is going on regarding the Ukranian mess.

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Firing on all cylinders Dr. Malone.

Vaccine safety.

Medical freedom.

The horrors of transgender mutilation as a business.

Exposing the fog and propaganda of NATO aggression and Brandon's war.

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And of course, suing those who would defame.

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Article is not shocking at all and shouldn't be for anybody even remotely awake and reading headlines while standing and waiting in the Check-Out Lane of any Grocery Store.

U.S. ENEMIES are certainly a threat. However, the GREATEST threat remains those in the U.S. Shadow Govt. comprised of the Corporatist/Bankers with their prostitute politicians and the Deep State LOYAL to the U.N., Trilateral Commission and WEF/CCP Cabal.

Everybody KNOWS the decisions being made since the installation of the UNELECTED, senile, seditious Pedophile to WEAKEN THE U.S. while STRENGTHENING U.S. ENEMIES ARE INTENTIONAL. We know they are bucking for their 'One World Govt' modelled upon the modern CCP/China THEY BUILT AND CONTINUE TO SUPPORT AND FINANCE IN EVERY WAY THEY POSSIBLY CAN through U.S. tax $$ and greater and greater INFLATION promoting wealth redistribution. Only surprise here is it required so much time since Jan. 6th for this to be reported. THANK-YOU Doctors Malone. As always, YOU ROCK!!!

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Lots of great comments here. I wrote a long one and discarded it. But my recommendation to anyone unfamiliar with the history of the conflict is to watch Oliver Stone's documentary, "Ukraine on Fire" freely available on bitchute.com, here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/0cvaLdO8WUPU/

If you are unaware of how the USA fomented the present situation, you need to view the above. N.B. Stone's film was shot several YEARS ago, long before the shooting started.

Peace to all.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Just found this link and am shocked where US and NATO warships are located in Europe https://www.marinevesseltraffic.com/2013/02/military-ship-track.html

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only three sitting off Crimea, but you can bet they have plenty of tactical nukes aboard

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I discovered Scott Ritter several months ago. Respect his wisdom and character very much.He has been right most of the time. Ukraine/Nazis Military are not the good guys! And we in the usa are not the good guys either, in this horrible war. .Here is one brave independent journalist I found named Patrick Lancaster from July video he gets the truth right from the people. Most tell him Ukraine is the one shooting bombs at where they live, and many side with Russia!


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One begins to wonder how many new games are superimposed on top of previous games. Since some writers have claimed the entire Ukraine thing was colluded in by the West in league with China and Russia itself to introduce the next step in their diabolical plan, i.e. energy shortages leading to food price increases, more poverty and starvation, to allow the banks et al to step in (again!) to bring in their digital currency (btw already in India and being introduced in Russia), reduce everyone's freedoms further, etc. etc. and now that "the war" seems to be escalating, isn't the intention just to frighten the shit out of everyone? Who can unravel this spider's web?

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

And btw, any advice proffered by Kissinger should probably be disregarded as not in our interest.

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Did you know Kissinger’s accent is completely fake?

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James Colbert did a great video all about him which is shocking.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Outlook is warning me that by responding and opening a comment here is an unsafe link! They are now after anyone that speaks the truth. We can have a nuclear winter by having a massive astroid hit the earth and create a dense dark cloud that encompasses the earth for years. It will destroy all animals and vegetables and we will be a rock again! The alternative is a nuclear winter created by World War III because we have brain dead politicians involved.

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1) How is the USA going to respond? The same way "The Joe BIden Construct" handles everything. Prepare for the worst possible consequence for the American people and the world.

2) How serious is this threat and what are the implications? The threat is deadly serious and it the implications are things are going exactly according to plan for the WEF stooges. Standby for Global Financial Collapse and Russia and China to declare war on the West simultaneously.

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Truman dropped nukes for less. Bidens failing War of Lies may very well end in Armageddon; for his ilk that is preferable to facing the cold prison cell of The Truth.

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At least they didn't call it Oceanic parochialism.

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Well, considering that Russia is already using stock and equipment from the 1970s and putting out there in Ukraine poorly trained and lead troops don't think it is really much of a military threat. If you really follow this, you know that USA and British intelligence has always overestimated Russian/Chinese capabilities.

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Putin's nuclear threats to be taken with massive grain of salt as their rockets as likely to explode in the silo as they are to arrive at any desired target. And he is well aware of this fact

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There will never be an end to wishful thinking and the dream that America will always be the world's most powerful nation.

Brandon imagined that by conquering Ukraine, he would be able to control and defeat Russia. His handlers neglected the fact that the BRICS have been growing in power as NATO invaded and destroyed nations and societies around the globe.

The dream is over.

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Putin's dream not going so well. either. Russia remains a weak nation whole dependent on peddling energy. That is a pretty vulnerable position to be in seeking to be a major world power

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I am not a propagandist or cheerleader for Russia; but anyone that has read THE ART OF WAR or has studied warfare knows that it is not uncommon for one side to trick the other into appearing vulnerable before striking a death-blow. Consider the Crusades and how armies evacuated cities in order to trap their enemies. If that's too difficult, watch the last 20 minutes of BLAZING SADDLES.

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Too difficult?? Being cute are you?

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Welcome to the real world, Dr. Malone 😏. I warmly recommend you to follow “The Duran”, MacGregor and Scott Ritter.

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I follow so many of these geopolitics sources, would also include The Redacted, but hadn't heard of these Vostok 2022 exercises being discussed.

Today's Duran included an insightful conversation with Garland Nixon with a discussion about how the neocon ideologues have co-opted both right and left wing politics and thoughts about how the US could possibly rid itself of these influences.

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Dr. Robert.. I was mentioned before, It seems for me, that the whole Rusian-Ukranian war is an asymmetric response to the Biological War, which has not actually started 2 years ago. We live surrounded by biological agents, and I can witness, that flu-like viruses appeared in Western Europe approximately in the middle of the 1990s. After that the amount of people with cancer in Siberia was multiplied ~10 times just in 20 years. And here is only the tip of the iceberg.

If we assume, that Chinese were acting with understanding, that Covid-19 as a biological agent was developed in military purposes, Russia did the same. Finally - they have got iron curtain, and now they are escalating the war. Yes, Europe is on their knees, but it's not a "Motive". Motive is only one:

Somehow Russians understand, that Covid-19 will strike again and again. So, all those drills and preparations, and demonstration of aggressive power - its not to us, it's a diplomatic language of the current Biological War. North Korea, Chinese, India, Russia - all those territories have no chance to survive against Covid-19, especially if "designers" of the project have new dangerous strains, which weren't exposed before.

I so agree with Dr. R. Fleming - the government of the US has started biological attack, and now they don't know how to stop it without continue escalation of biological agents (the second half - is mine opinion).

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