It's a lost cause, I think, unless we balkanize part of the country and form a barrier around it. They changed the voting laws here in Michigan to no voter ID, so no conservative will ever win here again and conservatives can't win without the Midwest. And they control all the information. As you know. It's a bleak picture. Very bleak. Too many sheep here now and people willing to trade freedom for promises of convenience. What a sad end for a great experiment.

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Franklin said something to the effect of we had a republic as long as we could keep it. When you keep hearing moronic yammering about our "democracy" you realize the breath of the problem. The bulk of the flock of sheep out there weaponized by the pseudo-educational operations in government schools do not even know what type of governance we live under. A pretty deep hole to have to dig ourselves out of.

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So true. No time like the present to start digging out...

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Voting laws aren't final. Living is a process. This is an opportunity for education: listening, connecting.

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Not yet, not by a long shot. We have not yet begun to fight. It will, I fear, come down to - having a fight. I fear it, I deplore it, but the group known as “they” have captured the minds of so many of those who used to be “us”.There are not enough of remaining “us” to peacefully turn the tide. So we need to awaken the slumbering and willfully inattentive, and empower them, anger them and frighten them into seeing the truth.

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deletedNov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022
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p..s. In MONTANA they wouldn't protect the life of a baby that survives abortion? And these people won't limit it to 15 weeks? We ARE these people? Barbarians and crazies.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Its a revealing vote. I'm sure you've heard all about the "draconian abortion laws of Texas" that prohibit treating ectopic pregnancy, removal of deceased fetus, places bounty on abortion provider and all the rest. But when you read the actual text of the actual law, the very first thing explicitly stated is that abortion is not treatment of ectopic pregnancy, not removal of deceased fetus. It further states that physician can certify a medically necessary abortion procedure. Texas law also explicitly ties intent to kill as a condition of a procedure to be considered illegal abortion in the eyes of the law. This presumably means that a mother could elect induced delivery at any time as long as there is no intent to kill as part of that process, which from the doc's perspective would mean they would be required to provide care for the just born. And of course mother is also free to give up a survivor for adoption and be done with the matter. As for the "bounty" all of the conditions above make it very clear that the suing party had better have an air tight case for illegal abortion in accordance to Texas law. Because if they do not, they will in all likely hood be countersued for libel and they will lose. But as permissive as all of this is when actually read from the text as opposed to MSM propaganda claims, it still isn't good enough for the pro abortion crowd. Why not? Some have dared to say the quiet part out loud, but only a few. They want the baby dead. My body, my choice is satisfied by Texas law, but that isn't good enough for those who are hellbent on killing. The Montana vote just confirms that becoming un-pregnant isn't really the goal. The legal goal is to kill the baby.

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and p.s. WHY aren't they handing out birth control like candy? This is insanity. They WANT this as a political issue. Why these people can't see they are being controlled with this and "climate change" is a true mystery. And murdering babies to do it.

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Its all very diagnostic of the moral rot the country now lives under. People will vote for more inflation, more taxes, higher energy costs, risking WW3, lockdowns, remote school for their kids, riots and burning cities, sexual indoctrination of toddlers and everything else, all so they can have a right to kill their own offspring. Again, Texas law proves it isn't about my body, my choice. Because the outcome for the strawman raped teen is identical. She rids herself of the baby (after not going immediately to be treated for rape and thus preventing a possible pregnancy) and she does not have to deal with a surviving child since if it does survive, it can be given up for adoption. So my body my choice was 100% satisfied. But that isn't good enough for them. They also demand the "right" to kill it in an otherwise identical outcome.

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This is exactly true and they are insane and cruel. I can't relate to these people anymore. It used to be 60% of people even including pro-choice people wanted it in the first trimester. This is just insane. So irresponsible and selfish and cruel when there is birth control. I'll never understand this.

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Le, Yes, this is the perfect political issue: it stimulates instant and deep emotions - thus polarizing the electorate. Divide and conquer. Works every time. The author of today's article explained the dynamic well!

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Yes, that is the goal. I'm crying as I write this because many of these babies have Down Syndrome like my son--one of the most wonderful people on the planet. Heartbreaking. Just think what these animal rights people would do if this was a dog. When so many people would love to adopt and we are losing population. Texas law sounds sane. Not so here in Michigan. They can have an abortion anytime the physical or "mental" health of the mother is in danger up to the moment of birth here. And no voter ID to ever have a say in anything again. God help us.

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It's astonishing that people will value an animal's life more than a baby's. I just don't get it.

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It goes back to what Dobbs actually says (and means) and what the MSM made it out to be. Very few appear to understand - or desire to understand - what the decision means and even fewer have actually taken the time to read the decision.

Again, I was horrified when the leak happened and even more horrified when SCOTUS released the decision. I believe it was all intended to achieve this very purpose. The fact that no one has been or will be identified or punished reinforces my belief.

This all goes back to the medico-industrial complex's profit incentive for abortions and the use of stem cells and fetal tissue for manufacturing vaccines. It has nothing to do with "our body, our choice". This also holds true for gender reassignment procedures which effectively create patients for life as well as the push for quarterly vaccines for young and old.

These people are today's "robber barons" with levels of sociopathology that make the Rothschilds, et al., look like amateurs.

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That’s a straw man argument. What women and men everywhere have realized is the Government is now in charge of what they do with their body. It’s not their decision anymore if a fetus is viable or not, if the risks of carrying a fetus to term are worth it or not. It’s the Old Men at the Statehouse and the DA in charge now. The reality of the Texas law is that it’s life in prison if the DA disagrees with your medical opinion, or wants to make a an example of you. (Election year!) That’s why women are carrying dead fetuses for weeks as they get multiple exams to PROVE it’s dead, and their life hangs in the balance during that time. Why they have to wait until they’re on death’s door to be treated. And there are plenty of self-righteous people who are happy to harass anyone they believe does not follow their religious beliefs as to when life begins. They will suffer the counter-suits, believing that it’s “Gods Will” that what they are doing is right, and the other person’s beliefs are irrelevant. That is the European legacy that our founding fathers wanted to avoid, where religion and government were intertwined, and thus thoroughly corrupted both.

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Bullshit. Nobody cares about aborting dead fetuses. That's fine and they KNOW the baby is dead because it has NO HEARTBEAT, we're all for that, genius. We are fine with saving a woman's life at any time. If a woman is raped, she knows it immediately and if she's pregnant she can decide in the first trimester or there's lots of people who will adopt. Beliefs? Give me a freaking break. That is cruel and painful and horrible. You people are so evil. It's not funny. Why don't you geniuses use...wait for it... birth control and stop murdering babies. Birth control is cheaper and safer and they can hand that out--then they wouldn't have an issue for you brilliant people to carry on over. Unreal. Beliefs have nothing to do with it. You are barbarians and wouldn't do that to a dog.

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Obviously you haven't read Texas law on the topic and you have zero idea what you're talking about. So here. Knock yourself out:


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Have you read every one of the legal references, there’s tons of them. What matters is the effect, if the DA second guesses the Dr, then they face Court for months, and maybe prison for life. So they must CYA. The health of the mother becomes secondary. Ask CA about unintended consequences of laws on shoplifting. Case in point: https://people.com/health/beauty-youtuber-texas-forced-to-carry-dead-fetus-for-2-weeks-after-miscarriage-due-to-ban-on-abortion/

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That misses the point, why should the government have a say in your medical decision? If it’s not your right, they can change the law with the stroke of a pen. https://www.nytimes.com/1990/12/08/opinion/the-fruit-of-angela-carder-s-agony.html

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It doesn't really matter what it says. One state that needs adjusting has nothing to do with a blanketnational law that legalizes abortion to the moment of birth AND BEYOND. Obviously, they can kill the baby if they choose if it's alive. Or let it die. Abortion being illegal is better than what you people are doing as a matter of course in most places in this country. Things can be adjusted if need be in places, but there is NO excuse for abortion past 15 weeks, really 12. NONE. Except the life of the mother. Period. And this is your national platform. USE BIRTH CONTROL, you crazy, irresponsible idiots. Why are all these celebrities celebrating have abortions over and over. It's just horrible. Take responsibility for your actions. USE BIRTH CONTROL and stop dismembering babies past the first trimester. I am ok with it legal, reluctantly, until 12 weeks, but you people are insane. Totally.

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I heard that the law was written out in such a way on the ballot it could have been misinterpreted. It didn’t make much sense Montana voted for something like that. Many were complaining about the way it was written.

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Although not well drafted, the law is exactly as people understood. The law would have imposed a legal duty on health care providers to take steps to save a "human infant" as contemplated by the law that is "born alive" following an abortion procedure.

Here is the law in detail: https://ballotpedia.org/Montana_LR-131,_Medical_Care_Requirements_for_Born-Alive_Infants_Measure_(2022)

The key provisions are as follows:

2) "Born alive" means the complete expulsion or extraction from the mother of a human infant, at any stage of development, who, after expulsion or extraction, breathes, has a beating heart, or has definite movement of voluntary muscles, regardless of whether the umbilical cord has been cut and regardless of whether the expulsion or extraction occurs as a result of natural or induced labor, cesarean section, induced abortion, or another method.

The law would have imposed the following duty on health care providers with criminal penalties:

Section 4. Born-alive infant protection. (1) A born-alive infant, including an infant born in the course of an abortion, must be treated as a legal person under the laws of the state, with the same rights to medically appropriate and reasonable care and treatment. (2) A health care provider who is present at the time a born-alive infant is born shall take all medically appropriate and reasonable actions to preserve the life and health of the infant.

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Agree 100% Ejsmith... you left out ambulance chasers Feiger and Morse , they also have moles that work in the hospitals.

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Absolutely. My reference to the "symbiotic relationship" between doctors and lawyers is exactly this point. The other side of the coin is the insurance industry with their own paid doctors. All told, sick people have replaced automobiles as Michigan's comparative advantage.

That's why it doesn't shock me that COVID vaccination, abortions, and gender treatment are being pushed so heavily. They are all for-profit industries.

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Dispicable. Thanks for being aware of the corruption.

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In Florida, malpractice is treated different than in Michigan

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Hope better than when we lived there in the 80s. Believe the state was nearly down to 1 obgyn (I exaggerate but not much) because of really stupid litigation.

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Exactly. I was just going to add that I had hope we were getting the Hispanic vote but we lost it everywhere but Florida, the Cubans. are smart. Convincing the rest, who I never thought were socialists, religious family people, that they are being led to the slaughter is likely the only hope.

We raised our kids in Romeo and I grew up in Haslett. My husband is a construction manager, and I was actually an adjunct professor and writer (until I got cancelled). Our home here in Elk Rapids has been in the family since 1850, and we have a camp in the UP. I was just considering selling it and getting a modest place in Florida or S. Carolina or Texas (though I'm not as confident of it there), maybe Alabama, and keeping this as a vacation home. We still own apartments in the Romeo area we need to sell. Where would you go?

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Good for you Lekimball! Probably Florida or Tennessee.

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We lived in both places when we were first married. I wasn't that crazy about Florida full time, but loved Tennessee. Getting kind of big time and lots of entertainment people there these days. We lived just south of Nashville.

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Lots of decisions soon …

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For 30 years, I was a State social worker in Kent, Ontonagon, Cheboygan, Emmet, Roscommon, and Ogemaw counties. My wife and I retired to Sevierville, TN and, like you said, the state and the people are wonderful. However, in the ten years we've lived in Sevierville, we have seen an increase in population that staggers the imagination. Dolly Parton Parkway is now gridlocked from 8:00 AM. There are probably ten times as many people living in this town as there were in 2012.

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Thanks for the heads up Charles C

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So true Ejsmith!! You left out Feiger and Morse ... shit stirring ambulance chases , with hospital moles who work for them !!

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"Mike Wins" is Mike Morse. You're right about Feiger but he has always been self-promotional with little need for billboards on the highways.

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Just Tv campaigns and screaming in court and banging his fists, very dramatic! He went to drama school, he really did !

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While he's not one of my favorite people, Fieger is an incredible advocate so his reputation as a lawyer is deserved. Fieger is different than Mike Wins or Joumana because he is not a parasite. Drama school paid off for him.

At Michigan State Law School (that used to be The Detroit College of Law), they introduced an acting class as part of their legal advocacy program. It may be required.

Having tried many cases myself, a lawyer's comfort with public speaking and ability to command a court room is an important part of being an effective advocate. I see the value in drama classes.

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Well said except the democrats will not not win the House or the Senate if Herschel wins.

Thanks for explaining why Michigan voters are dumber than Pennsylvania voters. The God of abortion wins again. God help us

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Sadly, they just called Nevada so the democrats now control the Senate. I find it highly unlikely the republicans will win the House when every close race is being decided for democrats.

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Many did not understand the loopholes

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Whitmer’s crazy rule not allowing ourchase of seeds to plant vegetables was an eye opener. I knew then she was insane. Or controlled either way, Michigan had to depose her. I still can’t believe it didn’t happen. Who it’s i with that, except for those who are like abused women or kids?

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So you believe the outcome was genuine?! What occurred simply does not hold up under scrutiny. Start by researching what was done during 2020, and then the drawn out and befuddling results of this past election will make sense.

Start with this website: https://election-integrity.info/

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I find it it troubling that 80% of the close races are won by democrats. That is why I knew Laxalt would eventually lose as will Kari Lake and the republicans will not win the House majority.

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Robert and Jill - Thank you for this post by David Marks.

"It is futile to counter irrational behavior or aggression with an emotional response."

I will burn these words into my brain in preparation for dinner with the family sheep tomorrow.

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Emotions are not by themselves shameful. We are human beings, not machines.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

The one thing the Lord has been impressing upon me is to “shod my feet with the gospel of peace”. Which is to NOT be afraid, it is the enemy’s weapon. Then to stand firm, in the power of the Holy Spirit, on the Rock of my salvation. .. which is Jesus Christ my Lord. Every weapon formed against me by the evil one is extinguished by putting on the ‘full armor of God’ as described in the book of Ephesians chapter 6. All being defensive but one, the ‘sword of the Spirit’, the Word of God. Only God is omnipresent, omniscient and all powerful. The enemy is not His opposite, because God has no equal.

The psychological operations being perpetrated by godless, demonically influenced men are challenges indeed… ‘The Church’, which is the body of Christ across the world, must humble itself, repent and pray for forgiveness and mercy for our compromises and lukewarmness. Christ is King.

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How can we listen to each other when the left is censoring the truth? And the MSM is lying to us? How can we get people to see? When even doctors & scientists are censored & resorting to using private secret telegram channels to communicate the truth, America is in great peril!

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We right now are analogous to living in a house where the kids are allowed to play with matches and suddenly finding ourselves needing to find a way out of a burning building

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See YouTube/who announcement? Censorship via US companies & foreign entities, supported by U.S. Tax dollars. Bypassing our constitution, and using $$ from US citizens 401k & pensions via blackrock & vanguard, but there’s no cabal!

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Michael, your insights never fail to impress me.

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Have you ever heard of a stand in the park?? https://www.astandinthepark.org/usa/ is where you can go and see if a nearby park has a stand, if not you can start one!! They are from 10a-11a and you have to do is go during that hour wearing yellow and seek out others wearing yellow. It’s a great way to meet up with like minded people.

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No but thank you for the information-- I will share that. Apparently, this has become my current job! Sharing!

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I love the Gandhi quotes. Anger and arguing never makes change happen. Peaceful protests are the answer. Think of Martin Luther KingJr. He believed in peaceful protests, not violence it only makes more violence.

Dr Malone you have a large following because you take the peaceful approach. Your calm nature , calms us all. You speak truth. Truth makes sense . Lies cause confusion. You have been a force for good in the world of anger and violence. Thank you!

I have ordered your book and look forward to reading it.

Have a good peaceful day.

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Everyone is afraid to peacefully protest. Lots of people who did that on Jan. 6th are now in jail even if they didn't go in the building. They are doing that on purpose, though they'd have trouble justifying that garbage if people just filled the streets. However, remember they did that in Canada and the people who organized it had their bank accounts seized. And some had their trucks seized. Bank of America is already giving them information if we purchase firearms. We get on lists and things. Dr. Malone can probably tell you that. I think he had to move his money maybe. Dr. Mercola had to and others.

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Excellent post. Thank you Dr. M and David M.

I ran across this excellent piece on fascism by Ryan Chapman:


It will help you better understand the manipulation that has been used on the 99% by the FASCIST <1%

The West is at its very heart, controlled by fascists.

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And yet it continues. The bludgeoning of the truth in a never ending effort to pry the Overton Window open a few more inches. No matter how many die of the poisonous shots, MSM and the Tech Turds will lie in our faces and say "Safe and Effective". Who among you has any trust for the medical cartels anymore, save for a few brave professionals like Dr. Malone?

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I have not trusted medicine for decades. Ok, if i have an acute injury its a good world. But as i used to tell my dental patients: you should hardly need me, and your physician is staring back at you in the mirror.

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Ever wonder, sitting in front of the t.v. watching all those ads for treatments for all those autoimmune diseases (perhaps caused by overzealous medication) how much hypochondria they create?

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Yes. Fear sells. Not only that, it sells itself.

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Good grief. Just don't watch it.

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"vigilance is required in finding a path to establish a realistic framework for disseminating the truths of our time"

IMHO, the primary battle is against censorship/propaganda. If we can't stop government control of the narrative via the media/social media, the broader dissemination of truths will soon become impossible...

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Brilliant essay and worth preserving for future generations

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I find this essay nebulous and abstract in the extreme. We are the victims of murderous oppression compounded by escalating lies and propaganda. Yet this essay asks us to emulate some ideological chimera of Ghandi and Dr. Spock (the space voyager logician not the socialist pediatrician) Platitudes and cliches will not change the immutable fact that there are indeed evildoers in this world. It is simply necessary and inevitable that lies will be antagonized by truth. Harmony is soothing when all the notes blend in accord. But if a string or a voice is repeatedly and deliberately out of tune, then there is nothing to fret. It must be corrected or deleted. If not, there is no music and no song.

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What this essay offers is a wider and deeper perspective, a challenge to move beyond simplistic black/white, an opportunity to include nuance in one's responses and interactions. We humans are complicated. Ghandi and others represent encouragement, possibility. They did their work in their time. Now it is our time.

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Where can we go to if America is lost?

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Chinada is no longer an option unless u like wokeidiots surrounding u like toothless sharks. 🇨🇦requiem

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Had to laugh at that one...I live on the border with Canada and always thought if things got really nasty here, I could walk a short distance to sanity. No more! It isn’t so much that Trudeau exposed his tyrannical tendencies to the world (I always considered him an empty suit piss ant), it’s that the people of Canada allowed him to get away with it! When citizens lie down in the face of such egregious injustice, it’s a signal that there is no abuse they won’t endure. Sadly, the Canada we once knew is no more.

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Not sure. Maybe some states in the US and essentially balkanize it. No other country is any better. Florida, Texas, (maybe), Alabama, maybe S. Carolina, Oklahoma. I would have said Montana before that vote, Wyoming maybe.

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Thank you for sharing this reasoned essay. Emotionally charged responses do not move us in the right direction as a civilization. This is our greatest challenge. The Atlantic article penned by Emily Oster was a personality litmus test that each of us can self-grade.

The health educator, YouTuber, and once follower-of-the-narrative John Campbell has blossomed into an awakened leader. He does not preach, but rather, shows data and looks for solutions (therapeutics, for example).

Blessings to the truth-seekers, may we judiciously blend compassion, wisdom, and ferocity. 🙏

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Watching the gradual redpilling of the good Dr Campbell has been encouraging and gratifying!

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Elegant essay. But, the closing sentence reveals the truth -- reconciliation is not possible. Our starkly divided country will not be resolved peacefully. Predictions before the election forecasted a strong shift in sentiment away from dem rule which has wrecked our economy, our health, and our outlook. But itdidn't happen, showing the "red wave" is frustrated and disorganized while the socialists remain unified and dogmatic. That frustration will grow until it explodes. Hard times ahead.,

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One of the best...but...

How do you convince one side to even consider attempting to engage in dialogue with someone who has been characterized as everything from fascist, bigot, misogynist, racist, sexist, homophobe, conspiracy theorist, insurrectionist, yes, and even Nazis by every source of societal communication that they embrace...from the news they read, the TV they watch, the politicians they listen to, their teachers in school, and the social media they use?

Now add to that mix the censorship of conflicting thoughts and ideas by their politicians, their government, their “trusted” law enforcement and intelligence agencies, down to even the search engines and “encyclopedias” (like Google and Wikipedia) where they might go to seek information about the other side.

I would enthusiastically engage in calm, rational discussion on any topic with anyone on the other side of any question, but what possible benefit could they see in attempting to engage in rational discourse with such a hopeless deplorable as me?

And so it goes...

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Decide not to fit their blueprint of who they project you are. What I do is try to keep the door open between us. I listen with both my head and my heart so that they feel heard. I don't polarize nor try to convince. I look for areas of agreement to build connection. Easy does it...

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Nicely written article. However, it seems overly optimistic. I think about the story of Ghandi often and he is referenced in this article. His life was one of great suffering and did he really obtain sustainable change? I don’t mean to undermine the greatness of him and his impact on India. But India shares the same struggles with the ruling elites that the western world does. Probably worse. I have recently watched the Atlas Strugged 3 part movie series. The films could have been made better but the underlying story is provocative. I intend on reading the book when I have more time. The central character, a brilliant engineer running a critical train network is determined to keep on keeping on in a world that is falling apart around her. Government authoritarianism plagues the US. The outcome of the story gives much to think about. It’s both terrifying and inspiring. I won’t give away the plot here. You’ll have to read/watch and make up your own mind. Cheers

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

A lie can travel half way round the world while the truth is getting its boots on.

In the case of the pseudopandemic, the lie has had deadly consequences. I believe that the ultimate goal was depopulation. The population has been too slow to wake up to this. Now, the ship has sailed. In most countries 90% have been jabbed. The inexorable rise in excess deaths seems to point to the success of the lunatic, psychopathic scheme.

I don't believe that doctors have a solution to reverse the effects of the jab. I do believe that there ARE solutions and that they can be found in the medical literature. But orthodox doctors are not able to step outside their "pill for an ill" Rockefeller medicine indoctrination. They are too afraid to lose their licences and their comfortable living. Example: in my opinion THE most important thing to do if you have been jabbed is to take nattokinase. The studies prove conclusively that it dissolves blood clots with no adverse effects unless you are on warfarin. So why is this not in the FLCC protocols? https://www.seignalet-plus.com/nattokinase-dissolves-blood-clots/

Why do you have to do the FLCC protocols under a doctor's supervision? Many people who have been injured by the jab have already spent all their savings, sold their house or re-morgaged in order to pay for useless medical treatments. Why don't the "frontline doctors" tell you that it's possible to take high dose vitamin c by the oral route so you don't need a doctor to give you an intravenous. https://www.seignalet-plus.com/vitamin-c-the-lazarus-vitamin/

Why is the FLCC overselling ivermectin, a drug? When the real therapeutics are vitamin c, vitamin d, zinc and quercetin?


Is my anger making me an "enemy within"?


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Anger can morph into effective/hopeful action and calm then back into anger, even a better controlled anger that is better described as angst or irritation. You and i need not apologize for the swirl of emotion we have experienced as victims of all of this. Victimized? Victim mentality? No, not necessarily. We will freely choose our own approach to getting thru or around this government BS.

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Have you asked the FLCC docs about your questions?

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