I attended undergrad school with the current FDA commissioner, Dr. Califf. We were friends & classmates, and I will say straight up I have been deeply disappointed to conclude how willing he had to be to take on the dishonorable assignment when he did, not to mention go along with the innumerable crimes against humanity that have been committed under his dubious "watch". Am vastly understating my visceral disgust here...

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I am very disappointed in him also.

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. . . and, Alan, all of us here are hoping you will communicate the paragraph above to him directly with support from all of us here on Substack and in the world, for that matter.

He NEEDS to know.

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I admit to have been holding off on doing that but I totally hear you and yes, absolutely must do so. We were honest to goodness friends back then, though our lives went in different directions and as so often happens we lost touch over the course of the last 50 yrs ( :o ) since graduation in '73. I appreciate your encouraging me to reach out, I cannot begin to imagine what it must feel like to know one has been complicit in the abject abandonment of all we, perhaps naively, believed were the tenets of both the FDA's primary responsibility and the Hippocratic oath itself.

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Thank you Alan R for mentioning the Hippocratic Oath ... as an Ob/Gyn , why in God’s name would you give an untested “vaccine” to pregnant women and the ACOG backs it .

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I agree, about giving an untested vaccine to pregnant women. It’s like they’ve taken everything we’ve ever learned and turned it on its head.

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Giving untested vaccine to ANYONE is terrible. For pregnant women it’s doubly horrible. Everything from beginning to end of covid hype to vaccine has been a terrible crime. Why is the big question? I think I know why and all this involved should

Be prosecuted.

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I wouldn't say it like that, Alan, since you haven't been in contact with him in years, and it would also miss an opportunity to find out what was going on in his mind/thought process to have done such a thing, perhaps to give us more clues as to what happened behind the scenes...? I see it as an opportunity to possibly change his mind and have him make better decisions from now on, perhaps he doesn't even know how many people would support him if he did?

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. . . AND, coming from someone of such vintage in his life, words from Alan could be a good form of "shake-up". Perhaps enough to move the boulder over the apex of the hill.

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the first word that comes to mind after reading your post is naive.

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Yes, understood, Mo! I used to think the same way about people like this, and then I got more and more responsibility, managing bigger and bigger projects and teams, and having to corral the outliers, instigators, agitators, and real players, to get the goal met, regardless, I found that you have to even pretend to assume their good intentions, until they prove otherwise, which is much easier than stifling a coup when they panic/get mad during a reveal, especially since they can claim a victim card, and cause even more issues with leadership and getting the project done/goals met! We want to live before we want them to face justice, just a priority!

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I honestly completely understand. That is a very hard and painful thing to ask of you.

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Forever and Ever Amen!

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It seems that Califf is deeply connected to Big Pharma. He also served a tenure employed by Alphabet (Google). Joe Biden nominated him and then renominated him. I am not sure there is hope there.

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yeah, I know...

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Unfortunately, the way those type of nominations seem to be handled implies preselection of yes-men that will do as told (by big business, political interest etc ..).

Anyone willing to hold their ground in defense of public health above private interests will be past over for promotion or won't last in the position.

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Whatever you think of Califf, to call him "shady" or having a "shady history" is a real stretch. Plus, citing POGO as a source really discredits you. That is a truly leftist group of DC actors. They oppose protecting America's boarders among other stupidities.

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Bravo Dr Ladapo!

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Florida is doing everything right. Dr. Lapado is nothing short of a hero and truth seeker. Gov. DeSantis chose the right man for the job. Bravo!

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

He is making fools out of all the others in that job in all the other states, and showing, by implication, what knaves they are.

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God Bless Dr. Ladapo.

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Feb 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Every and every state needs a Dr Ladapo!

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I was so disappointed when he was first hired because he spoke against Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. I do feel better about him now.

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Just embarrassing, as a Texan, that Florida continues to lead the way. But God Bless Florida!

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I was a lifelong Texan until 4 1/2 yrs ago--70 yrs. I now reside in Florida. I love Governor Abbot but Governor DeSantis outshines him!!! Glad to be here.

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Sadly and criminally, FDA & CDC are FULLY aware of all Florida Surgeon General just stated in his letter to them.

As far as I’m concerned this is Federal criminal deprivation of Constitutional Civil Rights by these administrators and all involved at these agencies and beyond.

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Also interesting that high profile doctors met with Trump at Mar-a-Lago:

Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Peter McCullough, & myself, Dr. Paul Alexander were invited to 45's (POTUS Trump's) home in Mar-a-Lago, Florida, yesterday for a meeting/gathering; Dr. McCullough was in travel


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How I hope something profound results from that meeting with the docs. They need to educate him on all things COVID. Trump was deceived, IMO.

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Been praying, too! Am more hopeful now...

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If he hasn't come out to speak about this by now I'm not sure he ever will.

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And the lies all came crashing down ......

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Is Dr. Joseph Ladapo the only honest surgeon general in the United States? I greatly appreciate him and his bravery, for speaking the truth and these dystopian times!

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Looks that way. What other Governors are speaking Truth???

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I would hope that unlike the situation with our tyrannical College of Physicians of Ontario, those in Florida are not at risk for delicensure if speaking truth with patients regarding this bioweapon. Oath holders, unite!

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We are most definitely not, I assure you! And thank you for thinking of us. We are hoping for your freedom, our colleagues to the North.

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With this factual and proven information getting out, nobody should be taking this poison. Time for all of us to put on our thinking caps, and put an end to this insanity. Sharing is caring.

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I used to think all those scientists in California must be really smart. Now I know it’s the ones from Florida.

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DeSantis found him working in Ca and hired him to Florida.

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Dr Ladapo he’s from California, but was punished for speaking his truth and so happy he is now able to in Florida!

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I sent the following letter to both Minnesota Senators:

Hello Senator Emmer [ . . . Klobuchar]

You should be aware that the state of FLORIDA has alerted its citizens and healthcare providers that besides concerns for the pandemic's COVID 19 virus there are concerns also for the USA government issued/ sanctioned/ propaganda-pushed vaccine causing a huge 1700% spike in adverse events and a 4400% increase in life threatening conditions since the vaccine rollout. Adverse events are recorded and reported on a USA government FDA website called VAERS and it is 20 to 100 UNDER-estimating the REAL number of deaths and adverse events.

You have an obligation to be a responsible Senator of OUR state and communicate the same information to citizens and our governor Walz. In absence of action on your part you will be included in culpability for this devastation of human life sanctioned by the USA government , State of Minnesota government, and corporate healthcare systems & physicians.


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Pro tip: When you're sharing URL's, you can drop all the characters after the question mark. 😊

Check it out: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/warning-florida-department-of-health

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whoa! Cool man. Thanks, Signme Uplease. . . !

I learned something new today and it's only 15 minutes into it!

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The added bonus is that you eliminate the tracking code embedded in those extra characters. People have no idea what those are for but it actually generates profits for big tech. I like to think of it as a small form of resistance. 👍😊

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OMG! THAT is even better.

Thanks, and I will pledge to do MY part! with bells on. . .

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I found that out some time ago when my posts on Truth Social exceeded character limits!

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Good luck! I hope it helps you.

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Much respect for Dr. Ladapo. He is worrier all the way.

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. . . Warrior . . .

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Ha ha! Autocorrect. You know what I mean.

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I think he is a worrier too - worried about our health enough to call BS and call out the FDA. He also pointed out in his letter that he encourages steps to take preventive measures *before* we get sick - diet and exercise. I live in SWFL and coach clients with a program of intermittent fasting, good food and plenty of it - no deprivation- and strategic 30 minute workouts including strength training and HIIT. It’s virtual, can be done anywhere and we have thousands of clients over 50. (Including me). It’s never too late to start trying to keep yourself out of the hospital and off prescription meds.

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anal-retentive habits are hard to break. I just HAD to say something!

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Go through same feeling when folks slap an s on Latin derived nouns to make them pleural.

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Hmmmm. That took me a bit on the big interweb thingee to figr out!

. . . so, alumnuses vs alumni?

But, hey, your LAST word. . . You MUST(!) be tweaking me!

pleural ?!


. . . plural . . .

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You must be a teacher. 🤣

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uuuhh, worse.

an engineer!

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