May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In the old days (when I was a kid) when we traveled, we could smell an oil refinery miles before we saw it. If we spent a couple of hours in the town we could no longer smell it. We were desensitized.

Same thing going on with these moral degenerates. They intend to destroy every sense of modesty and decency by overwhelming the culture with a moral stench.

According to the scripture, God has given them up to a depraved/disapproved mind. Romans 1:24-32. Eventually, He will “clean house” and they will be rewarded according to their works. Til then -

Protect the Children!

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Unrelated IMPORTANT question..... Now that the pandemic is officially declared over, does it not follow that the approval of the experimental vaccine in now revoked??? wouldn’t the drug manufacturers have to start selling and administering the approved vaccines for use in the United States now that the pandemic is officially declared over?????

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And I quote from a really good book that I’m reading, “ emergency use authorization is a process defined by the US federal law for the introduction of ‘ a drug device or biological product intended for use in an actual or potential emergency. From the book, why is my government told me, buy some joker named Malone. 😁

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It is my 'understanding' that only part of the pandemic was declared over (in order to keep selling shots I'm sure). But maybe the good doctor will see your post and answer more thoroughly and accurately.

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You’re probably right. I’ll delete that comment and rewrite it when I get to a computer. I’m on my phone right now.

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Sorry about that the real title is, “ Lies My Government told me.”

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imho, The folks who run things now like to appear to be in compliance with the laws of the land and talk as if they are, but if it is too inconvenient, it seems clear they will ignore the law. So far none of them has been held accountable for their lawlessnesses and lies. They control the levers of power but - they do seem sensitive to public opinion if they begin to lose control of it.

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At least they’re not hiding who they are anymore. Spiritual battle as Tucker put it recently, ain’t no more denying it. Thank you for letting us see what is going on!

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More here, with some helpful de-debunking:

“At the risk of losing my top rated show at Fox, it is hard to imagine any non-spiritual-warfare explanation for the nation’s leading doctors so openly embracing a worldview that can be best described as the precise antithesis of the Book of Genesis.”


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Humanity is losing its soul to the devil!

I see no reason to visit Europe anymore, because of the unjust, Ukraine war, and the degradation of life itself that is upon us!

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It doesn't help knowing that approximately one-third of the commercial airline pilots are flying with damaged hearts. One more reason not to want to travel to Europe anymore (unless you enjoy traveling by ship) For those who are unaware, the FAA quietly changed what is considered a normal ECG, by allowing a longer P-R Interval. As far as the images hanging in the EU Parliament, they are not only extremely offensive, but one more indicator of just how far we have fallen as a society.

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Can you imagine the discussions within the airline industry once faced with all the pilots suddenly failing their exams? Do we admit pilots are failing the tests after we forced them to take covid shots and then owe hundreds of millions in disability payments and a huge disruptive labor shortage, or do we change the health test to pretend nothing happened? Let's go with the latter and blame SADS if we have to.

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"...owe hundreds of millions in disability payments..."

Bingo! The biggest reason all the 'powers ' keep saying it's not the shots and lying about it.

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Doctors are baffled.

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Public health officials will eventually give their best Casablanca "I'm shocked! Shocked!" to find the shots were causing injuries and death. As if it took years for the truth to suddenly dawn upon them.

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Not much more flying in my future as I am very aware of the FAA’s failures to keep the flying public safe! Europe is no longer calling me! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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yep, the insane lunacy continues. I am a retired helicopter and fixed wing pilot. I am so so lucky to have no need or desire to fly again. I am so sad for those who need to fly. God...please bless the difficult work of those fighting for the truth.

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Changing the P-R interval of an ECG (allowing it to be longer) is no different than a mechanic telling you that it is now okay to drive around on bald tires. Yes, we do indeed need to pray for those who have been so desperately trying to tell the truth over the last 3-years. As for myself, I did my own research early-on & soon learned who was telling the truth & who was not. I then made a list of all of the ethical scientists & physicians in the U.S., Canada, & Europe. I keep that list in a drawer & it from them that I extract my information & absorb their wisdom.

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A subject close to heart.

My wife is flying out tonight via BA for Manchester. I'm concerned, at the least, that the captain on her flight is suddenly incapacitated and a much less experienced junior officer has to pilot the plane into Heathrow. What if he/she, with adrenaline spiking also has an 'event'? I never brought this up with her...not even the damages done to pilots to begin with (we have an interesting dichotomy of views).

Then I started thinking about her bus ride into Boston Logan. Was the bus driver also mandated to vaccinate? What happens if he had 'an event'? (Thankfully, she made the terminal so no highway event).

I have no desire to travel now, unless by road or maybe rail. My wife will because of family. Just another example of how we are being slowly restricted.

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Some believe that the components of the vax injected (the A) are dormant until activated by something else (the B). Pilots, and aircraft generally, have a high degree of exposure to EMF at certain times. It could be that the EMF is the B. It's dangerous to fly nowadays...more so than before.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There is a moral sickness that has overtaken the land. We live in Biblical times. Whereas 20 years ago the notion of "sin" seemed to pertain to those with religious orientations, one need not be particularly religious to appreciate the sinfulness of our times. In the Bible, sinners usually are met with terrible ends -- a dies irae, of floods, fires, turning into pillars of salt, or plagues of one sort or another. One can only wonder what is in store for the modern day sinners. Whatever it is, it is likely to be a horrible end, and one that hopefully the virtuous will be spared from.

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We’ve always lived in ‘biblical times’. 'All time' is the Lord’s. He is still on His throne. He sees that we are heading head-long towards the beginning, back to a Towel of Babel.

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The VIRTUOUS? Ohhh puh-lease... are we talking Rapture Ready? 🤣 Then we are ALL DOOMED.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is so important to expose and to discuss. And for people to rail against, and to protect their children from.

The other night we watched a French TV series detective show --we had enjoyed the first few seasons--and then this drag queen + murders with all manner of necrophilia hints seeping in the latest season. We realized we would never finish that series. They want to hook you on some good acting and story lines, and then think you wouldn't finish until the series ends. Desensitization.

Moral of my story--don't give in to sunk costs, even on a movie half watched or a TV series you will never see finalized if it goes to those debauched and disturbed places.

If you haven't discovered the wonderful commentator Richard Vobes in the UK, check him out he has commented on all manner of the COVID hoax and decline of values and community, whereas he used to just be a lightearted traveler. This would be a good interview for Dr. Malone from his fine studio.

This interview on the horror of sexualizing children:


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It is definitely important to discuss. As blasphemes as these depraved images are, I have personally witnessed beautiful impressionist work that I study and create compete with high end art houses that sell this crude type of work. I should never want to meet this mind of the buyer. Sadly, they push all boundaries. Defacing Christ is a perfect example of the lack of reverence yet acknowledgement of the Supreme son of God he is. It is more desensitization. Many I know make a fabulous business with beautiful and classical art.

Yet, they would not be marketing this platform. The whole Covid, Election, DEI and etc is an attempt to erase the good in the foundation of Western civilization. I heard parents say the other day, "we want our children to be good Global Citizens." Do they hear themselves?

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Thanks for the link.

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yes..abominations. glad to have you stand and say so...apparently such a small minority is offended these days. We will reap what we sow and already are!

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Abomination the appropriate word. I keep searching for firm enough words for the decline.

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It’s OK to mock religion, but woe be to he who mocks the trans cult!

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They’re just pawns that the enemy will use in his war, but he cares nothing for the carnage that he leaves in his wake..he can’t help himself… he is a liar, a thief and a murderer.

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It’s coming to a primary school near you if WHO and UN get their way.


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These politicians are trying very hard to rile us up, to divide us, to destroy traditional cultures & religion. To force change. Bull in China shop style. They believe these things have no value, so we all must believe it too. Forced globalization. This is why France is on the street, it's not just about the pension reforms, it's about the fascism.

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yes, spiritual war fare.....forced globalization.

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Unbelievable. That is sickening.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Not being religious and very liberal, these images of so called art are disgusting at best and more likely criminal if exposed to children. I find the images depicting Jesus rude, insulting and sacrilegious. What has happened to decency and discretion ? Really it’s insulting to have this vulgar display of deviant sexual behavior rammed down our throats. These fools must be punished for their disregard of their duties to advance society, instead of willfully destroying it.

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May 16, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm trying to play devil's advocate here, but failing miserably. Art fulfills a need to express emotion and meaning or to answer a question which can not be expressed via an equation. The only question this gallery answers is - "What would Salvador Dali's work have looked like if he was an idiot who worked for Hustler Magazine and was completely lacking in creativity and talent?"

This isn't even slightly creative or original in its attempt at being shocking. Hell, even the photography is crap. On every level, this fails.

I mean, it does force one to think, too bad it only makes one think, "Wow, this is just shit. Why did they waste the time, effort, materials, and space?"

There has to be a reason, right? Like what was the artist's intention, "I wanna make abstract art with pictures of people.?" Because although it does show people, it is utterly devoid of any human perspective. No one is into this and no one sees it as edgy , shocking, original, or relatable.

The powers that should not be are trying way too hard to force division. This type of thing can only truly work to bring people together. As a trans, leftist, punk rocker, I'm in complete accord with even the most evangelical of people in calling this what it is... Shit.

That's all it is and nothing more.

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Thank you-

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Andi West.

I want to thank you for your openness. I have long ascribed to supporting the GLBTQ community, but this kind of aggression leaves me feeling less compassionate towards 'them'. It is affirming to hear your comments and to know that on some level, we find compatibility. I wish you peace on your journey. (not something a punk rocker generally desires, it seems but maybe some deeper aspect is yearning for that sensibility). Grin. Blessings Joe Uveges

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Sadly, it just means that it is no longer a rumor that the luciferians are ascendant in the EU and among the other elites of the world. Perversion and blasphemy is their specialty. They are no longer in the shadows and intend to force it on all of us, especially our children. Loathsome.

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And no one dares to say anything. Satan in Greek - Adversary. Its goal, humiliate God by corrupting his greatest creature, his Human. It wants us all in Hell, where it resides.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

No surprise,

The architects of the Louise Weiss European Parliament Building in Strasbourg, France, designed it to be a 21st Century version of the Tower of Babel. Nimrod and his followers constructed the original edifice on the plain of Shinar to protect themselves against another universal flood, presumptuously exerting human authority over God's authority.

David Hathaway was told by a journalist that members of the European Parliament knew what the Tower of Babel was and what it meant. CARBON COPY: Is the Strasbourg Parliament building meant to look like the unfinished Tower of Babel mentioned in the Old Testament?



The very goal of the advocates of the unlimiting immigration policies of Europe and the United States completely support the original Satanic goal introduced by Nimrod and Semiramis thousands of years ago: to meld the people together under one voice. This is exactly what ancient Nimrod and Semiramis tried to do at the original "Tower of Babel,"

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Den of iniquity

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Thanks for the links.

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What other harlot uses ‘Queen of Heaven’ and ‘Mother of God’?

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Queen of Heaven (Latin: Regina Caeli) is a title given to the Virgin Mary, by Christians mainly of the Catholic Church.

The Catholic teaching on this subject is expressed in the papal encyclical Ad Caeli Reginam, issued by Pope Pius XII in 1954. It states that Mary is called Queen of Heaven because her son, Jesus Christ, is the king of Israel and the heavenly king of the universe; indeed, the Davidic tradition of Israel recognized the mother of the king as the queen mother of Israel.


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Paul the Apostle would call the RCC heretical. They teach a different gospel, a different Mary and a different Jesus.

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Then why did Jesus cease his work when the Blessed of All Women and His brethren came to see Him ? Luke 8: 19 - 21

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He didn’t.

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Ephesians 6:12 (KJV)

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

After what we’ve witnessed over these past 3+ years, can we really doubt that we are in a spiritual battle of good vs. evil? I feel like we’re living in the Book of Revelation. It certainly is going to take a Savior to clean up this mess.

Dr. Malone, this “art” is shameful, offensive, and disgusting! I agree with you, those who allow it should be held to account. I appreciate you standing up and speaking out against lies and evil. Good people across the globe or all religions, or even good non religious people, need to stand up and speak out against evil and totalitarianism. We need to speak the truth and stand for truth. Thank you for your courage and example! God bless us all to have the courage to do what is right.

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Well, they have insulted those who worship the Lord God Jesus Christ.

Now, I triple dog dare them to replace all the Christ images with images of Mohammed, and let's see how long before an official is beheaded.

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God I love this idea👏👏💕💕

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This is a bit tangential. Please stay with me for a couple of paragraphs. I found myself reminded of the debate over whether capitol punishment is effective (inherently contained in the commentary regarding Islamic punishments). The incidence of violent crime, prohibited by a law, that results in capitol punishment is lower in locations that strictly enforce it. Criminals attempt to avoid committing crimes in capitol punishment states...or at least they used to. Cesare Becarria (Italian legal philosopher) felt that it was a mistake for mankind to adopt a violent solution to violence, instead advising life-long incarceration. The problem with either type of punishment is that they are often not strictly enacted or eroded over time due to activism or financial pressures. We also rightly worry about wrongful conviction in these cases. Is there a reasonable approach?

We also end up returning to free speech and expression. Perhaps the answer is that we "vote with our feet" and refrain form affording secrecy and anonymity to those who endorse such trash. It may be a mistake to prohibit speech and expression; at the same time it is a mistake to censor the public from knowing who patronizes the purveyors of this trash--doing so neuters the act of "voting with ones feet." It speaks volumes that many who are attracted to such trash wish to remain anonymous--clearly they have some sense of the debauched nature of their proclivities.

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Well the Jesuit heading the Catholic Church is already removing as much of the deity in the Church as he can. There is no sin anymore when it comes to the GR.

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Got that right

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