regarding the rather lax (unrestrictive?) contract terms and conditions, typically this would involve back and forth negotiations between ATI and Pfizer, and then final approval by "big" DoD contracting.

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A bit off the subject, but when I saw Sasha Latipova had been nominated on the list of people for consideration in the 47th Administration, I disclosed under Latipova's name that she had written outright, in her Substack more than once, that President Trump "deserved to die" and "should be killed" for his words and actions in 2020. One man argued for her in various ways, but I'm proud to say I continued to write several times what she'd said about President Trump. Later, the same man wrote that Latipova's name had been removed from the list.

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Good job, Jennifer!! "The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance!!"~Thomas Jefferson~

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Thank you, WRE, whomever you are.

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You're welcome ... and... I'm me!!

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I tried subbing to Latipova but unsubbed after a few weeks. Yikes I for one am thankful for doc for putting it on the line in late ‘20. Very very few did. He was my only early source of Covid truths back in those dark days

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12/08/24: You would think that with three full years before the election, Trump's lieutenants would have assembled impeccable Do Not Hire lists. That Latipova's name could have made it as far as it did indicates that there are RINO/Deep Swamp agents in the Trump camp that haven't been detected yet. Hay Zeus! Who needs to import the Kremlin for this level of despicable skulduggery?!

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Anyone could add any name to the list.

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The 47th Administration seems to want suggestions from We the People, for filling openings for just under the top people. Then, they will sort through them. I think that at the time I was writing about Latipova, the list was mostly focused on suggestions for RFK Jr.'s HHS needs, and then the list then began expanding to include other types of departments.

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12/09/24: Nothing wrong with that, in fact quite commendable, provided that this started LAST MARCH, with sufficient lead time prior to the election to weed out the Deep State "plants." Doing all of this AFTER the election, with all the Mar-A-Lago distractions (parties, brown-nosing, Musk, job-jockeying), IS INSANE. And watch for a notable failure rate of appointees named between November 25th-December 15th. For a preview, take a look at how well Aaron Rogers has done with the NY Jets.

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Citizen vigilante involvement...can still be effective!

Very good....we all need to be watchful and active as no doubt some bad actors will get inside as the leaders cannot vet 100% of everything that someone does.

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Exactly correct Dr. Malone - excellent analysis.

A gross and possibly criminal use of OTA authorities in regards to the vaccine

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thank you , Colonel Mills.

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There's no "possibly" about it!! When someone bends/constructs laws to accommodate evil acts they and their accommodators are criminals!!!

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And should bear the full extent of the law. Not revenge, justice.

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Thank you Dr. Malone for stating truth as it is. God will take care of you. I retired my RN license for the COVID Debacle.

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Really good article, thank you. I had twenty years in AF Contracting and I did worry about going to jail before I signed a contract each and every time. The whole point of a FAR based contract is to hold both the contractor and the government accountable. Sure it is a pain in the butt to manage but if you don't have all those checks and balances you end up with this sort of nightmare. Thankfully I was only directed to use OTA once in my career but I hated it. "Here contractor, have a suitcase full of money and give us something, maybe". The guidance on OTAs is so darn vague and, as Col Mills stated, they were never meant for this type of procurement. Doubt if the misuse was criminal though but only because the guidance governing OTAs is so vague.

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How do we keep all of this straight in order to unravel their wickedness?!?

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Keeping lawyers out of the mix would help

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I like to believe you are saying this in part with sarcasm/wit/humor.

Lawyers can be like doctors...like to poke fun at them, but many times do need them.

And in like all professions, sometimes there are unintended consequences....or intended.

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And usually when you need one it is because of something created by lawyers

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True, Rambler!

Plus ➕️ if you have no money or no insurance, all of a sudden, you have NO CASE!!!

Go figure 🤔 🙄!

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Yes, it was my wit!

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I resent that.

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Sorry but every time you hear about convoluted nonsense where nobody really knows what is what lawyers are involved. Their livelihood depends on legalese generated obfuscation.

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Rambler, IMHO, they're very much the Genesis of our problems in Congress since most of them are attorneys!!

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We simply figure out how to (legally) write and argue what the clients tells us they want. We advise of the risks. The ultimate decision is the client's to make. I will also add that whatever one thinks of their fees, lawyers work an unbelievable number of hours per week, and most only get a cut. So, few lawyers are what people typically think.

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Read over half of who ratified our Constitution were lawyers. That document is easily understood. Just how long did it take she those same lawyers to start penning laws is legalese that only they could understand

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There's no need to "unravel" their evil!! Simply observe the trail and eliminate the perpetrators!!!

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We MUST!!!!

They've tangled their schemes in such a way that we need to get to the bottom of it wherever they may lead!!!

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Dec 8Edited

That's fine if you want to suit-up and slog through the fetid slime... but... that's not necessary in order to get rid of the creatures that create the slime!!! "Clean-up" and preventive measures can take place afterwards!!! You don't need to understand the motives of a vampire before you put a stake in its heart!!!

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True, however if you want to get rid of the lice, you have to get rid of the nits!!!

I guess it depends on whether 🤷 your looking to get rid of vampires or lice!

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Eliminate HHS like you plan to do with ED, President Trump! RFK Jr should merely have the power to persuade the 50 state depts; not the power to dictate to them.

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you don't unravel their "wickedness" 1- it's the fascist government thus wickedness ios a given. 2- it's the fascist government. thus there are no consequences for wickedness.

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We The People MUST unravel their wickedness and take our country back from these humbugs!!!!

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Eliminate HHS like he plans to eliminate ED!

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I can only take small doses of this!! It's like listening to a homicidal psychopath explain the inner workings of its mind!!! Blow it up and be done with it!!!

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Yes, the US Constitution did NOT give the feds the power to monkey with our health. Eliminate the HHS as well as ED, President Trump! While you're at it eliminate about a half dozen more cabinet level departments that aren't included in the enumerated powers given to the feds.

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Yes, I agree...the gov is good at weaving complex deceit that is nearly impossible to track all the tentacles...for this reason...I'm all for cutting so deep it hurts. In one interview Musk was asked what would happen if they cut too much or too deep...his simple answer...we add it back. I agree. In troubled businesses that was the first thing we did...cut the bloat so deep and beyond, and then interview the remaining to reapply for their job in some cases. Amazing how fast things can turn around when there is motivation to do so.

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12/08/24: There's only one explanation for all this: The man impersonating a Rockefeller, "Clark Rockefeller," has somehow gotten out of jail (life w/o parole, murder) and in 2020 kidnapped the Pfizer CEO and has been impersonating that CEO for the past five years (see Walter Kirn's "Blood Will Out").

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12/08/24: The U.S. Department of "Defense" enabling mass murder. Yep. Makes sense.

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Dec 8Edited

It’s not out of the realms of possibility. Why do we experiment on our troops and then deny the fallout? The Anthrax & Plague jabs given to our troops going to Kuwait in 1990 were a disaster… the DoD told them it was ‘Gulf War Syndrome’. So, did the DoD swap out the military test subjects for the US and world populations (who would take the Pfizer jab)? How did the Ebola jabs do?

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rVSV ZEBOV was developed by PHAC, and is an extremely hot (reactogenic) vaccine demonstrated (arguably) useful for ring containment vaccination.

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Good to know, so one NOT to fear? I am not a scientist, just a victim of what I believe was another escaped or loosed bioweapon.

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nasty vaccine. even nastier disease

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The military has always been hooked on jabs. Was in the. Air Force in the 60s when they were constantly jabbing us for every bug under the sun. Remember being jabbed for plague with a vac with something like a 15-30% efficacy. Thought how little comfort that would give those living in New Mexico where plague endemic

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Lots of jabs, indeed.

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Praying the Congo ‘Marburg’ threats are just that… ‘threats’.

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Stay away from monkeys

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No worries, never been a fan of them. I don’t like clowns or magic either, both operate on deception.

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Thank you Dr. Malone for detailing the complex contracting processes surrounding the government's involvement with biomedical research and product development that relates to the covid "vaccine" Warp Speed initiative.

I take your reporting from your firsthand involvement with the processes with more credibility than Latypova's or Watt's speculative accusations based on their second hand deductions drawn from reading myriad government documents after the fact..

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Agree 100%.

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Fascinating and wonderfully written so that even a rube like me can follow it.

Tangentially, I wonder how DOGE will ever untangle the Gordian knots of the USG.

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This is clearly both TREASON at the highest level and the most massive GENOCIDE in the history of the world.

LOCK THEM ALL UP. For Fauci and Gates, Nuremberg 2.0. Short ropes and long drops. Televised.


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"Lock-ups" are too kind and can be reversed!! When your place is invaded by fungoids or insects you fumigate!! And ... I prefer guillotines!!

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Dr. Malone. Thanks for setting the record straight. Many moving parts! I recall reading that in 2010, the US Air Force Strategic division (?) had a Big 5 meeting laying out the strategy for implementing a defense response in the event of a global biowarfare attack. The Big 5 being USA, Canada, England, New Zealand and Australia. When you look at the history of what has transpired in the last 4 years, you realize that the Big 5 was very effective in accomplishing the biowarfare exercise. Was 2010 ground zero? All came together over time and DOD and Big Pharma had similar goals that made it all work? Did the Armed Services Committee of the House and Senate have prior knowledge of this preplanned pseudo pandemic and are they sworn to secrecy? Is that why most of our congressman in DC stay silent on this crisis that created great harm? Does "follow the science" translate to "I just followed orders"! Is that why we can't identify

a government employee who pulled the trigger? Is that why a preemptive pardon is in the works for Fauci and his disciplines. My view: If we continue down this path to create an effective gain of function bio weapon, we will accidently find one that acts like cyanide and decimates humanity. The self replicating issue by respiratory expression could be the route.

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Begs the question, “When does “defense” become “offense” and when (timing) is either one implemented, and for what purpose(s)?

I know someone (medical field) who worked in the US Military in the 1980’s in Wuhan — not sure if WIV building even existed. Nonetheless, “research” by US Military was underway — long ago.

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You cannot patent nature. Re: Proprietary

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Apricot seeds, strawberry seeds, lentils, genesis 1:29

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Apple seeds = cyanide. God-given seeds . Just like nightshade vegetables with nicotine. God given in nature

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Regarding cyanide: I just listened to a gold care class at rncstore.com/goldcare. Another forgotten the side of Medicine, The cure for cancer in the 1970s, cyanide! B-17! Laetrile (sp?). just like vitamin C for scurvy, cancer is a vitamin deficiency, cyanide deficiency, Or vitamin B 17.

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Not proprietary therefore of no value!

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Every time I open a Robert Malone MD, MS email I am only mildly surprised by where Dr. Malone has been (that we did not know about before)

or where he and Jill will be going to next.

The Truths they have be holding onto are amazingly available for anyone to read.

That is stunning for anyone paying attention.

The Truth keeps being available when it is let loose.

I also wonder what thoughts go through you and Jill's head before you stick your necks out again?

You have not said if you feel safer now that Trump is President elect.

Do you feel safer now?

And how does that manifest?

Thanks for all you and Jill do.

Robert, please keep reminding your communities in plain English what is the best way to support your continued work.

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I was thinking that because these products are not vaccines, but gene-therapy products (remember that the CDC changed the definition of a vaccine to match these mRNA products), that the makers of these products (Pfizer & Moderna) do not qualify for the protections they receive from either the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act or the 2005 PREP Act. Legally challenging this premise could pave the way for massive compensation for those who have been injured or for the families of those who died as a result of being injected with these products, which though harder to prove, is worth pursuing, in my opinion. It reminds me very much of a "bait & switch" scheme.

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Ah Ha! Good point, Debra.

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The "vax" was a biological nuclear bomb. Pfizer built one of them through BioNTech and hid preliminary data that would have nixed it's approval even as EUA, not to mention Ivermectin's potential to do the same.

If this was a crime scene, DOD, Pharma, and the docs, hospitals, and healthcare agencies were all in the same criminal conspiracy.

They are all guilty and should be held to account. One criminal isn't less guilty than another.

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Thank you for this detailed description of the HHS/CDC course of events!

I think my perception of the DOD - HHS roles did originate from what you've posted in the past. Would that your efforts re a drug (Woodcock not withstanding) have prevailed! I do not have any conscious recollection of Latpova et al on the topic.

When I was participating in Staff Development, took courses re Gov Contracting and Union negotiations. Concluded I wanted nothing to do with either - ever.

The point re Pfizer delivering the EUA product the Government ordered was the basis for a Court turning down a nurse's suit in the midwest if I recall.

I well appreciate the incentives for a workaround for a more timely access to a product. I have a lot more faith in a drug than in a 'vaccine.'

That said, I remain concerned and opposed to EUAs and DOD involvements - particularly in terms of 'vaccines.' Drug companies, in particular, haven't records worthy of trust. Will continue to provide opposition as occasions arise. I think you've well made the point that 'Warp Speed' is wholly inappropriate, particularly as relates to "vaccines' (and new vaccine platforms?).

Thank you for this concise explanation and related history!

You and Dr Jill are my hero and heroine. Do so appreciate being a member of your following!

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