I was appalled when I saw that “We own the science” clip but also relieved that they feel sufficiently emboldened to nakedly admit they are practicing the “reality control” described in “1984” (CJ Hopkins and I discussed this in our Dissident Dialogues interview recently: https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/dissident-dialogues-cj-hopkins).

They are contributing to our arsenal of receipts for their totalitarian censorship and narrative construction. Narcissistic hubris will be their undoing.

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I hope you are right, Margaret Anna. From my perspective, they have a lot of pull, and a lot of resources. OTOH, they are arrogant, and aren't always the smartest in the way they go about achieving their objectives.

I hope their hubris is misplaced, and not from them already having victory in hand.

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It could be this moron administrator has not been "prepped" by the WEF fully enough to control her mouth. We can hope that enough of these people will continue "mouthing off" filing receipts for later use in their Nuremburg trials.

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Only thing worse than their corruption is that US taxpayers fund the UN. Let’s take a cue from the left and Defund the UN

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Trump was on the right track with that. I was so sorry he backed off. The UN has been corrupt for a long time.

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Trump became corrupted by money, but he can get pulled out of the pit by his own desire as the 'the white knight.' Remember he took 'One million dollars,' from big pharm (per Robert Kennedy's Jr., book).

Trump would prefer to be looked back in history as a humanitarian and a man of the people, a good man. Others in the R & D party don't care how history looks on them as long as they get their money now. They are short sighted and do not have good impulse control and cannot put off gratification. We know this in psychology. Look to Jordan Peterson, not as an all knowing, comprehensive person, but just as a human being who has studied the human nature of man. He speaks of short term gratification verses people who can put off those impulses for long term goals. We are seeing those who are immature in their nature for those who are mature.

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About 50 years ago there was a billboard on the outskirts of Ukiah on highway 101 in California. It read "Get the U.S. out of the U.N." I confess to having felt a mild condescension upon seeing it.

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That should be an initiative right now. It is a collectivist, one world government, corrupt institution

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Sounds like the irony of us funding our own govs nefarious activities against us.

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Gives the phrase "shooting yourself in the foot" a more profound meaning.

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Yes...arrogance and blinding ignorance's towards fellow men and women to revamp some bizarre roundup of total ownership of human and natural resources of global dominion.

Yeah they do present one hell of an arsenal. But last time I checked, we outnumber them.

That's where the reminder must be rock solid. They do not own God's time clock!

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What are ‘we’ going to do with ‘our arsenal of receipts?’

Get a refund? Maybe an exchange? 😂

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mzlizzi, it's a funny comment, but MAA is working pretty hard on this stuff, and maybe a useful step we can take in this war is to "support our troops". Can't afford to lose anyone to 'friendly fire'

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Thank you, Liz 🤗

I thought the comment was funny, too, and I hearted it accordingly :-)

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Thanks. Maybe she should be trying to work smarter.

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You must need a nap today. I very seldom see such snarkey shit being tossed around here.

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Nope. Written after a very good rest, thank you.

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Gosh no mz, arsenals of receipts are tax deductible as a business expense. (Key the laughter)

The IRS loves the fact you saved all those receipts as verifiable proof of a .Gov Scam.

We're all just playin nicey nicey here, by their rules on those approximately 75,000 pages.

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Howdy mz, great day to be alive and be one of the many to continue to comment.

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Yes, indeedee!

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Both sound like a good idea 😆

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But I’m asking what your idea is when you write “our arsenal of receipts.”

Sure, it’s motivational, but what do you have to back it up?

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Mass awakening (= mass noncompliance) + lawfare.

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Yeah, as I suspected: You got nothin’.

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What do you propose?

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Thank you.😁I must add narcissistic hubris to my vocabulary 👏🏻👏🏻

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Amazing how they openly say all this and many in our country don't pay attention.

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That’s the kicker: American Inattention.

The Globalists are milking it for all it’s worth.

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They would have to see or hear it first. Where will the Karen cabal ever do that? And would they believe it if they did? They want to be subjects. They are the ant equivalents of primates.

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They want to look good. To LOOK intelligent and well informed. Heaven forbid they ever take to reading "conspiracy sites" or listening to "fringe" doctors that the TV celebrities sneer down their noses at. The Karens want to align themselves with the cool kids.

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I.e. they are ants

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Somehow I think ants might be smarter than Karens!

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Oct 5, 2022·edited Oct 5, 2022

I'm dismayed that anyone here would use the derisive WOKE term "Karen(s)". I can't imagine emulating identity political slanders, of which the Left/CRT crowd is so fond, will "move the ball forward" or invite thoughtful useful civil debate.

Miss Melissa strikes me as a dangerous person afforded influence by her collaborators and filled with hubris, condescension and hate so as to render her maladapted and inured to compassion, empathy, true "blind" justice and logic.

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There are names for folks who bust their butts trying so hard to sound above the common herd. Just what are they?? Btw the karen ref was aimed at the fools who so blindly follow the likes miss melissa and not that broad herself (a Damon Runyon ref there).

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Because it isn't written about in the NYT or talked about on CNN. Just "conspiracy theory" sites many look down upon.

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Not only don't pay attention but argue it's a "conspiracy theory" when it comes right from the horses' mouths!!

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many are working 2 or 3 jobs, or they have failed at that and they are now homeless... of course that is part of the plan isn't it? but isn't blaming the sheeple a form of blaming the victim? maybe our movement could do the hearts and minds thing, where you actually help people with the immediate problems in their life like finding food and shelter. once they are fed clothed and sheltered they are much more able to think about the bigger picture...

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Those I know who refuse the most emphatically to examine any evidence work from home. Maybe not rich but employed through the whole lockdown, comfortably staying home with no threat to their livelihoods and tuning in to Fauci every night religiously. Zoomer class.

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I wonder if those folks are more intuitively aware than our more “educated” and “successful” neighbors.

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I think so, and that is where we could get some allies if they had the resources to participate!

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Oct 4, 2022·edited Oct 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The demented elder in the WH IS a captured ally of the Globalists. He actually has been that his entire career. He has been a loyal lapdog for the banks, Big Pharma, the Prison Industrial Complex and the Military Industrial Complex. He has served as bag man for them all and been rewarded with the highest office in USG.

BTW, I started to watch the video, but honestly I cannot stomach watching these narcissists go on and on about their brilliance.

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‘President Bagman’

Let’s Go, Bagman!

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That's why I don't feel sorry for him. Though it stinks to have a degenerative brain disease.

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Sadly poetic, I think...i

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And he is continuing the agenda of the globalist created creature that preceded him

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Do you mean T or O?

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O of course

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...And, the Bushes, and the Clintons, and preceding Prez before them.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you. I am grateful to you for following all this, alerting and informing us. Thank you.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It's hard to believe that so many of us didn't see all of this happening earlier. Now, looking back there was no shortage of evidence. Unfortunately I think many of us were just blissfully ignorant worrying about day to day life and thinking the world wasn't changing as much as it was.

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Thought about that too and concluded that we were securely stashed away as "Happy Consumers" - I used to wonder why the mainstream media referred to us as consumers, as if that was our only Identity. Obviously not anymore...

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In the end, this is ALL marketing.

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All it took was watching the ever changing mantras from these twerps on climate. The message was there

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I did see it and stayed out of the loop.

Then I got a job in the loop—in higher ed admin—and I saw it even harder.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If this continues to go in the current direction with no legal action from a governing body, we are all screwed! This is one of those situations where I don't feel hopeful, just a feeling of a whirling cesspool and we are all in it and most people don't know or care.

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It’s not about legality. It’s about buy-in.

TOO MANY PEOPLE are buying in. Or at least they’re going along with things out of fear and/or peer pressure.

All of this allows these Globozos to keep going full speed ahead.

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This is way too true...

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The UN has long been out of control, (remember Gadhafi as the head of the Human Rights Council??) but Covid and now "Global Warming" are allowing them to ramp up to insane levels of propaganda. We need to stop this - I think with the election in Italy and in Sweden (and hopefully the mid-terms in the USA) will help. I think also the Dutch farmers and the German industrial class will help people wake up. The most frustrating thing is the MEDIA - they will not report anything.

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Solution when I am made king of the world:

Force the media to show both ends of the spectrum of an issue or THEY get cancelled from the airwaves and internet.

Why are there not enough conservatives to buy at least ONE network?!!@

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Once upon a time, when there was just network tv, they had a rule of equal time (not sure it was called that). Then, sometime around the 1970's it was brought before the supremes and they said a media outlet didn't have to do that. I think they said it was compelled speech by the gov't, I had the tv on in the background and I was only half paying attention. I think the reason for the "equal time" rule originally was that the American people own the airwaves. All long forgotten.

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Must start by reversing the law, Obama passed, or renewed to allow media to propagandize (lie) to citizens.

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"brought before the supremes. . ."

Love that!

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“Force the media to show both ends of the spectrum of an issue or THEY get cancelled from the airwaves and internet.”

We can at least cancel them from OUR airwaves and internets! 😉

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Imagine the Roman Catholic Church sentencing Galileo to life imprisonment because the Church "owned the science" of geocentric solar system despite what his observations with a telescope indicated.

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But convinced of their error, they issued a pardon --- mere centuries later.

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Oct 4, 2022·edited Oct 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The arrogance and 'will to power' is astounding. Sadly, I think any hope in Congress is a vain one. I've been involved in, and following, politics way too long to believe they have either the moral character or the backbone to do what MUST be done to right this ship. Not sure many of them even would want that, they're globalists. There are a few like Massie, Paul, Greene, Roy and maybe Johnson that seem dedicated to the Constitution. The agencies seem to all be captured from what I can tell. It appears that those who actually pull the strings on all these puppets are CFR (or the other numerously self-populated companion 'elite' groups) including the IC, both foreign and domestic.

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Yes, my question has been: “ Can we expect a corrupt system to find within itself sufficient self-protecting systems to limit or remove such corruption?” I sure as hell hope so. Perhaps the only thing between slavery and liberty is the supreme court. Is that enough?

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Probably not. There has to be the political will to uphold their decisions. I only really trust Justices Alito and Thomas to actually be faithful to the plain and intended meaning of the Constitution.

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Hmmm where does that leave the USA? Other than into divisive struggle?

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Between a rock and bolder? In prayer and repentance for her many sins against God. Maybe He will be merciful and not allow our enemies to completely destroy us.

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But if we get Joe Kent, JD Vance, Blake Masters, Joe Biggs this might make a difference.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The hubris is shocking. Whether one believes the globalists actually believe they are saving humanity from itself or not, they have clearly lost their judgment and have transformed themselves into totalitarian autocrats. Although it is difficult to obtain an answer to this question, it seems important to ask to what extent the globalists know that what they are doing is wrong, to what extent they believe in the virtue of their mission (and that the ends justify the means) and to what extent they are amoral, and mostly guided by the ambition for wealth or power. There also is the possibility that they are to some degree well meaning, but brainwashed. Of course any one individual may be a composite of these to varying extents. I'm not sure how we would even go about answering this question, as many of them may be so swept up in the WEF/UN power grab that they don't even know themselves why they do what they do. Thank you for keeping track of this. While they clearly want the population to keep its eye on the coronavirus, monkeypox and other bogeymen, their ulterior motives must be exposed and stopped.

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Zealots. And zealots are always dangerous no matter their professed belief.

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Maybe they believe they are saving the planet from humanity.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We know Sea level has risen over the millions of years by 600 feet so rising water levels is part of the natural progression of the earth. Florida didn’t exist except for the centuries of hurricanes forming a sandbar That has grown to the size of what Florida is today.

Nature rules and what we are seeing is just a normal continuation of the evolving earth. Trying to control mother nature is useless!

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Yes, and doesn't the procession of the Equinoxes, have an effect on planetary warming? No one ever mentions the cosmic cycles, at play. We are a tiny planet, a blessed little place to be, except for what some of mankind has wrought, against themselves and the rest of us. Maybe they think they can conquer the Universe, and own that, too. It's unconsciousness, at it's worst!

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Trying to control how we as humans impact the Earth is also a reality. Glyphosate use, hunting animals to extinction, lumber cutting to no end and those ramifications, continued poisoning of the air, land and water, garbage dumping in the oceans from cruise ships, oil spills, sludge used as cheap fertilizer etc. Mother earth should simply throw us off her back.

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Hmmm one volcano and its lights out. But that would not be by our own hand. Therefore not much of a popular topic...

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You know the Russia and the USA are marching toward a NUCLEAR War. One would think the UN would try to cool down the tensions. The UN has turned out to be an epic fail. I guess that goes without saying. Does anyone else feel like this world has changed so much you don't recognize any of it anymore? No institution, bureaucracy, educational system, TV Channel, etc etc. It is bizarro land.

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The UN hasn’t failed. It wants this.

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Yes, day has become night. 🙏🏽

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I was just thinking the same thing last week. It's very dis-orienting. The inmates are running the asylum and we're trapped. Everything is presently the opposite of logical.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Globalist is a terrible term to combat the WEF agenda. The term really should be Human Haters. They are anti-freedom, anti-capitalist, anti-human. The term Globalist falls into a trap, of being against the developing world. The WEF agenda couldnt be more anti-human and the developing world with their attack on energy and agriculture

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You’re absolutely right.. semantics does matter. Calling Evil what it is, is like calling a spade a, well, a spade.

Lobascewski’s book Ponerology describes well the subversion of a nation prior to communist takeover. First hand, and from an objective, scientific, psychological view. Human-Haters. Excellent.


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Yet another chilling glimpse behind the curtain of the self-appointed destroyers of freedom and fundamental universal human rights. As to the last line of the post "... the UN is out of control, and the President of the United States is acting like a captured ally of the Globalists.", I would only say it is NOT an act :o

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One thing that’s good about these WEF PR events is that their production value is so awful and obvious that you know they’re incompetent.

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

No wonder friends and family don't have a clue about Covid, dangers of mRNA, side effects, climate change, etc. and look at me like I've got 3 heads when i share information. Even a benign search on Google v DuckDuckGo yields wildly different results, I find Google very frustrating. The UN/WEF is the wizard but Google/FB Big Tech is The Master (a la Dr Who)

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Kindle will not allow duckduckgo. Wonder why?

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Try Presearch.. tracking free distributed Blockchain system w far better results! :~)


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