Feb 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, I am praying for you daily and frequently throughout the day. I absolutely respect, love, admire and care for you and your wife and thank God for your sacrifices to your health, finances, time and family on behalf of what is Truth and Morally Right. God will demand a reckoning and mete out Justice, just perhaps not on our timetable, but I do know the wicked will NOT prevail eternally. I also pray for Drs. McCullough & Kory and your network, the truckers, the Canadian Parliament vote tonight, for those who gave and had their accounts frozen, for our country, for courage and for wisdom as to what to do with our bank/401k/savings. I do know that God is using you and your colleagues to wake people up, each one will stand before Jehovah as Judge, I'm sure many are lifting you and yours up before the Throne of Grace. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

To All Who Read this: PRAY NOW & KEEP PRAYING FOR THE CANADIAN VOTE TONIGHT! IT WILL HAVE TREMENDOUS INFLUENCE....may God's will be done and even if we don't like His answer, not my will but His will be done and that's no excuse for apathy

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr Malone, is the tip of the spear - his knowledge and credibility are what may have saved mankind not just here but worldwide, this is a bombshell update, we need to keep up the pressure on these evil doers and bring them down !!

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The risk of death from Covid-19 for children in WA state aged 19 and under is 0.0007345% Why in the world would they think hiding vaccine safety data is okay? Why can't independent scientists access and analyze the data? It drives me nuts that we are limited to just the data we can access. What are they hiding? Why in the world would we even consider injecting children (with 0 risk from the virus) without the complete safety data??!!?

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What a time to be alive. Dr. Malone, you and your "Substack buddies" launched yourselves into the unknown when you bravely stood up for truth, diligently sought it out and found each other. There are so many more taking up the mantle and standing with you, and we will WIN!

It's amazing to see the financial world jump on board and stand with us.


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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022

Yesterday, in the "real time 75 years later" transcript of the Nuremberg Doctors' Trials (https://doctorstrial.substack.com/p/1947-02-20d), Dr. Paul Rostock, the Third Reich's Chief of the Office for Medical Science and Research testified that:

"Even in a state system and with a dictatorship, it is still impossible to become a scientific dictator, because the basis of all scientific progress lies in the critics, also in criticism toward things which one already thinks had been proved. Such an attitude excludes any subordination or mental subordination under a dictator."

I guess he could not have fathomed our Dr. Fauci, NIH and CDC...

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Feb 21, 2022·edited Feb 21, 2022

Wall Street is already "prosecuting" the fraud via stock pricing:


My guess is shareholder litigation comes next. JMO of course.

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Yes! I would like to see someone interrogate PayPal on their role in censorship. They have been DE-PLATFORMING without INFORMING their own shareholders about the criteria, or lists of the numbers of deplatformed, who, when, why? My individual queries as a stockholder were rebuffed with stock language robo reply. So fintech fee volume goes way down, and shareholders suffer. Shareholders own these public companies.

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Thank you MAC for this post. It informs my later post below https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/we-the-people-demand-to-see-the-data/comment/5221834?utm_source=url regarding the Nuremberg Code and those agreements and rules in that line of succession. Who are those critics and how do they exercise their voice? I hear Dr. Rostock speaking of internal resistance movements even within the Reich e.g. Bonhoeffer. I hear Dr. Rostock speaking to greater men than our corporate/ institutional executives e.g. Fauci who pursued their noble ideas of ultimate solution with the coercive power of empire.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When the data doesn’t support the predetermined outcome, simply stop sharing it. Exhibit A : Fauci and AIDS. Exhibit B: 2020 election. Exhibit C: vaccines. But the Truth exists beyond the current time horizon, so those who manipulate and suppress it should be afraid, very afraid.

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This is exactly what we do here in Washington state!


Of course, data is only ‘inconvenient’ if the goal is one other than truthfully informing us of our risks. This is one of the dangers of central planning. The ‘leaders’ get tunnel vision and ignore everything but the goal of getting people vaccinated, and soon they are lying to us to ‘increase uptake’. This problem won’t be solved by hiding even more data.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone. Also, the WSJ has published a few pieces on Larry Fink - the CEO of BlackRock and acolyte of the World Economic Forum. Fink is infiltrating corporations using a Trojan Horse style of investing via index funds. Once he has the controlling share, he directs the companies as he pleases. He is pushing for woke agendas, among other deleterious ideologies. BlackRock is also buying up middle class realestate at an alarming rate, making it unaffordable. Klaus Schwab's dream of turning us into a mutant form of Chinese government where we will all be renters forever. THIS MUST END NOW.

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Dr. Malone - I just subscribed to your newsletter for a year to support your good work and to ask you a question. Regarding data on the vaccine, the greatest unanswered question I have is regarding the purported shedding of spike protein or any other residual from someone who has been vaccinated to someone who has not. There is lots of discussion of unvaccinated people having symptoms similar to vaccinated people just by being around them, but I've not seen any true research on this. My questions to you: Does shedding exist? What sheds and for how long? How does this potentially adversely impact a non-vaccinated person? Can a non-vaccinated person be in a room with vaccinated people or where vaccinated people were and "catch" a residual of the vaccination? Is there any research that is empirically exploring this? Thank you!

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This is not an easy topic to cover, but I will take it on at some point. The addition of pseudouridine to the mRNA has created a situation where the mRNA is not degrading and continues to produce spike protein. The FDA never envisioned this. This is highly unusual and the data on what the implications are regarding this are not known.

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Right after my father was vaccinated, within ten days (the rest of us were not), and he is 90 and I'm a full time caretaker in contact with him intimately, I got shingles. Terrible headache and more. I was convinced he shed on me and it caused it. Nobody else seemed to get symptoms but they weren't in as close contact as I was. My health has not been as good since, either.

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It would be interesting to see an informal pole in the comments, but then again I wouldn’t want anyone to get offended. My husband and I have gotten sick twice after our vaccinated kids being in the house. The first time was the first time we had been with our kids since they got immunized and they stayed overnight. We got a horrible stomache flu with fever & body aches (we had already had the original variant in the spring and this was 4 th of July). The second time was a few weeks ago when we got Covid again and our son who was staying with us just got his booster (he got sick too).

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One big question is "how long does it take until a vaccinated person is no longer a threat/risk to be around?"

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Yeah, the other thing that happened is our unvaccinated niece got covid after being around her vaccinated brother and sister-in-law. Wasn't around anyone else. I know the Japanese think vaccines increased infectivity even if there was some evidence it lightened severity of disease for them. So it will be interesting to see what Dr. Malone thinks about this as time goes on.

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I'm vaccinated & boostered unfortunately 😢 and i noticed when my grandkids come over the youngest starts sneezing & runny nose after a few hours, they usually stay the night or weekend once they go home it clears up first i thought she was allergic to something in my house but only thing different is my husband & I. I did try changing some things like laundry soap certain things i knew might cause it but still happening 😢

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Well, shingles is something they are seeing more in vaccinated people, so I felt it was directly responsible. When you say "sick" do you mean you got covid, I assume not, but what were your symptoms exactly?

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May I recommend keeping track of Dr Mercola’s work or others who are looking for remedies. He recently posted on the clotting issues and he has previously on the protein folding issues — targeted supplements but also fasting and saunas — he is linking in knowledge from other groups working in this field — I hope you feel better

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Jessica Rose (I believe) has addressed this on her substack (sorry I can’t link).

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Thank you for replying to that question, i know it's one so many are asking about. Of course i asked my MD and he just laughed it off and said it was ridiculous. I wonder about our family doctors now, they all say they took the vaccine but did they really ? it's hard to believe anything right now and why would they push an experimental vaccine like this. I'm vaccinated & boostered and now more afraid of that than the virus. Thank you again for all you are doing it gives me hope in humanity ❤🙏

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there are a lot of people looking at this. Here is one substacker Doc, if you want to start digging. Also check out the comment sections of substacks- people post links all the time: https://colleenhuber.substack.com/p/secondary-vaccine-effects?utm_source=url

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Thanks for asking!

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Is it just me or are the DC SwampRats still conspicuously silent on the issue (Sen. Johnson perhaps being the exception).

Sadly, I’m inclined to believe that all SwampRats are more united by their allegiance to the Swamp then they are to people, God, or our founding ideals.

Sundance, at The Conservative Treehouse has meticulously and convincingly laid out over time, the evidence and reasons for him to conclude - regarding the dominance of the Fourth Brach of government (Intel) - that “all [SwampRats] are all in on it”.

I might like the shade of lipstick on the Cottons, the Hawleys and the Johnsons but it still lipstick on the same pig.

Rock on Dr. Malone. I am moved by your commitment.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We the people thank you and your bravery. I pray for you and your family daily.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank God the US has Dr. Malone's leadership!

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Dr. Malone appeared on Steve Bannon's Warroom to continue to 'spread the word' around 5:45 pm ET - he never stops!.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see.”

~ Winston Churchill

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This seems like the odds are so stacked against us. We are so grateful to people like you who are willing to stand up to these people. But as you say, congress, even Republicans seem to be doing little. Terrifying.

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It’s the Uniparty. Both Dems and Republicans aligned together for their own good, not necessarily the people. We’re the afterthought. They have little pretend fights to make us think they disagree and if you only elect us, we’ll change things. But somehow even when elected, nothing substantial gets done. Just nibbling at the edges of problems, not solving problems. They prefer to keep the problems so they can campaign on them.

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone - thank you for the work you are doing to expose the malfeasance of those in power. Your bullet point #1 is telling - back in February of 2020, just how much misinformation was there? If I recall correctly, there was very little concern about SARS-COV 2 at that time. It appears that the WHO et al were trying to get ahead of the story and establish their preferred narrative from the get-go.

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Scroll down to my comment below and watch the few minutes of the video I linked at the marker I posted. It's very enlightening. Then there's Event 201 which took place in October 2019. If the evidence is true that SARS-CoV2 was released in September 2019, it's possible some of these people knew exactly what was coming, and as Dr. Malone has said in an interview, the Event 201 playbook has been used all along.

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Huzzah! Here Here! About time somebody said it that succinctly. Waste, Fraud, & Abuse are Feral Gov’t specialties. Time to let the sunshine in on that nest of vampires

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

YES WE DO! (demand to see the data!) Just spent Saturday day and evening with you and the heroes of www.GlobalCovidSummit.org, Boise - we are behind each and every one of you and empowered by all your courage and dedication to the truth! THANK YOU DR. MALONE et al!

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Is the summit recorded anywhere by chance?

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Feb 21, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If the government and pharmaceutical companies acted in congress to fraudulently get these vaccines out (especially withheld safety data from the public so they could make informed health choices) does that mean they cannot be sued or held liable? Since it was the government involved? I am unclear about this.

The congress does not seem like a viable avenue to right any wrong. At all. It is especially difficult if they or their loved ones are making money on it. They have exempted themselves from getting jabbed. That sez a lot.

Going forward I would like to see real studies of ongoing medical problems that may be traced back to the jab and WHY the jab is causing it. So far I see a massive campaign to try to normalize things like myocarditis in children. If we are truth seekers, this must be fought.

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Congress had nothing to do with the lockdowns or jab mandates or mask mandates. It was all down via presidential directives side-stepping Congress and the courts.

No member of Congress wants a recorded vote on any of these matters because their constituents will vote them out.

Even when the courts came down against Biden’s OSHA mandates he said, “ignore the courts and keep it up.”

The Executive branch, Fauci, Big Pharma and the CDC and FDA have been calling the shots (no pun) since day 1. Go ahead and throw the WEF, Schwab and his acolytes in there as well.

Mike Yeadon has pointed out that prior to 2019 the various nations had pandemic responses that did not include masks or lockdowns. Suddenly in early 2020 scores of nations got in lockstep with changes in their plans to include lockdowns and masks etc. Then they all got in lockstep with the jabs.

How did such major global agreements happen so quickly?

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That is a good reminder. I was talking about something Dr. Malone mentioned in his post about who must act.

About how they came together so quickly... Well there are probably a number of factors. They had been drilling it for a while. And if you have a shared goal and an opportunity to make it happen - well, it is just to good to pass up right?

Anyway Abby, thank you for the reminder. All good points for sure.

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Under US common law, fraud vitiates; liability protections would, in theory, be gone if it was proven.

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Thank you. In theory. That should be the two words that everyone prefaces every discussion on government these days. Upon further reflection, the constitution is being violated, ignored, swept aside more and more frequently with very little resistance. And then there are secret laws we don't even know about. I was reading about military laws that exist but nobody knows about. I am sure that exists elsewhere in the government. Why not. Very convenient as we march toward totalitarianism. It is all very Kafkaesque.

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How successful would it even be to try to sue them. Remember how Kagan and Sotomayor reacted during the hearing. The American people have been let down by all three branches of government. And we have to deal with even the other two or three sleezy branches if you consider mainstream media, the swamp legacy Republican and Democrats, and Deep State. God help us. We have Dr. Malone and all those folks on FLCCC Alliance, and we have our truckers facing the full weight of government. It is truely a David and Goliath situation.

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That sort of hits on my question. I am not sure that we could sue them if we wanted to. I say this because of how they went about issuing the EUA then how they allowed the continued EUA after they approved Comirnaty (which will never be used here because they will lose the protection from lawsuit? Because they have to release the full ingredient list?) Of course they can release it Europe where there is less fear of lawsuit etc.

And just in case we want to get uppity Congressman Eric Swalwell and F. Joe Biden have let us know "they got nukes". Yep. Oh and F15's

What a state we are in.

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Does the US even use F15's anymore? Sheesh.

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