When you ask people who oppose Trump to explain, they will tell you all the terrible things he has done, which they have learned about from the mainstream media. They will report these things as if they are established and incontestable facts. When I have questioned the veracity of these claims, I am accused of being a Trump supporter, usually with accompanying horror and consternation. This brings to mind that the best form of propaganda is the type that people aren't even aware of as propaganda.

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I completely agree.

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10/26/24: Kamala Harris finally breaks down and visits a remote part of North Carolina.

With news crews following her around as they tour the place, the Vice President asks the local Mayor if there was anything they needed.

"Well," says the Mayor, "We have three very important needs.

"First, we have a medical clinic but no doctor to staff it."

Harris whips out her cellphone, dials a number, talks to somebody for two minutes, and then hangs up. "I've pulled some strings. Your doctor will arrive in a few days. Now, what was the second problem?"

"We have no way to get clean water. The hurricane has poisoned the water our people have been drinking for dozens of years. We've been flying bottled water in, and it's terribly expensive."

Once again, Harris dials a number, yells into her cellphone for a few minutes, and then hangs up. "I've opened some roads for water delivery, and we are setting up a water purification plant for your people. Now, what was that third problem?"

The Mayor looks at her and says, "We have no cellphone reception up here!"

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Oh lord have mercy

God luvs ya brother — honestly I did not see that coming

Thank you Thank you Thank you

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Alas, the down side to the tremendous positive reaction to the above has been the necessity of responding with a scripted format (I hope you won't mind).

Other reactions:

BE's BMS: Is this true?

[Me] 10/26/24: Thank you for asking. Many people have asked the same question.

No, it is not. It is comedy (brilliantly written, author unknown).

Danno [posted elsewhere]: At first I thought it was a true story.

[Me] 10/19/24: It gave you that impression because she is either so stupid that she didn't notice that she had no dial tone; or so nefarious that she was intentionally lying (pretending to have conversations so she could whip up some supply miracles for the TV cameras); or, and now we come full circle, so f**king stupid that she assumed that the mayor wouldn't KNOW that there's no cell phone service.

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Alas, the down side to the tremendous positive reaction to the above has been the necessity of responding with a scripted format (I hope you won't mind).

Other reactions:

BE's BMS: Is this true?

[Me] 10/26/24: Thank you for asking. Many people have asked the same question.

No, it is not. It is comedy (brilliantly written, author unknown).

Danno [posted elsewhere]: At first I thought it was a true story.

[Me] 10/19/24: It gave you that impression because she is either so stupid that she didn't notice that she had no dial tone; or so nefarious that she was intentionally lying (pretending to have conversations so she could whip up some supply miracles for the TV cameras); or, and now we come full circle, so f**king stupid that she assumed that the mayor wouldn't KNOW that there's no cell phone service.

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Alas, the down side to the tremendous positive reaction to the above has been the necessity of responding with a scripted format (I hope you won't mind).

Other reactions:

BE's BMS: Is this true?

[Me] 10/26/24: Thank you for asking. Many people have asked the same question.

No, it is not. It is comedy (brilliantly written, author unknown).

Danno [posted elsewhere]: At first I thought it was a true story.

[Me] 10/19/24: It gave you that impression because she is either so stupid that she didn't notice that she had no dial tone; or so nefarious that she was intentionally lying (pretending to have conversations so she could whip up some supply miracles for the TV cameras); or, and now we come full circle, so f**king stupid that she assumed that the mayor wouldn't KNOW that there's no cell phone service.

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The psychological abuse that has been foisted on the American public is incredibly destructive and unbelievable! I’m happy to see that so many did not buckle under to the intense war that was being waged on them. Thankfully, I one of them, but I have grave concerns for family members who took the jab! I’m seeing long-term reactions to it and they still don’t understand. I pray for all.

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10/27/24: May your prayers be heard. Forty-eight million jabbed Americans are on death row (minus the ones already murdered by Pfizer et al).

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What a classic~!

Great, thanks for the grinz!


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My pleasure. See above posted comments for more details.

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Best joke (truth) ever!

Edit: By "truth," I mean that's exactly like something she would do, IMO. Fake like she's helping others, while really only trying to make herself look good.

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10/27/24: You summed it perfectly. See above for additional details.

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Alas, the down side to the tremendous positive reaction to the above has been the necessity of responding with a scripted format (I hope you won't mind).

Other reactions:

BE's BMS: Is this true?

[Me] 10/26/24: Thank you for asking. Many people have asked the same question.

No, it is not. It is comedy (brilliantly written, author unknown).

Danno [posted elsewhere]: At first I thought it was a true story.

[Me] 10/19/24: It gave you that impression because she is either so stupid that she didn't notice that she had no dial tone; or so nefarious that she was intentionally lying (pretending to have conversations so she could whip up some supply miracles for the TV cameras); or, and now we come full circle, so f**king stupid that she assumed that the mayor wouldn't KNOW that there's no cell phone service.

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Here’s another example aligned with the increasingly growing “eyes wide open “, vision, I just read.

(Imho all we are and have been witnessing this year is by God’s doing as per his will and for his reasons as he always has a plan).🙏


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If I may...

The things which transpire by men on this planet, are NOT God's "plan" but rather that He finds ways to "make a silk purse from a sow's ear." I believe He's in control of all things, and upholds all things, both living and non-living. And since His Love has been manifested by sending His dear Son to die for the wickedness on this planet, then one can rightly assume that His Eyes are on His "sheep." Yes, of course, the motivation to have Jesus suffer for mankind's Redemption is combined with His consideration for the glory due Him for the act, and in so doing, re-establishes His Character as the Sovereign, Loving God of the universe. Consequently, His Holy Decalogue is kept elevated to the status of His own Character.

More is going on than what meets the imagination!



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Thank you. Actually you are backing up what I said above. Here this explains it better and is easily understood by all of us.

Btw, I love and share this site very often.

It is wonderful for all who are seeking to learn more about God et al. Godspeed.

"How can I learn to trust that God is in control?"

"God’s sovereignty is defined as His complete and total independent control over every creature, event, and circumstance at every moment in history. Subject to none, influenced by none, absolutely independent, God does what He pleases, only as He pleases, always as He pleases. God is in complete control of every molecule in the universe at every moment, and everything that happens is either caused or allowed by Him for His own perfect purposes."


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It's sure good to have allies in this "war!" Thank you!

My atheist brother (of the same mother) said once to me, "My chicken KNEW that danger was lurking, as she spied the hawk overhead." "Instinct, was his answer accompanying his obvious amazement.

But I can't think of very many species among the animal kingdoms which are NOT guided by "instinct" within their natures. There are a few, but vastly outnumbered.

"Scientists" in varied fields of expertise are completely baffled regarding quantum mechanics and how things hold together. They guess and speculate about most of it. They might be able to "define" something in a mathematical way, but the physics part leaves them scratching their heads.

Planetary orbits are claimed to be under the influence of gravity. They cannot define or search out what gravity even is, much less where it comes from! Yet that does not hamper them from making "facts" of fiction.

Do we even need to toss around the idiotic surmising of those proposing the "origin of life?" It's a skit straight out of Sat. Night Live! Yet folks believe them. I used to like to watch "How the Universe Works" just to critique what is presented, but it's too far out there to bear it anymore!

Thankfully, there is a movement to manifest the absurdity of the situation, where scientists with stellar credentials are coming forth with splendid truths, which have been formerly sold off as fact, but are no where near proven and will surely remain as such, since physical impossibilities remain "impossible" by nature.

Most things, like you pointed out, are upheld by the Creator's power and insight. We might someday be granted the full knowledge of "WHAT" He has done, but I presume the "HOW" portion is HIS speciality and for ever will remain a mystery.

Thank you, Sister for the refreshment!


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'Not really sure of where to paste this link, but it is in my opinion getting closer to the realization that the "war" we are enlisted in, (although it is not our own) is very real, ongoing, and serious.


Learning the enemy's tactics ensures us of this. And can then be used to avoid the traps. Mr. Malone has uncovered some of the enemy's war-tactics, but has yet to fully disclose the relationship between Satan and his henchmen here on earth.

But he's VERY close.


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Beautifully said! I agree with your final point too and can't wait!

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I am Trump neutral. I have found that today's censorship indicates I would be well advised to listen to the original source. So I listened to Trump on Joe Rogan's 10/25 podcast posting on the web. I say all this because I learned their is an episode from 9 years ago (the View I think) where the mainstream media love him on the show. It's unclear if this will help others see the media in a new way, but it did for me.

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Absoluteley the media, the Hollywood crowd, the political class all loved him until 2015 when he upset their plans. Obama/Biden/Clinton had massive money laundering setup through Ukraine, they were sure HIllary would win and everything would continue as they intended, but then he ran, won the primary and go such huge support that it overwhelmed the fraud they had in place. That's why the "polls" kept saying she was definitely going to win. They fixed the "not enough fraud" in 2020 when they had extra waiting in the wings, drove ballots in from out of state, had an algorithm for vote switching which shows up county to county and stat to state, stopped counting at 3 AM in key swing states using weak excuses proven to be false, and lots of false mail in ballots marked in mass. Since then they have continued the attacks to try to take him out, including financial, illegal legal machinations, and assasination attempts with obvious FBI and secret service involvement. It isn't enough for him to win this time we need to dismantle their fraud from the local level up. Think of the election manager in Colorado who had her family and her assistant's family terrorized by the FBI at the behest of state officials after she pointed out there was fraud in their local election and she circumvented their attempt to delete the data by making a backup. Think about Sarah Palin, who made the mistake of being the RNC running mate for McCane (who was a deep stater), but she was too popular so after that election the attacks on her and on Alaska continued via NGO organizations working for the deep state which means the DNC. It didn't start with Trump, it has just been exposed through him.

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During the period up to 2015, Trump was gathering info on the extent of corruption, I think. His persona as a playboy tycoon was perfect for that. Went to all the parties, knew what was going on. No one suspected. He knows a lot more than anyone could even guess, right now. At one rally he let out that "he had planned for this his whole life.." Wow!

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Thanks Shel, I appreciate how you articulated this succinctly and factually.

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"Exposed through him" But you will notice that his accusations of the deep state are tempered with some caution that he has learned from being knee deep in the swamp.

Not to mention "examples" of the past who paid with their lives for the plans they made audible to the public, which crossed paths with the puppet-masters and the NWO planners.

But goodness will EVENTUALLY prevail through the Return of Christ. Men with good intentions will always be persecuted, as with those who stood up to support the Word of God amidst vicious threats and bloodshed by those in power-positions long ago and from that time forward. It's a history that highlights a war between good and evil. Between Satan and Jesus Christ, the Redeemer and Creator, the Intercessor and King of Kings.


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How? When people with better hearts and souls and an attempt to follow God’s law believe that they must also be pacifists. Pedophile networks run and used by the “elites” aren’t being stopped. Groups that think they are rescuing people from human traficking just create a void so that more people are abducted and trafficked, with the perpetrators never actually getting stopped. Politicians who are crooked are never prosecuted those who take a stand are falsley prosecuted, sued by NGOs and harrassed by the media.

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"Welcome" to Satan's Sandbox! It's not a welcome place, but it's what we have been given. We are educated by God's Word, and instructed by His prophets through the auspices of the Holy Spirit, to reflect the image of Christ to the "world" so that they too will notice, and be given the divine chance to repent and embrace eternal life. We are (all of us) sinners, alike, guilty and deserving of death eternal. It is especially easy to classify this or that sinful activity as being worse than what you and I do in our daily activities; inadvertently breaking one or more of the Commandments. But Christ has provided a system of Redemption that entails repentance (changing our ways and being sorry for the pain it has caused our Lord). He has "paid the price" for every human that has ever lived both in terms of creation as well as propitiation for our sins. Therefore, we belong to Him. His sufferings will always be unspeakable and unknowable. An eternity is offered to those who might be blessed with saving Grace and all that goes along with it, so that their temporal experience and testimony will be an eternal testament as to how sin wreaked such havoc upon this world, and for that reason must NEVER be again tampered with.

Any thinking person is held to reasoning that since God is Eternal, that He has not been just sitting around in a vacuum for eons with nothing being created in the vastness of the cosmos. And that planet earth is not His only work of creation.

I posit that it might readily be assumed that for every galaxy in the cosmos, there could be a "creation" of His awaiting the Day of Reconciliation wherein Jesus and the heavenly Host will "relocate" and bring "heaven" down to this planet as it is foretold of after it has been "cleansed" of all mankind's works, and of course, all the sin and unrepentant sinners alike are destroyed. There are practically an unlimited number of galaxies out there, and each one is plenty large enough to contain at least one planet that would house a Creation of His.

That's what makes sense to me. I'd welcome your thinking on the matter.


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They loved him because they wanted his favor and his money. He wasn't a threat to them. They are hollow, vacuous skin bags of evil.

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A "first" to ever hear that one! "SKIN BAGS!" 'Thought it was a typo at first!


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Yeah, not sure where that came from... just popped in my head in the moment.

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Possibly you've seen it, but in reference to opinions about Trump, such as yours, about 9 Hours ago I Posted an "X" post by Kevin Sorbo about "why" you should be voting, and not necessarily voting for Trump. The link is: https://x.com/ksorbs/status/1843605021188841885

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Thanks Kevin, I love Kevin Sorbo. His X post is patriot!

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Oprah loved him. She had him on her show and asked him if he'd run for president. He said something like, probably not. She was disappointed. He was also a registered democrat at the time.

"THEY" all turned against him the second he switched "sides" and became a Republican. He hasn't changed what he said needed to be fixed in America, that I can tell, it was all about the party.

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That was a great interview - and what he said needed to be done way back then is what he did, and it worked!

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Yes! YES! He did what he had said and it worked, but somehow he's the bad guy! I said for yeeears, that the USA needed to be run like a business. We finally got the chance and, while not perfect, it was better, so we have to go back to rampant corruption, pay offs, and grift. UGH!!! 😳🙄

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God Bless You, Kelly, for opening your mind!

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They have never been told the truth about Trump. Everything they have been told is either an outright lie or a manipulation of the truth to paint Trump in a negative light. Trump gives them plenty of material to work with but in the end they do not know Trump, They only see some creation of the MSM that isn't the real man.

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Exactly! That's exactly what I find as well. And they refuse to even research when it's suggested. There are none so blind as those who choose to be blind.

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Some of the smartest stupid people on the planet, well, at least this planet, have nearly immediate access to the world’s knowledge in their pocket - and refuse to use it to use it for what TMZ or the bachelorette puts out. 🤔 To be inclusive, not that I wasn’t: also what the sport’s pages put out

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The same thing happened to me on Facebook. Someone was spouting off the mainstream news . I simply told her to check some alternate news sources. She pounced. I just kept saying maybe try listening to Tucker Carlson. I think she would find him interesting. I wasn’t going to argue all the things she spouted off about Trump. I just kept saying checking him out. You can’t argue with the hypnotized.

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This is how I learned about 'alternative media'. Someone accused me of spouting msm news. I had no idea there were other kind of news. But I was curious. Curiosity opens many doors :) I checked out names she recommended. I was hooked

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Problem is we live in 2 different worlds. When you tell them things they've never heard before, they're incredulous - because they've never heard them before!

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Indeed, and I often wonder in these moments when my "revelations" are greeted with silence...where is their curiosity?

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I believe people who follow this substack are truth seekers. I've come to believe the uncurious folks you refer to are either arrogant, lazy or unwilling to confront beliefs. And there's always TDS! And maybe conflict avoidance.

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Sunday funnies reminded me of an underlying cause of 'unwilling to confront beliefs': The reason you don't believe that you have been lied to and brainwashed.... is because you have been lied to and brainwashed!!!

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I think the "arrogant, lazy," and "unwilling," pretty much covers everything.

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TDS is real.

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10/26/24: It's amazing that Pfizer hasn't come up with a (expensive, ineffective) vaccine for it!

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10/26/24: Kamala Harris finally breaks down and visits a remote part of North Carolina.

With news crews following her around as they tour the place, the Vice President asks the local Mayor if there was anything they needed.

"Well," says the Mayor, "We have three very important needs.

"First, we have a medical clinic but no doctor to staff it."

Harris whips out her cellphone, dials a number, talks to somebody for two minutes, and then hangs up. "I've pulled some strings. Your doctor will arrive in a few days. Now, what was the second problem?"

"We have no way to get clean water. The hurricane has poisoned the water our people have been drinking for dozens of years. We've been flying bottled water in, and it's terribly expensive."

Once again, Harris dials a number, yells into her cellphone for a few minutes, and then hangs up. "I've opened some roads for water delivery, and we are setting up a water purification plant for your people. Now, what was that third problem?"

The Mayor looks at her and says, "We have no cellphone reception up here!"

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Wow, crazy

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Alas, the down side to the tremendous positive reaction to the above has been the necessity of responding with a scripted format (I hope you won't mind).

Other reactions:

BE's BMS: Is this true?

[Me] 10/26/24: Thank you for asking. Many people have asked the same question.

No, it is not. It is comedy (brilliantly written, author unknown).

Danno [posted elsewhere]: At first I thought it was a true story.

[Me] 10/19/24: It gave you that impression because she either so stupid that she didn't notice that she had no dial tone; or so nefarious that she was intentionally lying (pretending to have conversations so she could whip up some supply miracles for the TV cameras); or, and now we come full circle, so f**king stupid that she assumed that the mayor wouldn't KNOW that there's no cell phone service.

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And when you ask these same Harris supporters "why" they like or support Harris, they can never come up with a truthful reason! Other than she is a woman, or she is a Democrat. They are at a loss, and just useful Idiots.

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Yes, of course. It's the nature of the beast's disguise that gives it its power to pursuade.


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This has been going on for too many years:


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Perfect! What is truly amazing is that anyone who reads the alternative media sees the absurdity of this immediately, and the "woke" crown would never find it in the least bit funny.

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I mentioned yesterday I stood 1.5-2 hr in line to vote. A few comments. This is a mainly rural area yet at 9-10 a.m. yesterday 5000 had voted since Mon. Was weird driving home because the traffic we would normally see was still parked back where we voted...several 100 in my estimate. still there. A sprinkling of younger but mainly over 50...quite a few handicapped and that brings up another point. Everyone was polite and on best behavior and no comments when handicapped allowed go to the head of the line. I was hanging onto my cane and several people, who had been there a good while, offered to let me (and my wife) bust the line if I needed...I didn't. And no masks. Interesting.

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That’s the normal thing to do - respect and care! Good for y’all ! We haven’t seen very much of this in last 5 years.

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That’s how it should be. I can’t say that was the case where I voted. Waited in line 2.5 hours, but there were people with canes and walkers - no one offered them a cut in line. I was surprised by this. No masks though!

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That is on the organizers. Ours actually had scouts out finding the infirm and bringing them to the head of the line. But no complaints.

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Scrolling through the comments of the Rogen/Trump interview I was so uplifted by seeing folks from all over the world watching and cheering for President Trump. Gave me goosebumps. The entire world seems to be unwilling to put up with the madness any longer.

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President Reagan once referred to America/USofA as the shining beacon on a hill, and we were for a hundred plus years - once we shook off the anchor of slavery; I’d like to think we could be again (not sure if we still are, or if anyone is at the moment) but to be so again (or, perhaps shine brighter 🤨) we need to share off, excise, the yoke of leftist agendas - a political slavery in my opinion.

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Reagan’s reference was to a ‘shining city on a hill’, originallly by John Winthrop of the Plymouh Bay colony

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Trump, Vance, Kennedy, Musk and Tulsi what a team to restore America -

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In an email a couple of weeks ago an extended relative in the UK said I hope your election goes better than ours did. He gets nothing but msm junk about Trump. Yup, they think he is Hitler over their also, well maybe not my relative.

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So disturbing. Turn them on to alternative media, Substack, etc.

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I sent him a link to The Conservative Woman. It is a group in the UK that post articles on the happenings there. I've been getting them for about two years. I try to donate but they don't do foreign donations, not equipped to. He voted for Brexit but his wife and daughter voted against.


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Thanks, I will check it out.

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They should love him then. They were all in the tank for Hitler until he started dropping bombs on them

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News reporters were in the tank for Hitler there and here. Man of the year in 1938 - Time magazine. Mussolini was also a darling said the media. FDR admired him.

My extended cousin was for Brexit, careful about what he communicates - have to be over there.

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That was tongue in cheek...sorta.

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Not the whole world. You would be surprised to learn how many dutch believe Trump is a fool and Kamala is going to win. But looking closer it is no surprise: the dutch media are continuously writing who is in favour of Kamala (like Beyonce, Swift) and about the trials against Trump. And that Kamala is ahead in the polls. Why? We can’t vote. Why pushing Kamala in the Netherlands?

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"We can't vote"

I've been hearing about UOCAVA votes, which are legal votes from abroad, and you don't have to prove citizenship or residency, or even that the person exists. It's a gaping hole in the election system. It sounds like this is the reason that some states are saying they will not be able to declare a winner until the Saturday following Election Day. They say they will wait until the overseas vote comes in. Though, since 2020, I've seen the process by which elections "go on" past election day, and heard it explained, that they look at how the real vote is trending during each counting session, so they can manufacture votes to surpass the margin against the preferred candidate. It's been my view that this has to be called out, and stopped, because it's how elections are stolen now; just "keep counting" until you win.

I was shocked to see this scene from the movie "Gangs of New York," set in the 1840s. It turns out this is a very old trick:


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One would think if those are the endorsements they are shilling, people would wake up. Scary.

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I like your idea of having an open comment section on Saturdays. It will be interesting to read the opinions of others beyond our own illustrious community. As far as Trump being a fascist or the equivalent of Hitler, it is both hilarious & the epitome of being blind as to who the actual autocrat is. Starting on "Day One", it has been Biden & his administration who have behaved as dictators. Starting with shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline to the "vaccine" mandates, it has been one autocratic decision after another, including jailing the political opposition. On the other hand, I am hard-pressed to think of any autocratic decision that Trump made, especially one that proved to be harmful to the population. I am guessing that this is because the hallmark of communism is deceit. The goal is to make the average non-thinking person believe the opposite of what is actually occurring.

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A man may not become a dictator unless he has an army. Trump has a citizenry of electoral support, but he has no army. Were he to

make any order which is beyond his authority, countless functionaries would be inert to enforcing it. Fascism simply is not possible without a participating remainder of government and citizenry support--particularly among the policing ranks.

So, dispense with all the fascism criers with a backhand: "If you fear that the new governor will be a harm to your freedom, then you prove that government must not be so powerful in the first place."

Congratulate Carville and the fascist criers publicly for being loud advocates for weak centralized government. It's about time.

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Very well said. Thank you

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Wow! I feel like I am calling home for the first time in many years! What a privilege to comment on your excellent substack. Thank you!

Bad Catitude's post from today is another statement of our solidarity that the dems need to go. For years, they have lied to people I love, who still to this day, can't see what is going on. The good thing is, every bad to worse diktak is now culminating into their candidate Kamala Harris. A truly lost woman who has no integrity and no conscience. Whoever pulls her shadow of strings, we may never find; but their mark on her soul will only grow as Trump wins and stands up for America!

Is it time to rejoice yet? . . . I pray soon!

Blessings to You and your family from the Land of Smiles


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The Deep-State "string pullers" in this nation of some 330 or so million people is a tiny "NGO" "Non-Governmental Organization of just 5000 "elite" members - that are embedded within the Executive, Legislative, Judicial (and) every Agency, Bureau and Department in and of the U.S. federal government (also), the FAKE NEWS media, Academia, Big Finance (banking), Big Business, Big pharma and Hollyweird are colluding to literally destroy the "Fragile Experiment with I-n-d-i-v-i-d-u-a-l Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of in 1787.

This "elite"American NGO is generational with its inception beginning in 1921. Currently, it's members include: Joe Biden, Antony Blinken, John Kerry, Alejandro Mayorkas, Amy Klobuchar, Susan Collins, Jack Reed, Mark R. Warner, Sheldon Whitehouse, Dan Sullivan, Lamar Alexander, Janet Yellen (& Jerome Powell), George Soros, Hillary, Chelsea and Bill Clinton, David M. Rubenstein, Michael Bloomberg, Tom Brokaw, Fareed Zakaria, Jake Tapper, Larry Fink, Mika Brzezinski, Joe Scarborough, Erin Burnett, Dick Cheney, Gorge Clooney, Katie Couric, Mario Cuomo, Thomas Friedman, Dick Gephardt, David Gergen, MIKHAIL GORBACHEV, Angelia Jolie, Jessie Jackson, Paul R. Krugman, Janet Napolitano, Diane Sawyer, Leslie Stahl, Donna Shalala, George Stephanopoulos - are just some of the 5000 members of the "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" - whose members in and outside of government have absolutely dominated and controlled U.S. foreign and DOMESTIC policy for WAY over a half century; not to mention are the driving force to make the United Sates of America ( and its sovereign citizens) subservient to the so-called UNITED NATIONS quest for ONE-WORLD-TRANSNATIONAL Government via the UN's "AGENDA-2030" - now only FIVE years away,

Donald Trump and 70+ MILLIONS of sovereign Americans say NO!

THAT is precisely WHY the INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST 'movement' - including "American" Socialists and Communists (SAME damn thing) that INFEST the US federal government & the despicable FAKE NEWS media - have thrown everything INCLUDING the kitchen sink AT Donald Trump - and those sovereign Americans who will NOT have their or their children's INDIVIDUAL freedom and liberty sacrificed for the (global) "common good" BULLSHIT!

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The details are appreciated, especially the names. I know the tragic story, and started to experience something was wrong back in the late 60s.

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Thank you Hillary - one "CFR" members name I meant to include is "Jen" Psaki.

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I rushed away too fast in my first reply to your first comment. . .

If you don't mind, I would like to use this first comment in a substack I am writing about Trump's astrology. I have already placed it in the text, but I felt I should ask you.

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I appreciate your integrity, Hillary. Okay with me.

BTW, my maternal grandmother - Geraldine Davis - was a well known astrologer back in the 1930s era. One of her books I recall was about "Horary Astrology."

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I neglected to add for those that have NO idea what "Horary" astrology means , it means HOURLY.

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Well, then, that means Tom, you have it in your genes!

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I love how you and Jill demonstrate how you can live a passionate yet balanced life and how you fight to keep it that way. I am a homesteader myself who looks at having my freedoms dismantled on a daily basis. I’ve worked very hard to be at the place that I am at (66 this year) and will also fight to keep it. Thank you for sharing and showing it can be done. Tina from Willow Aspen Farm, Idaho.

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Being in Idaho, how do you feel about the years-long geoengineering in that state? I am in Washington, and have noticed a marked increase in unnatural weather actions and patterns--desertification and crop destruction seem purposeful, not natural. Butt today's internet makes it very hard to find the info I need to confirm this. Thoughts? Thanks!

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One of my continual research is cloud seeding; I take photos of the sky almost everyday now. Colorado began cloud seeding about 30-40 years ago, hoping that seeding clouds would help with drought conditions, & increase snowfall in the Rocky Mountains, & help increase the water level in the Colorado river basin. But, it seems the continual cloud seeding has only created constant streams of clouds, & not helped with increased rainfall . I intend to keep taking photos, & collecting data & will get in contact with my local representatives, & find out why cloud seeding continues! This is definitely a change in our particular weather pattern & my concern is the chemical used over & over!

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Careful what you ask for: there have been wet/snowy winters in Colorado in recent years. All it takes is a slight shift in the jet stream. ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation) plays a big part in those variable weather dynamics in N America; but, and there is discussion on this topic (which I’m sadly on the less accepted side) that the eruption of the Hunga-Tonga volcano a few years ago has had influence on world wide weather due to water injected into the upper atmosphere and the small amount of sulfur particulates (less than Mt Pinatubo ). I’m of the mind that Hunga-Tonga has had an influence on ENSO.

Further, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see another ARkStorm similar to the one from 1861/62 in our lives - should that happen, Colorado will have more than enough snow in the mountains, WA and OR will be plenty wet and Lake Pa’ashi/Tulare Lake will (WILL!) reappear devastating the Central Valley as well as Northern California, even down thru LA (I’m trying to put together a scenario where the Salton Sea would refill as it has done in the past but so far that’s been dependent on the Colorado River overflowing). Some folk have opined that another ARkStorm today could be the first $1T (Trillion dollar) disaster.

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Also much more development along coastlines around the globe, population centers.

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Definitely not asking for it, but sure not surprised if it arrives via jet.

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Amazing information, thank you. I do realize the Jet Stream plays a big role in our weather, as well as the path/patterns of La Nina, & El Nino. I have been watching Fox Weather channel closely these past few weeks, especially since Helene & the severe weather that devastated NC, GA, & of course FL- but the horrible flooding in NC was especially of interest to me, as I had family in NC, & tried to see if any actually still lived in the great state of NC, but have not communicated with them for several years. The eruption of the Hunga-Tonga volcano probably played a large role in weather patterns, & that must affect the world as well, I would guess.

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The Hunga-Tonga eruption and subsequent injection of water (vapor) and sulfurs into the upper atmosphere is controversial I’m on the side of it being consequential for, say, a decade while many others differ (I’m in the minority 😂 as usual). We’re in an unusual time in our experience living in America. There are perils on the west coast we have no experience with other than oral tales handed down by pre-technological people; the ARkStorm I mentioned is more "periodic" than we thought at first, we’re in a Maunder minimum (could be max, don’t think so, have to ✅ ✅) and we’re beginning a periodic solar minimum - fewer sun spots, quieter sun, less solar radiation, measurable but very very small. What if there’s another massive volcanic eruption equivalent to Mt. Pinatubo occurs? Would global cooling also impact upper atmosphere water and would that cause atmospheric rivers?

At the very least these impacts could would affect ENSO, and other similar global systems, sufficient that N America could have extremes of hot-cold, wet-dry; what caused the dust bowl, what’s needed for Tulare Lake to return with some permanence (disregarding man made irrigation factors).

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Yes! The chemicals and clouds block life-giving sun, and the hydroscopic particles(which could be anything, really) fall on our land, float in our air, and wash into our water! Since aluminum is a desiccant, even if it rains, the rain just poisons the soil, damaging roots so they can't take up nitrogen, causing poor plant growth--then setting us up for future wildfires from desiccated leaves and underbrush. I'm not quite a daily picture-taker(we live near ocean so seeds quickly look natural), but when a friend posted beautiful dawn colors on the clouds, all I could see were unnatural formations! I long for a clear dawn!

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Colorado is usually very sunny & we do have a short growing season for sure (late spring-end of September most years), but, since cloud seeding began, it has now become a daily sight in our bright blue sky- and yes, blocking our sunshine is very troubling to me. I know Silver iodide is used, & wonder as it falls from the aircraft, how much harm is done to the earth? I’m still checking into that aspect! I say leave well-enough-alone already!

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Aluminum is another used(maybe added to your mixture without notice) to dry the brush, though it collects water into clouds. Still, it needs moisture to collect, and Colorado hasn't got much of that at the present.

We just need to be speaking up about our dissent from this manipulation. DoD and NOAA "collaborate" with universities(give grants and tech to study certain things). We the People really need to educate ourselves, and speak up.

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Watch "Frankenskies" the movie for free to learn about our history of weather manipulation... https://frankenskies.com/#watch-now

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I have been using Duckduckgo.com, & haven’t had issues when researching for data or information.

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Try Freespoke, too. Under the "radar."

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I will check Freespoke out! Thank you!

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Do NOT use Google for searches. I have Brave for my browser. You can also use that for searches or use Swiss Cows like I do.

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Thank you. I use Proton out of Switzerland right now. My Brave browser seems to have changed somehow....US-based. But no Google!

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I am also in Washington and have witnessed almost continual application of chemtrails throughout this summer over my neighborhood in the western part of the state. On one particularly upsetting day I saw two relatively small jets very deliberately creating a checkerboard pattern of white effluent directly overhead. And this is what local pundits persist in calling innocent vapor trails --- BUNK.

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I’ve noticed a pattern from the large 747’s that drop the effluent also: east-west, back & forth & the trails seem to line up in a “spider formation”. I was able to capture a great photo of two spider-type trails over our area & was shocked how close the trails seem to close in together. Sounds strange- that’s why I try to take photos!

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Watch "Frankenskies" the movie for free to learn about our history of weather manipulation... https://frankenskies.com/#watch-now

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The solar weather is changing. It has done so in the past.

Solar weather affects the whole planet's weather patterns. Every climate in every region.

We now have the ability to percieve it. In theory, good actors could try to come up with a technology fix to mitigate local climate changes on the spot. In practice...


Think of intelligence agency studies of telepathy and similar. We do not have X-men super agents, but as Mr. Malone has written, we do have effective psy-ops.

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Yes, we are at a changing point in solar patterns(approx every 11 years). I saw one article written about that in 2008, which was updated 2013(15?), again in 2023. That and the 2023 undersea volcano seem like a made-for-tv-movie about the effects of sun and water/ash particulate on our weather. I try to observe without judgement, but this year's weather was clearly different, with cirrus clouds inside a low pressure ridge, and cloud formations Bob Ross never painted. And jets at all hours(military maneuvers?) Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean no one's out to get me. I keep watching.

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Watch "Frankenskies" the movie for free to learn about our history of weather manipulation... https://frankenskies.com/#watch-now

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Watch "Frankenskies" the movie for free to learn about our history of weather manipulation... https://frankenskies.com/#watch-now

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Robert - I read your piece today and felt overwhelmed in appreciation for your courage to speak truth. We started the battle together over Covid. That was like the shelling of Ft Sumpter. We are now fully engaged in Americas second civil war. Your description of the tactics of the enemy is very helpful. Hearing you read Cardinal Vigano’s letter to the Christians of America overwhelmed me. Your reading it in your own voice was awesome- thank you. Every Christian in this country needs to listen to what Vigano has to say. It’s an ironic fact that his opinions have gotten him defrocked by the Pope. We all need to have the courage to stand up at the Kamala Harris rallies in our own town and loudly announce Jesus is Lord!

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Being defrocked by this pope is a badge of honor. The bishop of Tyler, Texas, Joseph Strickland, suffered the same fate, or, better said, received the same honor.

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Awesome call to speak up Paul. Harris only shows up in swing state large cities, but not everyone lives in a rural part of a red state like I do.

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Problem is too many priests are in accord with him. There is a slew of Catholic organizations and churches in Texas involved in shoveling as many illegals into this country as they can. Sanctuary revisited

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That has been happening for decades.

The Church saw a rapidly changing global landscape. Pope John XXIII recognized this stating that the Church needed to “open the windows” and let in fresh air. In 1959 he announced his intention to convene Vatican II. Brazilian archbishop Hélder Pessoa Câmara attended all four sessions of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65). He was an advocate of Liberation Theology. Klaus Schwab met with Câmara in the 70s and even attended the WEF, as did ‘pope’ Francis a few years ago. The Church is not the Church any more. It hasn’t been since 1966.

The three entities that demand compliance with their world view: The Vatican, D.C., and the City of London. Their footprint added together is a pin prick on the world map.

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I'd love to ask Hillary Clinton (who recently pointed out that Trump is a Nazi because he's holding a rally in Madison Square Garden just like American Nazis did in 1939 --her logic here is insane---) if she's aware that Time Magazine once chose Hitler as its "Man of the Year." And I wonder if she also knows that American elites and a few American companies did business with Hitler, most notably IBM.

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Also forgetting that her husband had a rally at MSG. So if someone has an event at MSG after 1939, it proves they are a Nazi? Pitchforks out for Billy Joel and Bruce Springsteen!

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In their world, any evidence, no matter how flawed, fake, or ruinous it is, can be used to "prove" any point they care to make. Yesterday, the first thing Joe Rogan and Trump talked about was how much Trump was welcomed by the ladies of The View in 2015. The Clintons attended his wedding to Melania. But as they see it, none of that matters and has been memory-holed.

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Good heavens yes. Bill Clinton was nominated at MSG in 1992.

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The DNC was even held at MSG in the 90s

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Bunch of Nazis

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Also the Bush family with Prescott Bush did the banking for the Nazis. Never knew that until after Bush jr left office.

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And Prescott Bush was part of a group of American businessmen who tried to pull off a coup in which they planned to remove FDR from office. They hired Smedley Butler to lead it; he refused; and the plot fell apart. If not for Smedley Butler's telling of the story and how shocked he was, we'd most likely never have known about it. Read his "War is a Racket" to learn what this former commandant of the Marines thought about these people.

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The quickest way to tell whether or not someone is a fascist is to see if they rush to accuse others of being fascists.

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Quicker than that is to ask if misinformation should be controlled.

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The simple-minded strategy of the fascist autocrats in our midst has been to use what our society is disgusted with--racism and Nazism/fascism--to disparage our country, our history, by redefining events, so we will turn away from what keeps us peaceful and free, and toward the autocrats as our salvation. Watching this happen has been so, well, frustrating; that people can be made to march toward the very thing they say they despise, and to celebrate the fall into the pit of hell.

The autocrats we face have no allegiance to the truth, only to their own power. They use words like "racist, fascist, sexist, anti-gay, xenophobe" as slurs, not as facts, all to scare the inattentive. So, they have no problem with the irony.

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Dr, Malone,

Thank you for all of the great information you have shared in the past five or six years that I have been following you.

Today, I’m suffering from several medical procedures that didn't go as planned and even last evening had a severe heart malfunction pretty much mimicking a full-blown cardiac arrest as a result of yesterday’s TEE procedure gone wrong...

I'm still hanging on and striving to inform others on social media about the harms the deep state are perpetuating on true American patriots.

I only want to admonish you to keep plugging-away at all the anti-health, anti-American and anti-Constitutional rhetoric spoken and published by the Marxist communist.

The very survival of a Constitutional Republic requires smart people/professionals to continue to spread the “word.”

Again, Thank you,

Dr. Donnie Smith


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The Letter to American Catholics is incredibly powerful. The words should be heard by all American Christians who will stand on the sidelines and not vote or would dare vote for Kamala. Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed your recorded reading of the letter.

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As a Protestant, I have come to appreciate both Catholic scholarship and adherents such as G.K. Chesterton, Francis Canavan, John Courtney Murray, Richard John Neuhaus, et al. On some basic issues we can agree to disagree. But Archbishop Vigano makes an argument that those who believe in the Lordship of Christ, Protestant or Catholic, would find difficult to refute. I challenge those who call themselves Evangelicals for Harris to critique the Archbishop's letter on a point by point basis in this forum.

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Archbishop Viganò was a prolific writer during the Covid ordeal. He was against closures of churches, vaccines mandates, and even masks. He also laid blame on the Pope and the WEF pointing to the new world order using it as a command and control. He has been a true guide through it all.

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This new style round up may be putting your new book PsyWar to the test ( and our tolerance to trolls). See how the other side Legacy Media watchers handles it. You should be sure to put the ad for the book on each weekly round up. You may make a few sales that you wouldn't expect.

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Great idea!

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Robert, You and Jill are doing a wonderful thing. I enjoy your newsletters very much, and especially your comics on Friday and Sunday. Keep up the good work on the farm.

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LOVE the comics !!

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Wow, Archbishop Vigano is really well informed.

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You would love his writing during Covid. As I post in a reply here already - He was against closures of churches, vaccines mandates, and even masks. He also laid blame on the Pope and the WEF pointing to the new world order using it as a command and control. He has been a true guide through it all.

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Just now finishing the Rogan Interview, but Trump certainly doesn’t sound like Hitler. He sounds like a regular guy!

Ultimately the Main Stream Media is destroying itself. My wife and I pulled the plug almost four years ago. We moved to a place with really high speed fiber internet for a reasonable price and two satellite dishes. All we needed to do was sign up for satellite TV and pay the bills. My wife looked at the offerings by both and realized we didn’t need or want either. Four years later we have no regrets and my biggest question is who owns the mounting hardware as I would like to use one for gmrs radio. I think today our favorite media outlet is … Australian Sky News.

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He is a regular guy. And, it's the ability to hear first hand that makes all the difference. Now one truly understands why the freedom of expression was explicitly protected from the hands of government manipulation: discerning people must be able to hear and read for themselves to make up their own minds.

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I have two of those dishes protruding off my back deck. Haven't paid for either in some years. I have line of sight wireless. It's decent. Australian Sky News is a hoot.

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Fortunately “my” dishes are in a less obtrusive place. Radio transmissions are funny in that if there is a clear path and the curvature of the earth doesn’t interfere a weak signal can go a very long way. The dish on a post to the side of the front yard is not very useful, but from experimentation with public television, a fairly trivial antenna mounted on the dish mount on the roof should be able to reach Pittsburgh 2,000 feet lower and a straight shot albeit 150-200 miles away. I just haven’t decided whether I can legally put my antenna on the tube the dish is mounted on. I used to live in a university town and long ago knew a family there for some sort of educational transfer for him, great folks from the west coast of Australia.

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Free subscriber and inveterate lurker. Thanks for all the great articles, for standing up when others backed into the crowd, and stood on hoped-for benefit they thought befalls them by not causing a stir. As yesterday was St. Crispin's day: "We would not die in that man’s company That fears his fellowship to die with us." With prayers for what is left of our republic. Back to work.

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10/26/24: Kamala Harris finally breaks down and visits a remote part of North Carolina.

With news crews following her around as they tour the place, the Vice President asks the local Mayor if there was anything they needed.

"Well," says the Mayor, "We have three very important needs.

"First, we have a medical clinic but no doctor to staff it."

Harris whips out her cellphone, dials a number, talks to somebody for two minutes, and then hangs up. "I've pulled some strings. Your doctor will arrive in a few days. Now, what was the second problem?"

"We have no way to get clean water. The hurricane has poisoned the water our people have been drinking for dozens of years. We've been flying bottled water in, and it's terribly expensive."

Once again, Harris dials a number, yells into her cellphone for a few minutes, and then hangs up. "I've opened some roads for water delivery, and we are setting up a water purification plant for your people. Now, what was that third problem?"

The Mayor looks at her and says, "We have no cellphone reception up here!"

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Gotta ‘borrow’ this gem!

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10/26/24: Please do! Unfortunately, the name of the author is unknown (a shame).

Danno (posted elsewhere): At first I thought it was a true story.

10/19/24: It gave you that impression because she is either so stupid that she didn't notice that she had no dial tone; or so nefarious that she was intentionally lying (pretending to have conversations so she could whip up some supply miracles for the TV cameras); or, and now we come full circle, so f**king stupid that she assumed that the mayor wouldn't KNOW that there's no cell phone service.

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